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Abstract— Hydrogen peroxide is being evaluated for its potential as a therapeutic compound for a variety of external disease organisms of fish. The value of hydrogen peroxide as a therapeutic compound for use in walleye Stizustedion vitreum culture has been questioned due to the high sensitivity (i.e., high mortality) of walleyes to this compound. We conducted bioassays and histopathological studies to determine if exposure of walleye to hydrogen peroxide bath treatments would result in increased tolerance to subsequent exposure. Test fish exhibited increased tolerance to hydrogen peroxide after initial exposures. This phenomenon of increased tolerance of walleyes to hydrogen peroxide may be of value in the development of management strategies for the successful treatment of fish diseases.  相似文献   

Culture of walleye Sfizostedion vitreum is one of the largest components of public sector aquaculture in the eastern U.S. and there is increasing interest in private sector culture. However, the nutritional requirements of walleye are unknown and experimental diets for use in quantifying nutritional requirements have not been identified. We formulated four experimental and four practical diets and fed those to triplicate groups of walleye with an initial weight of 13 g per fish. The experimental diets contained either casein (CAS), casein + gelatin (CG), casein + arginine (CA), or casein + gelatin + crystalline amino acids (CGAA) as sources of amino acids. The practical diets were formulated to mimic salmon grower (SG) and trout grower (TG) diets, a fish meal‐free diet for trout (TFMF), and a walleye grower (WG) diet. Fish were fed twice daily to satiation for 9 wk. Feed consumption, percent weight gain, specific growth rates, feed efficiency, protein efficiency ratio, and protein retention efficiency were not significantly different among fish fed CGAA, SG, and TG, but those values were significantly higher than in fish fed other diets. Weight gain of fish fed CGAA was approximately 80% of that in fish fed SG and 91% of that in fish fed TG. Protein retention efficiency of fish fed CGAA was approximately 69% and 81% of that observed for fish fed SG, and TG, respectively. In general, the carcasses of fish fed diets CGAA, SG and TG had significantly lower moisture and ash concentrations, and higher lipid levels than fish fed other diets. There were no significant differences in carcass protein concentration, muscle proximate composition, or liver lipid concentration among treatments. Livers from fish fed all diets were characterized by microvesicular degeneration and glycogen accumulation in hepatocytes. Results from the study indicate that CGAA can be used as a basal experimental diet in future nutritional research with juvenile walleye and confirms the benefits of trout and salmon grower diets. Fish meal‐free diets formulated around the requirements for rainbow trout were consumed at approximately 80% of the values in fish fed TG and SG, but weight gain was approximately 20% of that in fish fed TG and SG. It appears the nutritional requirements for walleye are different than those of rainbow trout.  相似文献   

The influence of fertilization and of fry stocking density on production of fingering walleye, Stizostedion vitreum, was evaluated in earthen ponds at North Platte State Fish Hatchery, North Platte, Nebraska. In 1990, five 0.4-ha ponds were fertilized with alfalfa pellets, and five were fertilized with soybean meal; four unfertilized ponds served as controls. All ponds were stocked with D2 (Dl = the day at hatch) walleye fry at 250.000ha. Differences in yield, number of fingerlings harvested, mean length, and mean weight amone treatments were not statistically significant (P> 0.05). In 691, two fertilization schedules (no fertilizer and fertilization with alfalfa pellets) and two fry stocking rates (250.000 and 375,000 fry/ha) were evaluated. Four ponds were used for each treatment. Statistically significant treatment differences were found in yield, number of fingerlings harvested/ha, average length, and average weight. Yield was higher in fertilized ponds compared with yield from unfertilized ponds at both stocking densities, but yield did not differ significantly between stocking density treatments given the same fertilizer treatment. Survival did not differ between density treatments, but total number of fish harvested was significantly greater from ponds stocked at the higher density. Fingerlings with the largest average weight were raised in fertilized ponds that were stocked at 250,00O/ha, while the smallest fingerlings were from unfertilized ponds that were stocked at 375,000ka. Days in culture interval, which varied among ponds by 9 days in 1990 and 10 days in 1991, was significantly correlated with most production variables in 1990 and with all production variables in 1991. Means of water quality variables were not significantly different between fertilized and unfertilized ponds in either year, but significant differences were found in means of three water quality variables between 1990 and 1991. Yield in both fertilized and unfertilized ponds in 1991 was less than in 1990.  相似文献   


Walleye were stocked at 20 fry/m3 and raised for 45-47 days in earthen ponds that were fertilized with organic or inorganic fertilizers. Organically fertilized ponds received periodic doses of alfalfa meal and torrula yeast. Nitrogen and phosphorus levels of 600 ug/L and 30 ug/L, respectively, were maintained by twice-weekly additions of liquid fertilizers in ponds of the inorganic treatment. Growth, survival, and production offish were not affected by the fertilizer treatment. The use of inorganic fertilizers is recommended for the pond production of walleye because it is easier and less costly than traditional methods involving the use of organic fertilizers.  相似文献   

The cultural practices used to produce fingerling walleye, Stizostedion vitreum, in drainable earthen ponds are described for a state fish hatchery in Nebraska and two federal hatcheries in North Dakota. The ponds were filled 1 to 7 days before D2-D4 (Dl=the day of hatch) walleye fry were stocked. At one hatchery, ponds were sometimes double-cropped, first for production of northern pike, Esoxlucius. The two federal hatcheries fertilized ponds with ground alfalfa hay or pellets, while the standard practice at the Nebraska hatchery was not to fertilize walleye ponds, because of concern that fertilization would result in weed problems and oxygen depletion. One hatchery seeded the ponds with rye grass in the fall. Two of the hatcheries regularly used herbicides to prevent the stranding of fingerlings during harvest and their mortality caused by entangment with net algae, Hydrodicton. When used, herbicide treatment was applied before ponds were filled (AquazineTM) or as needed during the culture interval (AquazineTM) or copper sulfate). Harvesting was done after 24 to 58 days; the extreme range represented variation among hatcheries; the variation among ponds at a given hatchery ranged from 4 to 10 days. Harvest occurred when fingerlings were 25 to 50 mm total length and weighed 1,500-5,440 fish/kg. Harvests ranged from 11,933 to 308,537 fingerlings/ha. Survival ranged from 3 to 104% of the estimated number of fry stocked.  相似文献   

Thyroid hormones, 3,5,3′,5′- tetraiodothyronine (T4) and 3,5,3′- triiodothyronine (T3) have been found in the eggs of several teleost species and are potential regulators of larval development, growth, and survival. The purpose of the present study was to determine whether natural variation of T3 and T4 in the eggs of six stocks of walleye, five wild stocks from Kansas, Iowa, Wisconsin, Minnesota, and North Dakota, and a semi-domesticated stock from an Ohio fish hatchery, have an effect on larval performance in mass culture. Immersion studies were conducted with samples of larvae from four of the same stocks at exposure concentrations of 0.01, 0.05, and 0.1 ppm of T3 and T4. Natural egg concentrations of T3 (range from 0.70 to 1.5 ng/g wet weight of egg) were not significantly different among stocks. Although means of T4 concentration among stocks were significantly different (range 0.53–9.27 ng/g), the difference was caused by the exceptionally high concentration for the Wisconsin stock (9.27 ng/g ± 2.20). Performance measures of the Wisconsin stock (Mississippi River), were not related to T4 concentration in that stock. In spite of similarity in concentrations of T4 and T3 in the eggs, there were significant performance differences among the stocks (survival to 21 d, gas bladder inflation, viability, cannibalism, and growth). The immersion studies, however, revealed a significant difference in incidence of cannibalism and temperature units (TU) to 50% mortality (i.e., survival) between the control groups and treatment groups exposed to 0.01 to 0.1 ppm T3 and T4. Survival was extended more than 2-fold longer in larvae immersed in T3 compared with T4. The immersion study indicated that thyroid hormones are potentially regulators of walleye development, but further investigations are needed to determine reasons for differences in larval performance based on natural concentrations in the egg and artificial exposure (immersion).  相似文献   

Clam shrimp, Cyzicus morsie , can occur in hatchery ponds in such dense numbers that they interfere with production of fish. Hatchery ponds are frequently left dry during the fall and winter and are filed in spring or early summer, simulating the vernal pools where clam shrimp naturally occur. Ponds left dry over winter and ponds that were full over winter, but were drained and dried for a period of time immediately prior to stocking, had the highest numbers of clam shrimp (P = 0.001). Few or no clam shrimp were collected in ponds that were full over winter and were not dried in the spring. High turbidities were observed in ponds with high numbers of clam shrimp; however, clam shrimp were not the only cause of turbidity. The largest number of walleye were produced in ponds which contained few or no clam shrimp. Clam shrimp were controlled by preventing hatchery pond substrate from drying during winter and early spring; however, the absence of drying may cause other problems that interfere with fish production.  相似文献   

Abstract.— The effects of recirculation aquaculture on walleye Stizostedion vitreuin fry culture was evaluated from hatch (day 0) to day 65 and compared to traditional flow-through aquaculture used at New York State's Fish Culture Station, Oneida, New York, USA. A comparison of survival rates of walleye fry through a feed transition period was also conducted with the variable being the age (d) at which dry feed was first introduced to fingerlings; this trial was conducted using recirculation aquaculture systems only. Comparisons were made of growth rates and survival rates broken down into two life stages: stage one was from day 0 to day 45 and stage two from day 45 to day 65. All systems were taken off live feed completely on day 45 resulting in a feed transition period between days 45 and 65. Fish in the flow-through system had the highest cumulative growth rates through day 70 (P < 0.05) while fish in the recirculating system grew faster through day 53 (P < 0.10). The recirculating system showed significantly higher survival rates during the feed transition period (day 45–65) than fish in the conventional flow-through system (P < 0.05). This is important because the transition period is the most stressful period in training fingerlings onto dry feed from a live diet. It was found that fish started on a dry diet on day I or day 14 in addition to the live diet had a significantly higher survival rate through the feed transition period than fish started on dry feed on day 30 (P < 0.1). The age at which dry feed was introduced had no significant impact on growth rates. There was a significant positive correlation (P < 0.05) between survival rates and the initial stocking density over a range of densities from 3,500 to 7,000 fish/m3.  相似文献   

Walleye, Stizostedion vitreum, fry were raised at densities of 20,30 and 40/m3 in ponds initially fertilized with alfalfa and yeast and supplementally fertilized with liquid inorganic fertilizers. Liquid fertilizers were added weekly to maintain N and P concentrations of 600 and 30 ug/L, respectively. Fish growth was not affected by stocking rate, but survival was significantly (P < 0.05) reduced in ponds stocked at the two higher rates. The fertilization procedure we used did not provide a sufficient forage base to support more that 20 walleye/m3.  相似文献   

Abstract.— Young-of-the-year (Age 0+) walleyes Stizostedion vitreum were exposed to hydrogen peroxide at 10 mg/L for 1 h in an effort to increase their tolerance to subsequent exposures to hydrogen peroxide at therapeutic concentrations that are considered to be toxic. The effects of age of fish and water hardness on the effectiveness of this pre-treatment protocol were examined. Trials were performed in fish at four ages (50-d, 60-d, 86-d, and 95-d post-hatch) and under three different water quality conditions (soft water: hardness = 64.4 mg/L, alkalinity = 56.5 mg/L; medium hard water: hardness = 103.3 mg/L, alkalinity = 51.5 mg/ L; hard water: hardness = 130.3 mg/L, alkalinity = 92 mg/L). A benefit of pre-treatment was only observed when it was performed under hard water conditions and only with walleyes at 60- and 86-d post hatch. The pre-treatment protocol appeared to be detrimental to fish in the youngest age group (50-d post-hatch) under all three water quality conditions.  相似文献   

Abstract. A new virus, provisionally named Herpesvirus vitreum, was isolated from hyperplastic epidermal tissue from a walleye, Stizostedion vitreum vitreum (Mitchill), taken in Saskatchewan, Canada. The virus, which was isolated in the walleye ovarian (WO) cell line, was identified as a herpesvirus on the basis of size (190–230 nm), morphology and apparent pattern of replication. The virus, which passes polycarbonate membranes of 200 nm mean pore diameter, was ether-labile. Virus replicated in WC-1 cells at 4 and 15°C, but not at 20°C. Although walleye cell lines (WO, WC-1, We-2) were susceptible to infection at 15°C, non-period cell lines were refractory. Syncytial formation and lysis occurred in susceptible cell lines. Virus was quantified by plaque assay at 13 to 15°C for two weeks. Replication was inhibited by 10-3.0m phosphonoacetate and by 10-5.0m 5-bromodeoxyuridine (BUDR), but addition of excess thymidine reversed the inhibition by BUDR. Viral replication in WO cells, but not in WC-1 cells, was inhibited by the antiherpetic drug acyclovir (10-5.0m ). The relationship of the herpesvirus isolate and epithelial neoplasms was not determined.  相似文献   

The acceptability of eight diets made by a wide variety of microparticulate manufacturing processes was studied using first-feeding walleye Stizostedion vitreum larvae. Diets were formulated using a common dietary mix but differed in manufacture technique. The microparticulate diets fed were (1) carrageenan bound, (2) alginate bound, (3) starch/konjack bound, (4) microextruded/maurmurized (MEM), (5) zein bound, (6) carboxymethyl cellulose bound (CMC), (7) particle-assisted rotationally agglomerated (PARA) and (8) a commercial microparticulate diet (Fry Feed Kyowa B-700, FFK). Controls were groups fed live Artemia nauplii and unfed. Gut fullness was measured as the cross-sectional optical area of the bolus visible through the transparent body of the larvae using computer-aided image analysis. Feeding incidence on MEM particles (71 ± 8%, mean ± standard error), zein-bound particles (69 ± 7%), alginate-bound particles (68 ± 2%) and PARA particles (65 ± 6%) were not significantly different ( P   0.05) from the feeding incidence for Artemia (71 ± 6%). FFK (49 ± 14%) and particles bound with carboxymethyl cellulose (27 ± 0.07%), starch (21 ± 10%) or carrageenan (20 ± 0.8%) had significantly ( P  < 0.05) lower feeding incidence. Larvae that did initiate feeding did not differ significantly ( P  > 0.05) in the amount of each microparticulate diet or Artemia consumed. This data indicates that once first-feeding walleye start on a diet, they will consume that diet to a similar fixed level of satiation. Given the differences in the amounts of water and nutrients in the various diets, more nutrients were delivered to the gut of walleye larvae feeding on microparticulate diets than on the Artemia control.  相似文献   

池塘驯养大眼狮鲈的生物学初步研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
池塘驯养大眼狮鲈的生物学初步研究@张志华@王志远@马旭洲@郭维士@金宪¥哈尔滨市水产研究所池塘驯养大眼狮鲈的生物学初步研究张志华王志远马旭洲郭维士金宪(哈尔滨市水产研究所,150070)大眼狮鲈Stizostedionvitreum(Mitchil)隶属鲈...  相似文献   

大眼狮鲈受精卵室内孵化技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大眼狮鲈英文名Walleye,隶属鲈形目,鲈科、狮鲈属,原产于北美洲东部,现几乎遍布于美国和加拿大的各州、省,是美国和加拿大重要的游钓和经济鱼类,最大可长到7公斤。自1993年我所连续6年将大眼狮鲈受精卵从加拿大移植到中国哈尔滨,并在受精卵室内孵化等方面作了深入研究,每年将发塘培育出的大眼狮鲈夏花放入水库中,现已平均体重15—2公斤,并捕出部分成熟亲鱼进行人工繁殖。1 材料与方法11 受精卵来源大眼狮鲈受精卵来源于加拿大萨斯卡切温省FovtQuApelle鱼苗孵化场,受精卵卵径平均为20—…  相似文献   

Epidermal hyperplasia consisting of discrete translucent raised outgrowths of cells were observed on the skin of walleye, Stizostedion vitreum vitreum (Mitchill), during their spawning period in the spring. The cells constituting the hyperplastic growths were limited to the epidermal layer, and were associated with surface budded, 120-nm-diameter, retrovirus-like particles located in the expanded intercellular spaces. These tumour-like growths were distinct from the other virus-associated skin lesions of walleye including dermal sarcoma, lymphocystis disease and herpesvirus-associated hyperplasia. Lesions could be differentiated by careful observation in the field and comparison of portions of each growth by histologic and electron microscopic observations.  相似文献   

The annual reproductive cycle of walleye (Stizostedion vitreum) was characterized by documenting changes in gonadal development and serum levels of estradiol-17β (E2), testosterone (T), 17α,20β-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one (17,20-P), and 11-ketotestosterone (11-KT) in wild fish captured from upper midwestern lakes and rivers throughout the year. Fish from the populations used in this study spawn annually in early- to mid-April. Walleye showed group synchronous ovarian development with exogenous vitellogenesis beginning in autumn. Oocyte diameters increased rapidly from ∼ 200 μm in October to ∼ 1,000 μm in November, and reached a maximum of 1,500 μm just prior to spawning. Changes in gonadosomatic indices (GSIs) paralleled changes in oocyte diameters. Serum E2 levels in females increased rapidly from low values in October (< 0.1 ng ml−1) to peak levels of 3.7 ng ml−1 in November, coinciding with the period of the most rapid ovarian growth. Subsequently, E2 levels decreased from December through spawning. Serum T levels exhibited a bimodal pattern, increasing to 1.6 ng ml−1 in November, and peaking again at 3.3 ng ml−1 just prior to spawning. We detected 11-KT in the serum of some females at concentrations up to 5.6 ng ml−1, but no seasonal pattern was apparent. In this study (unlike our results in a related study) 17,20-P was not detected. In males, differentiation of spermatogonia began in late August, and by January the testes were filled (> 95% of germ cells) with spermatozoa. Mature spermatozoa could be expressed from males from January through April. GSIs ranged from 0.2% (post-spawn) to 3.2% (pre-spawn). Serum T levels rose from undetectable levels in post-spawn males to 1.6 ng ml−1 by November, remained elevated throughout the winter, and peaked at 2.8 ng ml−1 I prior to spawning. Levels of 11-KT in males remained low (< 10 ng ml−1, from post-spawning through January, then increased significantly by March and peaked just prior to spawning at 39.7 ng ml−1. Our results indicate that vitellogenesis and spermatogenesis are complete or nearly so, in walleye by early winter, and suggest that it may be possible to induce spawning in this species several months prior to the normal spawning season by subjecting fish to relatively simple environmental and hormonal treatments.  相似文献   

Abstract We examined the relationships between fresh and preserved measurements of length and dry weight for larval walleye, Stizostedion vitreum (Mitchill), subjected to freezing and preservation in formalin. Length reductions for both preservation techniques were <5% and decreased with larval size. Dry weight losses ranged from 32·1 to 54·0% for frozen larvae and from 18·2 to 30·1% for larvae preserved in formalin with larger larvae losing proportionately less weight. Freezing caused significantly greater length shrinkage and dry weight loss than preservation in formalin.  相似文献   

Abstract– Juveniles of the Gulf coast population of walleye, Stizostedion vitreum , 22.4–89.9 mm SL ( n =111) shrank significantly in SL and throat diameter over 12 months after being fixed in 10% formalin for 1 week and preserved in 50% isopropyl alcohol thereafter. Significant changes in body depth and total length (TL) were also determined for select larval fish prey that juvenile walleye might encounter in nature. The relationship between fresh SL and throat diameter in juveniles of the Gulf coast population of walleye (22.4–172.4 mm SL) is: throat diameter (mm) =−0.8783 + 0.0786 SL (mm) ( r 2= 0.988, P < 0.0001, n = 135). In laboratory experiments on prey size choice, walleye selected available prey near or less than their mean throat diameter, although several larger prey (7.4% of total) were also consumed. To determine the actual spectrum of prey sizes available to juvenile piscivores, we must adjust the realized size of the predator and prey for changes caused by preservation. Preservation-induced alterations in morphology translated into errors in the perceived pattern of prey size choice in walleye. The preservation-induced changes documented in this study, which are also supported by a number of other empirical data sets, must be included when modeling the relationships between feeding ecology, morphology, growth, and ecologically relevant indices (condition factors, relative weights, etc.).  相似文献   

The toxicity of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) to fingerling (80-160 mm total length) walleye, Stizostedion vitreum, was evaluated. Walleye were exposed in a 1 hour static bath to 50, 75, 100, 200, 225, 250, 400, and 600 ppm (µL/L) active ingredient (H2O2) in five experiments. Three to six replicates of each concentration were used in each experiment, with 25 fish per replicate. After resuming flow, concentrations of H2O2 in the tanks declined by 23.8% every hour, reaching 0 ppm (µL/L) about 3.5 hours after treatment. Mortalities, as well as dissolved oxygen, temperature, and H2O2 concentrations were monitored at 1, 12, 24, 48, 72, and 96 hours. Dissolved oxygen concentrations increased 0.25-1.16 ppm (µL/L) 1 hour after the addition of H2O2, because of the dissociation of H2O2 (2H2O2→2H2O + O2). The LC50 following a single 1-hour exposure ranged from 145.1 ppm (µL/L) at 12 hours to 142.8 ppm (µL/L) at 96 hours, which indicates that the toxic effect is mainly from initial contact. The toxicity threshold for walleye is about 50 ppm (µL/L) (1.3% mortality at 96 hours following 1 hour exposure). Other studies indicate that rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, tolerate up to 250 ppm (µL/L) for 1 hour, but fingerling walleye should not be exposed to more than 50 ppm (µL/L) for the same exposure interval.  相似文献   

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