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通用型海洋水色遥感精确瑞利散射查找表   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
当前对海洋水色遥感精确瑞利散射的计算均采用查找表方式进行,但由于这些查找表是针对特定遥感器生成的,无法直接应用于新的水色遥感器,给实际应用带来一定程度的麻烦,为此提出了一种通用的海洋水色遥感精确瑞利散射查找表.首先,详细地推导了加倍法解大气矢量辐射传输方程的基本关系式和实际的计算原理.通过与MODIS精确瑞利散射查找表计算结果比较,证明利用加倍法计算瑞利散射的精度优于0.25%,完全能够满足当前海洋水色遥感大气校正对瑞利散射计算精度的要求,并可以用来生成精确瑞利散射查找表.其次,利用加倍法解大气矢量辐射传输方程,生成了一个通用的海洋水色遥感精确瑞利散射查找表,验证结果表明该查找表可用于所有水色遥感器的精确瑞利散射计算,且计算精度优于0.5%.  相似文献   

1 Introduction In the total radiance received by an ocean color remote sensor, over 80% radiance is the contribution being scattered by air molecule and aerosol, and a wa- ter-leaving radiance carrying the ocean color informa- tion is only a small part. T…  相似文献   

分析了国内外有关信息伪彩化应用的研究现状后认为:海洋水色遥感图像的伪彩化应该是基于任务的,也只有基于任务的伪彩化才能保证伪彩化结果的准确性。基于任务的伪彩化要求必须从伪彩化相关的3个对象(信息、色彩与用户)所具有的特点出发,确定有针对性的伪彩化实现方案。在综合考虑了伪彩化3个对象的特点后,提出海洋水色遥感图像的伪彩化可以分3种方案进行伪彩化设计,每种方案都有自己的针对性、使用范围及局限性。方案1是针对对海洋信息作定量分析而提出来的,主要用于揭示海洋信息中的高频快变成分,同时兼顾揭示信息中的低频成分,被分析信息的波动幅度不大。方案2是针对对海洋信息作定性分析而提出的,不强求对信息量的准确量化,更多关心的是海洋信息相互间的关系,因此要求色标具有很高的信息表现力。方案3是方案1及方案2的补充,方案1具有定量能力,但总色差较小,对信息的解析能力有限,方案2虽然有较大的总色差,具有较好的解析能力,但只有定性能力,方案3将在保持局部区域的定量特点外,扩大整体的总色差。在伪彩化或可视化设计中,主要是关心数据信息中最引人注意的部分也即突出最重要的部分,在大多数情况下,用户对数据信息的低端及高端更感兴趣,这也是方案3中双反色调色板设计及使用的基础。3种方案的针对性设计将方便伪彩化在水色遥感信息分析中的准确、快捷使用。文章最后通过例子证明,在对海洋水色遥感信息的分析和研究中,选择3个方案中的1种或几种作适当的调整,海洋水色遥感信息可以得到较好的诠释。  相似文献   

After many years' endeavor of research and application practice, the ocean color remote sensing in China has been growing into a new technique with valuable practicality from its initiate stage of trial research. With the aim of operational service, several kinds of ocean color remote sensing application systems have been developed and realized the long-term marine environmental monitoring utilizing the real-time or near real-time satellite and airborne remote sensing data. New progresses in the technology and application of ocean color remote sensing in China are described, including the research of key techniques and the development of various application systems. Meanwhile, according to the application status and demand, the prospective development of Chinese ocean color remote sensing is brought forward. With Chinese second ocean color satellite ( HY-1 B) orbiting on 11 April 2007 and the development of airborne ocean color remote sensing system for Chinese surveillance planes, great strides will take place in Chinese ocean color remote sensing application with the unique function in marine monitoring, resources management and national security, etc.  相似文献   

Ultraviolet(UV) radiation has a significant influence on marine biological processes and primary productivity;however, the existing ocean color satellite sensors seldom contain UV bands. A look-up table of wavelengthintegrated UV irradiance(280–400 nm) on the sea surface is established using the coupled ocean atmosphere radiative transfer(COART) model. On the basis of the look-up table, the distributions of the UV irradiance at middle and low latitudes are inversed by using the satellite-derived atmospheric products from the Aqua satellite,including aerosol optical thickness at 550 nm, ozone content, liquid water path, and the total precipitable water.The validation results show that the mean relative difference of the 10 d rolling averaged UV irradiance between the satellite retrieval and field observations is 8.20% at the time of satellite passing and 13.95% for the daily dose of UV. The monthly-averaged UV irradiance and daily dose of UV retrieved by satellite data show a good correlation with the in situ data, with mean relative differences of 6.87% and 8.43%, respectively. The sensitivity analysis of satellite inputs is conducted. The liquid water path representing the condition of cloud has the highest effect on the retrieval of the UV irradiance, while ozone and aerosol have relatively lesser effect. The influence of the total precipitable water is not significant. On the basis of the satellite-derived UV irradiance on the sea surface, a preliminary simple estimation of ultraviolet radiation's effects on the global marine primary productivity is presented, and the results reveal that ultraviolet radiation has a non-negligible effect on the estimation of the marine primary productivity.  相似文献   

SATELLITEPROGRAMSFORCOASTALWATERDETECTIONSincethe 1 980s,greatattentionhasbeenpaidtotheadvancedremotesensingtechniqueinChina ,especiallytothedevelopmentofsatelliteprogramsforcoastalwaterenvironment.Twooceancolorchannelsaddedtothefirstremotesensingsatellit…  相似文献   

海洋初级生产力的遥感研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,海洋初级生产力的遥感反演成为科学界研究的热点问题之一.海洋初级生产力的遥感模型发展迅速.本文综述了海洋初级生产力遥感历史、近几年海洋初级生产力遥感估算模型的新发展和各种模型的局限性.结合各种初级生产力模型,讨论了模型建立所需要的参数;并讨论了初级生产力遥感的主要发展趋势,即根据各个海区的生物一光学特性,对初级生产力参数的估算将越来越区域化.  相似文献   

基于POLDER多角度观测数据,对其大气校正算法进行了研究。该大气校正算法中,大气分子散射利用多次散射加偏振的精确瑞利散射来计算,同时,对太阳耀斑及白帽散射进行了校正。由本文大气校正算法可以反演得到气溶胶光学厚度以及海水反射率,与POLDER二级产品相比表明,利用该算法反演所得产品效果较好,相对误差在10%左右,从而为未来中国多角度水色遥感的发展提供一些参考。  相似文献   

A simple, yet efficient and fairly accurate algorithm is presented to estimate photosynthetically available radiation (PAR) at the ocean surface from Global Imager (GLI) data. The algorithm utilizes plane-parallel radiation-transfer theory and separates the effects of the clear atmosphere and clouds, i.e., the planetary atmosphere is modeled as a clear atmosphere positioned above a cloud layer. PAR is computed as the difference between the incident 400–700 nm solar flux at the top of the atmosphere (known) and the solar flux reflected back to space by the atmosphere and surface (derived from GLI radiance), taking atmospheric absorption into account. Knowledge of pixel composition is not required, eliminating the need for cloud screening and arbitrary assumptions about sub-pixel cloudiness. For each GLI pixel, clear or cloudy, a daily PAR estimate is obtained. Diurnal changes in cloudiness are taken into account statistically, using a regional diurnal albedo climatology based on 5 years of Earth Radiation Budget Satellite (ERBS) data. The algorithm results are verified against other satellite estimates of PAR, the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) reanalysis product, and in-situ measurements from fixed buoys. Agreement is generally good between GLI and Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor (SeaWiFS) estimates, with root-mean-squared (rms) differences of 7.9 (22%), 4.6 (13%), and 2.7 (8%) Einstein/m2/day on daily, weekly, and monthly time scales, and a bias of only 0.8–0.9 (about 2%) Einstein/m2/day. The rms differences between GLI and Visible and Infrared Spin Scan Radiometer (VISSR) estimates and between GLI and NCEP estimates are smaller and larger, respectively, on monthly time scales, i.e., 3.0 (7%) and 5.0 (14%) Einstein/m2/day, and biases are 1.1 (2%) and −0.2 (−1%) Einstein/m2/day. The comparison with buoy data also shows good agreement, with rms inaccuracies of 10.2 (23%), 6.3 (14%), and 4.5 (10%) Einstein/m2/day on daily, weekly, and monthly time scales, and slightly higher GLI values by about 1.0 (2%) Einstein/m2/day. The good statistical performance makes the algorithm suitable for large-scale studies of aquatic photosynthesis.  相似文献   

杨俊钢  张杰  王桂忠 《海洋学报》2018,40(11):105-115
卫星遥感是开展北极海域海面风场和海浪分布特征与变化规律研究的重要手段。本文基于在轨多源卫星遥感数据,从遥感观测空间覆盖、时间覆盖和多源卫星遥感数据融合等方面开展北极海域海面风场与海浪遥感观测能力分析,研究主要结果为:基于ASCAT和HY-2A散射计可实现北极海域海面风场遥感观测,通过多星联合观测可获取北极海域时空分辨率优于12 h和0.1°的海面风场遥感融合数据;基于HY-2A、CryoSat-2、SARAL和Sentinel-3高度计可实现北极海域海浪遥感观测,同样通过多星联合观测可获取北极海域时空分辨率优于1 d和0.25°的海浪有效波高遥感融合数据;基于2016年北极海面风场和海浪遥感融合数据,分析得出北极海域海面风场和海浪在2月处于极大值,然后逐渐减小,7月最小,随后开始逐渐增大。本研究表明,基于多源散射计和高度计遥感观测可实现北极海域海面风场和海浪的高时空分辨率遥感业务化监测。  相似文献   

Texture-based visualization method is a common method in the visualization of vector field data. Aiming at adding color mapping to the texture of ocean vector field and solving the ambiguity of vector direction in texture image, a new color texture enhancement algorithm based on the Line Integral Convolution (LIC) for the vector field data is proposed, which combines the HSV color mapping and cumulative distribution function calculation of vector field data. This algorithm can be summarized as follows: firstly, the vector field data is convoluted twice by line integration to get the gray texture image. Secondly, the method of mapping vector data to each component of the HSV color space is established. And then, the vector field data is mapped into HSV color space and converted from HSV to RGB values to get the color image. Thirdly, the cumulative distribution function of the RGB color components of the gray texture image and the color image is constructed to enhance the gray texture and RGB color values. Finally, both the gray texture image and the color image are fused to get the color texture. The experimental results show that the proposed LIC color texture enhancement algorithm is capable of generating a better display of vector field data. Furthermore, the ambiguity of vector direction in the texture images is solved and the direction information of the vector field is expressed more accurately.  相似文献   

常规异养细菌监测方法精度高但费时费力且不能连续观测, 而卫星遥感成本低、可以大面积同步、长时间周期观测, 可与常规方法互补。文章利用南海北部10个航次采集的表层异养细菌丰度和卫星遥感反射率, 采用统计回归的方法建立了异养细菌丰度的遥感模型, 其模型决定系数为0.81, 均方根误差为2.44×108个·L-1, 平均相对误差为21%, 具有较好表现。利用该模型估算南海北部表层异养细菌丰度, 结果显示: 从珠江河口到南海北部开阔海域, 异养细菌丰度逐渐减小。夏季河口地区平均异养细菌丰度最高, 春季最低; 近岸海域靠近珠江河口西侧的平均异养细菌丰度高于东侧; 冬季陆架地区平均异养细菌丰度最高, 夏季最低; 开阔海域的异养细菌丰度变化幅度较小。  相似文献   

海洋遥感卫星发展历程与趋势展望   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
海洋是对地观测卫星的重要领域,在对地观测卫星中就具有专门用于海洋观测的海洋遥感卫星。海洋遥感卫星是一种利用所搭载的遥感器对海面进行光学或微波探测来获取有关海洋水色和海洋动力环境信息的卫星。海洋卫星有效弥补了传统海洋观测手段的不足,基于多种遥感器连续对海洋的观测,使人类极大的加深了对海洋的认识,在海洋灾害的防灾减灾、资源开发、海洋维权、海洋生态和环境保护等诸多领域发挥着重要作用。本文在详细梳理西方主要航天大国海洋遥感卫星(包括了对地观测卫星中具有海洋观测功能的卫星)的发展历程,在此基础上对未来海洋遥感卫星的发展趋势进行了论述,可为我国海洋遥感卫星的发展提供技术发展参考。  相似文献   

水色遥感是海洋环境监测的主要技术手段之一.对于任何海洋水色遥感器来说,监测其在轨期间的定标系数变化是非常重要的,否则无法得到精确的定量产品.以我国“HY-1B”卫星水色遥感器为研究对象,开展了基于大洋水体上空的瑞利散射定标方法研究,利用通过对SeaWiFS数据叶绿素、离水辐亮度和气溶胶产品进行分析,选择了符合条件的7个海区实施大气瑞利散射定标,根据2010年12月份选定的4个区域定标结果得到不同海区/不同时间获得的定标系数一致性较好,CH1至CH6的定标系数标准差分布在0.9%~2.1%的范围内,因此瑞利散射定标是有效的非现场定标方法,具有较高的定标精度,其总误差在4.09%.  相似文献   

A simulation of radiation imagery for ocean color satellite   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The ocean color satellite is mainly applied to measure the water constituents such as chlorophyll, suspended material and yellow substance. The leaving water radiance is very small part of the total radiance arrival at the sensor about 3%-15%,and depends on the properties of the orbit and sensor. Before the satellite is launched on the orbit, it needs to simulate the radiation imagery in order to evaluate the quality and availability of the satellite data.
If the parameters of satellite orbit, the properties of sensor as well as the characteristics of the atmosphere and water have been known, the radiation scattered by air molecule and aerosol, reflected solar radiation, water leaving and total radiation arriving at the sensor can be simulated by the models of radiation transfer in the atmosphere, air/water and subsurface water. In this paper, the mechanism, models and procedures of the radiation simulation are first discussed and employed to simulate a series of imageries for the Chinese satellites FY-lA, FY-1B, and ROCSAT-1 (Taiwan, China), and American satellite Ses STAR. Their results show that the solar irradiance arrived at water surface and the sun glitter mainly affect the quality and availability of satellite data, which depend on the orbit properties. Finally, some suggestions are proposed to improve the quality and availability of a:ean color satellite data.  相似文献   

Requirements for monitoring the coastal zone environment are first summarized. Then the application of hyperspectral remote sensing to coast environment investigation is introduced, such as the classification of coast beaches and bottom matter, target recognition, mine detection, oil spill identification and ocean color remote sensing. Finally, what is needed to follow on in application of hyperspectral remote sensing to coast environment is recommended.  相似文献   

根据海洋遥感信息提取可视化建模应用需求,以用户可视化模型建立及流程设计实现为目标,采用统一建模语言UML面向对象分析方法,设计海洋遥感信息提取可视化建模系统软件结构、用户需求用例(use case)结构、类(class)结构及流程图表示法,同时完成流程定义器、流程调度的设计和实现.结果表明,可视化用户建模系统可以使广大海洋用户在使用遥感数据时无须在数据预处理及转换工作上花费较多的时间,也不要学习很多遥感信息处理专业知识即可适应和使用组件式海洋遥感数据处理和信息提取通用软件,并且在该软件平台上进行他们的研究和应用开发工作.  相似文献   

Besides empirical algorithms with the blue-green ratio, the algorithms based on fluorescence are also important and valid methods for retrieving chlorophyll-a concentration in the ocean waters, especially for Case II waters and the sea with algal blooming. This study reviews the history of initial cognitions, investigations and detailed approaches towards chlorophyll fluorescence, and then introduces the biological mechanism of fluorescence remote sensing and main spectral characteristics such as the positive correlation between fluorescence and chlorophyll concentration, the red shift phenomena. Meanwhile, there exist many influence factors that increase complexity of fluorescence remote sensing, such as fluorescence quantum yield, physiological status of various algae, substances with related optical property in the ocean, atmospheric absorption etc. Based on these cognitions, scientists have found two ways to calculate the amount of fluorescence detected by ocean color sensors: fluorescence line height and reflectance ratio. These two ways are currently the foundation for retrieval of chlorophyl l - a concentration in the ocean. As the in-situ measurements and synchronous satellite data are continuously being accumulated, the fluorescence remote sensing of chlorophyll-a concentration in Case II waters should be recognized more thoroughly and new algorithms could be expected.  相似文献   

利用2014年夜光遥感数据分析吕宋岛西北部海域(18°~22°N,117°~120°E)灯光渔船的聚集性分布特征,并结合遥感环境数据研究引起该海域渔船聚集的海洋环境机制。研究结果表明:(1)2014年研究区的渔船灯光主要出现在2-4月,其中,3月灯光像元数量最多(3 417个),其次是4月(1 780个)和2月(573个);(2)日灯光像元数量时间序列结果显示,渔船灯光集中出现在2月23日至3月8日(T1),3月25日至4月7日(T2),4月23日至4月27日(T3)3个时段,其中,T1期间,灯光像元在18.6°~20.1°N,117.9°~118.6°E(A区)聚集;T2期间,灯光像元在18.6°~20.1°N,117.9°~118.6°E(B区)聚集;(3)A区和B区两个灯光密集区叶绿素a浓度升高可能与起源于吕宋岛西北部的冷涡相关。  相似文献   

基于GOCI数据渤海海冰厚度算法研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
提出一种基于GOCI数据提取渤海海冰厚度方法并将其应用于2014年-2015年冬季渤海海冰厚度动态变化监测。首先基于高时间分辨率的GOCI数据建立GOCI短波宽带反射率与各波段反射率模型,然后建立海冰厚度与GOCI短波宽带反射率模型,并将此模型应用于渤海海冰厚度监测,最后通过基于MODIS数据、热动力学模型(Lebedev和Zubov模型)反演获得的海冰厚度以及实测海冰厚度数据对实验结果进行验证。实验结果表明:基于GOCI数据建立海冰厚度模型所反演的海冰厚度与基于MODIS数据反演的海冰厚度以及Lebedev和Zubov模型具有较高相关性(R2>0.86),而且反演结果接近实测数据(RMS为6.82 cm)。  相似文献   

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