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密近双星自转的测量和研究(V)轨道圆化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为密近双星自转测量和研究的系列章之一,本从轨道圆化的角度讨论了Zahn的动力学潮汐机制粘滞理论、Tassoul的纯流体动力学理论与实测数据的简便程度,对前前中的29个不相接双星系统,均分别计算了出以上理论所预测匠轨道沦时标,分析比较了各系统的理论圆化时标与它的年龄及轨道圆化和蔼间的关系,结果表明:动力学潮汐、粘滞理论的计算结果出比纯流体动力学机制的预期更符合实测数据,但与(IV)的结果相  相似文献   

作为密近双星自转测量和研究的系列文章之一,本文从轨道圆化的角度讨论了Zahn的动力学潮汐机制及粘滞理论、Tasoul的纯流体动力学理论与实测数据的符合程度.对前文(文IV)中的29个不相接双星系统,均分别计算出了以上理论所预期的轨道圆化时标,分析比较了各系统的理论圆化时标与它的年龄及轨道圆化程度间的关系.结果表明:动力学潮汐、粘滞理论的计算结果比纯流体动力学机制的预期更符合实测数据.但与文(IV)的结果相比,动力学潮汐、粘滞理论对轨道圆化过程的预期不如它对自转同步问题的预期那样准确.本文认为,动力学潮汐和气体沾滞是密近双星系统轨道圆化的两种主要机制,但决不是唯一的机制.在主序前和AGB后两演化阶段,纯流体动力学机制可能起较重要作用  相似文献   

用相同的仪器条件在美国KittPeak国立天文台观测了一批密近双星,并用两种方法得出其自转速度,最后给出了75个双星系统的99个子星的自转速度,其中54个子星是首次进行自转测量。这批高精度的自转值为研究双星的同步性和检验各种同步机制提供了可靠的观测资料。  相似文献   

我们对前(I)和(Ⅱ)的实测和计算结果进行了统计分析,讨论了自转同步与相对半径,轨道周期间的关系,结果表明,几乎所有r〉0.18的不相接双星系统子星都是同步的,而r〈0.10的子星均处于非同步自转,在相接,半相接双星系统中,同步性与相对半径r也有很好的相关性,但由于子星间物质交流的影响,它们的同步性临界相对半径的0.21,大于不相接双星系统的0.18。  相似文献   

计算了总质量为3.9M,具有不同初始质比和两子星间距的一组模型在总质量、总角动量守恒假设下的Case A演化,以探求Case A演化与几乎相接双星(NCS)可能的联系.结果表明确实存在经过Case A质量交流演化为NCS系统的途径。并且这样形成的NCS系统其随后的演化有两种前景:一种随即演化为相接系统;另一种则经由慢速质量交流成为较稳定的半接或不接系统.但能够演化为NCS状态的初始模型范围极为狭窄,本文大致确定了它们的初始质比、子星间距等参量范围. 结合模型计算结果,对已知29个NCS系统作了统计研究,结果表明NCS系统与相接双星在演化上有很密切的联系.  相似文献   

半接双星(semi-detached binary)对于研究相互作用双星的形成和演化有着重要意义。随着大规模时域巡天时代的到来,预计将发现大量此类天体。针对海量的时域观测数据,需要一种快捷的建模工具对半接双星开展自动化光变曲线分析。基于神经网络构建了半接双星快速测光解轨模型。该模型根据光变曲线和已知的主星温度对半接双星的轨道进行建模,获得其轨道倾角、相对半径、质量比和温度比4个基本参数。结果表明,半接双星神经网络解轨模型能够快速地对一条光变曲线建模。在测光误差小于光变曲线振幅1%时,模型对于轨道倾角接近90°、温度比约为0.6、光变振幅为1.84 mag的半接双星的轨道倾角、相对半径、质量比和温度比的测量误差分别为1.251, 0.004, 0.008和0.003。另外,模型应用在开普勒(Kepler)卫星实测光变曲线的结果表明,模型能够较为准确地对脉动食双星的光变曲线进行建模(拟合度可达0.9以上)。此外,该模型作为一个通用工具可以迁移到不同测光巡天项目上。  相似文献   

本文给出了41个RS CVn型密近双星系统的J,H和K的测光结果和经证认为IRAS点源的40个Rs CVn系统的数据。对那些子星具有光谱分类的系统,我们讨论了它们的红外色余,发现只有少数系统具有红外色余。在近红外区有UX Ari,Z Her和HR 1099;在12μm处为SZ Psc。对那些具有确切的12、25μm流量并作了K星等测量的系统,我们讨论了他们在logf_(2.2)/f_(12)和logf_(25)/f_(12)的双色图上的位置。大多数RS CVn系统都在黑体线的附近。这一些结论却和P.Biermann和D.Hall所指出的红外色余是RS CVn型密近双星的一般特性所不相符合。对一些红外辐射有差异的天体应进一步研究。  相似文献   

本文发表了食双星RT And的1984—1985年期间的视向速度观测。依据点源模型获得了一组新的分光轨道解。轨道根数分别是:V_(01)=-1.0公里/秒;V_(02)=+5.0公里/秒;K_1=131.4公里/秒;K_2=168.4公里/秒;T_0=HJD2,445,977.0997。q_(sp)=m_2/m_1=0.780。结合文献中的资料,使用Wilson Devinney方法,对视向速度和测光观测作联合求解,得到了该双星的绝对参量:A=3.80R_⊙;R=1.14R_⊙;R=1.05R_⊙;M_1=1.05M_⊙;M_2=0.81M_⊙;L_1=1.78L_⊙;L_2=0.54L_⊙;M_(V_1)=4.14~m;M_(V_2)=5.65~m;距离估算为50pc。主伴星均有主序演化效应。  相似文献   

我们对前文(Ⅰ)和(Ⅱ)的实测和计算结果进行了统计分析,讨论了自转同步与相对半径、轨道周期间的关系.结果表明:几乎所有r>0.18的不相接双星系统子星都是同步的,而r<0.10的子星均处于非同步自转.在相接、半相接双星系统中,同步性与相对半径r也有很好的相关性,但由于子星间物质交流的影响,它们的同步性临界相对半径为0.21,大于不相接双星系统的0.18.  相似文献   

Some 604 photoelectric BV observations of the eclipsing binary V375 Cas were obtained at Beijing Observatory from August to November 1982. Photometric solution was carried out using the Wilson-Devinney program for the BV light curves. The system is found to be a semidetached binary in which the less massive component fills its Roche lobe and the more massive component nearly does so. It is very similar to RZ Dra. This very interesting system is important for the understanding of the evolution of close binaries.  相似文献   

We present observations and light curve analysis of the eclipsing binary R CMa in the narrow band filters v and b. Observations were made during 1993 at Biruni Observatory and the light curves have been analyzed using the Wilson-Devinney light curve interpretation program. Assuming a semi-detached configuration for R CMa, the parameters i, Ω1, L 1, T 2 and A 2 were adjusted for the best fit between the synthesized light curves and observations. Both light curves were fitted well with a lower value of bolometric albedo than what would be expected for a normal cool star with a convective envelope. The masses of the primary and secondary components and the absolute dimensions of the stars have been calculated using the derived relative dimensions from Wilson-Devinney codes and the spectroscopic observations.  相似文献   

The study of detached eclipsing binaries in open clusters can provide stringent tests of theoretical stellar evolutionary models, which must simultaneously fit the masses, radii, and luminosities of the eclipsing stars and the radiative properties of every other star in the cluster. We review recent progress in such studies and discuss two unusually interesting objects currently under analysis. GV Carinae is an A0 m + A8 m binary in the Southern open cluster NGC 3532; its eclipse depths have changed by 0.1 mag between 1990 and 2001, suggesting that its orbit is being perturbed by a relatively close third body. DW Carinae is a high-mass unevolved B1 V + B1 V binary in the very young open cluster Collinder 228, and displays double-peaked emission in the centre of the Hα line which is characteristic of Be stars. We conclude by pointing out that the great promise of eclipsing binaries in open clusters can only be satisfied when both the binaries and their parent clusters are well-observed, a situation which is less common than we would like.  相似文献   

The space experiment Gaia, the approved cornerstone 6 ESA mission, will observe up to a billion stars in our Galaxy and obtain their astrometric positions on a micro-arcsec level, multi-band photometry as well as spectroscopic observations. It is expected that about one million Eclipsing Binaries (EBs) (with V ≤ 16 mag) will be discovered and the observing fashion will be quite similar to Hipparcos/Tycho mission operational mode. The combined astrometric, photometric and spectroscopic data will be used to compute the physical parameters of the observed EBs. From a study of a small sample of EBs, it is shown that the agreement between the fundamental stellar parameters, derived from ground-based and Hipparcos (Gaia-like) observations, is more than satisfactory and the Gaia data will be suitable to obtain accurate binary solutions.  相似文献   

A review is presented of the progress that has been made in the last 3 years towards quantifying the properties of high-mass detached and semi-detached eclipsing binaries in Local Group galaxies. Comparisons between these observational results on masses, radii, temperatures and luminosities for stars in detached binaries and evolution models for single stars at the appropriate metallicity are found to be very good. New evolution models for interacting binaries passing through case A mass exchange are being calculated, and indicate a requirement for some mass loss to find agreement with the observational data. The observational data on such semi-detached systems show similar properties to those in the Milky Way galaxy. The directly-determined distances to all these eclipsing binaries are proving to be most valuable for strengthening the distance scale amongst the Local Group galaxies.  相似文献   

本文首次测定了WX Cnc的分光轨道解。轨道根数是:V_0=+9.8公里/秒;K_1=110.2公里/秒;K_2=149.0公里/秒;T_0=HJD 2,446,480.0309。结合文献中测光结果,得到了WX Cnc的绝对参量:A=6.32R_⊙;R_1=1.53R_⊙;R_2=1.18R_⊙ M_1=1.29M_⊙;M_2=0.96M_⊙。分光质比q=0.74。  相似文献   

The period changes of six eclipsing binaries have been studied with focus on the light-time effect. With the least squares method we also calculated parameters of such an effect and properties of the unresolved body in these systems. With these results we discussed the probability of presence of such bodies in the systems with respect to possible confirmation by another method. In two systems we also suggested the hypothesis of fourth body or magnetic activity for explanation of the "second-order variability" after subtraction of the light-time effect of the third body.  相似文献   

使用像管摄谱仪和Reticon探测器获得了食双星AA UMa的高色散和高时间分辨率的光谱,并用交叉相关函数法测得其视向速度。从光谱特征来看,AA UMa是一对W UMa型食双星。本文首次给出了AA UMa的分光轨道解。在圆周运动的假设下,轨道根数测定为:P=0.468171天;T_0(相应于测光主极小时刻)=HJD2,446,520.4448;K_1=124.0公里/秒;K_2=227.7公里/秒。像其他一些使用本方法获得分光轨道解的食双星一样,AA UMa系统的质心速度没有能够唯一地确定,但是V_0=-34.8公里/秒可能是一个较好的估值。根据分光轨道根数,本文给出了新的测光历元公式:HJD Min I=2,446,520,4448(8)+0.468171(48)·E。AA UMa两子星的光谱型十分相似,与变星总表(GCVS)所列的GoV相一致。两子星的质量比为0.54,星等差为0.36(~B)  相似文献   

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