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AlGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistors (HEMTs) are fabricated by employing SiN passivation, this paper investigates the degradation due to the high-electric-field stress. After the stress, a recoverable degradation has been found, consisting of the decrease of saturation drain current IDsat, maximal transconductance gm, and the positive shift of threshold voltage VTH at high drain-source voltage VDS. The high-electric-field stress degrades the electric characteristics of AlGaN/GaN HEMTs because the high field increases the electron trapping at the surface and in AlGaN barrier layer. The SiN passivation of AlGaN/GaN HEMTs decreases the surface trapping and 2DEG depletion a little during the high-electric-field stress. After the hot carrier stress with VDS=20 V and VGS=0 V applied to the device for 104 sec, the SiN passivation decreases the stress-induced degradation of IDsat from 36% to 30%. Both on-state and pulse-state stresses produce comparative decrease of IDsat, which shows that although the passivation is effective in suppressing electron trapping in surface states, it does not protect the device from high-electric-field degradation in nature. So passivation in conjunction with other technological solutions like cap layer, prepassivation surface treatments, or field-plate gate to weaken high-electric-field degradation should be adopted.  相似文献   

杨丽媛  郝跃  马晓华  张进成  潘才渊  马骥刚  张凯  马平 《中国物理 B》2011,20(11):117302-117302
Direct current (DC) and pulsed measurements are performed to determine the degradation mechanisms of AlGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistors (HEMTs) under high temperature. The degradation of the DC characteristics is mainly attributed to the reduction in the density and the mobility of the two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG). The pulsed measurements indicate that the trap assisted tunneling is the dominant gate leakage mechanism in the temperature range of interest. The traps in the barrier layer become active as the temperature increases, which is conducive to the electron tunneling between the gate and the channel. The enhancement of the tunneling results in the weakening of the current collapse effects, as the electrons trapped by the barrier traps can escape more easily at the higher temperature.  相似文献   

In this paper,the off-state breakdown characteristics of two different AlGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistors(HEMTs),featuring a 50-nm and a 150-nm GaN thick channel layer,respectively,are compared.The HEMT with a thick channel exhibits a little larger pinch-off drain current but significantly enhanced off-state breakdown voltage(SVoff).Device simulation indicates that thickening the channel increases the drain-induced barrier lowering(DIBL) but reduces the lateral electric field in the channel and buffer underneath the gate.The increase of BVoff in the thick channel device is due to the reduction of the electric field.These results demonstrate that it is necessary to select an appropriate channel thickness to balance DIBL and BVoff in AlGaN/GaN HEMTs.  相似文献   

林若兵  王欣娟  冯倩  王冲  张进城  郝跃 《物理学报》2008,57(7):4487-4491
在不同应力条件下,研究了AlGaN/GaN高电子迁移率晶体管高温退火前后的电流崩塌、栅泄漏电流以及击穿电压的变化.结果表明,AlGaN/GaN高电子迁移率晶体管通过肖特基高温退火以后,器件的特性得到很大的改善.利用电镜扫描(SEM)和X射线光电子能谱(XPS)对高温退火前、后的肖特基接触界面进行深入分析,发现器件经过高温退火后,Ni和AlGaN层之间介质的去除,并且AlGaN材料表面附近的陷阱减少,使得肖特基有效势垒提高,从而提高器件的电学特性. 关键词: AlGaN/GaN高电子迁移率晶体管 肖特基接触 界面陷阱  相似文献   

任舰  闫大为  顾晓峰 《物理学报》2013,62(15):157202-157202
本文首先制备了与AlGaN/GaN高电子迁移率晶体管 (HEMT) 结构与特性等效的AlGaN/GaN异质结肖特基二极管, 采用步进应力测试比较了不同栅压下器件漏电流的变化情况, 然后基于电流-电压和电容-电压测试验证了退化前后漏电流的传输机理, 并使用失效分析技术光发射显微镜 (EMMI) 观测器件表面的光发射, 研究了漏电流的时间依赖退化机理. 实验结果表明: 在栅压高于某临界值后, 器件漏电流随时间开始增加, 同时伴有较大的噪声. 将极化电场引入电流与电场的依赖关系后, 器件退化前后的 log(IFT/E)与√E 都遵循良好的线性关系, 表明漏电流均由电子Frenkel-Poole (FP) 发射主导. 退化后 log(IFT/E)与√E 曲线斜率的减小, 以及利用EMMI在栅边缘直接观察到了与缺陷存在对应关系的“热点”, 证明了漏电流退化的机理是: 高电场在AlGaN层中诱发了新的缺陷, 而缺陷密度的增加导致了FP发射电流IFT的增加. 关键词: AlGaN/GaN 高电子迁移率晶体管 漏电流 退化机理  相似文献   

魏巍  郝跃  冯倩  张进城  张金凤 《物理学报》2008,57(4):2456-2461
对不同场板尺寸的AlGaN/GaN 场板结构高电子迁移率晶体管进行了研究,建立简化模型分析场板长度对沟道电场分布的影响.结果表明,调整钝化层厚度和场板长度都可以调制沟道电场的分布形状,当场板长度较小时,随着长度的增大器件击穿电压随之增加,而当长度增大到一定程度后器件击穿电压不再增加.通过优化场板长度,器件击穿电压提高了64%,且实验结果与模拟结果相符. 关键词: AlGaN/GaN 击穿电压 场板长度  相似文献   

马晓华  焦颖  马平  贺强  马骥刚  张凯  张会龙  张进成  郝跃 《中国物理 B》2011,20(12):127305-127305
In spite of their extraordinary performance, AlGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistors (HEMTs) still lack solid reliability. Devices under accelerated DC stress tests (off-state, VDS =0 state, and on-state step-stress) are investigated to help us identify the degradation mechanisms of the AlGaN/GaN HEMTs. All our findings are consistent with the degradation mechanism based on crystallographic-defect formation due to the inverse piezoelectric effects in Ref. [1] (Joh J and del Alamo J A 2006 IEEE IDEM Tech. Digest p. 415). However, under the on-state condition, the devices are suffering from both inverse piezoelectric effects and hot electron effects, and so to improve the reliability of the devices both effects should be taken into consideration.  相似文献   

吕玲  张进成  薛军帅  马晓华  张伟  毕志伟  张月  郝跃 《中国物理 B》2012,21(3):37104-037104
AlGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistors (HEMTs) were exposed to 1 MeV neutron irradiation at a neutron fluence of 1 × 1015 cm-2. The dc characteristics of the devices, such as the drain saturation current and the maximum transconductance, decreased after neutron irradiation. The gate leakage currents increased obviously after neutron irradiation. However, the rf characteristics, such as the cut-off frequency and the maximum frequency, were hardly affected by neutron irradiation. The AlGaN/GaN heterojunctions have been employed for the better understanding of the degradation mechanism. It is shown in the Hall measurements and capacitance-voltage tests that the mobility and concentration of two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) decreased after neutron irradiation. There was no evidence of the full-width at half-maximum of X-ray diffraction (XRD) rocking curve changing after irradiation, so the dislocation was not influenced by neutron irradiation. It is concluded that the point defects induced in AlGaN and GaN by neutron irradiation are the dominant mechanisms responsible for performance degradations of AlGaN/GaN HEMT devices.  相似文献   

杨凌  胡贵州  郝跃  马晓华  全思  杨丽媛  姜守高 《中国物理 B》2010,19(4):47301-047301
This paper investigates the impact of electrical degradation and current collapse on different thickness SiNx passivated AlGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistors.It finds that higher thickness SiNx passivation can significantly improve the high-electric-field reliability of a device.The degradation mechanism of the SiNx passivation layer under ON-state stress has also been discussed in detail.Under the ON-state stress,the strong electric-field led to degradation of SiNx passivation located in the gate-drain region.As the thickness of SiNx passivation increases,the density of the surface state will be increased to some extent.Meanwhile,it is found that the high NH 3 flow in the plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition process could reduce the surface state and suppress the current collapse.  相似文献   

A quasi-two-dimensional charge transport model of AlGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistor has been developed that is capable of accurately predicting the drain current as well as small-signal parameters such as drain conductance and device transconductance. This model built up with incorporation of fully and partially occupied sub-bands in the interface quantum well, combined with a numerically self-consistent solution of the Schrödinger and Poisson equations. In addition, nonlinear polarization effects, self-heating, voltage drops in the ungated regions of the device are also taken into account. Also, to develop the model, the accurate two-dimensional electron gas mobility and the electron drift velocity have been used. The calculated model results are in very good agreement with existing experimental data for AlmGa1−mN/GaN HEMT devices with Al mole fraction within the range from 0.15 to 0.50, especially in the linear regime of IV curve.  相似文献   

谭仁兵  秦华  张晓渝  徐文 《中国物理 B》2013,22(11):117306-117306
We present a theoretical study on the electric field driven plasmon dispersion of the two-dimensional electron gas(2DEG)in AlGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistors(HEMTs).By introducing a drifted Fermi–Dirac distribution,we calculate the transport properties of the 2DEG in the AlGaN/GaN interface by employing the balance-equation approach based on the Boltzmann equation.Then,the nonequilibrium Fermi–Dirac function is obtained by applying the calculated electron drift velocity and electron temperature.Under random phase approximation(RPA),the electric field driven plasmon dispersion is investigated.The calculated results indicate that the plasmon frequency is dominated by both the electric field and the angle between wavevector and electric field.Importantly,the plasmon frequency could be tuned by the applied source–drain bias voltage besides the gate voltage(change of the electron density).  相似文献   

马晓华  马骥刚  杨丽媛  贺强  焦颖  马平  郝跃 《中国物理 B》2011,20(6):67304-067304
The kink effect is studied in an AlGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistor by measuring DC performance during fresh, short-term stress and recovery cycle with negligible degradation. Vdg plays an assistant role in detrapping electrons and short-term stress results in no creation of new category traps but an increase in number of active traps. A possible mechanism is proposed that electrical stress supplies traps with the electric field for activation and when device is under test field-assisted hot-electrons result in electrons detrapping from traps, thus deteriorating the kink effect. In addition, experiments show that the impact ionization is at a relatively low level, which is not the dominant mechanism compared with trapping effect. We analyse the complicated link between the kink effect and stress bias through groups of electrical stress states: Vds = 0-state, off-state, on-state (on-state with low voltage, high-power state, high field state). Finlly, a conclusion is drawn that electric field brings about more severe kink effect than hot electrons. With the assistance of electric field, hot electrons tend to be possible to modulate the charges in deep-level trap.  相似文献   

吕玲  张进成  李亮  马晓华  曹艳荣  郝跃 《物理学报》2012,61(5):57202-057202
研究了AlGaN/GaN 高电子迁移率晶体管(HEMT)的质子辐照效应. 在3 MeV质子辐照下, 当辐照剂量达到1× 1015 protons/cm2时, 漏极饱和电流下降了20%, 最大跨导降低了5%. 随着剂量增加, 阈值电压向正向漂移, 栅泄露电流增加. 在相同辐照剂量下, 1.8 MeV质子辐照要比3 MeV质子辐照退化严重. 从SRIM软件仿真中得到不同能量质子在AlGaN/GaN异质结中的辐射损伤区, 以及在一定深度形成的空位密度. 结合变频C-V测试结果进行分析, 表明了质子辐照引入空位缺陷可能是AlGaN/GaN HEMT器件电学特性退化的主要原因.  相似文献   

In this paper,the enhancement-mode AlGaN/GaN HEMT combined with the low damage recessed-gate etching and the optimized oxygen plasma treatment was fabricated.Scanning electron microscope/energy dispersive spectrometer(SEM/EDS) method and x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy(XPS) method were used to confirm the formation of oxides.Based on the experimental results,the obtained enhancement-mode HEMT exhibited a threshold voltage of 0.5 V,a high peak transconductance of 210 mS/mm,and a maximum drain current of 610 mA/mm at the gate bias of 4 V.Meanwhile,the on/off current ratio of enhancement-mode HEMT was as high as 10~8,drain induced barrier lowering(DIBL) was as low as 5 raV/V,and subthreshold swing(SS) of 80 mV/decade was obtained.Compared with the conventional HEMT,the Schottky reverse current of enhancement-mode HEMT was three orders of magnitude lower,and the off-state breakdown voltage of which was higher.In addition,a power gain cutoff frequency(/max) of the enhancement-mode HEMT was larger than that of the conventional one.  相似文献   

An enhancement-mode (E-mode) AlGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistor (HEMTs) was fabricated with 15-nm AlGaN barrier layer. E-mode operation was achieved by using fluorine plasma treatment and post-gate rapid thermal annealing. The thin barrier depletion-HEMTs with a threshold voltage typically around --1.7 V, which is higher than that of the 22-nm barrier depletion-mode HEMTs (--3.5 V). Therefore, the thin barrier is emerging as an excellent candidate to realize the enhancement-mode operation. With 0.6-μ m gate length, the devices treated by fluorine plasma for 150-W RF power at 150 s exhibited a threshold voltage of 1.3 V. The maximum drain current and maximum transconductance are 300 mA/mm, and 177 mS/mm, respectively. Compared with the 22-nm barrier E-mode devices, VT of the thin barrier HEMTs is much more stable under the gate step-stress.  相似文献   

This paper gives a detailed analysis of the time-dependent degradation of the threshold voltage in AlGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistors(HEMTs) submitted to off-state stress. The threshold voltage shows a positive shift in the early stress, then turns to a negative shift. The negative shift of the threshold voltage seems to have a long recovery time. A model related with the balance of electron trapping and detrapping induced by shallow donors and deep acceptors is proposed to explain this degradation mode.  相似文献   

王鑫华  赵妙  刘新宇  蒲颜  郑英奎  魏珂 《中国物理 B》2010,19(9):97302-097302
This paper deduces the expression of the Schottky contact capacitance of AlGaN/AlN/GaN high electron mobility transistors (HEMTs), which will help to understand the electron depleting process. Some material parameters related with capacitance-voltage profiling are given in the expression. Detailed analysis of the forward-biased capacitance has been carried on. The gate capacitance of undoped AlGaN/AlN/GaN HEMT will fall under forward bias. If a rising profile is obviously observed, the donor-like impurity or trap is possibly introduced in the barrier.  相似文献   

谷文萍  张林  李清华  邱彦章  郝跃  全思  刘盼枝 《物理学报》2014,63(4):47202-047202
本文采用能量为1 MeV的中子对SiN钝化的AlGaN/GaN HEMT(高电子迁移率晶体管)器件进行了最高注量为1015cm-2的辐照.实验发现:当注量小于1014cm-2时,器件特性退化很小,其中栅电流有轻微变化(正向栅电流IF增加,反向栅电流IR减小),随着中子注量上升,IR迅速降低.而当注量达到1015cm-2时,在膝点电压附近,器件跨导有所下降.此外,中子辐照后,器件欧姆接触的方块电阻退化很小,而肖特基特性退化却相对明显.通过分析发现辐照在SiN钝化层中引入的感生缺陷引起了膝点电压附近漏电流和反向栅泄漏电流的减小.以上结果也表明,SiN钝化可以有效地抑制中子辐照感生表面态电荷,从而屏蔽了绝大部分的中子辐照影响.这也证明SiN钝化的AlGaN/GaN HEMT器件很适合在太空等需要抗位移损伤的环境中应用.  相似文献   

Lixiang Chen 《中国物理 B》2021,30(10):108502-108502
The role of the oxygen in AlGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistors (HEMTs) before and after semi-on state stress was discussed. Comparing with the electrical characteristics of the devices in vacuum, air, and oxygen atmosphere, it is revealed that the oxygen has significant influence on the electric characteristics and the hot-carrier-stress-induced degradation of the device. Comparing with the situation in vacuum, the gate leakage increased an order of magnitude in oxygen and air atmosphere. Double gate structure was used to separate the barrier leakage and surface leakage of AlGaN/GaN HEMT it is found that surface leakage is the major influencing factor in gate leakage of SiN-passivated devices before and after semi-on state stress. During semi-on state stress in the oxygen atmosphere, the electric-field-driven oxidation process promoted the oxidation of the nitride layer, and the oxidation layer in the SiN/AlGaN interface leads to the decreasing of the surface leakage.  相似文献   

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