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We propose an adaptive bio-inspired information dissemination model that exploits the specific characteristics of the sampled/generated data stream (DS) in a wireless sensor network. Our model extends the basic epidemic algorithm by adapting key operational parameters (i.e., the forwarding probability and validity period) of the data dissemination process. The main idea is that the forwarding probability is tuned according to the variability of the involved DS. Our findings from the introduction of this adaptive epidemic are quite promising. Our scheme supersedes conventional probabilistic information dissemination algorithms in terms of efficiency and reliability.  相似文献   

This paper considers wireless sensor networks (WSNs) and quantitatively rates energy efficiency obtained by combining adaptive power/rate control with adaptive modulation scheduling. For multi-access wireless sensor networks, adaptive modulation and power control are two important means to increase spectral efficiency. An adaptive modulation with power control scheme (AM with PC) which mainly reduces power consumption to achieve energy efficiency for wireless sensor networks is proposed in this paper. Cluster head node of each link adaptively adjusts its power control level and modulation type according to the signal to noise ratio (SNR) and target bit error rate (BER). The efficiency of this approach is further illustrated via numerical comparison with the original AM with PC. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed scheme, which alleviates to save much transmission power and maintains the target bit error rate, can significantly improve the system performance.  相似文献   

Node positioning is a fundamental problem in applications of wireless sensor networks (WSNs). In this paper, a new range-free algorithm, called spring swarm localization algorithm (SSLA), is proposed for positioning WSNs. To determine the locations of sensor nodes, the proposed algorithm uses network topology information and a small fraction of sensor nodes which know their locations. Numerical simulations show that high positioning accuracy can be obtained by using the algorithm. Some examples are given to...  相似文献   

提出了一种新的基于接收信号强度(RSSI)的无线传感器网络定位算法,将固定锚节点之间的距离和信号强度信息同时作为参考来校正每个固定锚节点的权值,每个节点收集自身到其一跳邻节点的RSSI值,当收集数量达到要求时,对数据进行滤波并求平均值处理.通过理论推导证明该方法可以有效降低RSSI不规则网络的定位误差,进而实现高效定位.仿真结果表明,该定位算法可以降低定位误差,具有高效的可用性,能够应用于实际的无线传感器网络中.  相似文献   

通过对现有拓扑控制算法的研究,针对无线传感器网络中节点能耗分布不均匀的问题,提出了一种能量高效的拓扑控制算法(EETCA)。该算法以均衡全局能耗为目标,综合考虑了节点的剩余能量、簇的规模、数据最优传输跳数等因素,避免了部分节点能量消耗过快,从而有效地均衡网络负载。仿真结果表明:EETCA在能耗均衡方面均优于原来的算法,延长了无线传感器网络的生命周期。  相似文献   

Multiple channels have been widely used in wireless sensor networks (WSNs) for the improvement of network performance. Since the existing backoff algorithms proposed for single-channel MAC protocols are not suitable for multi-channel carrier sense multiple access (CSMA), we propose an ADaptive Backoff Algorithm (ADBA) for multi-channel CSMA in WSNs, which is able to improve energy efficiency, throughput, and fairness of random channel accesses. A novel feature of ADBA is the adaptability to traffic load, where every node tunes its backoff interval based on the estimation of real-time traffic load in WSNs. A near-optimal backoff interval can be generated using the number of competing nodes on one channel which can be estimated by the channel traffic load. Theoretical analysis indicates that ADBA can generate near-optimal backoff intervals that can maximize energy efficiency and throughput and improve fairness of random channel accesses, compared with other backoff schemes.  相似文献   

肖玮  涂亚庆 《计算机应用》2017,37(6):1532-1538
为解决现有无线传感器网络(WSN)分簇算法难以同时兼顾其异构性和移动性,从而引发网络寿命较短、网络数据吞吐量较低等问题,提出了基于节点等级的自适应分簇算法。该算法按轮运行,每轮分为自适应分簇、簇建立、数据传输三个阶段。为解决节点移动性引发的簇首数目和成簇规模不合理的问题,在自适应分簇阶段,根据子区域内节点数目变化对相应子区域进行细化或就近合并,以确保每个子区域内节点数目在合理范围内。在簇建立阶段,选举簇内等级最高的节点为簇首,解决异构性引发的部分节点能耗过快、网络寿命缩短的问题;节点等级除考虑节点剩余能量外,还结合WSN实际应用,由节点剩余能量、能量消耗速率、到基站的距离、到簇内其他节点的距离综合决定。基于OMNeT++和Matlab的仿真实验结果表明,在节点移动速度为0~0.6 m/s的能量异构WSN环境下,较移动低功耗自适应集簇分层(LEACH-Mobile)算法和分布式能量有效分簇(DEEC)算法,运用所提算法分簇的WSN寿命延长了30.9%以上,网络数据吞吐量是其他两种算法分簇的网络的1.15倍以上。  相似文献   

Flvia  Fbio  Luci  Jos Ferreira 《Computer Networks》2006,50(18):3701-3720
Energy saving is a paramount concern in wireless sensor networks (WSNs). A strategy for energy saving is to cleverly manage the duty cycle of sensors, by dynamically activating different sets of sensors while non-active nodes are kept in a power save mode. We propose a simple and efficient approach for selecting active nodes in WSNs. Our primary goal is to maximize residual energy and application relevance of selected nodes to extend the network lifetime while meeting application-specific QoS requirements. We formalize the problem of node selection as a knapsack problem and adopt a greedy heuristic for solving it. An environmental monitoring application is chosen to derive some specific requirements. Analyses and simulations were performed and the impact of various parameters on the process of node selection was investigated. Results show that our approach outperforms a naı¨ve scheme for node selection, achieving large energy savings while preserving QoS requirements.  相似文献   

One-time signature schemes are promising candidates for broadcast authentication, which is an essential security primitive in wireless sensor networks. This paper proposes HORSIC, an efficient one-time signature scheme for broadcast authentication in wireless sensor networks. Different from previous one-time signature schemes, HORSIC can reduce the public key size and signature size simultaneously at the cost of increased overhead in key generation and signature verification.  相似文献   

This study aims to overcome the disadvantages of the original RPL (IPv6 Routing Protocol for Low power and Lossy networks) routing protocol (RPL including problems with energy consumption and energy load balance). We developed a relatively balanced RPL – the improved protocol (IRPL). This protocol is based on an efficient clustering algorithm and an effective topology control model of the loop domain communication route. The clustering algorithm can be used to calculate the optimal number of cluster heads by assumption of the network model. Combined with the clustering probability model and the node competition mechanism, the cluster head node in the wireless sensor network was used to complete the clustering process. In the topology control model, the wireless sensor network was divided into concentric rings with equal areas. Nodes determined the best network route, depending on different levels of ring domain and the optimal forwarding communication area defined in this study. Simulation results indicate that the IRPL routing protocol can reduce overall network energy consumption, balance network energy consumption, and prolong network lifetime.  相似文献   

Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are vulnerable to security attacks due to their deployment and resource constraints.Considering that most large-scale WSNs follow a two-tiered architecture,we propose an efficient and denial-of-service (DoS)-resistant user authentication scheme for two-tiered WSNs.The proposed approach reduces the computational load,since it performs only simple operations,such as exclusive-OR and a one-way hash function.This feature is more suitable for the resource-limited sensor nodes and mobile devices.And it is unnecessary for master nodes to forward login request messages to the base station,or maintain a long user list.In addition,pseudonym identity is introduced to preserve user anonymity.Through clever design,our proposed scheme can prevent smart card breaches.Finally,security and performance analysis demonstrates the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed scheme.  相似文献   

Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are usually deployed for monitoring systems with the distributed detection and estimation of sensors. Sensor selection in WSNs is considered for target tracking. A distributed estimation scenario is considered based on the extended information filter. A cost function using the geometrical dilution of precision measure is derived for active sensor selection. A consensus-based estimation method is proposed in this paper for heterogeneous WSNs with two types of sensors. The convergence properties of the proposed estimators are analyzed under time-varying inputs. Accordingly, a new adaptive sensor selection (ASS) algorithm is presented in which the number of active sensors is adaptively determined based on the absolute local innovations vector. Simulation results show that the tracking accuracy of the ASS is comparable to that of the other algorithms.  相似文献   

基于熵权系数法的无线传感器网络自适应QoS路由算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对无线传感器网络中不同业务对服务质量(QoS)指标的不同要求,以及QoS指标在网络运行过程中实时变化的特点,提出一种基于熵权系数法的自适应QoS路由(EAQR)算法。算法将路由建立过程抽象成多指标加权评分的问题,选取节点负载、平均能量势、通信时延作为QoS评价指标,采用熵权系数法自适应地确定指标的权重,选择最优节点转发数据。仿真实验显示,与有序分配路由(SAR)、能量感知QoS路由(EQR)算法相比,EAQR算法可以有效降低网络平均端到端延迟,减少丢包率,延长网络寿命。  相似文献   

针对LEACH算法存在簇头节点个数和位置分布不稳定的现象,在簇头节点的选择过程中,充分考虑簇头节点的残余能量因素,通过设定簇头的能量阈值防止低能量的节点成为簇头。改进的算法解决了LEACH簇头选择算法存在的簇头节点可能能量不足的问题,从而达到均衡网络能量消耗,延长网络寿命的目的。仿真实验采用改进算法的网络与采用LEACH、DCHS以及LEACH-H算法的网络的比较结果,说明改进算法具有更好的收敛性,实验数据表明该算法能最大限度地均衡利用网络的能量,延长无线传感器网络的寿命。  相似文献   

《Computer Networks》2008,52(16):3119-3129
This paper studies a novel location-based design for secure and efficient wireless sensor networks. With this scheme, the sensing area is divided into a number of location cells and a logical group consists of four location cells. A pairwise key is established for each pair of sensor nodes in a logical group based on grid-based bivariate t-degree polynomials. An efficient en-route data authentication method is proposed to limit data authentication within a small neighboring range. In addition, a greedy location-based secure and energy-efficient data aggregation approach is integrated with the design. It further utilizes data aggregation by setting up control groups, applying pattern codes, selecting and switching control head nodes dynamically and periodically. The analysis demonstrate that our design is resilient to node compromise and decrease storage and communication overhead when compared with non location-based designs.  相似文献   

A wireless sensor network (WSN) is composed of tens or hundreds of spatially distributed autonomous nodes, called sensors. Sensors are devices used to collect data from the environment related to the detection or measurement of physical phenomena. In fact, a WSN consists of groups of sensors where each group is responsible for providing information about one or more physical phenomena (e.g., group for collecting temperature data). Sensors are limited in power, computational capacity, and memory. Therefore, a query engine and query operators for processing queries in WSNs should be able to handle resource limitations such as memory and battery life. Adaptability has been explored as an alternative approach when dealing with these conditions. Adaptive query operators (algorithms) can adjust their behavior in response to specific events that take place during data processing. In this paper, we propose an adaptive in-network aggregation operator for query processing in sensor nodes of a WSN, called ADAGA (ADaptive AGgregation Algorithm for sensor networks). The ADAGA adapts its behavior according to memory and energy usage by dynamically adjusting data-collection and data-sending time intervals. ADAGA can correctly aggregate data in WSNs with packet replication. Moreover, ADAGA is able to predict non-performed detection values by analyzing collected values. Thus, ADAGA is able to produce results as close as possible to real results (obtained when no resource constraint is faced). The results obtained through experiments prove the efficiency of ADAGA.  相似文献   

针对流量动态变化的无线传感器网络,提出了具有平均时延约束的自适应休眠机制.在休眠阶段,节点采取自适应地周期性休眠和苏醒来节省能量且保证平均传输延迟.在苏醒周期的节点没有数据发送或者收到目的地址为其他节点的RTS/CTS帧后进入休眠周期.通过建立马尔科夫链模型分析可得到该机制中平均时延约束下休眠周期的优化值.  相似文献   

User authentication with unlinkability is one of the corner stone services for many security and privacy services which are required to secure communications in wireless sensor networks (WSNs). Recently, Xue et al. proposed a temporal-credential-based mutual authentication and key agreement scheme for WSNs, and claimed that their scheme achieves identity and password protection, and the resiliency of stolen smart card attacks. However, we observe that Xue et al.’s scheme is subject to identity guessing attack, tracking attack, privileged insider attack and weak stolen smart card attack. In order to fix the drawbacks, we propose an enhanced authentication scheme with unlinkability. Additionally, the proposed scheme further cuts the computational cost. Therefore, the proposed scheme not only remedies its security flaws but also improves its performance. It is more suitable for practical applications of WSNs than Xue et al.’s scheme.  相似文献   

Geographic routing is an attractive choice for routing data in wireless sensor networks because of lightweight and scalable characteristics. Most geographic routing approaches combine a greedy forwarding scheme and a void resolution method to detour a void area that has no active sensor. The previous solutions, including the well-known GPSR protocol, commonly use the right-hand rule for void resolution. However, the detour path produced by the right-hand rule is not energy-efficient in many cases. In this paper, we propose a new void resolution method, called void resolution-forwarding, which can overcome voids in the sensor network energy-efficiently. It exploits the quadrant-level right-hand rule to select the next hop for the current node during circumventing a void area. We show by experiments that the proposed method is efficient and scalable with respect to the various voids and network density and that it outperforms the GPSR protocol significantly.  相似文献   

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