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Groundwater pumping and changes in climate-induced recharge lead to lower groundwater levels and significant changes in the water balance of a catchment. Water previously discharged as evapotranspiration can become a source of pumpage. Neglecting this effect leads to overestimated streamflow depletion. A small river basin (Sudogda River Basin, Russia) with a boreal climate and with long-term records of groundwater head and streamflow rate (showing that the measured stream depletion is less than the pumping rate) was investigated. The role of evapotranspiration in the water balance was analyzed by a hydrogeological model using MODFLOW-2005 with the STR package; the annual variation in recharge was obtained with the codes Surfbal and HYDRUS. The Sudogda River Basin was classified according to landscape and unsaturated-zone texture classes, and for each classified zone, the unsaturated-zone flow simulation was used to calculate the annual recharge dynamics for the observation period. Calibration of the regional flow model was conducted using flow and head observations jointly for two steady-state flow conditions—natural (before pumping started) and stressed (pumping). The simulations showed that pumped water originates from three sources: intercepted baseflow (75% of the annual total pumping rate), the capture of groundwater evapotranspiration discharge plus increased groundwater recharge (17%), and induced stream infiltration (8%). Additionally, multi-year precipitation records were analyzed to detect any long-term recharge and pumping water-budget changes. The results showed that increasing groundwater recharge by natural precipitation leads to (1) decreased intercepted baseflow and induced streamflow infiltration and (2) increased intercepted evapotranspiration discharge, thereby reducing stream depletion.  相似文献   

水力压裂现场原位测试试验的破裂压力是计算构造地应力的重要参数。为了探究流量对水力压裂破裂压力和增压率的影响,设计4种不同恒定流量情况的低渗透硬脆灰岩室内大型水力压裂试验,结合声发射监测技术分析不同流量下水力裂缝破裂压力、破坏模式和缝网复杂程度的规律以及流量与增压率的内在关系。试验结果表明:流量越大,破裂压力越高,缝网复杂程度越低;典型压力?时间曲线分为缓慢增压段、急速增压段、稳定增压段和突然下降段;稳定增压段增压率保持不变,压力随时间线性增长,其增压率的大小和流量存在明显的线性关系;基于流量与稳定增压段增压率的线性关系,考虑流量因素的Ito理论可以很好地定量解释流量对破裂压力的影响,试验结果与理论预测吻合度较高。  相似文献   

阶梯-深潭系统的水力特性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
阶梯-深潭系统是山区河流中常见的河床形态,具有稳定河床和消能减灾的作用,其水力特性较为复杂。在温峡水库下游温峡河修建典型的阶梯-深潭系统开展野外实验以研究阶梯-深潭系统的水力特性。利用先进的高频声学多普勒流速仪测量阶梯-深潭系统阶梯上游、阶梯上、深潭中和沿深泓线的水力特性。实验在10 L/s、50 L/s、100 L/s、150 L/s、290 L/s 和 420 L/s 6种流量工况下进行。实验结果表明:阶梯-深潭系统流场尤其是深潭流场具有很强的三维性,阶梯上与深潭中水力特性相差很大。阶梯上沿流向的时均流速远大于横向和垂向的时均流速,三向紊动强度处在一个量级且较小。深潭中的时均流速比阶梯上小,但紊动强度远大于阶梯,紊动强度随流量变大增大。实验工况下,阶梯上的相对紊动强度在0.1左右,深潭中则最大超过8.0。随着水流从阶梯上跌入深潭,机械能大量转化为紊动能消耗。实验流量范围内,雷诺应力随流量小幅增大,深潭中的雷诺应力约为阶梯上的50倍。阶梯-深潭系统消能率在实验工况下为64%~91%。  相似文献   

雅鲁藏布江丰水期河水离子组成特征及其控制因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解雅鲁藏布江丰水期河水离子组成特征及其控制因素,利用2015年采集的8个河水水样,运用数理统计、聚类分析、Piper三线图、Gibbs模型以及离子比值等方法,分析了雅鲁藏布江丰水期河水水化学特征,并探讨了其主要控制因素。结果表明:河水中阳离子以Ca2+、Mg2+为主,阴离子则以HCO3-和SO42-为主,阴、阳离子分别约占其总量的96%和85%。河水水化学类型均为HCO3·SO4-Ca·Mg型。TDS含量介于202.46~371.27 mg·L-1,均值为299.30 mg·L-1,较世界河流平均值高。自上至下,河水水化学特征表现出一定的差异性,河水中主要离子以及TDS、TH、EC的含量沿程表现出下降的趋势,其原因主要有支流河水汇入和降水增加的稀释作用。河水水样均落在Gibbs模型图中部偏左,表明河水中主要离子化学组分主要受水岩作用控制。离子比值法分析表明研究区碳酸盐岩以及蒸发岩的风化溶解是河水水化学的主要控制因素,且存在硅酸盐类矿物的风化。  相似文献   

A regional geochemical stream sediment survey of part of Northern Ireland led to the recognition of three types of base metal anomaly of exploration interest. These were significant anomalies of both elastic and hydromorphic origin, and non-significant hydromorphic anomalies in several upland areas. The significant anomalies are derived from Pb-Zn-Cu mineralization, whereas the non-significant anomalies are due to the leaching of Zn and other metals from acidic and/or gleyed soils and subsequent concentration in stream channels by coprecipitation with manganese oxides. Significant hydromorphic anomalies can be identified on the basis of abnormal Zn/Mn ratios and significant elastic anomalies on the basis of anomalous Pb contents. It is of the utmost importance to distinguish the dispersion mechanisms. Regional variations in bedrock geochemistry may only be identified when consideration is given to local dispersion mechanisms and account taken of the effects of variations in the surface environment on stream sediment composition. Changes in vegetation and land use may lead to rapid alterations in the nature of the dominant dispersion mechanisms.  相似文献   

基于单孔稳定流抽水试验观测值的非稳定流求参方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在分析单孔稳定流抽水试验求参方法优缺点的基础上,介绍了一种基于多段降深单孔抽水试验观测值的非稳定流求参方法.在刘庄西区风井的应用实例表明,该方法不仅求参精度较高,而且还可利用稳定流抽水试验的观测值定性地评价含水层的储量性质,因此比常用的非稳定流求参法具有更多的优点.  相似文献   

基于人工交叉裂隙模型,通过室内透水试验,得到了不同进口与出口组合时的流量和压力变化的关系曲线。同时结合串联裂隙水力学开度的计算公式,利用最小二乘法求解超静定方程组,计算交叉裂隙中每个裂隙单元的水力学开度。通过拓扑得到裂隙交叉点的几何尺寸,并求解Navier-Stokes方程,研究裂隙交叉对其水力特性的影响。结果表明,通过室内试验和串联裂隙水力学开度计算公式相结合的方法,可以准确计算每个裂隙单元的水力学开度。当雷诺数Re较小时,交叉点内部的流体成稳态层流流动;当雷诺数较大(比如Re≥100)时,可以观测到明显的漩涡,说明流体的惯性力远大于黏性力,经典的立方定律不再适用。对于1个进口2个出口的情况,出口的流量分配比率与雷诺数成二次函数关系,随着雷诺数的增大,流量分配比率的非线性越来越明显,其最大分配比率变化超过15%。出口的水力学开度e与初始水力学开度(即力学开度E0)的比值e/E0和雷诺数Re也具有二次函数关系。当Re10时,e/E0呈现出较强的非线性;利用该关系式可以得到修正的立方定律,从而进一步求解交叉裂隙的水力特性问题。  相似文献   

地铁工程勘察的抽水试验设计和施工技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文结合广州地铁三号线岩土工程勘察的管理,对抽水试验的设计和施工技术进行了较全面的论述,指出只有合理地进行抽水试验设计和严格地控制抽水试验施工质量,才能取得准确而可靠的试验结果。  相似文献   

坡面不同侵蚀沟断面特征及水力几何形态   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
通过整理和分析国内外大量野外调查数据,系统研究了裸露坡耕地壤土土质不同侵蚀沟的断面特征和水力几何形态,并给出了相应的判别标准。结果表明:随坡面侵蚀沟逐步发展,宽深比参数ζ逐渐减小,细沟、浅沟、切沟和冲沟适宜的ζ范围分别为5~17、2~5、0.4~1.8和0.1~0.6;同一侵蚀沟条件下,壤土类型对ζ值也有影响。土壤质地越细,ζ值越小。不同侵蚀沟水力几何形态指数也不相同,细沟的形态指数β1β2β3分别为0.3、0.4和0.3,浅沟和切沟为0.4、0.4和0.2,冲沟为0.5、0.4和0.1。验证结果表明给出的判别标准可以用来界定不同侵蚀沟类型。  相似文献   

为掌握黄土高原土壤干燥化程度的空间分布特征,定量评价雨季前、后土壤干燥化程度,于2013年在黄土高原南北方向布设一条样带(N=86),获取雨季前、后0~5 m剖面土壤含水量。采用地统计学方法分析了土壤干燥化指数的空间分布规律及变异特征。结果表明:在黄土高原地区,土壤干燥化程度存在明显的纬度地带性,且雨季前土壤干燥化指数的空间变异程度高于雨季后;经过雨季降水的补给,土壤干层在一定程度上得到修复,且中部地区的修复效果明显优于南部及北部地区;土壤干燥化指数剖面分布特征在雨季前、后的差异主要表现在浅层0~2.3 m土层,这主要归因于降水对浅层土壤水分的补给。  相似文献   

柳林  姜伏伟  张发旺  刘伟  栾崧 《中国岩溶》2019,38(5):752-758
岩溶地下工程施工抽水容易诱发地面塌陷工程事故,目前关于此问题的研究,主要针对砂性土层,较少涉及黏土层,但大量的抽水致塌事例发生在黏土层。本文分析施工抽水对界面上黏土性质、地下水动力条件的影响,并划分出Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ三个影响区。依据“土-水”耦合作用,在Ⅰ、Ⅱ区建立非饱和黏土地面塌陷崩解作用模式及其判据,在Ⅲ区建立饱和黏土地面塌陷潜蚀作用模式及其判据。为了应用于施工抽水实践,推导出潜水非完整孔和承压水非完整孔抽水诱发地面塌陷的临界抽水流量表达式,并计算出南宁地铁工程场地地面塌陷的临界抽水量为17.97 m3?d-1。在场地内进行的现场抽水验证性试验的结果表明此临界抽水量具有一定的工程应用性及参考借鉴意义。   相似文献   

Conjunctive management of surface water and groundwater requires sophisticated spatial and temporal analysis. In situations involving multiple jurisdictions such as state boundaries, management problems are magnified due to often conflicting regulations and policies. A transient MODFLOW model of the Spokane Valley-Rathdrum Prairie (SVRP) aquifer/river system mutually accepted by both the states of Idaho and Washington, USA, was used to evaluate regional solutions to potential water shortages through the use of strategically placed infiltration basins or injection wells. Artificial recharge of the SVRP aquifer was simulated using diversions from Lake Pend Oreille during winter periods when flows are high and excess water is available. Alternative locations for potential wells and detention basins were examined. Lag times for the water to impact stream/groundwater interaction areas along the Spokane River were evaluated to assess the potential for augmenting stream flows from July through September. Results indicated that the aquifer could be used to improve low-flow season streamflow values utilizing both infiltration basins and injection wells with winter surface water diversions. Depending on the location, as much as 30% of the winter diversion rate could be lagged to improve summer flows at the Spokane gage. Thus, a regional mitigation strategy is scientifically feasible.  相似文献   

Groundwater drought is a specific type of hydrological drought that concerns groundwater bodies. It may have a significant adverse effect on the socio-economic, agricultural, and environmental conditions. Investigating the effect of different climatic and anthropogenic factors on groundwater drought provides essential information for sustainable planning and management of (ground) water resources. The aim of this study is to identify the influencing factors on groundwater drought in north-western Bangladesh, to understand the forcing mechanisms. A multi-step methodology is proposed to achieve this objective. The standardised precipitation index (SPI) and reconnaissance drought index (RDI) have been used to quantify the aggregated deficit between precipitation and the evaporative demand of the atmosphere, i.e. meteorological drought. The influence of land-cover patterns on the groundwater drought has been identified by calculating spatially distributed groundwater recharge as a function of land cover. Groundwater drought is defined by a threshold method. The results show that the evapotranspiration and rainfall deficits are determining meteorological drought, which shows a direct relation with groundwater recharge deficits. Land-cover change has a small effect on groundwater recharge but does not seem to be the main cause of groundwater-level decline (depletion) in the study area. The groundwater depth and groundwater-level deficit (drought) is continuously increasing with little correlation to meteorological drought or recharge anomalies. Overexploitation of groundwater for irrigation seems to be the main cause of groundwater-level decline in the study area. Efficient irrigation management is essential to reduce the growing pressure on groundwater resources and ensure sustainable water management.  相似文献   

Zheng  Gang  Li  Qinghan  Cheng  Xuesong  Liu  Xiaomin  Jia  Jianwei  Jiao  Ying  Ha  Da 《Hydrogeology Journal》2023,31(4):947-965

Artificial recharge is an effective remediation measure for controlling groundwater level and subsidence in many coastal cities in China. Hydraulic parameters estimated by pumping tests are often used in the design of both pumping and recharge systems. However, the hydraulic parameters in the recharge process have been found to differ from those in the pumping process and should be studied in greater detail. Eight single-well pumping and recharge tests were conducted within a confined aquifer in a soft soil area in the city of Tianjin, and the differences in wellbore storage influences and well losses between the recharge and pumping processes were examined. Furthermore, based on the Hantush and Jacob model, an algorithm combining the Levenberg–Marquardt algorithm (LMA) and genetic algorithm (GA) was employed for estimation of the hydraulic parameters. The results illustrated that the combined algorithm eliminating wellbore storage influences could provide hydraulic parameters from which the groundwater level variation could be accurately simulated. The hydraulic conductivity and specific storage values obtained in the pumping tests were higher than those obtained in the recharge tests. In addition to slight plugging of the recharge well, the specific storage differences could be explained by the compression and rebound deformation characteristics of sand in the confined aquifer. The specific storage estimated by pumping tests should be adjusted when applied in groundwater recharge calculation.


双重介质渗流水力特性试验装置研究及应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研制的双重介质渗流水力特性试验系统,由双重介质试验模块、水循环控制模块和数据采集模块三部分组成,较好地解决了孔隙介质和裂隙介质的模拟、边界条件的模拟、止水工艺的完善和水交换信息采集等关键问题,并具有裂隙宽度可调节,精度高,自动化程度高,试验数据实时全自动采集等特点。该系统可用以研究基于双重介质模型的水量交换以及渗流场的水压分布规律以及双重介质的水力性态和渗流机制。利用该试验系统进行双重法介质渗流水力特性试验,通过趋势图直观分析、极差和方差分析和F-检验等分析手段,得出孔隙-裂隙双重介质水交换影响因子对双重介质水交换的影响能力,从大到小依次为:裂隙宽度、孔隙介质渗透系数、压力梯度、水温。  相似文献   

卡盘是煤矿坑道钻机重要部件,卡盘的性能直接影响钻进的效率和质量。针对胶筒液压卡盘存在的问题,研究一种新型径向活塞式液压卡盘,通过分析径向活塞卡盘夹紧和松开系统的结构与工作原理,运用变质量液压学原理和动力学理论建立其运动过程的数学模型,并在AMESim环境下,进行了卡盘液压控制与机械系统的动力学协同仿真。在所建立的多机耦合模型基础上,详细分析了夹紧系统的响应和夹紧力特性,并搭建测试试验台进行了试验验证。研究结果表明:径向卡盘关键部件碟簧对系统特性的影响较大,通过优化碟簧性能参数,径向卡盘夹紧时间为0.325 s,松开时间为0.275 s,与胶筒卡盘夹紧时间0.325 s相当,与松开时间0.300 s接近,可与在用的胶筒卡盘互换,满足钻机功能需求,仿真结果与试验结果一致表明径向卡盘模型准确可信,为新型径向活塞卡盘系列化设计及改进提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

设置在泄洪洞竖井内的环形掺气设施是不同于传统掺气技术的新创意。为了更好地认识这种新型的掺气技术,基于公伯峡水平旋流泄洪洞原型和模型试验,对环形掺气坎的通风和掺气特性进行了研究。结果表明环形通气孔的通风是由通气孔进出口的压差引起的,通风量与相对空腔长度的关系服从线性分布;环形掺气坎掺气减蚀的作用明显,其掺气是由于射流冲击竖井水体形成大尺度旋涡并挟带气泡所致,且掺气浓度沿高程呈乘幂分布;模型通风和掺气特性的缩尺效应明显。在结构设计满足要求的前提下,有必要在旋流泄洪洞的竖井段设置掺气设施,可改善水流流态,并增加消能效果。  相似文献   

设置在泄洪洞竖井内的环形掺气设施是不同于传统掺气技术的新创意.为了更好地认识这种新型的掺气技术,基于公伯峡水平旋流泄洪洞原型和模型试验,对环形掺气坎的通风和掺气特性进行了研究.结果表明环形通气孔的通风是由通气孔进出口的压差引起的,通风量与相对空腔长度的关系服从线性分布;环形掺气坎掺气减蚀的作用明显,其掺气是由于射流冲击竖井水体形成大尺度旋涡并挟带气泡所致,且掺气浓度沿高程呈乘幂分布;模型通风和掺气特性的缩尺效应明显.在结构设计满足要求的前提下,有必要在旋流泄洪洞的竖井段设置掺气设施,可改善水流流态,并增加消能效果.  相似文献   

冰碛层水文地质特征及其对工程影响的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
文章以西部某重大工程为例,在详实的调查和试验基础上,研究了冰碛层的水文地质特征及其对工程的影响。研究结果表明:场区冰碛层渗透系数小,透水性微弱,且在垂向上随深度增加,呈逐渐变小趋势;工程条件下,地表水、地下水不会再在场区内冰碛层中形成新的架空块碎石结构,也不会发生渗透破坏,对工程影响微弱。  相似文献   

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