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The triacylglcyerols of white adipose tissue (WAT) from animals with high rates of lipogenesis, such as obese hyperglycemic mice or hypothalamically lesioned rats, contain high proportions of palmitoleic acid (16∶1) and low proportions of linoleic acid (18∶2). These differences appear to result from dilution of dietary 18∶2 by synthesized fatty acids, particularly 16∶1. To test this we have investigated the triacylglycerol fatty acid composition of brown and white adipose tissue of lean and obese mice, as brown adipose tissue (BAT) has a higher lipogenic rate than WAT and lipogenesis is faster in obese than in lean mice. Between three and eight weeks of age the proportions of fatty acids in the tissues changed, with a marked fall in milk-derived lauric and myristic acids. From 8 to 16 weeks they were more stable and the proportions of 16∶1 and 18∶2 in the different tissues were as expected, with the highest and lowest proportions, respectively, in BAT from obese mice. When BAT from obese mice was transplanted under the kidney capsule of lean mice, or vice versa, for one month, the fatty acid composition of the grafts changed toward that of the host BAT. The proportions of 18∶2 and, to a lesser extent, 16∶1 were slightly higher in the grafts than in the hosts but since this also occurred in lean-to-lean and obese-to-obese grafts it was probably a transplantation artifact. Overall, the results confirm than the physiological environment, rather than the source of the adipose tissue, is the major determinant of its fatty acid composition.  相似文献   

The fatty acid composition of triglycerides and phosphoglycerides accumulated at selected ages during the growth ofGlomerella cingulata was investigated. Glyceride accumulation was taken as mg glyceride/mg N and the nitrogen content of the fungus at the ages investigated was used as an index of growth. The fatty acids produced were identified by comparing their retention times on gas liquid chromatography with that of known standards. The results showed that whereas total glyceride and fatty acid content varied from age to age, the fatty acid composition at the various ages remained the same.  相似文献   

Beef tallow and cottonseed oil were mixed with a pure butterfat in the ratios of 2%, 4% and 6% to obtain admixtures of beef tallow with butterfat and cottonseed oil with butterfat. The hydrolysis of individual triglycerides was carried out using the lipase to obtain 2-monoglycerides. The results indicated that butterfat had a higher percentage of C14:0 and C16:0 acids than found in the triglycerides and 2-monoglycerides of beef tallow and cottonseed oil. Beef tallow contained a higher proportion of C18:0 and C18:1 acids than butterfat and cottonseed oil triglycerides or 2-monoglycerides. Cottonseed oil had a higher percentage of C18:2 acid located in triglyceride or 2-monoglyceride than found in butterfat or beef tallow triglycerides and 2-monoglycerides. The analysis of the samples of butterfat containing 2%, 4% and 6% beef tallow revealed that the addition of beef tallow to butterfat affected the fatty acid composition of butterfat triglycerides and 2-monoglycerides with C18:0 and C18:1 acids; the effect was increased with increasing percentages of beef tallow. The addition of cottonseed oil to butterfat in the ratios of 2%, 4% and 6% affected the fatty acid composition of butterfat triglycerides and 2-monoglycerides. It was found that both C18:1 and C18:2 increased as the added cottonseed oil percentages increased.  相似文献   

Oil and triglyceride contents and fatty acid composition were determined for seeds in nine taxa belonging to the genusCoincya (Brassicaceae) on the Iberian Peninsula (Spain and Portugal). The oil content ranges from 11.1 to 24.6%, triglycerides from 68.7 to 88.5%. The major fatty acids were erucic (24.6–30.5%), linolenic (17.7–27.7%), linoleic (13.9–24.6%) and oleic acid (12.3–21.8%).  相似文献   

A line of mice was developed which exhibited spontaneous obesity when fed commercial laboratory ration low in fat content. Obese mice were compared to a nonobese related line to determine whether energy source in the diet would affect onset of obesity. Experimental diets-beef tallow (38% of calories as beef fat and 2% as corn oil), corn oil (40% corn oil) or low-fat (2% corn oil)-were instituted ad libitum at the time of weaning. When the mice reached 6 months of age, lipogenesis was investigated by injecting intravenously3H2O and glucose-U-14C.3H2O and glucose-U-14C incorporation into fatty acids of fed mice was greater for obese than for lean mice. Fatty acid synthesis was inhibited by high-fat diets compared to low-fat diet in both lines. Of the 2 high-fat diets, the corn oil diet inhibited fatty acid synthesis about twice as much as beef tallow diet. There was no line effect on tritium incorporation into cholesterol. Cholesterol synthesis from glucose-U-14C was greater in obese than lean mice. Diets had no effect on tritium and glucose-U-14C incorporation into cholesterol. Fasting reduced fatty acid synthesis in all mice, but total body fatty acid synthesis was not affected by lines or dietary treatment under fasted conditions. These data suggest that degree of lipogenesis, in part, explains obesity. A failure of inhibition of lipogenesis or an enhanced efficiency in fat deposition by feeding beef tallow compared to corn oil diet may explain the fact that lean mice fed the beef tallow diet tended to be more obese that lean mice fed corn oil or low-fat diets.  相似文献   

Herodek S 《Lipids》1967,2(4):299-302
After in vitro incubation of rat epididymal fat pads with radioactive palmitic acid, the distribution of the label in the different lipid classes and in different triglycerides was determined by silica gel and silver nitrate-silica gel thin-layer chromatography (TLC). The radioactivity of the diglycerides was approximately half of the triglycerides. This ratio did not change with alteration in the time of incubation. It remained unaltered even after a subsequent 10-min incubation in a nonradioactive medium. When the fat pads were incubated, first with14C-, then with3H-labeled palmitic acid, the3H/14C ratio was slightly lower in diglycerides than in triglycerides. The fully saturated molecules contained 38% of the radioactivity of triglycerides. Addition of oleic acid or norepinephrine to the labeled palmitic acid-containing medium decreased this value. Subsequent incubation with these compounds did not alter the distribution of radioactivity.  相似文献   

The observation that the subcutaneous fat of pasture-fed Southdown rams consists of two distinct regions is reported. Fatty acid composition of fat from the outer and inner regions of subcutaneous tissue taken from the rib region of eight Southdown rams fed pasture were determined. Relative to the harder inner regions (mean melting point 43.1°C), the softer outer regions (mean melting point 31.8°C) were shown to contain more 9∶0-, 15∶0-, 17∶0-, 17∶1-, 18∶1-cis and total 18∶1 fatty acids; less 14∶0-, 16∶0-, 18∶0- and 18∶1-trans fatty acids; and a greater variety and a greater concentration of branched-chain components. Proportions of medium chain-length fatty acids other than 9∶0, did not differ between the layers. The fatty acid contents of serial samples taken at 1-mm intervals through these tissues were determined. Changes in concentrations of components among samples were gradual through the tissues. There was no clear connective tissue sheet, as has been reported for pigs. The inner region of the tissues contains apparently nonrandom fluctuating changes in fatty acid composition.  相似文献   

The fatty acid composition of triacylglycerols from fifteen distinct adipose depots taken from each of seven adult male human subjects was compared. Oleic, palmitic, linoleic, stearic, myristic, palmitoleic and vaccenic acids accounted for more than 90% of the triacylglycerol fatty acids in all sites from all subjects; a number of other fatty acids were also identified and quantified. There were large differences in theaverage fatty acid composition between individual subjects. There were no site-specific differences in the proportions of myristic (3.8–4.7% of triacylglycerol fatty acids), palmitic (23–29%), linoleic (6.7–9.8%) or vaccenic (4.1–4.7%) acids or in the proportions of any of the less abundant fatty acids. There were some significant site-specific differences in the proportions of palmitoleic, oleic and stearic acids. The calf depot contained more palmitoleic acid (6.41±1.09%) than the trapezius (3.12±0.55%), perirenal (3.59±0.50%) and mesenteric (3.70±0.43%) depots, more oleic acid (42.13±1.27%) than the trapezius (36.03±2.18%), perirenal (36.50±1.56%) and breast (37.13±1.55%) depots and less stearic acid (5.18±0.89%) than the trapezius (8.57±0.97%), perirenal (8.49±0.75%), mesenteric (7.87±0.42%), breast (8.02±0.75%) and clavicular (8.34±0.78%) depots. The buttock depot contained less stearic acid (6.06±0.65%) than the perirenal, mesenteric and clavicular depots, while the anterior thigh depot contained less stearic acid (6.07±0.70%) than the perirenal depot. These findings indicate that, while most human adipose depots differ little in fatty acid composition, some sites, in particular the calf, perirenal, trapezius and mesenteric depots, have site-specific properties.  相似文献   

The fatty acid composition of serum, liver and adipose tissue from Pitman-Moore miniature swine was determined following their consumption of starch- or sucrose-containing diets for a period of one year. Among the tissues studied there were no significant differences in the fatty acid composition due to the type of dietary carbohydrate (starch or sucrose). The cholesteryl ester fatty acid composition of all samples studied remained quite constant. There were minor fluctuations in fatty acid composition of phospholipids and triglycerides from serum collected at diferent intervals following initiation of the diets.  相似文献   

J. R. Couch  A. E. Saloma 《Lipids》1973,8(12):675-681
The fatty acid composition and distribution in egg yolk triglycerides and phosphatides from the turkey, duck, prairie chicken, bobwhite quail, Japanese quail, and inbred-hybrid and midget mutant hens were determined after all species had been fed diets of similar fat and fatty acid content for 90 days. Total volk lipids were composed of ca. two-thirds neutral lipids and one-third polar lipids. The predominant fatty acids were palmitic and stearic. There were statistically significant differences in the my ristic, palmitic, palmitoleic, linoleic, and linolenic acids in the yolk triglycerides and in the proportion of 16∶1, 18∶0, 18∶2, arachidonic, docosanoic, docosahexaenoic, and tetracosanoic acids in the phosphatides among the various species. Linoleic acid predominantly was linked at the 2-position in the yolk triglycerides followed by the 20∶4 acid. The 18∶1 acid also was found preferentially at the 2-position. There was a low level of 18∶2 in the yolk triglycerides and phosphatides from the duck and an especially high level of 20∶4 acid in the phosphatides. The triglycerides in the species studied have essentially the same distribution of fatty acids in the 2-position. In all the species, the affinity for the fatty acids at the 2-position is in the following order: 18∶2=20∶4>18∶1 =18∶3>18∶0=16∶1>14∶0>16∶0 Differences observed among the various genera did not appear to follow taxonomic boundaries. The duck has an efficient system for converting 18∶2 into 20∶4 by elongation and desaturation. The prairie chicken apparently has a high requirement for 18∶2 but an inadequate system for its conversion into 20∶4.  相似文献   

The endogenous adipose tissue triglycerides of rat and chicken differ markedly in composition from those of swine although all three contain the same major fatty acids. The main difference is that the swine triglycerides have saturated fatty acids in the middle position, whereas in rat and chicken that position is preferentially occupied by unsaturated acids. In swine adipose tissue triglycerides the order of preference for the middle position is 16∶0>16∶1>18∶0>18∶1, whereas in rat and chicken triglycerides the order is 18∶1>16∶1>18∶0>16∶0. Generalizing, in swine the order of preference for the 2 position is chain length over unsaturation, shorter chains over longer chains, and saturation over unsaturation. In rat and chicken, the degree of unsaturation prevails over chain length, longer chains over shorter chains, and unsaturation over saturation.  相似文献   

Young adult obese Zucker rats have altered tissue fatty acid (FA) composition. The present study was aimed at determining whether such changes were seen in either liver, serum or adipose tissue obtained from 17-day-old obese (fafa) rats in comparison to both homozygous (FaFa) and heterozygous (Fafa) lean rats. Body weights of obese pups (30.3 g) were significantly greater than those of homozygous lean rats (25.2 g) (P<0.05). Liver weight and lipid content were similar in all groups. Inguinal fat pad weight and lipid content were greatest in obese pups (573 mg) followed by heterozygous lean pups (303 mg); homozygous lean pups (146 mg) had the lowest values. There were no differences among the groups in hepatic FA composition in either triacylglycerol (TG) or phospholipid fractions. Serum TG was similar among the groups, while serum phospholipid was greater (P< 0.05) in obese (269 mg/dL) than in homozygous lean pups (184 mg/dL); heterozygous lean pups had an intermediate value not significantly different from either homozygous group. On a percent basis, there were no differences in FA composition in either serum lipid fraction among the three groups. There were a number of significant differences in adipose tissue FA composition between the groups on a percent basis. The adipose tissue FA composition on a percent basis reflected that of maternal milk. The results indicate that suckling obese Zucker rats do not have tissue FA profiles that are characteristic of essential FA deficiency.  相似文献   

The phenological characteristics, oil content, and fatty acid composition of 34 selections of Cuphea procumbens have been studied. The mean seed yield per plant was 9.7 ± 0.43 g. Maximum seed yield (16.7 g) was noticed in NBC‐27, while the average number of fruits per plant was 124.9 ± 10.7. The oil content in the seeds ranged from 16.7—28.7%, maximum being in NBC‐34. The fatty acid composition revealed the presence of capric acid (C10:0) in all the selections of C. procumbens as the major constituent of the oil ranging from 87.7—94.6%. C. procumbens showed its novelty as an alternative source of capric acid and may be utilized as a renewable resource in the production of plasticizers and lubricants which wholly depend on petrochemical import. Researches are in progress in order to obtain tolerant cultivars against wild plant characteristics and some delayed seed shattering plants have been identified.  相似文献   

Presented are the lipid content and fatty acid composition of 20 species of edible AustralianAcacia seeds. Aborigines reportedly have used at least 18 of these as foods. Seed lipid content ranged from 3% to 22%, with an average of 11% on a dry weight basis. Linoleic (12–71%), oleic (12–56%) and plamitic (7–35%) acids were the major fatty acids. Smaller proportions of behenic, stearic and vaccenic acids were detected. Seventeen of the 20 species were found to have polyunsaturated to saturated (P/S) fatty acid ratios greater than 1, with four species having ratios in excess of 4. The persistent arils attached to the seeds of certain AustralianAcacias and containing a portion of the total lipid were associated with a significantly reduced proportion of linoleic acid in the total seed material. This observation was explained by the aril lipid possessing a markedly different fatty acid composition from that of the seed lipid. For comparison, seeds from two non-AustralianAcacia species (A. farnesiana andA. cavenia) were analyzed. Australian and non-Australian were found to exhibit markedly different fatty acid profiles. Some of this work published as short report inProc. Nutr. Soc. Aust. 10, 209–212 (1985).  相似文献   

Seed oils ofCuphea are characterized by a diverse assemblage of fatty acid patterns emphasizing short- and medium-chain fatty acids. For this report, seed oils of 19 populations from 14 species were analyzed. Thirteen species are from Brazil and one from Nicaragua. Fatty acid compositions of oils of eight species are reported for the first time. Lauric acid predominates in 10 species, myristic acid in one, and linoleic acid in three. Small amounts of C20:0 and C20:1 are recorded in one species. The major fatty acid for each taxonomic section is consistent with that reported earlier as characteristic of the section. Seed oil compositions of species previously reported from North or Central American populations are comparable to those of the Brazilian populations.  相似文献   

W. W. Christie  J. H. Moore 《Lipids》1970,5(11):921-928
Forty-five triglyceride samples with a wide range of fatty acid compositions were selected from a large number of pig adipose tissue samples (inner and outer back fats and perenephric fat) available from nutritional experiments. These samples were subjected to stereospecific analysis to determine the changes occurring in the positional distribution of the component fatty acids. The oleic acid content of the triglycerides was taken as the standard of comparison and as this increased, the proportions of the other unsaturated fatty acids also increased in a linear manner and the concentrations of the saturated components decreased proportionately. In position 1, the palmitic acid concentration remained constant while the stearic acid concentration decreased linearly and the concentrations of the unsaturated fatty acids increased. In position 2 the stearic acid concentration remained almost constant while the palmitic acid concentration decreased linearly in response to increases in the concentrations of the unsaturated acids. The least change occurred in position 3 where there were slight decreases in the concentrations of saturated acids as the concentrations of unsaturated acids increased. The precise quantitative relationships depended on the tissue examined. Constant proportions of the available myristic and palmitoleic acids were found in all three positions and constant proportions of the available stearic and oleic acids were found in position 1. These results are discussed in relation to possible pathways of triglyceride biosynthesis in pig adipose tissues.  相似文献   

Fourteen pairs of obese female monozygotic twins were recruited for a study of genetic influences on serum and adipose fatty acid (FA) composition. Following 1 wk of inpatient stabilization, fasting serum and adipose tissue obtained by surgical excision were analyzed by thin-layer and gas chromatography. Intrapair resemblances (IPR) for individual FA were assessed by Spearman rank correlation and by analysis of variance and were found in serum cholesteryl esters (CE), triglycerides (TG), and adipose TG. With two exceptions (CE linoleate and adipose eicosapentaenoate), these IPR were limited to the nonessential FA. Palmitate had significant IPR in four lipid fractions; in serum CE and adipose TG palmitate was strongly correlated with multiple measures of adiposity. In contrast to other lipid fractions, serum phosphatidylcholine (PC) FA had 12 IPR, of which 6 were essential FA including arachidonate (r=0.76, P<0.0005), eicosapentaenoate (r=0.78, P<0.0005), and docosahexaenoate (r=0.86, P<0.0001). The PC IPR could not be explained by analysis of preadmission 7-d food records. After dividing the pairs into two groups differing and nondiffering according to fat intake of individuals in the pair, there was no evidence of a gene-environment interaction between fat intake and FA composition. The IPR for nonessential FA indicate that there is active genetic control of either food choices or postabsorptive metabolic processing. The high level of IPR in the PC fraction in contrast to the other lipid fractions suggests strong genetic influence over selection of specific FA for this membrane fraction independent of diet.  相似文献   

The fatty acid composition of the diethyl ether extract from nine varieties of Canadian weed seeds is reported. Fatty acid compositions forRumex pseudonatronatus L. Borbus,Setaria viridis L. Beauv., andChenopodium album L. have not been previously reported. Contribution no. 358, Grain Research Laboratory, Canadian Grain Commission.  相似文献   

The fatty acid composition of corn oil can be altered to meet consumer demand for “healthful” fats. The first step in altering the oils is to survey existing corn breeding materials for fatty acid composition. The Latin American Maize Project (LAMP), an international program designed to evaluate the agronomic characteristics of maize accessions in Latin American and U.S. germplasm banks for future use, provides useful starting materials. LAMP was based on the cooperative efforts of 12 countries. In a two-stage evaluation, the project identified the highest-yielding open-pollinated top 20% of populations, then approximately the top 5% of those 20%. Twenty of the populations from four countries with temperate climates were randomly selected for fatty acid analysis. The populations were from United States, Chile, Argentina, and Uruguay. Fifty S1 lines from each population were randomly chosen for analysis for a total of 1,000 genotypes sampled. Statistical differences in fatty acid composition were computed among the 20 populations and among the four countries. The findings showed a wide range of fatty acid profiles present in unadapted, elite corn breeding materials with ranges for each fatty acid as follows: palmitic acid, 6.3–18.2%; stearic acid, 0.9–4.5%; oleic acid, 18.5–46.1%; linoleic acid, 36.6–66.8%; linolenic acid, 0.0–2.0%; and arachidic acid, 0.0–1.4%. Several populations were significantly different from the others. Some lines had unusual fatty acid compositions, including one with 8.3% total saturates and another with 20.2% total saturates. This study shows that existing corn breeding materials could be used to produce high- and low-saturate oils, but other methods would probably be required to produce a high-oleic corn oil.  相似文献   

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