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可再生能源发电   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
可再生能源是指不会随人类的开发利用而衰减的能源,如风能、太阳能、生物质能、小水电(指设计能力低于25兆瓦的工程)、海洋能、垃圾再利用能源、垃圾掩埋沼气、污水处理沼气、地热能等。我国的自然资源总量排世界第7位,能源资源总量居世界第3位。其中可再生能源资源尤其丰富,可开发风能资源2.5亿千瓦,水能资源7540万千瓦,生物质能1.25亿千瓦,地热能670万千瓦,另外还有数量巨大的太阳能及城市垃圾利用潜力。1我国太阳能资源我国地处北半球欧亚大陆的东部,幅员辽阔,有着十分丰富的太阳能资源。我国各地的太阳辐…  相似文献   

由于传统DCF分析方法不能完全满足可再生能源发电项目投资决策的需要,本文提出了在可再生能源发电项目投资决策中引入实物期权的思路,初步讨论了可再生能源发电项目投资的实物期权模型,并以风力发电项目投资为例具体讨论了实物期权模型的应用方法.  相似文献   

李鹏 《太阳能》2007,(10):39-40
国家发改委、国家电监会近日根据《可再生能源发电价格和费用分摊管理试行办法》,公布了可再生能源并网发电项目2006年度电价补贴金额,标志  相似文献   

能源危机、环境污染和全球变暖使世界各国普遍认识到可再生能源发电的必要性。从系统科学的思维角度和理论出发,通过文献调查和专家访谈,挖掘出影响我国区域可再生能源发电项目开发的12个关键因素,运用改进解释结构模型分析关键影响因素间的层级递阶结构关系。在此基础上,运用交叉影响矩阵相乘法模拟关键影响因素的驱动力——依赖性分布。结果表明:区域经济和城市化发展、政府激励政策对区域可再生能源发电项目开发的驱动力最强,同时也是最根本的影响因素。  相似文献   

第一章 总则 第一条 为了促进可再生能源发电产业的发展,依据《中华人民共和国可再能能源法》和《中华人民共和国电力法》,特制定本规定。第二条 本规定所称的可再生能源发电包括:水力发电、风力发电、生物质发电(包括农林废弃物直接燃烧和气化发电、垃圾焚烧和垃圾填埋气发电、沼气发电)、太阳能发电、地热能发电以及海洋能发电等。第三条 依照法律和国务院规定取得行政许可的可再生能源并网发电项目和电网尚未覆盖地区的可再生能源独立发电项目适用本规定。第四条 可再生能源发电项目实行中央和地方分级管理。  相似文献   

目前,日本的有关部门正在加紧对可再生能源发电技术进行研究,研究内容包括太阳能、风能、波力发电、温差发电、生物能和地热发电利用技术等,其中最受重视的是太阳能发电。在研究超高效太阳能电池方面,日本已经达到在锗和硅片上形成结晶,每平方厘米单晶上的能量转换率分别达到30.9%和17.9%,  相似文献   

<正>受一系列利好政策因素影响,我国可再生能源产业继续保持快速增长势头,截至10月初,全国可再生能源发电累计装机容量突破4亿kW,达4.043 7亿kW,占全部电力装机容量比例超过30%,继续保持全球可再生能源利用规模第一大国地位.其中:水电规模以上新增装机容量1565万kW,溪洛渡、向家坝等一批西电东送标志性大型水电项目投产运行,累计装机容量超过2.9亿kW,提前一年完成"十二五"规划目标;风电新增装机容量858万kW,累计装机容量达到8 497万kW;光伏发电新增装机容量400万kW,累计装机容量超过2 000万kW;生物质发电新增装机容量90万kW,累计装机容量超过  相似文献   

近日,国家发展改革委等部门联合下发通知,要求发电调度中优先考虑可再生能源和低能耗机组发电。  相似文献   

可再生能源发电的展望   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
21世纪能源结构将会发生根本的变化。寻找和开发利用清洁高效的可再生能源,将是世界能源发展的必然趋势。文章介绍了国内外新能源发电技术的现状与前景,针对中国所面临的挑战,提出了可再生能源发电问题的建议。  相似文献   

Renewable energy resources have historically played a small role for electricity generation in the US. However, concerns such as security of energy supply, limitations and price fluctuations of fossil fuels, and threats of climate changes have encouraged US policy makers to think and debate about diversification strategy in the energy supply and promotion of renewables. The current paper discusses the role of renewable portfolio in the US energy action plan during 2010–2030. A system dynamics model is constructed to evaluate different costs of renewable energy utilization by 2030. Results show that while renewables will create a market with near 10 billion $ worth (in the costs level) in 2030, the total value of renewable energy promotion and utilization in the US will be more than 170 billion $(in the costs level) during 2010–2030.  相似文献   

This comparative study evaluates an investment project on renewable energy based on wind power. We have conducted the study in three European Union countries: Denmark, Finland and Portugal. We have modelled the main uncertainties that affect this kind of project, such as the cost and production of electric power, investment costs and consumer price index. For each of these countries, we have analysed the mechanisms of public support for wind energy. We have identified the real options included in the regulatory frameworks of these three countries and assessed how they affect the expanded net present value of the project. To this end, we have used two different methods of option valuation: the Monte Carlo method and the binomial method. We have proved that the obtained results using both methods are quite similar. Finally, we have evaluated the public incentives for wind energy offered in each of these three countries and concluded that, in economic terms, Finland is the country with the strongest support for this kind of energy, followed by Denmark and, in the last place, Portugal.  相似文献   

董军  曾博  张建华 《可再生能源》2011,29(3):90-95,103
在深入调研的基础上,针对可再生能源发电项目规划环节面临的开发排序问题及运行后的效率综合评估问题,建立了聚类分析和数据包络分析相结合的CA/DEA两阶段评价模型。基于文中所设计的综合评价指标体系,引入了模糊层次分析法对于环境协调度等定性指标进行了综合分析,并运用基于聚类分析的主导因素挖掘方法从众多指标中选出最具影响力的因素指标;采用非参数DEA最优化模型对发电项目综合效率进行评估,较好地解决了生产函数难以确定的问题。通过CA/DEA模型所确定的综合投入产出效率,实现了对发电项目优秀度的有效评价。最后通过实例分析,验证了该评估方法的有效性及实用性。  相似文献   

Mexico is not reaching its full potential to capture benefits from clean development mechanism (CDM) projects because of its limited market for independent power producers (IPPs) and the barriers imposed on these entities by the state-run electric utility that controls most of the country's generation and transmission. This state-run entity has pursued CDM revenues only in isolated cases where international financial assistance was given because it is bound by law to pursue the least-cost generation option for its customers. Recent changes in Mexican legislation that provide incentives for renewable energy development could open the marketplace for these types of projects.  相似文献   

Utilization of non-renewable energy sources not only results in environmental deterioration but also confronts us with the dilemma of a rapid rate of depletion of such resources, while renewable energy sources can serve us indefinitely with minimal environmental impacts as compared with fossil and nuclear fuels.This article deals with the extent of harnessing renewable energy sources for power generation in Iran, a Middle Eastern Asian nation.  相似文献   

《Biomass & bioenergy》2005,28(5):425-434
Any of several business structures may be used to operate a farm enterprise. Models have been developed showing advantages and disadvantages of sole proprietorships, partnerships, and corporations when applied as farm enterprises. In recent years, the farm cooperative business structure has taken on a different complexion, especially when faced with new crops and uses, mixed, multiple, and international markets, and cross-cutting market sectors. These new generation cooperatives have played a particularly strong role in developing renewable energy and agricultural enterprises, especially in the face of proposed new crop rotations, inclusion of perennial crops in these rotations, and different management scenarios based on agro-forestry principles. In this paper, we define conditions under which the farm cooperative is an appropriate business enterprise structure, and review and update the status of four of these new generation cooperative business structures in Minnesota, New York, and Iowa. We assess the status of development of these cooperatives and the market conditions needed for the agriculture, energy, and environmental sectors that comprise these cooperatives.  相似文献   

North African countries generally have strategic demands for energy transformation and sustainable development. Renewable energy development is important to achieve this goal. Considering three typical types of renewable energies— wind, photovoltaic (PV), and concentrating solar power (CSP)—an optimal planning model is established to minimize construction costs and power curtailment losses. The levelized cost of electricity is used as an index for assessing economic feasibility. In this study, wind and PV, wind / PV / CSP, and transnational interconnection modes are designed for Morocco, Egypt, and Tunisia. The installed capacities of renewable energy power generation are planned through the time sequence production simulation method for each country. The results show that renewable energy combined with power generation, including the CSP mode, can improve reliability of the power supply and reduce the power curtailment rate. The transnational interconnection mode can help realize mutual benefits of renewable energy power, while the apportionment of electricity prices and trading mechanisms are very important and are related to economic feasibility; thus, this mode is important for the future development of renewable energy in North Africa.  相似文献   

胡其颖 《太阳能》2004,(5):49-50
2000年4月,德国可再生能源法(EEG)代替了1991年生效的电力供应法(StrEG)。新颁布的可再生能源法,调整了各种可再生能源发电的补偿标准。其中对风力发电在装备投产使用后的不同时期规定了不同的补偿标准。即初期阶段较高的补偿标准,和后续期较低的补偿标准。因为风电的补偿与风机安装地点风力资源的多少,即与风机安装地点的质量有关,因此,为了使补偿值的确定更为合理,在可再生能源法中引入了。推荐  相似文献   

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