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Based on the laws of X-ray diffraction in crystals, Laue lenses offer a promising way to achieve the sensitivity and angular resolution leap required for the next generation of hard X-ray and gamma-ray telescopes.The present paper describes the instrumental responses of Laue diffraction lenses designed for nuclear astrophysics. Different possible geometries are discussed, as well as the corresponding spectral and imaging capabilities. These theoretical predictions are then compared with Monte-Carlo simulations and experimental results (ground and stratospheric observations from the CLAIRE project). PACS 95.55.Ka, 61.50.Ah, 61.10.−i, 41.50.+h  相似文献   

The next generation of instrumentation for nuclear astrophysics will have to achieve a factor of 10–100 improvement in sensitivity over present technologies. With the focusing gamma-ray telescope MAX we take up this challenge: combining unprecedented sensitivity with high spectral and angular resolution, and the capability of measuring the polarization of the incident photons. The feasibility of such a crystal diffraction gamma-ray lens has recently been demonstrated with the prototype lens CLAIRE. MAX is a proposed mission which will make use of satellite formation flight to achieve 86 m focal length, with the Laue lens being carried by one satellite and the detector by the other. In the current design, the Laue diffraction lens of MAX will consist of 13740 copper and germanium (Ge1−x Si x , x ∼ 0.02) crystal tiles arranged on 36 concentric rings. It simultaneously focuses in two energy bands, each centred on one of the main scientific objectives of the mission: the 800–900 keV band is dedicated to the study of nuclear gamma-ray lines from type Ia supernovae (e.g. 56 Co decay line at 847 keV) while the 450–530 keV band focuses on electron-positron annihilation (511 keV emission) from the Galactic centre region with the aim of resolving potential point sources. MAX promises a breakthrough in the study of point sources at gamma-ray energies by combining high narrow-line sensitivity (better than 10−6 cm−2 s−1) and high energy resolution (E/dE ∼ 500). The mission has successfully undergone a pre-phase A study with the French Space Agency CNES, and continues to evolve: new diffracting materials such as bent or composite crystals seem very promising. PACS: 95.55.Ka, 29.30.Kv, 61.10.-i  相似文献   

A review of the HAXTEL project devoted to the development of a Laue lens telescope for hard X-/gamma-ray observation of the continuum spectra of celestial sources is presented. Main design properties, open issues, the status of the project and an example of multi-lens configuration with sensitivity expectations are discussed.  相似文献   

Both Ge1−x Si x mosaic crystals and Si1−x Ge x crystals with gradient of composition could be grown using the modified Czochralski technique to produce the diffracting elements for the MAX gamma ray telescope. Although many elements cut from the mosaic crystal and used before for CLAIRE gamma ray telescope had an efficiency up to 20%, the overall efficiency of the lens was about 8.1 ± 0.7 %, which is more than twice lower than the theoretically predicted efficiency. Some causes of this behaviour are discussed. In addition to mosaic crystals, the growth of Si1−x Ge x crystals with a gradient of composition and their properties are analysed. Such composition-gradient crystals could be a promising way to improve the diffraction efficiency of Laue lens for MAX.  相似文献   

We report on preliminary results obtained with a Monte Carlo (MC) code developed to study the optical properties of Laue lenses for astro-physical observations. The MC code is written in the Python programming language and uses open source libraries. Among the physical quantities which can be investigated with the MC code, we paid our attention mainly to the estimation of the effective area, field of view (FOV) and point spread function (PSF) of the lens for observation of sources on-axis and off-axis.  相似文献   

A major goal of the MAX program is to detect and measure gamma rays produced following the nuclear reactions that take place in a supernova explosion. To detect a reasonable number of supernovae, sensitivities of the order of a few times 10-7 γ cm-2sec-1 are needed – much better than possible with current instruments. The approach in the MAX program is to use a crystal diffraction lens to collect photons over a large area and concentrate them on a small well-shielded detector, greatly improving the signal to noise ratio. The crystals need to have both high diffraction efficiency and a relatively broad energy bandwidth. With mosaic crystals there is a trade-off between bandwidth and diffraction efficiency – one can have either high efficiency or large bandwidth, but not both without losing too much intensity through atomic absorption. A recent breakthrough in our understanding of crystal diffraction for high-energy gamma rays has made it possible to develop crystals that have both high diffraction efficiency and a relatively broad energy bandwidth. These crystals have near perfect crystal structure, but the crystalline planes are slightly curved. Such curved planes can be obtained in 3 different ways, by using mixed crystals with a composition gradient, by applying a thermal gradient, and by mechanically bending a near perfect crystal. A series of experiments have been performed on all three types of crystals using high-energy x-ray beams from the Advanced Photon Source at the Argonne National Laboratory. Experiments performed at 3 energies, 93 keV, 123 keV and 153 keV, with both the thermal gradient Si crystals and with the mechanically bent Si crystals, demonstrated that one can achieve diffraction efficiencies approaching 100% with moderate energy bandwidths (ΔE/E = 1.4%) and low atomic absorption (transmission = 0.65), in excellent agreement with theory. The use of this type of diffraction crystal is expected to increase the sensitivity of gamma ray telescopes by a factor of 5 over that possible with normal mosaic crystals.  相似文献   

The observation of the universe in the VHE gamma ray domain with the new generation of Cherenkov Telescopes is producing new measurements with a direct implication for cosmology. The present results and the future prospects will be discussed.   相似文献   

Large single crystals of copper with an uniform and very narrow mosaic spread between 25 seconds and 1 minute of arc are now available at I.L.L. This result is of great interest in the construction of a Laue lens for astrophysical applications for which such quality copper single crystals may be used. The X-ray diffraction properties of copper single crystals produced at I.L.L. were studied for x-ray energies ranging from 100 keV to 400 keV. Several monocrystalline plates with different thicknesses and mosaic distributions were then prepared from the as-grown crystals in order to measure their diffraction efficiency as a function of energy. As expected, the value of the peak reflectivity depends on the crystal thickness. Reflectivity measurements show the excellent properties of copper crystals for gamma-ray diffraction. A peak reflectivity of 24% was measured at 220 keV from a copper single crystal of 3.75 mm thickness having a mosaic spread of 1.5 minutes of arc. Some technical aspects on the preparation of copper single crystal plates are also discussed.  相似文献   

MAX is a proposed Laue lens gamma-ray telescope taking advantage of Bragg diffraction in crystals to concentrate incident photons onto a distant detector. The Laue lens and the detector are carried by two separate satellites flying in formation. Significant effort is being devoted to studying different types of crystals that may be suitable for focusing gamma rays in two 100 keV wide energy bands centered on two lines which constitute the prime astrophysical interest of the MAX mission: the 511 keV positron annihilation line, and the broadened 847 keV line from the decay of 56Co copiously produced in Type Ia supernovae. However, to optimize the performance of MAX, it is also necessary to optimize the detector used to collect the source photons concentrated by the lens. We address this need by applying proven Monte Carlo and event reconstruction packages to predict the performance of MAX for three different Ge detector concepts: a standard coaxial detector, a stack of segmented detectors, and a Compton camera consisting of a stack of strip detectors. Each of these exhibits distinct advantages and disadvantages regarding fundamental instrumental characteristics such as detection efficiency or background rejection, which ultimately determine achievable sensitivities. We conclude that the Compton camera is the most promising detector for MAX in particular, and for Laue lens gamma-ray telecopes in general.  相似文献   

In 2004 CNES decided to perform 4 phase 0 studies dedicated to Astrophysics and achieved thanks to Formation Flying space systems: ASPICS (A Solar Physics Mission to observe in UV and Visible the Solar Corona between 1.01 and 3.2 Solar Radius), PEGASE (an IR interferometry mission to observe Hot Jupiter, Brown Dwarfs and Proto planetary disks), SIMBOL-X (hard X-rays telescope to observe: Accretion onto compact objects, Black Holes, obscured Galactic Nuclei, ˙˙˙˙) and MAX (a Nuclear Astrophysics Mission to observe: Supernovae, Neutron Stars,˙). For this last mission, presented here, two spectral bands around important gamma-ray lines have been selected (450–530 and 800–900 keV). The formation flight allows to realise a long focal length of 80–90 m which is necessary to build a reasonably sized gamma-ray telescope based on a Laue crystal lens. The Space System design allows to have a good spacecrafts mass margin in High Elliptical Orbit with a Soyuz launch (Initial Orbit: Perigee altitude ∼44,000 km and Apogee altitude ∼253,000 km).  相似文献   

The objective of this project is to develop and construct an innovative imaging system for nuclear medicine and molecular imaging that uses photon diffraction and is capable of generating 1–2 mm spatial resolution images in two or three dimensions. The proposed imaging system would be capable of detecting radiopharmaceuticals that emit 100–200 keV gamma rays which are typically used in diagnostic nuclear medicine and in molecular imaging. The system is expected to be optimized for the 140.6 keV gamma ray from a Tc-99m source, which is frequently used in nuclear medicine. This new system will focus the incoming gamma rays in a manner analogous to a magnifying glass focusing sunlight into a small focal point on a detector's sensitive area. Focusing gamma rays through photon diffraction has already been demonstrated with the construction of a diffraction lens telescope for astrophysics and a scaled-down lens for medical imaging, both developed at Argonne National Laboratory (ANL). In addition, spatial resolutions of 3 mm have been achieved with a prototype medical lens. The proposed imaging system would be comprised of an array of photon diffraction lenses tuned to diffract a specific gamma ray energy (within 100–200 keV) emitted by a common source. The properties of photon diffraction make it possible to diffract only one specific gamma ray energy at a time, which significantly reduces scattering background. The system should be sufficiently sensitive to the detection of small concentrations of radioactivity that can reveal potential tumor sites at their initial stages of development. Moreover, the system's sensitivity would eliminate the need for re-injecting a patient with more radiopharmaceutical if this patient underwent a prior nuclear imaging scan. Detection of a tumor site at its inception could allow for an earlier initiation of treatment and wider treatment options, which can potentially improve the chances for cure.  相似文献   

ULTRACAM: an ultrafast, triple-beam CCD camera for high-speed astrophysics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ULTRACAM is a portable, high-speed imaging photometer designed to study faint astronomical objects at high temporal resolutions. ULTRACAM employs two dichroic beamsplitters and three frame-transfer CCD cameras to provide three-colour optical imaging at frame rates of up to 500 Hz. The instrument has been mounted on both the 4.2-m William Herschel Telescope on La Palma and the 8.2-m Very Large Telescope in Chile, and has been used to study white dwarfs, brown dwarfs, pulsars, black hole/neutron star X-ray binaries, gamma-ray bursts, cataclysmic variables, eclipsing binary stars, extrasolar planets, flare stars, ultracompact binaries, active galactic nuclei, asteroseismology and occultations by Solar System objects (Titan, Pluto and Kuiper Belt objects). In this paper we describe the scientific motivation behind ULTRACAM, present an outline of its design and report on its measured performance.  相似文献   

The absolute radiometer for cosmology, astrophysics, and diffuse emission (ARCADE) is a balloon-borne instrument designed to measure the temperature of the cosmic microwave background at centimeter wavelengths. ARCADE searches for deviations from a blackbody spectrum resulting from energy releases in the early universe. Long-wavelength distortions in the CMB spectrum are expected in all viable cosmological models. Detecting these distortions or showing that they do not exist is an important step for understanding the early universe. We describe the ARCADE instrument design, current status, and future plans.  相似文献   

The gamma-ray imager (GRI) is a novel mission concept that will provide an unprecedented sensitivity leap in the soft gamma-ray domain by using for the first time a focusing lens built of Laue diffracting crystals. The lens will cover an energy band from 200–1,300 keV with an effective area reaching 600 cm2. It will be complemented by a single reflection multilayer coated mirror, extending the GRI energy band into the hard X-ray regime, down to ∼10 keV. The concentrated photons will be collected by a position sensitive pixelised CZT stack detector. We estimate continuum sensitivities of better than 10 − 7 ph cm − 2s − 1keV − 1 for a 100 ks exposure; the narrow line sensitivity will be better than 3 × 10 − 6 ph cm − 2s − 1 for the same integration time. As focusing instrument, GRI will have an angular resolution of better than 30 arcsec within a field of view of roughly 5 arcmin—an unprecedented achievement in the gamma-ray domain. Owing to the large focal length of 100 m of the lens and the mirror, the optics and detector will be placed on two separate spacecrafts flying in formation in a high elliptical orbit. R&D work to enable the lens focusing technology and to develop the required focal plane detector is currently underway, financed by ASI, CNES, ESA, and the Spanish Ministery of Education and Science. The GRI mission has been proposed as class M mission for ESAs Cosmic Vision 2015–2025 program. GRI will allow studies of particle acceleration processes and explosion physics in unprecedented detail, providing essential clues on the innermost nature of the most violent and most energetic processes in the universe. All authors are on behalf of a large international collaboration The GRI mission has been proposed as an international collaboration between (in alphabetical order) Belgium (CSR), China (IHEP, Tsinghua Univ.), Denmark (DNSC, Southern Univ.), France (CESR, APC, ILL, CSNSM, IAP, LAM), Germany (MPE), Ireland (UCD School of Physics), Italy (INAF/IASF Rome, Bologna, Milano, Palermo; INAF/OA Brera, Roma; UNIFE, CNR/IMEM), Poland (NCAC), Portugal (Combra Univ., Evora Univ.), Russia (SINP, MSU, Ioffe Inst.), Spain (IEEC-CSIC-IFAE, CNM-IMB), the Netherlands (SRON, Utrecht Univ.), Turkey (Sabanci Univ.), United Kingdom (Univ. of Southampton, MSSL, RAL, Edinburgh Univ.), and the United States of America (SSL UC Berkeley, Argonne National Lab., MSFC, GSFC, US NRL).  相似文献   

This paper analyses two height energy astrophysics missions, MAX and SIMBOL-X, which have been studied in CNES in the frame of a large formation flying study program. It is particularly interesting to notice that the scientific specifications of two different missions lead to the same engineering solutions for the whole mission aspects and then advocate for a similar space segment architecture and re-use of common elements, thus allowing potential cost reductions for a second mission.In deed, the same level of data to download and a similar signal-to-noise ratio requirements leads to the same orbit and communications system, the same level of pointing precision and distance inter satellites lead to the same formation flying Guidance Navigation and Command (GNC) architecture. At the end, the same level of mass and thermal constraints leads to the same range of platform and the same propulsion systems and finally to the same launcher.  相似文献   

The Space Infrared telescope for Cosmology and Astrophysics (SPICA) is planned to be the next space astronomy mission observing in the infrared. The mission is planned to be launched in 2017 and will feature a 3.5 m telescope cooled to <5 K through the use of mechanical coolers. These coolers will also cool the focal plane instruments thus avoiding the use of consumables and giving the mission a long lifetime. SPICA’s large, cold aperture will provide a two order of magnitude sensitivity advantage over current far infrared facilities (>30 microns wavelength). We describe the scientific advances that will be made possible by this large increase in sensitivity and give details of the mission, spacecraft and focal plane conceptual design.
Bruce SwinyardEmail:

The point spread function of a segmented-mirror telescope is severely affected by segment misalignment, which can nullify the performance of adaptive optics systems. The piston and tilt of each segment must be precisely adjusted in relation to the other segments. Furthermore, the direct detection of the alignment error with natural stars would be desirable in order to monitor the errors during astronomical observation.
We have studied the lost information of the piston error caused by the presence of atmospheric turbulence in the measurements of curvature, and present a new algorithm for obtaining the local piston using the curvature sensor. A phase-wrapping effect is shown as responsible for the loss of curvature information and so the piston errors can no longer adequately be mapped; this happens not only in the presence of atmospheric turbulence, but also in its absence.
Good results are obtained using a new iterative method for obtaining the local piston error map. In the presence of atmospheric perturbation, the turbulent phase information obtained from a Shack–Hartmann sensor is introduced in our new iterative method. We propose a hybrid sensor composed of a curvature sensor and a Shack–Hartmann sensor, in order to complete all the information for the phasing. This design takes a short computation time and could be used in real time inside an adaptive optics system, where tilt and piston errors must be corrected.  相似文献   

We present here simulations of extrasolar planets detections obtained using a combination of extreme adaptive optics and integral field spectroscopy. The simulation code, written for IDL, provides images and, in particular, spectra, taking into account realistic Speckle Noise, AO correction effects and specific instrumental features. A detailed study has been done for ESO VLT telescopes (8.2 m), within the Phase A of the CHEOPS project, but the code is particularly flexible and can be updated for larger telescope diameters (ELTs) in order to give a realistic estimate of the detection limits, for giant telescopes, in standard conditions of seeing.  相似文献   

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