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In order to increase the capability to understand and quantify the spatial differences in terrestrial water storage (TWS), and to reflect the unique energy balance processes and soil freeze–thaw mechanisms in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (QTP), this study improved the energy balance processes of the water and energy transfer processes model, including its surface radiation calculations and snowmelt module. By integrating these improvements, a water and energy transfer processes model in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (WEP-QTP) for the Yellow River source region (YRSR) is developed. Using the improved WEP-QTP model to perform simulations, we assessed the daily changes in snow cover, soil moisture (SM), permafrost (PM), and groundwater storage (GWS) in the YRSR. Our analysis revealed an increase in TWS of 0.24 mm/yr from 1961 to 2020. Snow water equivalent (SWE), SM, PM, and GWS have proportional contributions of 8.33%, 216.67%, −154.17%, and 29.17% to the increased TWS, respectively. SM is the primary component of TWS. Temperature (T), precipitation (P), evapotranspiration (E), and solar radiation (Rs) influence the spatiotemporal variations in TWS, as well as those of its components. The increase in P is the primary cause for the rise in TWS, SWE, and SM, while the increase in T predominantly contributes to the decrease in PM. Furthermore, permafrost degradation and climate-induced warming and humidification lead to increased infiltration, resulting in elevated GWS.  相似文献   

GRACE(Gravity Recovery And Climate Experiment)卫星计划为监测陆地水储量变化提供了有效技术手段.本文采用2003至2010年共计8年的GRACE月重力场模型反演中国西南区域陆地水储量变化,与GLDAS(Global Land Data Assimilation System)全球水文模型进行对比分析,其结果在时空分布上均符合较好,同时在2009年秋至2010年春该区域陆地水储量均呈现明显减少,与该时段云贵川三省的干旱事件相一致;比较分析了2009年秋至2010年春GRACE反演陆地水储量变化与TRMM(Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission)合成数据计算的月降雨量的时空分布,两组结果均与西南干旱事件对应时段与区域十分吻合;对近8年的陆地水储量变化与月降雨量数据进行相关性分析,其结果表明陆地水储量变化与降雨量强相关,即降雨量是导致陆地水储量变化的主要因素;分析该区域地表温度变化,结果显示2009年9月至2010年3月地表温度均比历史同期高,地表温度的升高加剧了陆地水储量的减少.  相似文献   

In this study, the spatial and temporal variabilities of terrestrial water storage anomaly (TWSA) and snow water equivalent anomaly (SWEA) information obtained from the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) twin satellites data were analysed in conjunction with multisource snow products over several basins in the Canadian landmass. Snow water equivalent (SWE) data were extracted from three different sources: Global Snow Monitoring for Climate Research version 2 (GlobSnow2), Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer-Earth Observing System (AMSR-E), and Canadian Meteorological Centre (CMC). The objective of the study was to understand whether SWE variations have a significant contribution to terrestrial water storage anomalies in the Canadian landmass. The period was considered from December 2002 to March 2011. Significant relationships were observed between TWSA and SWEA for most of the 15 basins considered (53% to 80% of the basins, depending on the SWE products considered). The best results were obtained with the CMC SWE products compared with satellite-based SWE data. Stronger relationships were found in snow-dominated basins (Rs > = 0.7), such as the Liard [root mean square error (RMSE) = 21.4 mm] and Peace Basins (RMSE = 26.76 mm). However, despite high snow accumulation in the north of Quebec, GRACE showed weak or insignificant correlations with SWEA, regardless of the data sources. The same behaviour was observed in the Western Hudson Bay basin. In both regions, it was found that the contribution of non-SWE compartments including wetland, surface water, as well as soil water storages has a significant impact on the variations of total storage. These components were estimated using the Water-Global Assessment and Prognosis Global Hydrology Model (WGHM) simulations and then subtracted from GRACE observations. The GRACE-derived SWEA correlation results showed improved relationships with three SWEA products. The improvement is particularly important in the sub-basins of the Hudson Bay, where very weak and insignificant results were previously found with GRACE TWSA data. GRACE-derived SWEA showed a significant relationship with CMC data in 93% of the basins (13% more than GRACE TWSA). Overall, the results indicated the important role of SWE on terrestrial water storage variations.  相似文献   


The combined analysis of precipitation and water scarcity was done with the use of the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) and the Standardized Runoff Index (SRI), developed as a monthly, two-variable SPI-SRI indicator to identify different classes of hydrometeorological conditions. Stochastic analysis of a long-term time series (1966–2005) of monthly SPI-SRI indicator values was performed using a first-order Markov chain model. This provided characteristics of regional features of drought formation, evolution and persistence, as well as tools for statistical long-term drought hazard prediction. The study was carried out on two subbasins of the Odra River (Poland) of different orography and land use: the mountainous Nysa K?odzka basin and the lowland, agricultural Prosna basin. Classification obtained with the SPI-SRI indicator was compared with the output from the NIZOWKA model that provided identification of hydrological drought events including drought duration and deficit volume. Severe and long-duration droughts corresponded to SPI-SRI Class 3 (dry meteorological and dry hydrological), while severe but short-term droughts (lasting less than 30 days) corresponded to SPI-SRI Class 4 (wet meteorological and dry hydrological). The results confirm that, in Poland, meteorologically dry conditions often shift to hydrologically dry conditions within the same month, droughts rarely last longer than 2 months and two separate drought events can be observed within the same year.  相似文献   


局部Slepian函数是将局部区域内的地球物理信号转化为空间谱的一种方法,其可以保证在球面上局部范围内获得最优谱平滑解,非常适用于局部范围地球物理信号的研究.本文利用中国陆态网西南地区72个测站的连续GPS观测资料分析川云渝地区陆地水负荷形变特征,并基于Slepian函数方法解算60阶的空间谱基函数,结合弹性质量负荷理论研究了川云渝地区2011年至2015年陆地水储量变化的时空分布模式.针对Slepian函数的边界效应问题,本文使用GLDAS格网数据计算得到站点处垂直负荷位移时间序列,然后利用该位移数据来进行水储量变化恢复实验,结果表明当边界扩充为3°时能较好地恢复GLDAS模型输出的陆地水储量变化.通过对比区域内GPS、GRACE、GLDAS得到的等效水高以及降雨数据,发现季节性降水是陆地水变化的一个重要驱动因子,GPS反演结果与GRACE和GLDAS数据具有较强的空间一致性.云南地区周年变化要强于川渝地区,其中云南西部的山区陆地水变化最大,约为30 cm,最小为川北以及重庆地区仅为7 cm.相较于GPS反演结果,GRACE与GLDAS明显低估了陆地水储量的季节性变化,分别达到24%和47%.比较分析地区内平均等效水高时间序列的相位发现,GPS得到的陆地水变化与降雨数据一致性较好,而GRACE与GLDAS存在一到两个月左右的时延.同时GPS能较好的探测出2015年1月左右南方地区大范围的强降水,而GRACE与GLDAS并没有体现出该现象,说明GPS能更为灵敏地探测到局部地区陆地水的变化.在站点等效水高时间序列上,GPS与GRACE的相关性总体上要优于GPS与GLDAS,陆地水周年变化较大的云南和四川西部地区站点三种数据间相关性较好,而其他季节性信号不明显的地区则相关性较差.本文的研究表明运用GPS-Slepian方法能够独立地监测高时空分辨率的陆地水储量变化,是作为当前补充GRACE观测资料空缺期的有益尝试.


Soil moisture is a consideration for soil conservation, agricultural production and climate modelling. This article presents a simple method for estimating soil moisture storage under water stress and storage depletion conditions. The method is driven by the common agro‐hydrologic variables of precipitation (PPT), irrigation (IRR) and evapotranspiration (ET). The proposed method is successfully tested for the 152 000 km2 floodplain region of Hai River Basin using 48 consecutive months (2003–2006) of data. Soil moisture data from global land data assimilation system/Noah land surface model are validated with ground‐truth data from 102 soil moisture monitoring sites. The validated soil moisture is used in combination with in situ groundwater data to quantify total water storage change (TWSC) in the region. The estimated storage change is in turn compared with gravity recovery and climate experiment‐derived TWSC for the study area. The soil moisture and TWSC terms show favourable agreements, with discrepancies of < 10% on the average. While there is no consistent seasonal trend in soil moisture, TWSC shows a strong seasonality. It is low in spring and high in summer. This trend corresponds with the IRR–PPT season in the study area. Change in groundwater and total water storage indicates storage depletion in the basin. Storage depletion in the region is driven mainly by groundwater IRR and ET loss. Despite the low PPT and high ET, there is narrowing seasonal trend in soil moisture. This is achieved at the expense of groundwater storage. IRR pumping has induced extensive groundwater depletion in the basin. It is therefore vital to develop cultivation strategies that aim at limiting IRR pumping and ET loss. Water management practices that not only reduce waste but also ensure high productivity and ecological sustainability could also mitigate storage depletion in the region. These measures could reduce further not only the seasonal trend in soil moisture but also that in groundwater storage. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Climate extremes, in particular droughts, are significant driving forces towards riverine ecosystem disturbance. Drought impacts on stream ecosystems include losses that can be either direct (e.g., destruction of habitat for aquatic species) or indirect (e.g., deterioration of water quality, soil quality, and increased chance of wildfires). This paper combines hydrologic drought and water quality changes during droughts and represents a multistage framework to detect and characterize hydrological droughts while considering water quality parameters. This method is applied to 52 streamflow stations in the state of California, USA, over the study period of 1950–2010. The framework is assessed and validated based on two drought events declared by the state in 2002 and 2008. Results show that there are two opposite drought propagation patterns in northern and southern California. In general, northern California indicates more frequent droughts with shorter time to recover. Chronology of drought shows that stations located in southern California have not followed a specific pattern but they experienced longer drought episodes with prolonged drought recovery. When considering water quality, results show that droughts either deteriorate or enhance water systems, depending on the parameter of interest. Undesirable changes (e.g., increased temperature and decreased dissolved oxygen) are observed during droughts. In contrast, decreased turbidity is detected in rivers during drought episodes, which is desirable in water systems. Nevertheless, water quality deteriorates during drought recovery, even after drought termination. Depending on climatic and streamflow characteristics of the watersheds, it was found that it would take nearly 2 months on average for water quality to recover after drought termination.  相似文献   

Climate change, combined with industrial growth and increasing demand, could result in serious future water shortages and related water quality and temperature issues, especially for upland and humid areas. The extreme 2018 drought that prevailed throughout Europe provided an opportunity to investigate conditions likely to become more frequent in the future. For an upland rural catchment utilised by the distilling industry in North-East Scotland, a tracer-based survey combined discharge, electrical conductivity, stable water isotopes and temperature measurements to understand the impacts of drought on dominant stream water and industry water sources, both in terms of water quantity and quality (temperature). Results showed that water types (groundwater, ephemeral stream water, perennial stream water and water from small dams) were spatially distinct and varied more in space than time. With regards to the drought conditions we found that streams were largely maintained by groundwater during low flows. This also buffered stream water temperatures. Water types with high young water fractions were less resilient, resulting in streams with an ephemeral nature. Although our results demonstrated the importance of groundwater for drought resilience, water balance data revealed these storage reserves were being depleted and only recovered towards the end of the following year because of above average rainfall in 2019. Increased storage depletion under continued trends of extreme drought and water abstraction could be addressed via informed (nature based) management strategies which focus on increasing recharge. This may improve resilience to droughts as well as floods, but site specific testing and modelling are required to understand their potential. Results could have implications for management of water volumes and temperature, particularly for the sustainability of an historic industry, balancing requirements of rural communities and the environment.  相似文献   


在无真实观测值的情况下,本文利用广义三角帽方法评估了五种GRACE时变重力场模型(CSR、GFZ、GRGS、HUST发布的球谐系数解和JPL发布的Mascon解)反演中国大陆地区2003-2013年水储量变化的不确定性.研究结果表明,CSR、GFZ、JPL、HUST和GRGS反演月水储量变化不确定性的区域平均RMS分别为14.4 mm、26.3 mm、25.3 mm、26.6 mm和56.1 mm,其中GRGS的结果未恢复泄漏信号;在季和年尺度上,模型的不确定性均小于月尺度;扣除周期和趋势信号后,各模型反演结果更为一致.除长江流域外,CSR在13个流域的不确定性均小于其他模型,GRGS反演各流域水储量变化的不确定性通常较大,且可能高估了温带大陆性气候地区水储量的波动;CSR和JPL的不确定性受流域周边水文特征、气候类型、流域面积和形状的影响相对较小,不确定性变化范围分别为2.3~17.1 mm和5.6~22.5 mm,GFZ和HUST受影响较大,不确定性变化范围分别为5.5~35.1 mm和4.0~40.6 mm.本文的研究结果为GRACE产品不确定性评估提供了新的途径,为GRACE时变重力场模型的选取提供参考.



Techniques are proposed for developing a monthly and weekly drought outlook and the drought outlook components are evaluated. A drought index, the surface water supply index (SWSI) was modified and used for the drought outlook. A water balance model (abcd) was successfully calibrated using a regional regression, including monthly and weekly factors, and was used to convert meteorology to hydrology. For the monthly drought outlook, an ensemble technique was applied, both with and without monthly industrial meteorology information (MIMI). For the weekly drought outlook, a deterministic forecasting technique was applied employing the Global Data Assimilation and Prediction System (GDAPS). The methodologies were applied to the Geum River basin in Korea. While only the weekly outlook using the GDAPS has sufficient forecasting capability to suggest it might be useful, the accuracy of the monthly drought outlook is expected to improve as the climate forecast accuracy increases.

Editor Z.W. Kundzewicz; Associate editor D. Hughes

Citation Kim, Y.-O., Lee, J.-K., and Palmer, R.N., 2012. A drought outlook study in Korea. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 57 (6), 1141–1153.  相似文献   

Our work analyses the intra‐annual variability of the volume of water stored in 15 forested headwater catchments from south‐central Chile, aiming at understanding how forest management, hydrology, and climate influence the dynamic components of catchment storage. Thus, we address the following questions: (a) How does the annual water storage vary in catchments located in diverse hydroclimatic conditions and subject to variable forest management? (b) Which natural (i.e., hydrologic regime and physiographic setting) and anthropogenic factors explain the variance in water storage? Results show that the annual catchment storage increases at the beginning of each hydrological year in direct response to increases in rainfall. The maximum water storage ranges from 666 to 1,272 mm in these catchments. The catchments with Pinus or Eucalyptus spp. cover store less water than the catchments with mixed forest species cover. Forest cover (biomass volume, plantation density, and percentage of plantation and age) has the primary control on dynamic storage in all catchments. These results indicate that forest management may alter the catchment water storage.  相似文献   

给水管线震害预测方法及实例分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据地下管线抗震计算理论,对给水管线震害做出预测,为城市给水管网规划,对已建管网的改建加固,制定防灾措施提供依据。  相似文献   


Ten notable meteorological drought indices were compared on tracking the effect of drought on streamflow. A 730-month dataset of precipitation, temperature and evapotranspiration for 88 catchments in Oregon, USA, representing pristine conditions, was used to compute the drought indices. These indices were correlated with the monthly streamflow datasets of the minimum, maximum and mean discharge, and the discharge monthly fluctuation; it was revealed that the 3-month Z-score drought index (Z3) has the best association with the four streamflow variables. The Mann-Kendall trend detection test applied to the latter index time series mainly highlighted a downward trend in the autumn and winter drought magnitude (DM) and an upward trend in the spring and summer DM (p = 0.05). Finally, the Pettitt test indicated an abrupt decline in the annual and autumn DM, which began in 1984 and 1986, respectively.  相似文献   


连续运行的GNSS参考站网络能够实时监测地表水文负荷变迁引起的弹性地壳垂直变形.因此,利用GNSS观测的水文负荷垂直位移估计区域陆地水储量变化是一种行之有效的方案.本文收集了长江流域98个GNSS台站2011—2020年的垂直位移时间序列,并采用Slepian基函数方法将其转化为相应的位移谱,基于质量负荷理论估算长江流域陆地水储量变化,然后联合GRACE、GLDAS和降水数据分析其时空分布特征及水文驱动机制.GNSS反演结果与GRACE、GLDAS水储量变化均表现出明显的季节特征,周年振幅的空间相关系数分别为0.79和0.91.三种结果均表现出年水储量变化东西部大、中部小的空间模式,但GNSS反演结果显示整个长江流域水储量变化的最大周年振幅为~214 mm,明显大于GRACE (~121 mm)和GLDAS (~107 mm)的结果.此外,本文深入调查了长江流域三个子区域(金沙江流域、传统上游及长江中下游)水储量变化的空间格局与时序特征,发现基于三个数据集的水储量变化周年振幅在金沙江流域均呈现出西南向东北递减的趋势,且GNSS与GRACE结果显示长江中下游水储量变化较为显著.GNSS时序结果与GRACE、GLDAS及降水数据在三个子区域的时间相关系数均在0.48~0.84之间,其中金沙江流域GNSS与GLDAS相关系数达到了0.84.研究同时发现GNSS结果与降水存在非规律性的时滞关系:在金沙江流域与传统上游,GNSS结果出现峰值时刻较降水滞后2月,而在长江中下游几乎没有时延现象. 利用长江中下游GNSS结果估算的水储量盈亏情况与历史极端水文事件有较好的对应,表明利用稀疏GNSS台站网络可以有效捕捉流域尺度极端水文情况,能够为研究区域尺度水储量时空变化提供新的解决方案.



GRACE重力卫星于2017年6月结束,GRACE-Follow On (GRACE-FO)任务于2018年5月启动,导致了约一年的数据缺失.为了研究长时间序列陆地水储量的变化情况,需要重建这两代重力卫星之间的数据.本文基于多层感知机的神经网络模型,通过将GLDAS、CPC土壤湿度、土壤温度、蒸散量以及降水量等数据作为输入参数,GRACE等效水高作为输出参数来训练神经网络,以黄河流域为研究区域,得到缺失等效水高.通过分析黄河流域等效水高时间序列,得出在2002-2020年间研究区域水储量整体上呈现以-0.51±0.03 cm·a-1速率减少的趋势.GRACE反演的等效水高相对于降水、蒸散量以及土壤温度滞后时间达2~3个月.通过小波分析验证了GRACE与GLDAS、CPC计算的等效水高具有较强的相关性,且均具有明显的周年共振周期.



利用GPS垂直位移反演区域陆地水储量变化(TWSC)属于典型的病态问题,其关键是如何进行稳定求解并提高反演结果的精度和可靠性.本文引入TSVD-Tikhonov组合正则化方法对利用GPS垂直位移反演区域TWSC的病态问题进行求解,并以四川省TWSC反演为例进行分析与验证.首先,通过数值模拟对TSVD、Tikhonov和TSVD-Tikhonov正则化方法采用不同正则化参数选取策略(RMSE最小准则、GCV法和L-curve法)进行反演,结果显示基于TSVD-Tikhonov正则化反演的TWSC比单独使用TSVD或Tikhonov正则化反演结果的精度和可靠性更高,这三种正则化方法反演2005年1月至12月的TWSC差值的平均STD分别为14.97 mm、7.03 mm和5.04 mm.其次,利用中国地壳运动观测网络(CMONOC)的72个GPS测站的垂直位移数据,基于TSVD-Tikhonov正则化反演了四川省2010年12月至2021年2月的TWSC时间序列,结果表明GPS反演的TWSC与GRACE/GFO Mascon模型(JPL、CSR和GSFC)的空间分布特征及季节性变化符合较好,但其TWSC信号的振幅比GRACE/GFO Mascon模型更强.最后,采用广义三角帽方法(GTCH)融合不同类型的降水、蒸散发和径流数据,并根据水量平衡方程计算的dTWSC/dt序列(PER-dS/dt)对GPS反演的dTWSC/dt序列(GPS-dS/dt)和GRACE/GFO Mascon模型融合的dTWSC/dt序列(GRACE/GFO-dS/dt)进行验证,结果表明这三类dTWSC/dt序列的季节性变化符合较好,平滑后GPS-dS/dt和GRACE/GFO-dS/dt序列与PER-dS/dt序列的相关系数分别为0.78和0.87,但GPS相比GRACE/GFO对降水变化的响应更为敏感.本文研究证明了TSVD-Tikhonov组合正则化方法能够提高GPS垂直位移反演区域TWSC的精度和可靠性,同时也表明GPS观测数据对局部水质量负荷变化更为敏感,可作为GRACE/GFO反演区域TWSC的有益补充.


Peat specific yield (SY) is an important parameter involved in many peatland hydrological functions such as flood attenuation, baseflow contribution to rivers, and maintaining groundwater levels in surficial aquifers. However, general knowledge on peatland water storage capacity is still very limited, due in part to the technical difficulties related to in situ measurements. The objectives of this study were to quantify vertical SY variations of water tables in peatlands using the water table fluctuation (WTF) method and to better understand the factors controlling peatland water storage capacity. The method was tested in five ombrotrophic peatlands located in the St. Lawrence Lowlands (southern Québec, Canada). In each peatland, water table wells were installed at three locations (up‐gradient, mid‐gradient, and down‐gradient). Near each well, a 1‐m long peat core (8 cm × 8 cm) was sampled, and subsamples were used to determine SY with standard gravitational drainage method. A larger peat sample (25 cm × 60 cm × 40 cm) was also collected in one peatland to estimate SY using a laboratory drainage method. In all sites, the mean water table depth ranged from 9 to 49 cm below the peat surface, with annual fluctuations varying between 15 and 29 cm for all locations. The WTF method produced similar results to the gravitational drainage experiments, with values ranging between 0.13 and 0.99 for the WTF method and between 0.01 and 0.95 for the gravitational drainage experiments. SY was found to rapidly decrease with depth within 20 cm, independently of the within‐site location and the mean annual water table depth. Dominant factors explaining SY variations were identified using analysis of variance. The most important factor was peatland site, followed by peat depth and seasonality. Variations in storage capacity considering site and seasonality followed regional effective growing degree days and evapotranspiration patterns. This work provides new data on spatial variations of peatland water storage capacity using an easily implemented method that requires only water table measurements and precipitation data.  相似文献   

章阳  张润润  马苗苗  布庆月 《湖泊科学》2024,36(4):1204-1219
流域内地表水、土壤水和地下水等水储量组分相互作用和影响,共同构成了陆地水储量(TWS)的动态变化格局。本文以GRACE卫星数据为基准,利用GLDAS数据解析1960-2019年鄱阳湖“五河”流域TWS的时空变化特征及各组分对其变化的贡献,采用相关分析方法分析TWS对降水的滞后响应关系,并进一步采用多元线性回归分析方法探究了“五河”流域TWS及各组分对鄱阳湖主湖区水量的影响。结果表明:“五河”流域年TWS在1960-2011年(P1)以-0.07 mm/a的下降,而在2012-2019年(P2)以3.37 mm/a的速率上升。相较于P1阶段,P2阶段春、夏季TWS盈余增强,秋、冬季TWS亏损减弱。春、夏季流域西部TWS变化逐渐由地表水转变为地下水储量主导,流域东部TWS变化主要由地下水储量主导;秋、冬季流域TWS变化主要为地下水储量主导,且地表水对TWS变化的贡献减弱。流域TWS对降水变化的响应滞时呈现夏、秋季短(1个月)而冬、春季长(3~6个月)的季节模式。地下水储量和土壤水对TWS变化的贡献增加会延长TWS对降水的响应滞时,而地表水对响应滞时起相反的作用。“五河”流域TWS与鄱阳湖主湖区水量具有显著的正相关性,地表水和地下水储量增加对湖区水体的增长具有正向作用,而土壤水增加对湖区水体的增长具有反向作用。本研究解析了近六十年鄱阳湖“五河”流域陆地水储量的变化及其对主湖区水量的影响,可为流域水安全管理提供参考。  相似文献   

Near real-time monitoring of hydrological drought requires the implementation of an index capable of capturing the dynamic nature of the phenomenon. Starting from a dataset of modelled daily streamflow data, a low-flow index was developed based on the total water deficit of the discharge values below a certain threshold. In order to account for a range of hydrological regimes, a daily 95th percentile threshold was adopted, which was computed by means of a 31-day moving window. The observed historical total water deficits were statistically fitted by means of the exponential distribution and the corresponding probability values were used as a measure of hydrological drought severity. This approach has the advantage that it directly exploits daily streamflow values, as well as allowing a near real-time update of the index at regular time steps (i.e. 10 days, or dekad). The proposed approach was implemented on discharge data simulated by the LISFLOOD model over Europe during the period 1995–2015; its reliability was tested on four case studies found within the European drought reference database, as well as against the most recent summer drought observed in Central Europe in 2015. These validations, even if only qualitative, highlighted the ability of the index to capture the timing (starting date and duration) of the main historical hydrological drought events, and its good performance in comparison with the commonly used standardized runoff index (SRI). Additionally, the spatial evolution of the most recent event was captured well in a simulated near real-time test case, suggesting the suitability of the index for operational implementation within the European Drought Observatory.  相似文献   

近年来极端气候事件的频发对全球和区域性水循环产生了重大影响,特别是2005—2017年间两次强ENSO(El Nino-Southern Oscillation)事件使得全球陆地水储量出现了较大的年际波动.GRACE(Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment)重力卫星随着数据质量的提高、后处理方法的完善和超过十年的连续观测,捕捉陆地水储量异常的能力明显提高,这为研究2005—2017年间两次强ENSO事件对中国区域陆地水储量变化的影响提供了观测基础.本文综合利用GRACE卫星重力数据、GLDAS水文模型和实测降水资料分析了中国区域陆地水储量年际变化和与ENSO的关系.研究发现:长江流域中、下游地区和东南诸河流域与ENSO存在较高的相关性,与ENSO的相关系数最大值分别为0.55、0.78、0.70,较ENSO分别滞后约7个月、5个月和5个月.其中长江流域下游地区与ENSO的相关性最强,2010/11 La Nina和2015/16 El Nino两次强ENSO事件使得陆地水储量分别发生了约-24.1亿吨和27.9亿吨的波动.在2010/11 La Nina期间,长江流域下游地区和东南诸河流域陆地水储量异常约在2011年4—5月达到谷值,而长江流域中游地区晚1~2月达到谷值.在2015/16 El Nino期间,长江流域中、下游地区和东南诸河流域陆地水储量从2015年9月到2016年7月持续出现正异常信号.其中,2015年秋冬季(2015年9月至2016年1月)陆地水储量异常明显是受此次El Nino同期影响的结果;2016年春季(4—5月)陆地水异常是受到此次厄尔尼诺峰值的滞后影响所致;2016年7月的陆地水储量异常则与西北太平洋存在的异常反气旋环流有关.  相似文献   

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