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A random walk model has been used for simulation of concentration patterns in complex terrain. For simplicity the problem has been treated only for line sources and two-dimensional topography. Results have been compared with wind-tunnel experiments, with a qualitatively good agreement. Although there are no difficulties from a technical point of view in applying random walk methods to complex terrain, some problems regarding the physical aspect of turbulent diffusion in inhomogenous flows still have to be considered more carefully.  相似文献   

A two dimensional model of the seeder-feeder mechanism of orographic rainfall enhancement has been developed. The model has been extended to include the deposition of aerosol material incorporated into the orographic feeder cloud by nucleation scavenging. Parameterizations of any changes in the concentration of SO42− in the cloud due to chemical reactions have also been included. The model is used to predict the rainfall enhancement and SO42− deposition over terrain consisting of two parallel ridges oriented perpendicular to the wind. A wide range of spatial scales has been used of up to 150 km. It is found that the patterns of rainfall enhancement and deposition are strongly dependent on the spatial scales, the atmospheric structure and the cloud chemistry.  相似文献   

基于大同盆地地形和气象站数据对山区复杂地形下的近地面风场特征进行分析,发现大同盆地内特殊的地形构造所形成的气流通道对其主导风向存在明显影响.在不开展实地气象观测、仅引用周边气象站数据的条件下,CALPUFF模拟的电厂处西南、东北风向风频分别为40.5%、14.9%,AERMOD模拟的电厂处西南、东北风向风频分别为19....  相似文献   

A numerical model was developed to simulate gaseous diffusion in complicated terrain. This model calculates the air flow as a potential flow by the Boundary Element Method, and gaseous diffusion by an analytical Gaussian equation in the potential flow. Plume spreads σy and σz are modified by multiregression equations derived from wind tunnel experiments, and the terrain height is elongated depending on the atmospheric stability.First, tracer data from Cinder Cone Butte in the U.S. measured by the U.S.-EPA were predicted by the model in order to examine the prediction accuracy under stable conditions. The averaged ratio of the observed concentration to predicted concentration for 12 runs was better than a factor of 10. Next, tracer data from the Geysers area in the U.S. measured by the U.S.-DOE were used to examine the prediction accuracy under neutral conditions. The ratio of the observed concentration to predicted concentration for two runs under neutral conditions was better than factor of two at most locations, but prediction capability is poor in blocked or separated flow conditions.  相似文献   

针对复杂地形条件下化工行业气体泄漏的污染扩散难以预测的问题,基于传统大气扩散的高斯烟羽模型结合空间插值对原有算法进行了改进。以研究区的数字高程模型(DEM)数据为基础,采用C#语言和ArcGIS Engine作为开发工具实现了复杂地形条件下的污染扩散模拟的可视化表达。通过分析不同参数条件下的大气扩散影响,发现地形起伏明显影响地表气体扩散浓度值。相较于传统研究方法,此模拟结果更符合实际大气扩散规律。  相似文献   

A data set for studying transport and dispersion in complex terrain was collected at the Westvaco Corporation's Luke Mill, located in the Potomac River valley in western Maryland. Meteorological analyses indicate very strong channeling of winds and the presence of strong inversions and wind shears in a shallow layer at the height of the surrounding mountaintops (300 m above the valley floor). Wind velocities observed near the valley floor are unrepresentative of wind velocities at plume height. Observed turbulence intensities at plume height are about twice as large as those observed over flat terrain. Standard stability classification schemes generally underestimate plume dispersion at this site. When high 3-h and 24-h average SO2 concentrations are observed, winds are usually light and an inversion is present. These instances of relatively high concentrations are often associated with periods when the wind shifts direction 180° from up-valley to down-valley or vice versa, and the nearly stagnant polluted air mass blows against the mountainsides.A dispersion model was developed that is Gaussian in form but uses observed meteorological data to the maximum extent possible. For example, observed turbulence intensities at plume height are used to estimate dispersion. Plume impaction on terrain is calculated if the plume height is below a critical height dependent on the Hill Froude number. Evaluation of the model with the full 2-y data set shows that it can estimate the second highest 3-h and 24-h average concentrations (of regulatory significance) with a mean bias of less than 7%.  相似文献   

A numerical model of atmospheric transport, diffusion and deposition has been developed for pollutants which are emitted into atmospheric boundary layer with upper boundary condition at the inversion layer and lower boundary condition at the surface. The numerical schemes used in the model are derived from the use of finite Fourier transform. However, instead of using FFT, alternate pseudospectral schemes for evaluations of space derivative terms in the model equation with the settling velocity are presented.The model involves the evaluation of a polynomial function for non-periodic boundary conditions in order to apply the alternate pseudospectral schemes to the periodic function. The numerical results were discussed for different profiles of vertical eddy diffusivity and for different absorptive deposition conditions at the ground.  相似文献   

Equations expressing the spatial moments of solute concentration distributions simulated by various models, in terms of model parameters, have recently been presented. Using independently obtained parameter values, these equations are used to compare simulations of physical non-equilibrium models with spatial moment data collected in a large-scale natural gradient experiment on solute transport. The physical nonequilibrium models examined postulate the existence of layered zones of immobile water through which solute is transported by a diffusion mechanism. It is found that the qualitative aspects of the measured moment behavior are simulated by the physical nonequilibrium models if the independently obtained parameters are modified somewhat on the basis of reasonable corrective assumptions. It is further demonstrated that the physical nonequilibrium models, using parameter values obtained from spatial data, can qualitatively simulate temporal behavior at individual well points in this relatively homogeneous aquifer.  相似文献   

A steady-state two-dimensional diffusion model suitable for predicting ambient air pollutant concentrations averaged over a long time period (e.g., month, season or year) and resulting from the transport of pollutants for distances greater than about 100 km from the source is described. Analytical solutions are derived for the primary pollutant emitted from a point source and for secondary pollutant formed from it. Depletion effects, whether due to wet or dry deposition or chemical conversion to another species, are accounted for in these models as first order processes. Thus, solutions for multiple point sources may be superimposed.In this model the time-averaging of the random trajectories of pollutant-contaminated air parcels is represented by horizontal diffusion in a steady, two-dimensional flow field of the time-averaged wind. The resulting concentration isopleths for a point source show significant dispersion both upwind and cross wind of the source with respect to the mean wind field.The analytical theory for the dispersion of a primary pollutant is compared with the numerical predictions of a plume trajectory model for the case of steady emission from a point source. Good overall agreement between the two models is achieved whether or not depletion by wet and dry deposition is included.The theory for the dispersion of a secondary pollutant is compared with measurements of the annual average sulfate concentration in the U.S. Calculations are carried out using SO2 emissions from electric power plants in the United States as a source inventory. Using optimum values of the dispersion parameters, the correlation coefficient of observed and calculated ambient concentrations is 0.87 for the eastern United States and 0.69 for the western region. The optimum dispersion parameters used are comparable to values quoted in the literature.The horizontal length scale characterizing the sulphate concentration distribution from a single source is about 500 km, being noticeably larger than that characterizing the primary (sulfur dioxide) distribution. Using optimum dispersion parameters, a point source of 33 kg s−1 of sulfur dioxide would give rise to a maximum annual average sulfate concentration of 1 μ m−3.A calculation of annual average SO2 concentrations in the United States is carried out using previously derived optimal values of the parameters from the sulfate calculation. The resulting isopleths are similar to measured values in the eastern U.S.  相似文献   

An analytical solution is derived for the linear transport-diffusion equation with boundary conditions appropriate to an electrostatic precipitator. The dependence of precipitator performance on along flow diffusion is shown to be minimal. Accordingly a second solution is developed, taking this factor to be zero, which is found to encapsulate the results of the earlier model. The latter solution provides a suitable basis for a piecewise analytic model which permits account to be taken of changes in the governing variables, with distance through the precipitator.The analytical solutions are used to explore the dependence of precipitator performance on geometry, flow properties and particle migration velocity. It is found to be possible to express this concisely in terms of dimensionless groups.The results illustrate the sensitivity of precipitator performance to lateral diffusivity and hence the importance of correctly representing this factor in mathematical models and the potential benefit flowing from practical designs which minimize turbulence.  相似文献   

CALPUFF is an atmospheric source-receptor model recommended by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for use on a case-by-case basis in complex terrain and wind conditions. The ability of the model to provide useful information for exposure assessments in areas with those topographical and meteorological conditions has received little attention. This is an important knowledge gap for use of CALPUFF outside of regulatory applications, such as exposure analyses conducted in support of risk assessments and health studies. We compared deposition of cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb), and zinc (Zn) calculated with CALPUFF as a result of emissions from a zinc smelter with corresponding concentrations of the metals measured in attic dust and soil samples obtained from the surrounding area. On a point-by-point analysis, predictions from CALPUFF explained 11% (lead) to 53% (zinc) of the variability in concentrations measured in attic dust. Levels of heavy metals in soil interpolated to 100 residential addresses from the distribution of concentrations measured in soil samples also agreed well with deposition predicted with CALPUFF: R2 of 0.46, 0.76, and 079 for Pb, Cd, and Zn, respectively. Community-average concentrations of Cd, Pb, and Zn measured in soil were significantly (p < 0.0001) and strongly correlated (R2 ranged from 0.77 to 0.98) with predicted deposition rates. These findings demonstrate that CALPUFF can provide reasonably accurate predictions of the patterns of long-term air pollutant deposition in the near-field associated with emissions from a discrete source in complex terrain. Because deposition estimates are calculated as a linear function of air concentrations, CALPUFF is expected to be reliable model for prediction of long-term average, near-field ambient air concentrations in complex terrain as well.  相似文献   

This study proposes a modified scheme for surface wind interpolation respective to stable atmospheres. A potential flow concept is applied to the simple 1/r2 interpolation to handle direct terrain effects. A procedure is designed to pretreat digital terrain data. Numerical tests are made for the Hong Kong area with a diagnostic wind field model to compare the influences of the modified interpolation. The effects of the adjustment factor α in the diagnostic model are also discussed.  相似文献   

A contaminant transport model was developed to simulate the fate and transport of organic compounds such as TNT (2,4,6-trinitrotoluene), using the single-root system. Onions were planted for this system with 50-ml plastic tubes. Mass in the soil, soil solution, root and leaf was monitored using 14C-TNT. Model parameters were acquired from the experiments in the single-root system and were used to simulate total TNT concentration in soil, providing the average concentrations in the rhizosphere and bulk soil as well as root and leaf compartments. Because the existing RCF (root concentration factor) and TSCF (transpiration stream concentration factor) equations based on logKow (octanol-water partition coefficient) were not correlated to TNT uptake, a new term, root uptake rate (Rur), and a new Tscf equation, based on the experimental data, were introduced in the proposed model. The results from both modeling and experimental studies showed higher concentrations of TNT in the rhizosphere than in the bulk soil, because mass transported from the surrounding soil into the rhizosphere was higher than that by root uptake.  相似文献   

Diffusion anisotropy is a critical property in predicting migration of substances in sedimentary formations with very low permeability. The diffusion anisotropy of sedimentary rocks has been evaluated mainly from laboratory diffusion experiments, in which the directional diffusivities are separately estimated by through-diffusion experiments using different rock samples, or concurrently by in-diffusion experiments in which only the tracer profile in a rock block is measured. To estimate the diffusion anisotropy from a single rock sample, this study proposes an axisymmetric diffusion test, in which tracer diffuses between a cylindrical rock sample and a surrounding solution reservoir. The tracer diffusion between the sample and reservoir can be monitored from the reservoir tracer concentrations, and the tracer profile could also be obtained after dismantling the sample. Semi-analytical solutions are derived for tracer concentrations in both the reservoir and sample, accounting for an anisotropic diffusion tensor of rank two as well as the dilution effects from sampling and replacement of reservoir solution. The transient and steady-state analyses were examined experimentally and numerically for different experimental configurations, but without the need for tracer profiling. These experimental configurations are tested for in- and out-diffusion experiments using Koetoi and Wakkanai mudstones and Shirahama sandstone, and are scrutinized by a numerical approach to identify favorable conditions for parameter estimation. The analysis reveals the difficulty in estimating diffusion anisotropy; test configurations are proposed for enhanced identifiability of diffusion anisotropy. Moreover, it is demonstrated that the axisymmetric diffusion test is efficient in obtaining the sorption parameter from both steady-state and transient data, and in determining the effective diffusion coefficient if isotropic diffusion is assumed. Moreover, measuring reservoir concentrations in an axisymmetric diffusion experiment coupled with tracer profiling may be a promising approach to estimate of diffusion anisotropy of sedimentary rocks.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to evaluate the ability of the TVA quasi-steady model (QSM) to simulate plume dispersion over high terrain. QSM is a time-dependent, plume-segment model. The modeling results are compared with measured data obtained from a field study conducted at the Tennessee Valley Authority's (TVA) Widows Creek Steam Plant. Also, the results obtained using a steady-state Gaussian model are compared to give an indication of the advantages of a time-dependent method compared to a steady-state method.Although the results from both models agree well with the measured values, QSM, which provides better temporal and spatial resolution, more successfully modeled inversion-breakup and plume-impingement conditions.  相似文献   

One of the most prominent of characteristics of the western United States that affects its meteorology is the complexity of its mountainous terrain. The meteorological Mesoscale Model, version 5 with Chemistry (MM5-Chem), an online-coupled atmospheric chemistry model, was used to investigate the effect of this terrain on a high air pollution event in the free troposphere. The simulations were evaluated by comparisons with data from the North American Regional Reanalysis (NARR). Complex terrain was shown to have an important influence on the vertical transport of air pollutants on the regional scale; emissions from ground level were vertically mixed as high as 5 km above sea surface level for the wintertime conditions simulated. The simulations showed that the vertical transport of emissions from the Earth's surface could have a more significant effect on mid and upper level chemical concentrations than chemical production. The vertical transport was caused predominately by terrain forced flow over the mountains’ ridge-line and the terrain forced flow was affected by the mountain peak height and the complexity of the terrain downwind.  相似文献   

This paper describes the modeling of the hydrogeochemical effects of deep well recharge of oxic water into an anoxic pyrite-bearing aquifer. Kinetic expressions have been used for mineral dissolution-precipitation rates and organic matter oxidation. Hydrological and chemical parameters of the model were calibrated to field measurements. The results showed that oxidation of pyrite (FeS(2)) and, to a lesser extent, organic matter dominate the changes in quality of the recharged water during its passage through the aquifer. The recharge leads to the consumption of oxygen and nitrate and the formation of sulfate and ferrihydrite. Complexation reactions, cation exchange and precipitation and dissolution of calcite, siderite and rhodochrosite were also identified through the modeling. Despite problems of non-uniqueness of the calibrated parameters, the model was used successfully to depict the geochemical processes occurring in the aquifer. Non-uniqueness can be avoided by constraining the model as much as possible to measurements and/or data from literature, although they cannot be considered always as fixed values and should be considered as stochastic variables instead.  相似文献   

A series of modifications were implemented in MM5 simulation in order to account for wind along the Santa Clarita valley, a north–south running valley located in the north of Los Angeles. Due to high range mountains in the north and the east of the Los Angeles Air Basin, sea breeze entering Los Angeles exits into two directions. One branch moves toward the eastern part of the basin and the other to the north toward the Santa Clarita valley. However, the northward flow has not been examined thoroughly nor simulated successfully in the previous studies. In the present study, we proposed four modifications to trigger the flow separation. They were (1) increasing drag over the ocean, (2) increasing soil moisture content, (3) selective observational nudging, and (4) one-way nesting for the innermost domain. The Control run overpredicted near-surface wind speed over the ocean and sensible heat flux, in an urbanized area, which justifies the above 1st and 2nd modification. The Modified run provided an improvement in near-surface temperature, sensible heat flux and wind fields including southeasterly flow along the Santa Clarita valley. The improved MM5 wind field triggered a transport to the Santa Clarita valley generating a plume elongated from an urban center to the north, which did not exist in MM5 Control run. In all, the modified MM5 fields yielded better agreement in both CO and O3 simulations especially in the Santa Clarita area.  相似文献   

Transit traffic through the Austrian Alps is of major concern in government policy. Pollutant burdens resulting from such traffic are discussed widely in Austrian politics and have already led to measures to restrict traffic on transit routes. In the course of an environmental assessment study, comprehensive measurements were performed. These included air quality observations using passive samplers, a differential optical absorption spectroscopy system, a mobile and a fixed air quality monitoring station, and meteorological observations. As was evident from several previous studies, dispersion modeling in such areas of complex terrain and, moreover, with frequent calm wind conditions, is difficult to handle. Further, in the case presented here, different pollutant sources had to be treated simultaneously (e.g., road networks, exhaust chimneys from road tunnels, and road tunnel portals). No appropriate system for modeling all these factors has so far appeared in the literature. A prognostic wind field model coupled with a Lagrangian dispersion model is thus presented here and is designed to treat all these factors. A comparison of the modeling system with results from passive samplers and from a fixed air quality monitoring station proved the ability of the model to provide reasonable figures for concentration distributions along the A10.  相似文献   

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