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The contact process onZ has one phase transition; let c be the critical value at which the transition occurs. Let N be the extinction time of the contact process on {0,...,N}. Durrett and Liu (1988), Durrett and Schonmann (1988), and Durrett, Schonmann, and Tanaka (1989) have respectively proved that the subcritical, supercritical, and critical phases can be characterized using a large finite system (instead ofZ) in the following way. There are constants 1() and 2() such that if < c , lim N N /logN = 1/1(); if > c , lim N log N /N = 2(); if = c , lim N N /N= and lim N N /N 4=0 in probability. In this paper we consider the asymmetric contact process onZ when it has two distinct critical values c1< c2. The arguments of Durrett and Liu and of Durrett and Schonmann hold for < c1 and > c2. We show that for [ c1< c2), lim N N /N=-1/, (where i is an edge speed) and for = c2, lim N log N /logN=2 in probability.  相似文献   

We study a generalization of the Harris one-dimensional contact process in which the rates of infection to the right and left may be different.  相似文献   

V B Priezzhev 《Pramana》2005,64(6):915-925
A solution of the master equation for a system of interacting particles for finite time and particle density is presented. By using a new form of the Bethe ansatz, the totally asymmetric exclusion process on a ring is solved for arbitrary initial conditions and time intervals.  相似文献   

Using the Bethe ansatz, we obtain the exact solution of the master equation for the totally asymmetric exclusion process on an infinite one-dimensional lattice. We derive explicit expressions for the conditional probabilitiesP(x1,...,xN;t/y 1,...,yN; 0) of findingN particles on lattices sitesx 1,...,xN at timet with initial occupationy 1,...,yN at timet=0.  相似文献   

The one-dimensional basic contact process is a Markov process for which particles give birth on vacant nearest neighbor sites at rate >0 and particles die at rate one. We introduce a one-dimensional contact process with a single inhomogeneous site: the evolution is as above except that a particle located at the origin does not die. Let c be the critical value of the basic contact process. We show that for c the upper invariant measures of the inhomogeneous contact process and the basic contact process coincide except at a finite number of sites. The behavior at = c is much more intersting: the upper invariant measure of the inhomogeneous contact process concentrates on configurations with infinitely many particles, while it is known that the critical basic contact process dies out. So a single inhomogeneity may provoke a perturbation unbounded in space. As a byproduct of our analysis we prove that the connectivity probabilities of the critical basic contact process are not summable. We also give a biological interpretation of this model.  相似文献   

We present new results for the current as a function of transmission rate in the one-dimensional totally asymmetric simple exclusion process (TASEP) with a blockage that lowers the jump rate at one site from one tor<1. Exact finitevolume results serve to bound the allowed values for the current in the infinite system. This proves the existence of a nonequilibrium phase transition, corresponding to an immiscibility gap in the allowed values of the asymptotic densities which the infinite system can have in a stationary state. A series expansion inr, derived from the finite systems, is proven to be asymptotic for all sufficiently large systems. Padé approximants based on this series, which make specific assumptions about the nature of the singularity atr=1, match numerical data for the infinite system to 1 part in 104.  相似文献   

The microscopic structure of macroscopic shocks in the one-dimensional, totally asymmetric simple exclusion process is obtained exactly from the complete solution of the stationary state of a model system containing two types of particles-first and second class. This nonequilibrium steady state factorizes about any second-class particle, which implies factorization in the one-component system about the (random) shock position. It also exhibits several other interesting features, including long-range correlations in the limit of zero density of the second-class particles. The solution also shows that a finite number of second-class particles in a uniform background of first-class particles form a weakly bound state.  相似文献   

The asymmetric simple exclusion process (ASEP) on a one-dimensional lattice is a system of particles which jump at ratesp and 1-p (herep > 1/2) to adjacent empty sites on their right and left respectively. The system is described on suitable macroscopic spatial and temporal scales by the inviscid Burgers’ equation; the latter has shock solutions with a discontinuous jump from left density ρ- to right density ρ+, ρ-< ρ +, which travel with velocity (2p−1 )(1−ρ+p ). In the microscopic system we may track the shock position by introducing a second class particle, which is attracted to and travels with the shock. In this paper we obtain the time-invariant measure for this shock solution in the ASEP, as seen from such a particle. The mean density at lattice siten, measured from this particle, approachesp ± at an exponential rate asn→ ±∞, witha characteristic length which becomes independent ofp when . For a special value of the asymmetry, given byp/(1−p)=p +(1−p )/p (1−p +), the measure is Bernoulli, with densityρ on the left andp + on the right. In the weakly asymmetric limit, 2p−1 → 0, the microscopic width of the shock diverges as (2p+1)-1. The stationary measure is then essentially a superposition of Bernoulli measures, corresponding to a convolution of a density profile described by the viscous Burgers equation with a well-defined distribution for the location of the second class particle.  相似文献   

The second harmonic generation (SHG) in the asymmetric double triangular quantum wells (DTQWs) is investigated theoretically. The dependence of the SHG coefficient on the right-well width of the DTQWs is studied, and the influence of the applied electric field on SHG coefficient is also taken into account. The analytical expression of the SHG coefficient is analyzed by using the compact density-matrix approach and the iterative method. Finally, the numerical calculations are presented for the typical GaAs/AlxGa1−xAs asymmetric DTQWs. The results show that the calculated SHG coefficient in this coupled system can reach the magnitude of 10−5 m/V, 1–2 orders of magnitude higher than that in step quantum well, and that in double square quantum wells. Moreover, the SHG coefficient is not a monotonic function of the right-well width, but has complex relationship with it. The calculated results also reveal that an applied electric field has a great influence on the SHG coefficient. Applying an appropriate electric field to a DTQW with a wider right well can induce a sharper peak of the SHG coefficient due to the double-resonant enhancement.  相似文献   

A generalised form of a local contact condition for the charge profile in a primitive model planar double layer [Bhuiyan, Outhwaite, and Henderson, Mol. Phys. 107, 343 (2009)] at low electrode charge is examined for completely asymmetric, binary electrolytes. The cation and anion sizes are taken to be different from each other with the valencies being 2+:1? or 1+:2?, while the electrode surface charge density is varied from being negative through zero to being positive. Monte Carlo simulation data obtained for such double layer systems at varying ionic radius ratios and electrolyte concentrations suggest the generalised contact relation to be valid at low charge on the electrode.  相似文献   

We present a model for a one-dimensional anisotropic exclusion process describing particles moving deterministically on a ring of lengthL with a single defect, across which they move with probability 0 p 1. This model is equivalent to a two-dimensional, six-vertex model in an extreme anisotropic limit with a defect line interpolating between open and periodic boundary conditions. We solve this model with a Bethe ansatz generalized to this kind of boundary condition. We discuss in detail the steady state and derive exact expressions for the currentj, the density profilen(x), and the two-point density correlation function. In the thermodynamic limitL the phase diagram shows three phases, a low-density phase, a coexistence phase, and a high-density phase related to the low-density phase by a particle-hole symmetry. In the low-density phase the density profile decays exponentially with the distance from the boundary to its bulk value on a length scale . On the phase transition line diverges and the currentj approaches its critical valuej c = p as a power law,j c – j –1/2. In the coexistence phase the width of the interface between the high-density region and the low-density region is proportional toL 1/2 if the density f 1/2 and=0 independent ofL if = 1/2. The (connected) two-point correlation function turns out to be of a scaling form with a space-dependent amplitude n(x1, x2) =A(x2)A Ke–r/ withr = x 2x 1 and a critical exponent = 0.  相似文献   

本文在n-(Al0.27Ga0.73)0.5In0.5P表面通过电子束蒸发Ni/Au/Ge/Ni/Au叠层金属并优化退火工艺成功制备了具有较低接触电阻的欧姆接触,其比接触电阻率在445℃退火600 s时达到1.4×10–4 W·cm2.二次离子质谱仪测试表明,叠层金属Ni/Au/Ge/Ni/Au与n-AlGaInP界面发生固相反应,Ga,In原子由于热分解发生外扩散并在晶格中留下Ⅲ族空位.本文把欧姆接触形成的原因归结为Ge原子内扩散占据Ga空位和In空位作为施主提高N型掺杂浓度.优化退火工艺对低掺杂浓度n-(Al0.27Ga0.73)0.5In0.5P的欧姆接触性能有显著改善效果,但随着n-(Al0.27Ga0.73)0.5In0.5P掺杂浓度提高,比接触电阻率与退火工艺没有明显关系.本文为n面出光的AlGaInP薄膜发光二极管芯片的n电极制备提供了一种新的方法,有望大幅简化制备工艺,降低制造成本.  相似文献   

A simple asymmetric exclusion model with open boundaries is solved exactly in one dimension. The exact solution is obtained by deriving a recursion relation for the steady state: if the steady state is known for all system sizes less thanN, then our equation (8) gives the steady state for sizeN. Using this recursion, we obtain closed expressions (48) for the average occupations of all sites. The results are compared to the predictions of a mean field theory. In particular, for infinitely large systems, the effect of the boundary decays as the distance to the power –1/2 instead of the inverse of the distance, as predicted by the mean field theory.  相似文献   

We prove that thed-dimensional supercritical contact process exhibits metastable behavior, in the pathwise sense. This is done by proving the property of thermalization and using Mountford's theorem. We also extend some previous results on the loss of memory of the process.  相似文献   

We consider an exclusion process with particles injected with rate at the origin and removed with rate at the right boundary of a one-dimensional chain of sites. The particles are allowed to hop onto unoccupied sites, to the right only. For the special case of = = 1 the model was solved previously by Derridaet al. Here we extend the solution to general , . The phase diagram obtained from our exact solution differs from the one predicted by the mean-field approximation.  相似文献   

王宏  姬濯宇  商立伟  刘兴华  彭应全  刘明 《中国物理 B》2011,20(8):87306-087306
This paper proposes an effective method of fabricating top contact organic field effect transistors by using a pho-tolithographic process.The semiconductor layer is protected by a passivation layer.Through photolithographic and etching processes,parts of the passivation layer are etched off to form source/drain electrode patterns.Combined with conventional evaporation and lift-off techniques,organic field effect transistors with a top contact are fabricated suc-cessfully,whose properties are comparable to those prepared with the shadow mask method and one order of magnitude higher than the bottom contact devices fabricated by using a photolithographic process.  相似文献   

We study the evolution of the completely asymmetric simple exclusion process in one dimension, with particles moving only to the right, for initial configurations corresponding to average density ( +) left (right) of the origin, +. The microscopic shock position is identified by introducing a second-class particle. Results indicate that the shock profile is stable, and that the distribution as seen from the shock positionN(t) tends, as time increases, to a limiting distribution, which is locally close to an equilibrium distribution far from the shock. Moreover , withV=1– +, as predicted, and the dispersion ofN(t), 2(t), behaves linearly, for not too small values of + , i.e., , whereS is equal, up to a scaling factor, to the valueS WA predicted in the weakly asymmetric case. For += we find agreement with the conjecture .Dedicated to the memory of Paola Calderoni.  相似文献   

U.L. Fulco  M.L. Lyra 《Physica A》2009,388(18):3785-3790
In this work, the critical behavior of the one-dimensional contact process with time-uncorrelated disorder is investigated. We develop simulations on finite chains and explore the finite size scaling hypothesis to obtain estimates for the relevant parameters associated with static and dynamical critical quantities. We use an auto-adaptative technique that has been recently shown to provide reliable results for the standard contact process transition. We compare the main results with those derived from the usual short-time dynamics scaling. We found that, contrary to the behavior of the contact-process with quenched disorder which displays an infinite randomness critical point with activated scaling, the contact process with time-uncorrelated disorder belongs to the usual universality class of directed percolation.  相似文献   

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