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本文通过从社区的起源和发展来研究社区,并探讨了社区概念中国化以后所面临的问题,为建立有中国特色的社区提供发展建议。  相似文献   

社会变迁带来的居民的居住方式改变、共同兴趣爱好消减、宗教仪式衰微、公共利益责任主体转移等,使得传统社区精神逐渐消逝并陷入"共同体困境"。现代社区精神重塑很有必要,应将自治事务的单位选择和行政事务的单位选择区分开来,明确社区居委会定位及与其他社区组织之间的关系,对不同业态的小区采取不同的治理方法。  相似文献   

黄忠免 《广西土木建筑》2012,(4):I0003-I0003,1-28
无论从地理空间抑或从人文共同体概念上看,社区首先都是一个“地气”的东西。地域作势必对社区产生和发展产生影响,这应该是认识与研究社区一个不能忽略的因素。  相似文献   

本文通过对欧美典型共同居住社区的分析,总结出其与传统居住方式差別最大的三个特征:空间、活动和服务,即空间环境能够促进交往、社区活动建立共同体关系、社区服务形成了新的生活方式。在这些特征的作用下,共同居住社区形成了更紧密的邻里关系,建立了具有归属感的社区。之后提出这些特征对我国共同居住社区的启示:进行交往导向的空间设计、增加社区活动以及提高居住环境的品质。  相似文献   

社区人口合理规模的理论假说   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
杨贵庆 《城市规划》2006,30(12):49-56
在对中外学术界关于社区人口合理规模的理论假说进行了较为系统整理和比较分析的基础上,从行政管理体制、工程技术配置、公共设施经营利益、居民社会心理承受等多角度对社区人口的“合理规模”进行了讨论,初步提出关于我国当前城市社区人口合理规模的范围界定,旨在为当前我国城市社区公共设施配置政策的制定提供理论依据,并为当前和今后深入展开的城市社区规划实践提供理论参考。  相似文献   

赵民 《规划师》2013,(9):5-10
在"五个文明"建设的背景下,"社区营造"是当前我国和谐社会建设的一个重要命题,受到社会各界越来越多的关注。研究论述社区及社区营造的概念,探讨社区规划与城市规划的关系,提出城市规划的社区指向趋势,并从规划的"工具理性"至"交往理性"演进解读社区规划师的制度和实践。  相似文献   

社区作为社会有机体的最基本单元,重建具有社会责任感、有活力和内向型经济繁荣的社区极其重要。研究通过分析台湾社区总体营造的发展背景与内涵,结合台北福林社区的总体营造经验,对台湾社区总体营造的社区培力、社区参与介入的公共空间设计、社区文化产业的构建、终身学习体系的建立和辅助政策等内容进行总结与思考,并提出对中国大陆城市的有机、可持续更新的启示,即在城乡规划体系中引入社区理念、推动实质性的社区参与和制定相关政策。  相似文献   

在新型城镇化和自下而上的社区治理背景下,从社区认同感培育入手,可以有效建构社区文化,有助于形成基于特定地域的城市文化基本单元。综合国内外不同学科的研究,"参与"、"互动"是培育社区认同感的重要手段。本文采用文献综述法、不同学科对比研究法和社区居民深度访谈法,以厦门市本地人口和外来人口两类典型社区为例,探讨社区认同感培育策略。本地人口社区核心在于提升公共设施与空间的需求供给,通过各类社区文化活动构筑互动平台。外来人口社区因人群异质性与流动性特征,核心在于转变管理模式、实现均等化设施服务,构筑社企共建互动平台,积极发挥企业在组织活动和提供服务中的作用,营造温暖的社区文化环境。  相似文献   

在社区层面的更新改造过程中,社区规划师逐渐成为社区更新中的重要角色,以各种形式发挥着不可取代的作用.文章以上海社区更新实践为例,结合高品质新要求下的老旧社区微更新活动,总结在"经验生成期"社区规划师的责任与工作体制的构建,探讨城市老住区更新与公众参与之间的必然关系.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: In this article we analyze gated communities as a nexus of social and spatial relations within the context of urban inequality. We apply Tickamyer's (2000) sociological framework for incorporating space into the study of inequality, which allows us to substantiate the arguments that the process of gating increases urban inequality. The contributions of this article are three: (1) We generate a new systematic theoretical approach toward the study of gated communities, which we consider as middle range theory; (2) We argue that gated communities reproduce the existing levels of social stratification and that they also define a new, permanent differentiation order in the spatial organization of cities in the United States (in this respect we also arrive at six hypotheses, which can be tested in future research); (3) We introduce the term “gating machine,” where the combination of the interests and actions of local governments, real estate developers, the media, and consumers suggest that prevailing structural conditions assure the future proliferation of gated communities.  相似文献   

杨保军 《城市规划》2016,(12):113-117
针对中共中央国务院提出的《关于进一步加强城市规划建设管理工作的若干意见》中"新建住宅要推广街区制,原则上不再建设封闭住宅小区"这一提法,从开放街区的特点与意义、我国街区的发展脉络以及应对开放街区的举措三个方面对"开放街区"进行了讨论和梳理。指出"开放街区"的实质并不是"开放"或者"封闭",也不是拆不拆墙的问题,而是把街区尺度变"小"。街区变小给城市带来的影响将是深刻的、系统的,对城市面貌、城市体验都将带来很大改观。  相似文献   

This paper discusses weaknesses of the available indicators of community health. These weaknesses derive from conceptual as well as methodological confusion. Although complex interrelationships among key variables (ability to function, biomedical condition, individual perception, and social or cultural setting) make measurement difficult, the lack of a conception of health makes choice among indicators impossible, except by methodological convenience. It is proposed that an adequate definition of health should focus on the ability and will of the individual to perform needed tasks, i.e. to produce and reproduce, in an environment over the span of a lifetime. Measures should be developed to measure health directly, rather than indirectly. A number of leads for indicators are suggested for the major stages of the human life cycle.  相似文献   

Many of the world’s coasts are becoming increasingly urbanized, with two-fifths of cities with populations of millions located near coastlines. Coastal settlements have always been attractive due to the provision of critical inputs to industries, despite the many threats — floods, typhoons, tsunamis, etc. With the Southeast Asian market expected to become the fifth largest economy by 2020, migration from rural to urban areas is set to increase, putting a strain on existing infrastructures within the cities, one of which is the solid waste disposal and recycling infrastructure within the developing nations in Southeast Asia. Currently in the age of the Anthropocene, it is clear that human has greatly reshaped the Earth, bending nature into the course of human wishes, terraforming the land with landfills, mines, and patchwork agriculture fields, choking the atmosphere with toxic emissions, and cloging the seas with plastic waste. Inadequate waste disposal management has resulted in poorly managed landfills with waste being washed into water during rainy seasons, jeopardizing the environment and local communities (typically the most vulnerable ones) that depend on it. This project hopes to explore the nature of plastics, by envisioning a “mechanic landscape” that manages waste input within rivers whilst creating a speculative infrastructural network that varies with environmental conditions (such as global warming and sea-level rise).  相似文献   

This article stresses the importance of positive image and perception of dynamic ecological processes for the implementation and care of areas which provide ecosystem services within the city. Those in turn secure the resilience of our urban environment. Aesthetic experience with emphasis on highlighting and revealing the presence of ecological dynamics, processes and cycles can increase the acceptance and interest for sustainable goals and projects within the city. Thus, several European cities are currently implementing strategies not only to enhance the capacity of their green networks for ecological services and resilience but most importantly to enhance the acceptance and active use of such areas. They are integrating the public in an open debate about implementing new attractive ecological amenities within a green network, and also stimulating landscape architects to find ways to design important ecological processes and functions in an eye-catching and spectacular way. The natural dynamics and cycles are thus brought to the attention of the people and present an important artistic and cultural component of resilience.  相似文献   

上海流动人口聚居区类型及其特征研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以聚居区形成机制为切入点,将流动人口聚居区划分为自发聚居、简易安置、集中安置3个类型。通过现场察看以及对典型的流动人口聚居区调查数据的分析发现,流动人口自发聚居区居住环境恶劣、公共服务缺乏,聚居者之间沟通较少,社会矛盾突出;简易安置的流动人口聚居区,尽管物质条件简陋,但管理规范、配套有基本生活服务设施,居住群体之间有较强的认同感,聚居区治安状况、邻里融洽度均较好;而集中安置的聚居区居住环境较好,服务设施完善,且聚居人员文化背景趋同,较易形成认同感,该类聚居区已成为未来改善流动人口在城市居住状况的重要发展方向。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Policies aimed at eliminating racial discrimination in the housing market are not sufficient to achieve stable racially integrated neighborhoods. The latter require active intervention into local housing markets so that demand by both whites and blacks, at levels that represent stability, are maintained. This paper explores these intervention efforts and examines the prospects for their success in relation to seven topics: the goals of an integration strategy, the definition of stable integration, the types of communities in which integration should be pursued, the guidance given by theories of neighborhood change, the types of policies and program design, and the content of federal policy in support of integration. The paper concludes that weaknesses and conflicts within each of these areas, in conjunction with powerful forces in support of continued segregation, make the creation of stable integrated neighborhoods very difficult.  相似文献   

正Today,the relationship betweenarchitecture andcommunityis inextricably complex and evolving.The diverse contemporary conditions and circumstances of the 21st century impact on how the notion of community is defined.On one hand,the impact of technology such as social media has enabled virtual communal space resulting in formation of global communities across borders and continents.Conversely,the impacts of globalization,migration and climate change have resulted in concepts of local communities,displaced comtmunities,resilient and contested communities.Also,the concept of community is paradoxical because the very notion of community suggests commonality,and at the same time it excludesthe other alluding  相似文献   

正吴唯佳(中国城市规划学会常务理事,清华大学城市规划系系主任,教授,本论坛主持人):先结合我们的工作情况,就组织这次论坛和计划讨论的议题,谈一些看法。2014年,习总书记提出"新常态"的论断,对新时期我国经济社会发展提出明确要求,必须是遵循经济规律的科学发展,遵循自然规律的可持续发展,遵循社会规律的包容性发展;对此还  相似文献   

Hailed as a major conceptual advance, Gerald Sullies' notion of nested communities of sentiment and interaction has rarely been tested in empirical research and never in studies of suburban-dwellers. This paper attempts to redress that gap. Using data on voting turnout in the election districts of one suburban New Jersey community, the paper offers an ecological analysis of the social bases for participation in elections of leaders for different symbolic communities. The analysis yields support for a set of propositions derived from Suttles' scheme, thus demonstrating its generality beyond the big-city context in which it was originally formulated.  相似文献   

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