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Bryoindication mapping was performed on the basis of synthetic poleotolerance indices for 147 test plots in the city of Bryansk (the southwestern nonchernozem zone of Russia). Individual poleotolerance coefficients of bryophytes were determined. Changes in the state of the atmosphere in the city ecosystem over 12 years were analyzed.  相似文献   

The distribution of activity of bank voles along a live-trap line can be approximated by the normal law. The standard deviation is a stable characteristic of the sizes of regularly used space. Occurrence of an animal beyond a distance of three standard deviations from the center of activity is regarded as an expression of nonresidence. Different types of space use have been found: equilibrium and drifting home ranges, movements, and excursions. Formal criteria for distinguishing space use patterns are presented.  相似文献   

Cities are areas of increased diversity of species in the taiga zone. The aboriginal fraction of Karelian flora is a stable natural system whose main characteristics are preserved in the urban flora. The adventive fraction, which is a dynamic component of the flora, has not been completely formed in the cities, as well as in eastern Fennoscandia as a whole. It has become substantially richer during the past 20–25 years. Cities of the taiga zone may serve as objects for monitoring the anthropogenic processes of flora transformation in the North.  相似文献   

上海城市森林与水田的生态服务合理性探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市森林建设是满足不断增长的城市生态服务需求、提高城市环境质量的重要手段,但并非唯一手段.在已有的研究和实践中,其成本有效性问题往往被忽视.文章以上海市城市森林建设为例,分析了流转农民土地经营权的方式营造城市森林的成本有效性问题,发现受市场化的造林机制的影响,上海城市森林的社会、经济综合成本较高,同时提供生态服务的能力有限.通过比较健康状况下森林和水田的生态服务功能,发现水田与森林生态系统各有所长.水田的防洪、涵养水源等生态服务功能优于森林,但是更容易受到人类社会经济活动的干扰.事实上,健康的农田和水系也是上海长期以来稳定的生态服务来源.文章指出,城市生态服务的供给不应过度依赖城市森林建设,而应当以成本有效性为导向,因地制宜,注重农田、水系、森林等生态要素的整体性,通过保护、修复农田生态系统以及城市森林的结构优化和质量提升途径等实现.  相似文献   

The new WIOD database allows for improved empirical analysis on a wide range of important environmental research questions.In this paper we demonstrate the scientific power of the WIOD database and analyze very urgent policy questions on the impacts of international trade and structural change on the environment.We apply recent econometric approaches to show the impact of international trade on the environment via its different channels as for instance to increase welfare and potentially affect environmental regulation as well as countries’sector.This approach has become known as the econometric structural decomposition method.In addition to these guidelines by the literature,an econometric panel data approach is offered to shed some light on the impact of structural change and international trade on environmental pressure,where we especially address and solve several endogeneity issues that add further complexity to the analysis.  相似文献   

绿色创新作为将环境保护与经济增长有机整合的发展战略,是当前解决城市发展困境的一剂良方,实践中,促进城市绿色创新水平提升成为政界和学界共同关注的话题。国家高新区是推动城市绿色创新水平提升,实现经济可持续发展的重要载体,然而关于国家高新区设立是否对城市绿色创新发展起作用仍需要进一步实证检验。利用中国285个地级市2003—2016年的面板数据,通过构建双向固定效应模型实现双重差分的目的,识别国家高新区建立影响区域绿色发展的作用机制,并评估高新区驱动城市绿色创新效率提升的净效应。研究结果表明:①国家高新区显著提高了城市绿色创新效率,这一结果在经过了反事实检验和多项稳健性检验后依然成立。②从理论上构建了高新区驱动绿色创新效率提升的影响机制,并通过实证检验甄别出了高新区促进城市绿色创新效率提升的创新驱动机制和结构驱动机制,而未通过集聚驱动机制,"形聚而神不聚"的现象仍广泛存在。③高新区驱动绿色创新效率的提升呈现明显的区域异质性,高新区对东部区域的绿色创新效率驱动效果明显,而对中西部区域效果不明显。④高新区驱动绿色创新效率提升还存在着城市等级的差异,一定程度上表现为"边际递减规律",相比于省会城市,副省会城市、较大的市和一般的市从高新区设立当中获得的政策效益更大。为了进一步提升高新区对城市绿色创新水平的驱动作用,文章据此从发挥集聚推动效应、增强自主创新能力、推动产业转型升级、因地制宜发展高新区等方面提出相关政策建议。  相似文献   

以全国地级及以上城市中的273个样本城市为研究对象,分别从全国、沿海地区、内陆地区三个层次考察了样本城市城镇建设用地经济密度的区位差异。根据柯布-道格拉斯生产函数的理论与分析方法建立模型,分析了资本、劳动力、土地三大投入要素和城市全要素生产率等对城镇建设用地的影响,并在控制以上变量的条件下侧重考察了城市区位差异的影响。发现我国城镇建设用地经济密度的区位差异明显,具有区位优势的城市土地效益平均高于缺乏区位优势的城市;沿海水陆口岸的区位优势十分显著,建设用地经济密度相对较高,而内陆地区水陆口岸的区位优势有待发掘;航空口岸对提高城镇建设用地经济密度未发挥积极作用。分析结果表明,生产要素投入、科技水平、市场环境和城市发展阶段是影响土地效益的主要因素,但不同区位条件下城镇建设用地经济密度的影响因素有所不同,为提高城镇建设用地经济密度,不同区位条件的城市着力点应各有侧重。  相似文献   

On the basis of Annals of Nature of the Prioksko-Terrasnyi Biosphere Reserve, its colonization by invasive mammal species and the current state of their populations have been analyzed. In the mammal fauna of the reserve, 13 out of 60 species can be classified as invasive. They differ in the degree of impact on the biota. The house mouse, Norway and black rats, and European bison have virtually no effect on natural ecosystems; the effect of the muskrat, raccoon dog, American mink, red and axis deer is insignificant; and that of stray dogs and Tartarian roe deer is considerable. The European beaver and wild boar play an environment-forming role. The impact of beaver activities is strong but local, whereas activities of wild boars put into question the very possibility of conservation and analysis of representative biosphere areas and biological diversity in the reserve.  相似文献   

Annual cycle phenomena taking place in the nesting part of the range, such as dates of migration and breeding and molting pattern, have been studied in the wood warbler in northwestern Russia, at the boundary of its nesting range. The results provide evidence that the annual cycle of long-distance migrant birds living at the boundary of their nesting range has certain specific features.  相似文献   

经济发展使得城市增长具有必然性。而城市增长又会带来城市内外特定区位土地价格的增加。城市边界区土地价格具有自身的特点。从动态的城市地价模型分析来看.其增值不仅来自于外部性作用,还得益于城市的扩张。城市的扩张有两种方式:一是由于城市化和收入的增加导致城市地租曲线整体向外平移;二是即使人口保持不变,但由于交通的改善使得城市地租曲线逆时针旋转。不能以农业地价来定量边界区土地价格。因为该区土地增值不仅仅来自于外部性,农民具有参与增值分割的权利。应该重新建立土地征收补偿的价格体系.保护农民的合法权利。  相似文献   

The present work illustrates the customisation and application of the decision support system MOIRA-PLUS (a MOdel-based computerised system for management support to Identify optimal remedial strategies for Restoring radionuclide contaminated Aquatic ecosystems and drainage areas) to the fresh water environment in Italy. MOIRA-PLUS is aimed at evaluating the behaviour of radiocaesium and radiostrontium in fresh water ecosystems and at assessing the appropriateness of suitable strategies for the management of contaminated water bodies by the application of multi-attribute analysis techniques. MOIRA-PLUS can be applied to complex networks of lakes, rivers and tributaries and can be straightforwardly customised utilising data and information from readily accessible sources such as official websites provided by scientific or government organisations. The present work shows an application of the decision system to 10 lakes and 18 rivers in Italy contaminated with 137Cs of Chernobyl origin. Site-specific values of some aggregated transfer parameters were estimated for the most important Italian lakes. Although high values of fish and water consumptions were hypothesised, very low doses to public from the fresh water pathway following the accident were calculated.  相似文献   

"多规融合"的国土空间规划兼具区域发展规划和环境规制的功能,是经济新常态下国家平衡经济增长和环境保护的有力政策工具,而各地普遍实施的国土空间规划能否促进重点开发区域的经济增长,有待实证检验。以武汉城市圈空间规划为例,本文利用2002-2012年间湖北省74个县(市、市辖区)域面板数据,采用双重差分倾向得分匹配方法研究国土空间规划对重点开发区域经济增长的影响。实证结果表明:第一,国土空间规划显著地促进了重点开发区域经济的增长,但对区域内不同行政级别的市辖区和县(市)的经济增长速度具有不同的推动作用,具体表现为分别提高市辖区和县(市)级GDP增长率2.4和1.1个百分点,这一结论在对研究方法的匹配技术进行稳健性检验后依然成立。第二,对国土空间规划推动重点开发区域经济增长实现机制的进一步分析表明,武汉城市圈空间规划实施后,由于区域经济一体化进程的加快和地区之间经济联系的加强,武汉作为区域经济增长极,对相邻市、县的经济溢出效应更加明显,从而推动相邻区域的经济增长。上述研究结论对目前广泛实施的国土空间规划具有重要的政策含义,鉴于国土空间规划推动市辖区经济增长的速度要明显快于县或县级市,今后规划政策的调整要在保持重点开发区域整体经济不断提升的同时兼顾地区间的协调发展,避免空间规划的实施导致内部区域发展差距拉大;在重点开发区域经济得到发展的同时,要逐渐形成其规模集聚效应,为农产品主产区和生态功能区的人口转移提供基础,进而带动整个国土空间的可持续发展。  相似文献   

为了遏制长沙市城市的无序扩张,促进土地节约集约、高效利用,保障生态空间质量,划定长沙市城市开发边界成为重要举措。基于居民活动空间扩展,选取人口密度、居民活动分布、基础设施布局等多源时空数据,通过量化居民活动空间扩展概率,并利用植被覆盖度构建生态约束强度,确定二者协调规则,作为CA模型的约束条件,进行城市建设用地模拟,划定城市开发边界。结果表明:划定的长沙市城市开发边界,结果与长沙市“十三五”规划的城市空间发展框架基本一致,对未来建设用地扩展方向预测合理,而且避免了侵占重要生态资源,达到了兼顾城市空间发展和生态资源保护的多重目的。  相似文献   

本文对1998-2008年湖北省武汉城市圈和鄂西生态文化旅游圈的生物资源生态足迹及其组成、人均生物资源生态足迹、生物资源生态承载量和生物资源生态赤字(盈余)进行了动态分析.研究表明,武汉城市圈生物资源生态足迹组成以耕地为主,其他生态生产性用地的足迹比例较小,各市州生物资源生态足迹整体呈现逐年增加的趋势,人均生物资源生态足迹小于省均值,生物资源生态承载量先升高后降低,各市州生物资源生态承载量由大到小排序为:黄冈、孝感、武汉、咸宁、天门、黄石、仙桃、鄂州、潜江,生态赤字呈增大趋势;鄂西生态圈除神农架外其他各市州的生物资源生态足迹均较大,林地足迹占主要地位,其总量对全省的贡献较大;人均生物资源生态足迹大于省均值,生物资源生态承载量呈增高趋势,各市州由大到小排序为:宜昌、十堰、襄樊、荆州、恩施、随州、荆门、神农架,该圈一直保持很高的生物资源生态盈余,但盈余值有减小的趋势.  相似文献   

绿色农业产地环境的生态补偿政策绩效评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
安全的产地环境为绿色农产品生产和绿色农业可持续发展奠定了良好的物质基础,是保证消费者食品安全的源头。农业生态补偿是通过综合利用行政、法律、经济等手段,对造成农业生态环境污染、农业生态破坏的个人和组织的负外部性行为进行收费(税),对恢复、维持和增强农业生态系统服务功能做出贡献的个人和组织的正外部性行为给予经济补偿的一种制度。为了了解区域绿色农业产地环境生态补偿政策的实施效果,本文以武汉市重要的农产品生产和供应基地东西湖区为例,运用层次分析法与模糊综合分析法,以生态价值、经济价值和社会价值为价值取向,构建了包括职能指标、效益指标、潜力指标3个一级指标,10个二级指标和39个三级指标体系,对东西湖区农业生态补偿政策实施绩效进行评价。评价结果表明,东西湖区在实施绿色农业产地环境生态补偿政策前后效益变化分值差都在30以上,最低变化值为31.42,最高变化值为59.75。其中,政策目的设计、政策战略规划、政策反馈指标、经济效益、生态效益、社会效益和行政组织建设等方面的变化值都在50以上,政策实施管理指标、资源利用、农业生态补偿技术的变化值都在30以上。由此可以看出,绿色农业产地环境生态补偿政策发挥了一定的作用,但还有进一步提升空间。为此,要加强绿色农业产地环境生态补偿政策实施管理,提高绿色农业产地环境生态资本利用效率,提升绿色农业产地环境生态补偿技术水平。  相似文献   

The flora of liverworts has been studied in the vicinity of the Bil’chenok glacier (the Ushkovskii volcano, Kamchatka), which is in a zone of volcanic ash fallout. Specific complexes of liverworts growing on young moraine and ash deposits have been identified. These complexes are dominated by thallose marchantioid species. Under the effect of periodic ash fallout (in the absence of glacial activity), communities are formed that contain increased proportions of xerophytes and species preferring sites with a disturbed ground vegetation cover.  相似文献   

While fossil fuels greatly contribute to human society,they pose great challenges to natural resources,the environment,and climate change.Developed countries,like the United States,formulated strategic measures to ensure their sustainable development and leading positions in the world.These measures include new green policies,development of shale gas,revitalization of nuclear power,energy independence,reindustrialization,and new low-carbon development based on a combination of Internet technology and renewable energy.Developing countries are also trying to introduce balanced strategies of poverty alleviation and sustainable development.Globally,industrial civilization is being transformed to ecological civilization and green,low-carbon development is a global trend.Addressing climate change provides new strategic factors to further this development.China should take substantial actions to realize sustainable development in a new road:China is in the critical stage of changing its development mode,so it is vital to choose an appropriate development path.This extensive development comes at the high price of consuming too much resources and scarring the environment.Mitigation and adaptation strategies for addressing climate change can help the transition of development.Based on the analysis of the development data of developed countries,the author introduces the concept of"two-type developed countries"with an understanding that not all developed countries must take the same development mode.He also holds the view that China should achieve modernization in a more energy-saving and more carbon-efficient manner compared with that of two-type developed countries.An analysis of"two competitions"that China is facing shows that changing the developing mode is urgent and China should grasp this opportunity in the next five to ten years,which is a key period for this transition.This paper discusses the low-carbon development goals and the three-step process.Low-carbon development does not necessarily restrict economic development.It,however,can expedite the transition of the development mode and this is a low-carbon and green development path.Transition of the development mode includes implementation of China’s green and low-carbon energy strategies,low-carbon society construction,development of agriculture and forestry,garbage sorting and utilization,innovation of urbanization,etc.Improvement of national infrastructure construction includes water safety,environment and climate monitoring system,intelligent energy web,basic database,etc.Addressing climate change can significantly improve the nation’s basic research level.In summary,it mitigates backward production capability,extensive development,and environmental damage while promoting technological advancement,scientific development,and ecological civilization.  相似文献   

This paper describes the ecotoxicological evaluation of marine sediments from three sites around Ireland representative of a range of contaminant burdens. A comprehensive assessment of potential sediment toxicity requires the consideration of multiple exposure phases. In addition to the evaluation of multi-exposure phases the use of a battery of multi-trophic test species has been advocated by a number of researchers as testing of single or few organisms may not detect toxicants with a specific mode of action. The Microtox(R) solid phase test (SPT) and the 10-d acute amphipod test with Corophium volutator were used to assess whole sediment toxicity. Porewater and elutriates were assessed with the Microtox(R) acute test, the marine prasinophyte Tetraselmis suecica, and the marine copepod Tisbe battagliai. Solvent extracts were assayed with the Microtox(R) and T. battagliai acute tests. Alexandra Basin was identified as the most toxic site according to all tests, except the Microtox(R) SPT which identified the Dunmore East site as being more toxic. However, it was not possible to correlate the observed ecotoxicological effects with a specific and/or class of contaminants based on sediment chemistry alone. Therefore porewaters found to elicit significant toxicity (Dunmore East and Alexandra Basin) with the test battery were selected for further TIE assessment with T. battalgiai and the Microtox(R) system. The results of this study have important implications for risk assessment in estuarine and coastal waters in Ireland, where, at present the monitoring of sediment and water quality is predominantly reliant on chemical analysis alone.  相似文献   

近年来,省级政府制定的环境政策逐渐增多。在数量繁多的各类问题中,省级政府的决策者如何能够充分认识到某个环境问题的重要性和紧迫性,将其置于优先考虑的位置,进而出台一项环境政策?与经济发展政策相比,省级政府制定环境政策的过程有何特征?本文通过研究两个案例来探讨这些问题的答案,一个案例是陕西省制定的水土保持生态补偿政策,另一个案例是云南省正在制定的类似政策。研究表明,在省级政府制定环境政策的过程中,政策倡导者往往不是省级政府决策者,而是省级政府中行政主管部门的领导。政策倡导者建立政策的途径是说服作为决策者的省级政府相关领导,进而使之批准政策出台。其说服方法是建立由相关部门和其他利益相关者组成的支持联盟,通过科学研究阐明问题的重要性、紧迫性以及和政府职能的相关性,并提出具有科学基础和立法基础的政策方案。这一过程既区别于中央政府制定环境政策的过程,又与省级政府制定经济政策的过程不同。  相似文献   

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