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dc conductivity and Seebeck measurements have been carried out at temperatures below Tg on well characterized bulk samples of amorphous As2Te3, As2Se3, and As2S3. Several models for conduction in these materials have been compared to the data. It is concluded that the models involving polaron hopping conduction are in better agreement with available data than are models involving hopping in the tails of localized band-tail states.  相似文献   

《Journal of Non》2007,353(13-15):1337-1340
The preparation of mixed glasses of As2S3−xSex (x = 0–3) and (1  y) · As2S3y · Sb2S3 (y = 0–1) has been carried out by an in situ pouring technique. X-ray diffraction (XRD) was used to confirm the glassy nature of the materials and monitor devitrification. Visible-IR transmission, photoluminescence, refractive index and micro-Raman were measured as a function of composition. Microhardness (MH) and thermal expansion coefficient (TEC) were also measured. Raman peaks in As2S3 and As2Se3 were observed around 338 cm−1 and 230 cm−1, respectively in this first composition series in which S was replaced by Se. When As was replaced by Sb, in the case of second composition series, the As2S3 related Raman peak became broader and shifted to lower wave number, reflecting some structural change/devitrification. MH increased (1.31–1.50 GPa) with Se and Sb content while the TEC was found to decrease (2.5–1.4 × 10−5/K). The progressive increase in the content of either Se or Sb in As2S3 is anticipated to modify bond lengths and bond angles. The combined effect of these structural modifications would change the local structure of the glass forming a more rigid glass network thereby increasing the hardness and decreasing TEC.  相似文献   

The general features of the conductivity spectra of chalcogenide glasses in the frequency range 109 to 1013 Hz are briefly reviewed.  相似文献   

The time resolved spectroscopy of the photoluminescence with pulse-dye-laser excitation supplied the direct evidence of the strong electron-phonon interaction and the distributed localized states at band edges and the important information of mobility edge in chalcogenide glasses. The excitation energy dependence of the time resolved photoluminescence indicated that a-As2S3 and a-GeSe2 at 4.2 K had the mobility gaps of 2.6 eV and 2.25 eV, respectively.  相似文献   

J.A. Savage 《Journal of Non》1982,47(1):101-115
Over the past two decades chalcogenide glasses have been researched in order to assess their suitability as passive bulk optical component materials for 3–5μm and 8–12μm infrared applications. This research has led to a greater understanding of the physical properties of these materials, and the present paper concentrates on the optical properties and applications of these bulk chalcogenide glasses. The various factors influencing the intrinsic and extrinsic optical loss mechanisms in materials are discussed, numerical data on the basic optical properties of chalcogenide glasses is presented and applications are discussed.  相似文献   

X-ray and neutron diffraction experiments have been performed on vitreous arsenic sulphide close to the composition As2S3 and on a series of vitreous arsenic selenides including compositions both arsenic- and selenium-rich with respect to As2Se3. The data have been analysed by direct examination of the diffraction patterns, by Fourier analysis and by comparison both with quasi-crystalline calculations based on the orpiment structure and with models of the first neighbour correlations using the experimental peak functions. Sheet structures occur in all the glasses, the sheet separations being larger than in the corresponding orpiment structures, and the intersheet correlation perpendicular to the sheets extends for 15 Å in arsenic sulphide and 20 Å in arsenic selenide. For the selenide glasses the sheet structure becomes more pronounced with increasing arsenic concentration. For all the glasses the data are consistent with full satisfaction of the respective two- and threefold covalency requirements of chalcogenide and arsenic atoms, excess atoms being incorporated into the structure by the formation of covalent bonds between like atoms. The distribution of arsenic-chalcogen bond lengths is shown to be symmetrical about the average values of 2.24 Å and 2.44 Å for sulphide and selenide respectively. In the selenide glasses close to the As2Se3 composition, the average first SeSe distance is 3.65 Å. The advantages and limitations of the experimental and analytical techniques employed are discussed and a simple model based on steric considerations is advanced to account for the influence of arsenic concentration on the inter-sheet correlation.  相似文献   

《Journal of Non》2007,353(11-12):1120-1125
We present a study of the electrical properties of silver chalcogenide glasses ‘40AgI’–30Ag2S–30GeS2, 45AgI–27.5Ag2S–27.5GeS2 and 50AgI–25Ag2S–25GeS2 in the 77–400 K temperature and the 20 Hz to 1 MHz frequency ranges. In our temperature range, a large variation of the real permittivity is observed, in relation with an electrodes polarization effect. As the amount of silver iodide increases in the Ag2S–GeS2 matrix, the glass transition temperature and the activation energies decrease, the electrical conductivity increases and reaches 4 Ω−1 m−1 at room temperature for the glass with 50% AgI. The study of the conductivity shows a behavior due to a high ionic conductivity, thermally activated with Edc = 0.21 eV, E1 = 0.075 eV (40AgI–30Ag2S–30GeS2, 45AgI–27.5Ag2S–27.5GeS2), Edc = 0.17 eV, E1 = 0.055 eV for 50AgI–25Ag2S–25GeS2. For these glasses, we have seen three conductivity regimes. The first two terms are thermally activated. The third term cannot be actually clearly identified because either it is thermally activated with a very low activation energy and frequency dependent, or it is almost non-thermally activated and frequency dependent.  相似文献   

The paper reports dielectric measurements carried out for a variety of threshold and memory alloys of glassy AsGeTe and SeGeTe at different temperatures (83 to 373 K) and various frequencies (0.2, 0.5, 1.0, 2.6 and 5.0 MHz). It is found that the glassy system of chalcogenides exists in the form of molecular dipoles which remain frozen at low temperatures and, as the temperature is increased, the molecules attain freedom of rotation at temperatures which are sometimes as low as 253 K. All the materials displayed dielectric dispersion in the radio frequency range. Gevers' formula has been used to calculate the dielectric loss (?′') and loss-angle (tan δ) from the measured values of the real part of dielectric constant (?′). The curves: log ?′ versus temperature, ?′ versus log ω, ?″ versus log ω, tan δ versus log ω and tan δ versus temperature, gave a direct evidence of the existence of a Debye-type relaxation having a wide distribution of relaxation times.Cole-Cole diagrams have been used to determine the distribution parameter (α) and the molecular relaxation time (τ). The temperature dependence of α and τ for all the alloys is consistent with the “molecular relaxation mechanism”. The paper also reports accurate values of the static and optical dielectric constants for all the alloys.Eyring's relaxation rate equations have been used to determine the free energy of activation (ΔF), and enthalpy of activation (ΔH) for all the alloys. These results indicate the existence of a stronger intermolecular interaction for SeGeTe alloys. mott's concept of “dangling bonds” has also been used to explain the existence of a stronger intermolecular interaction, and hence a greater density of defect states in case of SeGeTe as compared with AsGeTe alloys.It has been finally concluded that the dielectric behaviour of chalcogenide glasses, in general, can be successfully explained by using the theory of molecular relaxation.  相似文献   

A study using replica electron microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, electron diffraction, X-ray diffraction, sputter etching and differential thermal analysis of the structural properties of glasses having a range of compositions within the AsTeGeSi quaternary system has shown that phase separation generally occurs in the bulk material. The second phase is dispersed as inclusions in the non-crystalline matrix and is apparently non-crystalline away from the boundary of the glass forming region but is crystalline near to the high Te boundary. The crystalline second phase is probably Te. This quaternary system, AsTeGeSi is often used as source material for the fabrication of devices studied for their monostable electrical switching behaviour and the phase separation observed in these materials needs to be considered in the interpretation of the switching properties and for failure analysis of such devices.  相似文献   

High-speed transient currents are often observed in chalcogenige glasses. We explain these effects by invoking the presence of Valence Alternation Pairs (VAPs). After an electric field is applied across the chalcogenide glass, carriers can tunnel directly from the electrodes onto the appropriately charged defect centers. This leads to the appearance of potential barriers near the contacts, resulting in a rapid decay of the current. Such a mechanism cannot occur in materials without a large concentration of negatively correlated defects.  相似文献   

Low frequency Raman spectra of chalcogenide glasses are analyzed in terms of matrix element effects and modes of a layered structure. The spectra of GeSe2 at low temperature shows no peaks which can be assigned to layer modes. The reduced spectra indicates that the density of states exhibits nearly ω2 dependence for ω < 60 cm?1, and the coupling constant approaches ω2 dependence at frequencies less than 20 cm?1.  相似文献   

M.A. Bosch  R.W. Epworth  D. Emin   《Journal of Non》1980,40(1-3):587-594
Time-resolved photoluminescence studies reveal distinct differences between the recombination processes in a chalcogenide glass and in its crystalline counterpart. Here the three luminescence bands of a-As2S3 are interpreted in terms of the recombination of an excition, a self-trapped exciton and a pair of electron- and hole-like small polarons. The two luminescence bands observed in the crystal are attributed to the recombination of two types of excitons composed respectively of a hole bound to a self-trapped electron, and a hole which is induced to self-trap in the presence of a self-trapped electron.  相似文献   

High purity chalcogenide glasses were prepared in the series As2S(3?x)Sex where x = 0 to 3. The measured third order non-linearities increase with the value of x, and are up to about 1000 times larger than silica for As2Se3 glass. We show that the anharmonic oscillator model, using the normalized photon energy, gives an excellent fit to the data over three orders of magnitude. Single mode optical fibers based on As2S3 and As2Se3 glasses have been fabricated using the double crucible technique and the Stimulated Brillouin Scattering (SBS) investigated. The threshold intensity for the SBS process was measured and used to estimate the Brillouin gain coefficient. Preliminary results indicate record high values for the figure of merit and theoretical gain, compared to silica, which bodes well for slow-light based applications in chalcogenide fibers.  相似文献   

《Journal of Non》2007,353(8-10):729-732
The purpose of this work is to study the change in the structure of the Ge–Se network upon doping with Ag. We report here a neutron diffraction study on two glasses of the system Agx(Ge0.25Se0.75)100−x with different silver contents (x = 15 and 25 at.%) and for two different temperatures (10 and 300 K). The total structure factor S(Q) for the two samples has been measured by neutron diffraction using the two-axis diffractometer dedicated to structural studies of amorphous materials, D4, at the Institut Laue Langevin. We have derived the corresponding radial distribution functions for each sample and each temperature, which gives us an insight about the composition and temperature dependence of the correlation distances and coordination numbers in the short-range. Our results are compatible with the presence of both GeSe4/2 tetrahedra and Se–Se bonds. The Ag atoms are linked to Se in a triangular environment. Numerical simulations allowing the identification of the main peaks in the total pair correlation functions have complemented the neutron diffraction measurements.  相似文献   

The temperature-dependent thermal conductivities of several chalcogenide glasses were determined above 300 K. At 300 K, the thermal conductivity for most of these glasses is about 3 mW/cm · deg.  相似文献   

New compouning techniques were devised to prepare high-purity Ge28Sb12Se60 (TI 1173)and Ge33As12Se55 TI 20). The methods were based on the combination of the reactant purification and compounding steps. The goal of the program was to establish the absorption limit for the glasses and to lower the absorption at 10.6 μm. At the present purity level, the GeSbSe glass is found to have an absorption level of about 0.01 cm?1 at 10.6 μm while the absorption level for the GeAsSe glass is 0.05 cm?1. Underlying causes for the limits are discussed along with the possibilities for improvement.  相似文献   

We report third order non-linear absorption and refraction measurements at 1.20 and 1.52 μm on selected gallium-Lanthanum sulfide-based glasses (Ga:La:S) showing negligible non-linear absorption and a refractive non-linearity close to one hundred times that of SiO2. Their potential use in telecommunication as base materials for all-optical switching practical devices is evaluated resulting in large figures of merit. The addition of a glass modifier to the Ga:La:S matrix has improved thermal and optical properties, resulting in ease of fibre drawing. The non-linear optical response of this new variant of the Ga:La:S family is studied.  相似文献   

《Journal of Non》2007,353(13-15):1243-1246
Silver-containing chalcogenide glasses are of considerable interest for applications in optical and electrical recordings and as solid electrolytes. Therefore, insight in their structural properties is important. A neutron thermodiffraction study of Agx(Ge0.25Se0.75)100−x glasses with x = 15 and 25 at.% was carried out. The amorphous samples were heated in situ from room temperature up to 350 °C, while the neutron diffraction spectra were collected every degree. For both glasses the Ag8GeSe6 phase appeared first, followed by the crystallization of GeSe2. The crystallization process for the Ag-rich glass was more complex with the appearance of a non-identified third phase. Rietveld refinement helped us in studying the evolution of the lattice constants of each phase upon heating.  相似文献   

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