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Plagioclase rims around metastable kyanite crystals appear during decompression of high-pressure felsic granulites from the high-grade internal zone of the Bohemian Massif (Variscan belt of Central Europe). The development of the plagioclase corona is a manifestation of diffusion-driven transfer of CaO and Na2O from the surrounding matrix and results in isolation of kyanite grains from the quartz- and K-feldspar-bearing matrix. This process establishes Si-undersaturated conditions along the plagioclase–kyanite interface, which allow crystallization of spinel during low-pressure metamorphism. The process of the plagioclase rim development is modeled thermodynamically assuming local equilibrium. The results combined with textural observations enable estimation of equilibration volume and diffusion length for Na and Ca that extends ∼400–450 and ∼450–550 μm, respectively, around each kyanite crystal. Low estimated bulk diffusion coefficients suggest that the diffusion rate of Ca and Na is controlled by low diffusivity of Al across the plagioclase rim.  相似文献   

Layers or bodies of intermediate granulite on scales from a centimetre to a hundred metres occur commonly within the felsic granulite massifs of the Bohemian Massif. Their origin is enigmatic in that they commonly have complex microstructures that are difficult to interpret, and therefore even the sequence of crystallization of minerals is uncertain. At Kle?, in the Blanský les massif, there is a revealing outcrop in a low‐strain zone in which it is clear that intermediate granulite can form by the interaction of felsic granulite with eclogite. The eclogite, retains garnet from its eclogite heritage, the grains at least partially isolated from the matrix by a plagioclase corona. The original omphacite‐dominated matrix of the eclogite now consists of recrystallized diopsidic clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene and plagioclase, with minor brown amphibole and quartz. The modification of the eclogite is dominated by the addition of just K2O and H2O, rather than all the elements that would be involved if the process was one of pervasive melt infiltrations. This suggests that the main process involved is diffusion, with the source being the felsic granulite, or local partial melt of the granulite. The diffusion occurred at ~950 °C and 12 kbar, with the main observed effects being (i) the un‐isolation and preferential destruction of the interior part of some of the garnet grains by large idiomorphic ternary feldspar; (ii) textural modification of the matrix primarily involving the recrystallization of clinopyroxene into large poikiloblasts containing inclusions of ternary plagioclase; and (iii) conversion of low‐K plagioclase in the matrix into ternary feldspar by incorporation of the diffused‐in K2O. The phase equilibria in the intermediate granulite are consistent with the chemical potential relationships that would be superimposed on the original eclogite by the felsic granulite at 950 °C and 12 kbar.  相似文献   

The Eger Complex in the northwestern Bohemian Massif consists mainly of amphibolite facies granitic gneisses containing a subordinate volume of felsic granulites. Microstructural changes and modelling of metamorphic conditions for both rock types suggest a short‐lived static heating from ~760 to ~850 °C at a constant pressure of ~16 kbar, which led to the partial granulitization of the granitoid rocks. Detailed study of the protolith zircon modifications and modelling of the Zr re‐distribution during the transition from amphibolite to granulite facies suggests that the development of c. 340 Ma old zircon rims in the granulite facies sample is the result of recrystallization of older (c. 475 Ma) protolith zircon. This study suggests that the partial granulitization is a result of a short exposure of the Eger Complex metagranitoids to a temperature of ~850 °C at the base of an arc/fore‐arc domain and their subsequent rapid exhumation during the Lower Carboniferous collision along the western margin of the Bohemian Massif.  相似文献   

Mafic granulite, generated from eclogite, occurs in felsic granulite at Kle?, Blanský les, in the Bohemian Massif. This is significant because such eclogite is very rare within the felsic granulite massifs. Moreover, at this locality, strong interaction has occurred between the mafic granulite and the adjacent felsic granulite producing intermediate granulite, such intermediate granulite being of enigmatic origin elsewhere. The mafic granulite involves garnet from the original eclogite, containing large idiomorphic inclusions of omphacite, plagioclase and quartz, as well as rutile. The edge of the garnet is replaced by a plagioclase corona, with the garnet zoned towards the corona and also the inclusions. The original omphacite–quartz–?plagioclase matrix has recrystallized to coarse‐grained polygonal (‘equilibrium’‐textured) plagioclase‐diopsidic clinopyroxene–orthopyroxene also with brown amphibole commonly in the vicinity of garnet. Somewhat larger quartz grains are embedded in this matrix, along with minor ilmenite, rutile and zircon. Combining the core garnet composition with core inclusion compositions gives a pressure of the order of 18 kbar from assemblage and isopleths on a P?T pseudosection, with temperature poorly constrained, but most likely >900 °C. From this P?T pseudosection, the recrystallization of the matrix took place at ~12 kbar, and from Zr‐in‐rutile thermometry, at relatively hot conditions of 900–950 °C. It is largely at these conditions that the eclogite/mafic granulite interacted with the felsic granulite to make intermediate granulite (see next paper).  相似文献   

The presence of ternary feldspar in high‐grade meta‐igneous rocks, and the recognition of the thermometric significance of this mineral, has led recent researchers to postulate peak metamorphic temperatures in excess of 1000 °C. However, it needs to be established that such ternary feldspar is not in fact a survivor of the original high‐temperature crystallization of the igneous protolith. After exsolution, the host and lamellae in the ternary feldspar grains may be stable throughout subsequent history as long as recrystallization does not occur. Such a history may involve rehydration and metamorphism, including H2O‐saturated conditions, with the compositions and proportions of the host and lamellae being modified to reflect the PT conditions experienced. In the case of the high‐grade meta‐igneous rocks from the Moldanubian of the Bohemian Massif, some samples that contain ternary feldspar preserve a substantial measure of their igneous heritage. Orthopyroxene‐bearing granulites not only include types that are barely affected by the metamorphism, but also others that have undergone hydration of the igneous protolith prior to the development of a metamorphic overprint. A key to establishing the igneous origin of the ternary feldspar grains is their preservation in garnet that is either itself igneous, or of a relatively low‐temperature metamorphic origin. Applying the logic to the other ternary feldspar‐bearing meta‐igneous rocks deprives the Moldanubian of its ultrahigh temperature (UHT) metamorphic status.  相似文献   

Two types of aluminous paragneiss from the Loosdorf complex (Bohemian Massif, NE Austria) contain coarse-grained granulite assemblages and retrograde reaction textures that are investigated to constrain the post-peak history of the Gföhl unit in the southern Bohemian Massif. Both types have a peak assemblage garnet–biotite–sillimanite–plagioclase–K-feldspar–quartz–granitic melt ± kyanite ± ilmenite ± rutile, recording peak metamorphic conditions of 0.9–1.1 GPa and 780–820°C estimated by isochemical phase equilibrium modelling. The first sample type (Ysper paragneiss) developed (i) cordierite coronae around garnet and (ii) cordierite–spinel and cordierite–quartz reaction textures at former garnet–sillimanite interfaces. Calculated chemical potential relationships indicate that the textures formed in the course of a post-peak near-isothermal decompression path reaching 0.4 GPa. Texture formation follows a two-step process. Initially, cordierite coronae grow between garnet and sillimanite. As these coronae thicken, they facilitate the development of local compositional domains, leading to the formation of cordierite–spinel and cordierite–quartz symplectites. The second sample type (Pielach paragneiss) exhibits only discontinuous cordierite coronae around garnet porphyroblasts but lacks symplectites. The formation of cordierite there also indicates near-isothermal decompression to 0.4–0.5 GPa and 750–800°C. This relatively hot decompression path is explained by the contemporaneous exhumation of a large HP–UHT granulite body now underlying the Loosdorf complex. The timing of regional metamorphism in the granulites and the southern Bohemian Massif in general is well constrained and has its peak at 340 Ma. Monazite from Loosdorf paragneiss samples yield a slightly younger age of 335 Ma. Although the ages overlap within error, they are interpreted to reflect near-isothermal decompression and exhumation resulting in the formation of the observed reaction textures.  相似文献   

This paper describes a kinetic study on reaction textures in eclogitic rocks from the Sulu region, eastern China. Some of the eclogitic rocks display a decompressional reaction texture, whereby kyanite grains are surrounded by plagioclase coronas and are never in contact with quartz. The change in mineral parageneses with progress of the reaction was predicted by constructing chemical potential diagrams in a model system. The chemical potential diagrams indicated that the chemical potential of 2Na2O + CaO (2µNa2O + µCaO) in intergranular regions between kyanite and quartz should decrease with decreasing pressure, whereas 2µNa2O + µCaO in intergranular regions between garnet and omphacite should increase with decreasing pressure. Thus, upon decompression, an inequality in chemical potential arises in the rock. To reduce this inequality, garnet and omphacite react to produce amphibole and plagioclase and release Na2O and CaO. Then, the released Na2O and CaO components diffuse into the regions between kyanite and quartz grains and react to produce plagioclase between them. This model also indicates that the chemical potential of SiO2 should decrease around kyanite grains during the progress of the decompressional reaction, and Si‐undersaturated conditions should have formed around kyanite grains in spite of the presence of quartz in these eclogitic rocks. Thus, spinel or corundum that are not stable in the system with excess quartz can form as a metastable phase, as observed in eclogitic rocks from the study areas. Phase diagrams in the system with excess quartz should be carefully applied for analysis of such reaction textures.  相似文献   

Garnet–clinopyroxene intermediate granulites occur as thin layers within garnet–kyanite–K–feldspar felsic granulites of the St. Leonhard granulite body in the Bohemian Massif. They consist of several domains. One domain consists of coarser‐grained coexisting ternary feldspar, clinopyroxene, garnet, quartz and accessory rutile and zircon. The garnet has 16–20% grossular, and the clinopyroxene has 9% jadeite and contains orthopyroxene exsolution lamellae. Reintegrated ternary feldspar and the Zr‐in‐rutile thermometer give temperatures higher than 950 °C. Mineral equilibria modelling suggests crystallization at 14 kbar. The occurrence and preservation of this mineral assemblage is consistent with crystallization from hot dry melt. Between these domains is a finer‐grained deformed matrix made up of diopsidic clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene, plagioclase and K‐feldspar, apparently produced by reworking of the coarser‐grained domains. Embedded in this matrix, and pre‐dating the reworking deformation, are garnet porphyroblasts that contain clinopyroxene, feldspar, quartz, rutile and zircon inclusions. In contrast with the garnet in the coarser‐grained domains, the garnet generally has >30% grossular, the included clinopyroxene has 7–27% jadeite and the Zr content of rutile indicates much lower temperatures. Some of these high‐grossular garnet show zoning in Fe/(Fe + Mg), decreasing from 0.7 in the core to 0.6 and then increasing to 0.7 at the rim. These garnet are enigmatic, but with reference to appropriate pseudosections are consistent with localized new mineral growth from 650 to 850 °C and 10 to 17 kbar, or with equilibration at 20 kbar and 770 °C, modified by two‐stage diffusional re‐equilibration of rims, at 10–15 and 8 kbar. The strong pervasive deformation has obscured relationships that might have aided the interpretation of the origin of these porphyroblasts. The evolution of these rocks is consistent with formation by igneous crystallization and subsequent metamorphism to high‐T and high‐P, rather than an origin by ultrahigh‐T metamorphism. Regarding the petrographic complexity, combination of the high grossular garnet with the ternary feldspar to infer ultrahigh‐T metamorphism at high pressure is not justified.  相似文献   

Recent petrological studies on high‐pressure (HP)–ultrahigh‐pressure (UHP) metamorphic rocks in the Moldanubian Zone, mainly utilizing compositional zoning and solid phase inclusions in garnet from a variety of lithologies, have established a prograde history involving subduction and subsequent granulite facies metamorphism during the Variscan Orogeny. Two temporally separate metamorphic events are developed rather than a single P–T loop for the HP–UHP metamorphism and amphibolite–granulite facies overprint in the Moldanubian Zone. Here further evidence is presented that the granulite facies metamorphism occurred after the HP–UHP rocks had been exhumed to different levels of the middle or upper crust. A medium‐temperature eclogite that is part of a series of tectonic blocks and lenses within migmatites contains a well‐preserved eclogite facies assemblage with omphacite and prograde zoned garnet. Omphacite is partly replaced by a symplectite of diopside + plagioclase + amphibole. Garnet and omphacite equilibria and pseudosection calculations indicate that the HP metamorphism occurred at relatively low temperature conditions of ~600 °C at 2.0–2.2 GPa. The striking feature of the rocks is the presence of garnet porphyroblasts with veins filled by a granulite facies assemblage of olivine, spinel and Ca‐rich plagioclase. These minerals occur as a symplectite forming symmetric zones, a central zone rich in olivine that is separated from the host garnet by two marginal zones consisting of plagioclase with small amounts of spinel. Mineral textures in the veins show that they were first filled mostly by calcic amphibole, which was later transformed into granulite facies assemblages. The olivine‐spinel equilibria and pseudosection calculations indicate temperatures of ~850–900 °C at pressure below 0.7 GPa. The preservation of eclogite facies assemblages implies that the granulite facies overprint was a short‐lived process. The new results point to a geodynamic model where HP–UHP rocks are exhumed to amphibolite facies conditions with subsequent granulite facies heating by mantle‐derived magma in the middle and upper crust.  相似文献   

Migmatites with sub‐horizontal fabrics at the eastern margin of the Variscan orogenic root in the Bohemian Massif host lenses of eclogite, kyanite‐K‐feldspar granulite and marble within a matrix of migmatitic paragneiss and amphibolite. Petrological study and pseudosection modelling have been used to establish whether the whole area experienced terrane‐wide exhumation of lower orogenic crust, or whether smaller portions of higher‐pressure lower crust were combined with a lower‐pressure matrix. Kyanite‐K‐feldspar granulite shows peak conditions of 16.5 kbar and 850 °C with no clear indications of prograde path, whereas in the eclogite the prograde path indicates burial from 10 kbar and 700 °C to a peak of 18 kbar and 800 °C. Two contrasting prograde paths are identified within the host migmatitic paragneiss. The first path is inferred from the presence of staurolite and kyanite inclusions in garnet that contains preserved prograde zoning that indicates burial with simultaneous heating to 11 kbar and 800 °C. The second path is inferred from garnet overgrowths of a flat foliation defined by sillimanite and biotite. Garnet growth in such an assemblage is possible only if the sample is heated at 7–8 kbar to around 700–840 °C. Decompression is associated with strong structural reworking in the flat fabric that involves growth of sillimanite in paragneiss and kyanite‐K‐feldspar granulite at 7–10 kbar and 750–850 °C. The contrasting prograde metamorphic histories indicate that kilometre‐scale portions of high‐pressure lower orogenic crust were exhumed to middle crustal levels, dismembered and mixed with a middle crustal migmatite matrix, with the simultaneous development of a flat foliation. The contrasting PT paths with different pressure peaks show that tectonic models explaining high‐pressure boudins in such a fabric cannot be the result of heterogeneous retrogression during ductile rebound of the whole orogenic root. The PT paths are compatible with a model of heterogeneous vertical extrusion of lower crust into middle crust, followed by sub‐horizontal flow.  相似文献   

Cathodoluminescence (CL) mapping of kyanite in high pressure, aluminous granulites from the central Grenville Province reveals internal structures that are linked to their metamorphic reaction history. In two samples, individual kyanite crystals are shown to be composite porphyroblasts comprising three distinct generations, defined by their CL intensity and Cr (±V, Ti, Fe and Ga) content, and each separated by resorbed interfaces. In contrast, a sub‐aluminous sample contains two types of kyanite, one as resorbed inclusions in garnet and another in the groundmass or replacing garnet. These textural variants of kyanite are interpreted within the framework of phase equilibria modelling. In P–T pseudosections, a first generation of kyanite, which is only present in the most aluminous samples, is potentially linked to staurolite breakdown, and its resorption is consistent with a subsequent increase in pressure. This kyanite represents the earliest remnant of prograde metamorphism identifiable in these rocks. The second generation, present in the porphyroblasts in the same samples and as inclusions in garnet in the sub‐aluminous sample, is interpreted to be the peritectic product of muscovite dehydration melting. Resorption of this kyanite is consistent with subsequent continuous dehydration melting of biotite, which is also inferred based on microstructural considerations. The final generation of kyanite, present as rims on the prograde kyanite porphyroblasts in aluminous samples and as part of the groundmass or replacing garnet in the sub‐aluminous rock, is interpreted to have grown during melt crystallization upon retrogression. The presence of retrograde kyanite implies that the melt crystallized over a wide range of temperatures, and provides an important constraint on the P–T conditions of the metamorphic peak and on the retrograde P–T path. CL mapping is crucial for identifying retrograde kyanite in aluminous samples, as it preferentially overgrows existing kyanite rather than replacing other prograde phases. The scarcity of kyanite in sub‐aluminous rocks allows retrograde kyanite to grow as discrete crystals that can be identified by optical microscopy. This work attests to the potential of unconventional tools such as CL imaging for deciphering the metamorphic history of rocks.  相似文献   

Eclogite, felsic orthogneiss and garnet–staurolite metapelite occur in a 5 km long profile in the area of Mi?dzygórze in the Orlica–?nie?nik dome (Bohemian Massif). Petrographic observations and mineral equilibria modelling, in the context of detailed structural work, are used to document the close juxtaposition of high‐pressure and medium‐pressure rocks. The structural succession in all lithologies shows an early shallow‐dipping fabric, S1, that is folded by upright folds and overprinted by a heterogeneously developed subvertical foliation, S2. Late recumbent folds associated with a weak shallow‐dipping axial‐plane cleavage, S3, occur locally. The S1 fabric in the eclogite is defined by alternation of garnet‐rich (grs = 22–29 mol.%) and omphacite‐rich (jd = 33–36 mol.%) layers with oriented muscovite (Si = 3.26–3.31 p.f.u.) and accessory kyanite, zoisite, rutile and quartz, indicating conditions of ~19–22 kbar and ~700–750 °C. The assemblage in the retrograde S2 fabric is formed by amphibole, plagioclase, biotite and relict rutile surrounded by ilmenite and sphene that is compatible with decompression and cooling from ~9 kbar and ~730 °C to 5–6 kbar and 600–650 °C. The S3 fabric contains in addition domains with albite, chlorite, K‐feldspar and magnetite indicating cooling to greenschist facies conditions. The metapelites are composed of garnet, staurolite, muscovite, biotite, quartz, ilmenite and chlorite. Chemical zoning of garnet cores that contain straight ilmenite and staurolite inclusion trails oriented perpendicular to the external S2 fabric indicates prograde growth, from ~5 kbar and ~520 °C to ~7 kbar and ~610 °C, during the formation of the S1 fabric. Inclusion trails parallel with the S2 fabric at garnet and staurolite rims are interpreted to be a continuation of the prograde path to ~7.5 and ~630 °C in the S2 fabric. Matrix chlorite parallel to the S2 foliation indicates that the subvertical fabric was still active below 550 °C. The axial planar S2 fabrics developed during upright folding are associated with retrogression of the eclogite under amphibolite facies conditions, and with prograde evolution in the metapelites, associated with their juxtaposition. The shared part of the eclogite and metapelite PT paths during the development of the subvertical fabric reflects their exhumation together.  相似文献   

Garnet‐bearing ultramafic rocks (GBUR) enclosed in granulite or high‐grade gneiss are rare, yet typical constituents of alpine‐type collisional orogens. The Bohemian Massif of the European Variscides is exceptional for the occurrence of a large variety of mantle‐derived rocks, including GBUR (garnet peridotite and garnet pyroxenite). GBUR occur in several metamorphic units belonging to both the Saxothuringian and the Moldanubian zones of the Bohemian Massif. The northernmost outcrops of GBUR in the Bohemian Massif are situated in the Saxonian Granulitgebirge Core Complex in the Saxothuringian zone and are the subject of this study. Thermobarometric results and exsolution textures imply that the Granulitgebirge GBUR belong to the ultra high temperature group of peridotites. They experienced a decompression‐cooling path being constrained by the following four stages: (i) ~1300–1400 °C and 32 kbar, (ii) 1000–1050 °C and 26 kbar, (iii) 900–940 °C and 22 kbar, and (iv) 860 °C and 12–13 kbar. Occasional layers of garnet pyroxenite within GBUR lenses are interpreted as high pressure cumulates that crystallized at 32–36 kbar by cooling below 1400 °C. The GBUR were most probably derived from upwelling asthenosphere and came in contact with crustal granulite at ~60 km depth. Slab break‐off is suggested here as the most probable cause for: (i) asthenosphere upwelling and cooling of the latter as well as (ii) ultra high temperature granulite facies metamorphism of the crustal host rocks. The Granulitgebirge‐type peridotite is very similar to the Mohelno‐type peridotite from the Gföhl unit, Moldanubian zone, in the southern part of the Bohemian Massif. In contrast, peridotite from the adjacent Erzgebirge (also within the Saxothuringian zone) is derived from the subcontinental mantle and much resembles the Nove Dvory‐type peridotite from the Gföhl unit (Moldanubian zone). The fact that the Saxothuringian and Moldanubian zones host the same types of mantle rocks (asthenospheric and lithospheric) of the same metamorphic ages suggests that the classic distinction into the Saxothuringian and Moldanubian zones cannot be supported, at least as far as high‐grade units hosting GBUR are concerned.  相似文献   

An eclogitemafic granulite occurs as a rare boudin within a felsic kyaniteK‐feldspar granulite in a low‐strain zone. Its boundary is marked by significant metasomatism–diffusional gain of potassium at the centimetre‐scale, and probable infiltration of felsic melt on a larger scale. This converted the eclogitemafic granulite into an intermediate‐composition, ternary‐feldspar‐bearing granulite. Based on inclusions in garnet, the peak P–T conditions of the original eclogite are 18 kbar at 850950 °C, with later matrix re‐equilibration at 12 kbar and 950 °C. Four samples from the transition of the eclogitemafic granulite through to the intermediate granulite were studied. In the eclogite, REE patterns in the garnet core show no Eu anomaly, compatible with crystallization in the absence of plagioclase and consistent with eclogite facies conditions. Towards the rim of garnet, LREE decrease, and a weak negative Eu anomaly appears, reflecting passage into HP granulite facies conditions with plagioclase present. The rims of garnet next to ternary feldspar in the intermediate granulite show the lowest LREE and deepest Eu anomalies. Zircon from the four samples was analysed by LASS (laser ablation–split‐stream inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry). It shows U–Pb ages from 404 ± 4.0 to 331 ± 3.3 Ma, with a peak at 340 ± 4.0 Ma corresponding to the likely exhumation of the rocks to 12 kbar. Older ages from zircon with steep HREE patterns indicate the minimum age of the protolith, and ages <360 ± 4.0 Ma are interpreted to correspond to the eclogite facies metamorphism. Only some zircon grains ≤350 ± 4.0 Ma have flat HREE patterns, suggesting that these are primarily modified protolith grains, rather than new zircon crystallized in the eclogite‐ or granulite facies. The metasomatic processes that converted the eclogitemafic granulite to an intermediate granulite may have facilitated zircon modification as zircon in the intermediate granulite has flat HREE and ages of 340 ± 4.0 Ma. The difference between the oldest and youngest ages with flat REE patterns indicates a 16 ± 5.6 Ma period of zircon modification in the presence of garnet.  相似文献   

The Gföhl Unit is the largest migmatite terrain of the Variscan orogenic root domain in Europe. Its genesis has been until now attributed to variable degrees of in situ partial melting. In the Rokytná Complex (Gföhl Unit, Czech Republic) there is a well-preserved sequence documenting the entire migmatitization process on both outcrop and regional scales. The sequence starts with (i) banded orthogneiss with distinctly separated monomineralic layers, continuing through (ii) migmatitic mylonitic gneiss, (iii) schlieren migmatite characterised by disappearance of monomineralic layering and finally to (iv) felsic nebulitic migmatite with no relics of the original banding.

While each type of migmatite shows a distinct whole-rock geochemical and Sr–Nd isotopic fingerprint, the whole sequence evolves along regular, more or less smooth trends for most of the elements. Possible mechanisms which could account for such a variation are that the individual migmatite types (i) are genetically unrelated, (ii) originated by equilibrium melting of a single protolith, (iii) formed by disequilibrium melting (with or without a small-scale melt movement) or (iv) were generated by melt infiltration from external source. The first scenario is not in agreement with the field observations and chemistry of the orthogneisses/migmatites. Neither of the remaining hypotheses can be ruled out convincingly solely on whole-rock geochemical grounds. However in light of previously obtained structural, petrologic and microstructural data, this sequence can be interpreted as a result of a process in which the banded orthogneiss was pervasively, along grain boundaries, penetrated by felsic melt derived from an external source.

In terms of this melt infiltration model the individual migmatites can be explained by different degrees of equilibration between the bulk rock and the passing melt. The melt infiltration can be modelled as an open-system process, characterised by changes of the total mass/volume and accompanied by gains/losses in many of the major- and trace elements. The modelling of the mass balance resulted in identification of a component added by a heterogeneous nucleation of feldspars, quartz and apatite from the passing melt. This is in line with the observed presence of new albitic plagioclase, K-feldspar and quartz coatings as well as resorption of relict feldspars. At the most advanced stages (schlieren and nebulitic migmatites) the whole-rock trace-element geochemical variations document an increasing role for fractional crystallization of the K-feldspar and minor plagioclase, with accessory amounts of monazite, zircon and apatite.

The penetrating melt was probably (leuco-) granitic, poor in mafic components, Rb rich, with low Sr, Ba, LREE, Zr, U and Th contents. It probably originated by partial melting of micaceous quartzo-feldspathic rocks.

If true and the studied migmatites indeed originated by a progressive melt infiltration into a single protolith resembling the banded orthogneiss, this until now underappreciated process would have profound implications regarding rheology and chemical development of anatectic regions in collisional orogens.  相似文献   

The Malpica–Tui Unit (Galicia, NW Spain) records eclogite‐ and blueschist‐facies metamorphism during the onset of the Variscan orogeny in Europe. Petrological analysis involving pseudosections calculated using thermocalc shows that the Upper Sheet of this unit, the Ceán Schists, recorded a three‐stage metamorphic evolution involving (i) Early subduction‐related medium‐pressure/low‐temperature metamorphism (M1) constrained at ~350–380 °C, 12–14 kbar, which is only recorded in the basal part (lower metapelites, LM) of the Ceán Schists. (ii) Subduction‐related blueschist facies prograde metamorphism (M2) going from ~19 kbar, 420 °C to 21 kbar, 460 °C in the LM, and from 16 kbar 430 °C to 21–22 kbar, 520 °C in the structurally upper metapelites (UM). (iii) Exhumation‐related metamorphism (M3) is characterized by a decompression to 8–10 kbar, 470–490 °C in the LM. This decompression is also recorded in the UM, but it was not possible to estimate precise P–T conditions. The calculations indicate that (i) the prograde evolution in subduction zones may occur in fluid‐undersaturated conditions due to the crystallization of lawsonite, even in metapelitic rocks. This significantly influences phase equilibria and hence the P–T estimates. (ii) The proportion of ferric iron also has a strong influence on phase equilibria, even in metapelites. However, the analysed values of Fe2O3 may not reflect the oxidation state during the main metamorphic evolution and are probably easily modified by superficial alteration even in apparently fresh samples. The use of PTX(Fe2O3) pseudosections together with petrographic observations is then necessary to estimate the real oxidation state of the rocks and correctly evaluate the P–T conditions.  相似文献   

A lower amphibolite Alpine shear zone from the Fibbia metagranite (Gotthard Massif, Central Alps) has been studied to better understand the parameters controlling strain localization in granitic rocks. The strain gradient on the metre‐scale shows an evolution from a weakly deformed metagranite (QtzI–KfsI–AbI–BtI ± PlII–ZoI–PhgI–Grt) to a fine banded ultramylonite (QtzII–KfsII–AbII–PlII–BtII–PhgII ± Grt–ZoII). Strain localization is coeval with dynamic recrystallization of the quartzofeldspathic matrix and a modal increase in mica, at the expense of K‐feldspar. The continuous recrystallization of plagioclase during deformation into a very fine‐grained assemblage forming anastomosed ribbons is interpreted as the dominant process in the shear zone initiation and development. The shear zone initiated under closed‐system conditions with the destabilization of metastable AbI–ZoI porphyroclasts into fine‐grained (20–50 μm sized) AbII–PlII aggregates, and with minor crystallization of phengite at the expense of K‐feldspar. The development of the shear zone requires a change in state of the system, which becomes open to externally derived fluids and mass transfer. Indeed, mass balance calculations and thermodynamic modelling show that the ultramylonite is characterized by gains in CaO, FeO and H2O. The progressive input of externally derived CaO drives the continuous metamorphic recrystallization of the fine‐grained AbII–PlII aggregate into a more PlII‐rich and finer aggregate. Input of water favours the crystallization of phengite at the expense of K‐feldspar to form an interconnected network of weak phases. Thus, recrystallization of 50% of the bulk rock volume would induce a decrease of the strength of the rock that might contribute to the development of the shear zone. This study emphasizes the major role of metamorphic reactions and more particularly plagioclase on strain localization process. Plagioclase represents at least one‐third of the bulk rock volume in granitic systems and forms a stress‐supporting framework that controls the rock rheology. Therefore, recrystallization of plagioclase due to changes in P–T conditions and/or bulk composition must be taken into account, together with quartz and K‐feldspar, in order to understand strain localization processes in granites.  相似文献   

The igneous complex of Neukirchen–Kdyn is located in the southwestern part of the Teplá–Barrandian unit (TBU) in the Bohemian Massif. The TBU forms the most extensive surface exposure of Cadomian basement in central Europe. Cambrian plutons show significant changes in composition, emplacement depth, isotopic cooling ages, and tectonometamorphic overprint from NE to SW. In the NE, the V epadly granodiorite and the Smr ovice diorite intruded at shallow crustal levels (<ca. 7 km depth) as was indicated by geobarometric data. K–Ar age data yield 547±7 and 549±7 for hornblende and 495±6 Ma for biotite of the Smr ovice diorite, suggesting that this pluton has remained at shallow crustal levels (T<ca. 350 °C) since its Cambrian emplacement. A similar history is indicated for the V epadly granodiorite and the Stod granite. In the SW, intermediate to mafic plutons of the Neukirchen–Kdyn massif (V eruby and Neukirchen gabbro, Hoher–Bogen metagabbro), which yield Cambrian ages, either intruded or were metamorphosed at considerably deeper structural levels (>20 km). The Teufelsberg ( ert v kámen) diorite, on the other hand, forms an unusual intrusion dated at 359±2 Ma (concordant U–Pb zircon age). K–Ar dating of biotite of the Teufelsberg diorite yields 342±4 Ma. These ages, together with published cooling ages of hornblende and mica in adjacent plutons, are compatible with widespread medium to high-grade metamorphism and strong deformation fabrics, suggesting a strong Variscan impact under elevated temperatures at deeper structural levels. The plutons of the Neukirchen area are cut by the steeply NE dipping Hoher–Bogen shear zone (HBSZ), which forms the boundary with the adjacent Moldanubian unit. The HBSZ is characterized by top-to-the-NE normal movements, which were particularly active during the Lower Carboniferous. A geodynamic model is presented that explains the lateral gradients in Cambrian pluton composition and emplacement depth by differential uplift and exhumation, the latter being probably related to long-lasting movements along the HBSZ as a consequence of Lower Carboniferous orogenic collapse.  相似文献   

A microstructural and metamorphic study of a naturally deformed medium‐ to high‐pressure granitic orthogneiss (Orlica–?nie?nik dome, Bohemian Massif) provides evidence of behaviour of the felsic crust during progressive burial along a subduction‐type apparent thermal gradient (~10 °C km?1). The granitic orthogneisses develops three distinct microstructural types, as follows: type I – augen orthogneiss, type II – banded orthogneiss and type III – mylonitic orthogneiss, each representing an evolutionary stage of a progressively deformed granite. Type I orthogneiss is composed of partially recrystallized K‐feldspar porphyroclasts surrounded by wide fronts of myrmekite, fully recrystallized quartz aggregates and interconnected monomineralic layers of recrystallized plagioclase. Compositional layering in the type II orthogneiss is defined by plagioclase‐ and K‐feldspar‐rich layers, both of which show an increasing proportion of interstitial minerals, as well as the deformation of recrystallized myrmekite fronts. Type III orthogneiss shows relicts of quartz and K‐feldspar ribbons preserved in a fine‐grained polymineralic matrix. All three types have the same assemblage (quartz + plagioclase + K‐feldspar + muscovite + biotite + garnet + sphene ± ilmenite), but show systematic variations in the composition of muscovite and garnet from types I to III. This is consistent with the equilibration of the three types at different positions along a prograde P?T path ranging from <15 kbar and <700 °C (type I orthogneiss) to 19–20 kbar and >700 °C (types II and III orthogneisses). The deformation types thus do not represent evolutionary stages of a highly partitioned deformation at constant P?T conditions, but reflect progressive formation during the burial of the continental crust. The microstructures of the type I and type II orthogneisses result from the dislocation creep of quartz and K‐feldspar whereas a grain boundary sliding‐dominated diffusion creep regime is the characteristic of the type III orthogneiss. Strain weakening related to the transition from type I to type II microstructures was enhanced by the recrystallization of wide myrmekite fronts, and plagioclase and quartz, and further weakening and strain localization in type III orthogneiss occurred via grain boundary sliding‐enhanced diffusion creep. The potential role of incipient melting in strain localization is discussed.  相似文献   

The Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB) is one of the largest accretionary collages in the world, and records a prolonged sequence of subduction‐accretion and collision processes. The Tarim Craton is located at the southernmost margin of the CAOB. In this study, the discovery of early Palaeozoic high‐pressure (HP) granulites from the Dunhuang block in the northeastern Tarim Craton is reported, and these rocks are characterized through detailed petrological and geochronological studies. The peak mineral assemblage of the HP mafic granulite is garnet + clinopyroxene + plagioclase + quartz + rutile, which is overprinted by amphibolite facies retrograde metamorphic assemblages. The calculated P–T conditions of the peak metamorphism are ~1.4–1.7 GPa and ~800 °C. The retrograde P–T conditions are ~0.7 GPa and ~700 °C. The metamorphic zircon grains from the HP mafic granulite show homogeneous CL‐images, low Th/U ratios and flat HREE patterns and yield a weighted mean 206Pb/238U age of 444 ± 5 Ma. The metamorphic zircon grains from the associated kyanite‐bearing garnet gneiss and garnet‐mica schist show a similar 206Pb/238U age of 429 ± 3 and 435 ± 4 Ma, respectively. The c. 440–430 Ma age is interpreted to mark the timing of HP granulite facies metamorphism in the Dunhuang block. The results from this study suggest that the Dunhuang block experienced continental subduction prior to the early Palaeozoic collisional orogeny between the northeastern Tarim Craton and the southern CAOB, and the Dunhuang area could be considered as the southward extension of the CAOB. It is suggested that the continental collision in the eastern part involving the Dunhuang block of the southern CAOB may have occurred c. 120 Ma earlier than in the western part involving the Tianshan orogen.  相似文献   

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