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【目的】探讨索马里急流和南亚高压对印度夏季风(Indian Summer Monsoon,ISM)爆发产生的协同作用。【方法】基于ECMWF欧洲中期天气预报中心第五代再分析资料(ERA5)提供的逐日数据,结合印度气象局对ISM爆发日期(即印度次大陆最南端的喀拉拉邦降水骤升的日期)的统计数据采用功率谱分析、偏相关分析和滑动相关等统计学方法,分析索马里急流和南亚高压对ISM爆发的协同作用。【结果】ISM爆发前1候至当候,印度地区对流层高层南亚高压的范围和强度不断扩大,同时对流层低层索马里急流的强度和范围不断增强,使阿拉伯海地区的西南气流不断增强,将阿拉伯海地区大量水汽输送至印度大陆,在这样有利的条件下,印度南部降水量剧增,ISM爆发;当5月下旬的南亚高压、索马里急流以及阿拉伯海地区水汽通量和气旋性环流均显著偏强时,ISM会提前爆发,降水也会异常偏多。【结论】ISM爆发日期受到索马里急流和南亚高压两者协同作用的影响,而并非单独受到某个系统的影响。  相似文献   

利用太阳黑子相对数资料,根据太阳磁场磁性特征建立了太阳磁场磁性指数时间序列,并利用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料建立了1948-2006年的南亚夏季风环流强度指数,对两者之间存在的可能相关关系作了分析。结果表明:太阳磁场磁性变化是激发南亚夏季风环流强度年代际变化的重要原因,当太阳北(南)半球磁场磁极为N(S)极为前导时,南亚夏季风环流强度较强,当太阳北(南)半球磁场磁极为S(N)极为前导时,南亚夏季风环流强度较弱,太阳磁场磁性强度的变化超前于南亚夏季风环流强度变化5年左右。两者之间的这种相关关系,为南亚夏季风环流强度年代际变化方面的预测提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

利用1982年1月-2001年12月青藏高原植被归一化指数(NDVI)和NCEP/NCAR再分析月平均资料,应用相关分析、奇异值分解(SVD)和经验正交分解(EOF)的方法,分析了青藏高原冬季的NDVI变化与南亚夏季风的关系.通过分析表明,高原植被与南亚地区850hPa纬向风场和纬向风垂直切变(U850hPa-U200hPa)有比较好的正相关关系.用纬向风垂直切变EOF分析的第一特征向量对应的时间系数定义一个南亚夏季风指数(EOFI),该系数与高原冬季NDVI相关较好,而且能较好地反映南亚夏季风的变化.  相似文献   

近些年,对于东亚季风区石笋δ18O的气候环境指示意义的争论较多,主要在东亚季风区石笋δ18O代表夏季和风强度、夏季风降水还是水汽源变化。基于中国东部华北地区降水与长江中下游地区降水反相变化和长江中下游地区降水与菲律宾海降水反相变化(遥相关),从年际-年代际到千年-轨道尺度对石笋δ18O与夏季风降水、厄尔尼诺-南方涛动(ENSO)的相互关系进行了探讨分析。通过对比石笋δ18O记录与华北和梅雨区降水,发现石笋δ18O偏负对应华北降水增加,梅雨区降水减少;石笋δ18O偏正对应华北降水减少,梅雨区降水增加。这种对应关系不仅存在年际-年代际尺度,而且在千年-轨道尺度同样存在,石笋δ18O不仅反映夏季风强弱变化,同时与中国东部区域降水关系是明确对应的。通过降水的空间相互关系,发现ENSO活动主要通过影响中国东部降水的空间分布格局而作用于石笋δ18O。La Ni?a态导致南海及菲律宾海对流加强,西太副高位置偏北,长江中下游地区梅雨期缩短,华北夏季降水增加,东亚季风区石笋δ18O偏负。El Ni?o态,南海和菲律宾海对流受到抑制,西太副高位置南移,长江中下游地区梅雨期延长,华北夏季降水减少,东亚季风区石笋δ18O偏正。另外,水汽源分析发现,菲律宾海水汽输送对东亚季风区降水及降水δ18O贡献相对较小。因此,综合分析认为,东亚季风区石笋δ18O主要反映了亚洲夏季风的强弱变化。   相似文献   

为研究亚非夏季风降水的时空变化特征及其与热带东风急流的相关性,利用1948-2008年61年NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,采用经验正交函数分解和奇异值分解等方法讨论了亚非夏季风降水的变化及其与热带东风急流的关系。结果表明:从包括撒赫勒在内的北非地区到印度西北部、青藏高原南部,直到中国华北东北地区,是亚非夏季降水的最主要的空间分布型式。亚非夏季风降水总体呈现出逐年递减的趋势。多年亚非季风区夏季降水分布与热带东风急流的强度有密切关系,在急流不同部位降水特征不同。亚非夏季风降水与热带东风急流呈显著正相关,二者的分布趋势在极大程度上吻合。  相似文献   

贵州石漠化与生态环境问题的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
贵州石漠化面积达3.48km^2,占全省土地面积的19.8%,干旱缺水造成土地生产率低,经济落后,加之不合理的人类活动又加剧了水土流失和石漠化,形成了恶性循环,使贵州生态环境日益恶化。文章对贵州省喀斯特地区土地石漠化分布特征及其成因进行了探讨和分析,并提出了相应的综合治理对策。  相似文献   

用大气热源表征的东亚夏季风指数的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用1965—2007年NCEP/NCAR再分析资料和同期的中国160站降水资料,在讨论大气热源的气候特征基础上,用整层积分的大气热源定义了一个东亚夏季风指数,并用该指数研究了东亚夏季风和中国气候的关系。研究表明:定义的大气热源季风指数能反映夏季风的异常变化,高(低)指数年对应的东亚夏季风偏强(弱);该指数与长江中下游降水存在高度的同期负相关,对长江中下游夏季降水有较强的分辨能力。  相似文献   

利用1965—2007年NCEP/NCAR再分析资料和同期的中国160站降水资料,在讨论大气热源的气候特征基础上,用整层积分的大气热源定义了一个东亚夏季风指数,并用该指数研究了东亚夏季风和中国气候的关系。研究表明:定义的大气热源季风指数能反映夏季风的异常变化,高(低)指数年对应的东亚夏季风偏强(弱);该指数与长江中下游降水存在高度的同期负相关,对长江中下游夏季降水有较强的分辨能力。  相似文献   

通过地质分析,借助可控源音频大地电磁测深物探手段,认为思南温泉补给源来自其西部沙沟向斜核部热水沿樱桃断裂带上升,并在鹦鹉溪背斜核部岩体破碎带排泄出地表。通过对贵州思南温泉水样的水质分析,采用地球化学温标法研究了思南温泉的热储温度为53℃,并研究得出热水循环深度为1500m。  相似文献   

张华  鹿爱莉 《国土资源》2002,(11):48-49
矿产资源与矿业 印度的矿产资源比较丰富。其中,煤矿储量居世界第五位;铬铁矿储量位居世界第五;锰矿储量居第六位;金红石储量居第二位;钛铁矿储量居第五位;稀土储量居第五位;重晶石储量居世界第二位;滑石储量居第四位;硅灰石储量居第二位;铁矿出日量居世界第三位,还是世界上产云母最多的国家,  相似文献   

Relationship between the onset date of South China Sea (SCS) summer monsoon and the summer rainfall in Shandong Province was examined by comprehensive analysis to establish a conceptual model of the link. If the summer monsoon occurs earlier, the 500 hPa level would induce the teleconnection of Eurasian pattern in the summer (June-August), which indicates that the western Pacific subtropical high is displaced northward further than usual, the Siberian high is intensified and the Okhotsk low is deepened. Under such circumstance, Shandong, located in the west side of the subtropical high and in front of the mid-Siberia high, would be expected to have a wet summer because it is quite possible for cold and warm air to meet and interact with each other in Shandong. Statistical analysis revealed that the 500 hPa anomalies over Korea and Japan were sensitive to the SCS monsoon onset date and very important to precipitation in Shandong, and that the convective activities over the deep water basin in the SCS in 24-26 pentads significantly influenced the position of the ridge line of the western Pacific subtropical high. These findings yielded better understanding of the causative mechanisms involved in the precipitation generation, so that the knowledge gained can possibly be applied for long-lead forecast.  相似文献   

1998年东亚夏季风波包传播特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用NCEP/NCAR 850hPa风场资料和高度场资料,分析了1998年东亚夏季风强弱变化与波动能量传播特征,表明东亚夏季风存在着加强和减弱的阶段性特征,其季风的爆发、加强、北推东扩与波包的加强和传播有显著的联系.在季风加强期,中、低纬地区一般为波包大值区并有波包加强和向东传播.东亚夏季风爆发前,季风加强主要受中低纬度系统能量的东传影响;东亚夏季风爆发后,季风加强期波包的经向传播十分明显,但期间波包也表现出一定的北传特征,表明低纬地区的系统能量也起一定作用.在东亚夏季风减弱期东亚为波包小值区控制,显示出在季风减弱阶段波包能量的传播也有减弱的特征.  相似文献   

Based on simulations of the IPCC 20C3M and SRES A1B experiments in ten coupled models, the Asian summer mon-soon (ASM) response to CO2 doubling and the different responses among models are examined. Nine models show the similar results that the weakening of land-ocean thermal contrast caused by the CO2 doubling contributes to a weaker large-scale ASM circulation. Further analysis in this study also shows that the major ASM components,such as the Somali cross-equatorial flow,the low level India-South China Sea monsoon trough,and the upper level tropical easterly jet stream, weaken as CO2 doubles.However,the ASM rainfall increases as a result of the increased moisture from the warmer Indian Ocean and the South China Sea, and the enhanced northward moisture transport over the ASM region.For the response of enhanced northward moisture transport over South Asia, the positive contribution of moisture content increase in the Indian Ocean is dominant and the negative contribution of the weaker mon-soon circulation is secondary at 850 hPa,but both have positive contribution to the total moisture transport along the East China coast.The paradox of the weaker ASM circulation and the increasing precipitation in CO2 doubling is confirmed.It is found that strengthening of northward moisture transport could intensify the precipitation and atmospheric heat source over the north Arabian Sea and East China,and result in enhanced southwesterly at 850 hPa as global warming occurs.All ten models show significant enhanced southwesterly response over the north Arabian Sea,and six of them show enhanced southwesterly response along the East China coast.  相似文献   

The characteristics of circulation corresponding to two kinds of indices of summer monsoon onset over the South China Sea (SCS) have been discussed using the reanalysis data of the National Centers for Environmental Prediction-National Center for Atmospheric Research. It is found that there are two patterns of deep convection that occur at different locations and influence the summer monsoon onset over the SCS. One is over the Asia continent and the western Pacific corresponding to the southwesterly of summer monsoon prevailing over the northern and central part of the SCS, while the other is near the Philippines that affects the westerly summer monsoon as prevailing over the central and southern southern part of the SCS. Since these two kinds of convection affecting the summer monsoon onset do not always occur together, thus the summer monsoon onset time is different when determined by various indices.  相似文献   

1 Introduction TheindicesfortheAsianmonsoonhavebeenstud iedinmanyworks .Recently ,thechoiceofpropermonsoonindiceshasreceivedexceptionalattentionandraisedcontroversy (WebsterandYang ,1 992 ;Goswa mietal.,1 999;Goswami,2 0 0 0 ;Wang ,2 0 0 0 ) .Us ingzona…  相似文献   

The performance of spectral nudging in an investigation of the 2010 East Asia summer monsoon was assessed using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model, forced by 1-degree NCEP Global Final Analysis (FNL). Two pairs of experiments were made, spectral nudging (SP) and non-spectral nudging (NOSP), with five members in each group. The members were distinguished by different initial times, and the analysis was based on the ensemble mean of the two simulation pairs. The SP was able to constrain error growth in large-scale circulation in upper-level, during simulation, and generate realistic regional scale patterns. The main focus was the model ability to simulate precipitation. The Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) 3B42 product was used for precipitation verification. Mean precipitation magnitude was generally overestimated by WRF. Nevertheless, SP simulations suppressed overestimation relative to the NOSP experiments. Compared to TRMM, SP also improved model simulation of precipitation in spatial and temporal distributions, with the ability to reproduce movement of rainbands. However, extreme precipitation events were suppressed in the SP simulations.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONTheSouthChinaSea(SCS)isapartly enclosedoceanbasinoverlaidbyapronouncedmonsoonsurfacewind .Paststudies (Chenetal.,1 991 ;DingandMurakami,1 994 ;Yan ,1 997;LiangBiqi,1 991 ;LiangJianyin ,1 991 )indicatethatahugewarmwaterpooljointlycontributedbythewesternPacific ,ea…  相似文献   

The influence of summer monsoon on tropical cyclone (TC) genesis over the Bay of Bengal (BoB) is explored using an empirical genesis potential (GP) index. The annual cycle of cyclogenesis frequency over the BoB shows an asymmetric bimodal pattern with the maximum genesis number appearing in late October and the second largest in early May. The two peaks correspond to the withdrawal and onset of the BoB summer monsoon, respectively. The semimonthly GP index calculated without TC days over the BoB is consistent with TC genesis frequency, indicating that the index captures the monsoon-induced changes in the environment that are responsible for the seasonal variation of TC genesis frequency. Of the four environmental variables (i.e., low-level vorticity, mid-level relative humidity, potential intensity, and vertical wind shear) that enter into the GP index, the potential intensity makes the largest contribution to the bimodal distribution, followed by vertical wind shear due to small wind speed during the summer monsoon onset and withdrawal. The difference in TC genesis frequency between autumn and late spring is mainly owing to the relative humid-ity difference because a divergence (convergence) of horizontal moisture flux associated with cold dry northerlies (warm wet wester-lies) dominates the BoB in late spring (autumn).  相似文献   

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