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This paper describes the sedimentation style associated with the basal Carboniferous transgression in southern Ireland and the influence which this event had on the palaeogeography of the region. The transgression as marked by the base of the Carboniferous succession is shown to represent one of several genetically related transgressive pulses which commenced during the Late Devonian. At this time an east-west trending graben, the South Munster Basin, developed in southern Ireland. This was initially a non-marine depositional site in which sediment was derived from the north and west. Subsidence and eustatic sea-level rise resulted in a marine transgression which proceeded in a rhythmic style resulting in a number of transgressive-stillstand pulses. The first transgressive pulse (T1) advanced in a westerly direction along the basin axis resulting in the development of an epicontinental-like sea. The shoreline remained essentially static along the northern basin margin initially until a second transgressive pulse (T2) resulted in expansion of the marine area. The latter proceeded by gradual northward erosive advance of a barred coastal area as far as the northern basin margin where the stability of the bounding platform halted its progress. Erosion of the barrier shoreface was insufficient to destroy all the backbarrier lagoonal deposits which are preserved as a thin transgressive diachronous unit which grades northwards to a coastal alluvial plain. Immediately preceding the basal Carboniferous transgression (T3), a shallow, wave-dominated, storm-influenced shelf sea occupied the basinal area. Two sublittoral sand bar complexes developed on the shelf under the influence of shore-parallel current regimes, apparently derived from source areas located on either side of the epicontinental sea The basal Carboniferous transgression took place in two pulses. The first (T3a) resulted in a rapid reduction in sand supply to the shelf and deposition of clay. The barrier shoreline responded by erosively retreating across the lagoon, leaving a transgressive lag in its wake. Its northwards advance was, however, limited due to the relative stability of the northern platform. Sand supply to the shelf was completely terminated in the second pulse (T3b) and the barrier rapidly migrated erosively across the northern platform for a considerable distance such that the coastal plain is overlain by a thin transgressive lag. This transgressive phase was immediately followed by shoreline stillstand and progressive shallowing of the shelf. An open sandy shelf developed on which offshore sand bars accumulated under a storm and wave dominated regime. Clay deposition continued in the deeper part of the basinal area but was eventually terminated as the shelf sands prograded centripetally into the basin. The main factor that controlled the style of the overall transgression was an interplay between eustatic sea level rise and basin subsidence. The rate of relative sea-level rise together with the effect of differential subsidence and fluvial input from the north appear to have diminished with time. The rate at which successive transgressive pulses advanced northwards shows an overall progressive increase.  相似文献   

JAMIE G. QUIN 《Sedimentology》2008,55(4):1053-1082
The relatively fine-grained Late Devonian to Early Carboniferous 'Cork Beds' succession of the South Munster Basin includes continuous sections of paralic facies that are over 1000 m thick and individual sandstone units over 300 m thick. However, the succession does not reflect prolonged phases when facies belts were stationary, but rather multiple stacking of small-scale, high-frequency sequences, each associated with pronounced migration of shorelines. What seems to have been unusual about the South Munster Basin succession was that the geographical positioning of these high-frequency sequences was fixed. This resulted from an unusual combination of tectonics, shelf hydrodynamics, sedimentation rates and the textural maturity of the sediment within the basin. Of these, tectonics was probably most critical, particularly the juxtaposition of rapid subsidence in basinal areas and a basin margin zone (to the north) that was sufficiently up-standing to pin the maximum extent of transgression during repeated highstands of sea-level, yet not so upstanding as to have diverted the major regional drainage system. The embayed palaeogeography of the area may also have been influential.  相似文献   

A succession of about 300 m of fluvial sediments from the Lower Carboniferous of northwest Ireland is described and interpreted. A lower, mainly red, formation contains fluvial channel deposits dominated by flat laminated sandstone. These are separated by interbedded sandstones and mudrocks with local caliche horizons and abundant mudcracks interpreted as levee and flood basin deposits. An upper, mainly non-red, formation contains fluvial channel deposits with common trough cross-stratification and epsilon cross-stratification also separated by interbedded sandstones and mudrocks. Evidence of desiccation is less common in the uppermost beds which pass transitionally upwards into marine sediments.The change in fluvial channel style is interpreted as due to increasing sinuosity and permanence of flow which may have been partly temporally and partly spatially controlled. The predominance of coarse sediments is thought to be largely controlled by limited subsidence. The Lower Carboniferous transgression was the major overall control of alluviation.  相似文献   

The sedimentology of three sand-cored drumlins in central Ulster. Northern Ireland is described. The sand-cores of the drumlins consist of complex sequences of cohesive sediment gravity forms, grain-flow deposits, turbiditic sands and deltaic sands and gravels, showing complex fades relationships. The bulk of the sediments formed in water-filled cavities associated with a major subglacial meltwater escape route excavated in bedrock. The sand-cores are overlain by a streamlined carapace of basal melt-out till. A model is presented to account for spatial variations in faeies arrangement within the sand-cores. Three specific meltwater depositional subenvironments were recognised: (1) main channel axis, (2) main channel flank, and (3) minor tributary channel. The sand-cores formed prior to the main phase of basal melt-out till deposition and before drumlin streamlining.  相似文献   

Extremely rapid deposition of fine-grained sediment has been observed near an artificially created channel between the Edisto and Ashepoo Rivers in South Carolina. Accumulation rates on the order of 0.05 m mo−1 formed a region of fluid mud known as the Mud Reach that was present during a study carried out in May 1998. Subsequent surveys in March and May 1999 found no evidence of fluid mud in this area. Image analysis of photographs of the suspended sediment from 1998 showed that the water column was populated by flocs with a median diameter on the order of 0.3 mm which tended to remain in suspension over the tidal cycle, and flocs on the order of 0.8 mm which remained in the near bottom region except at maximum current speeds. In 1999, both the size and concentration of flocs at the surface remained the same, but the size and abundance of flocs near the bottom was reduced. Disaggregated inorganic grain size analysis of the suspension and samples from a core collected in the Mud Reach indicated that in 1998 the accumulation of material on the bottom was the result of floc settling and that in spite of highu s values, little sorting of this material was occurring. Grain size analysis of samples deeper in the core showed that the rapidly floc-deposited mud was underlain by coarser, well-sorted sediment, confirming that the Mud Reach was a transient feature. The observed flocculation processes may play a significant role in the trapping of fine-grained sediment throughout this region.  相似文献   

The Curitiba Basin, Paraná, lies parallel to the west side of the Serra do Mar range and is part of a continental rift near the Atlantic coast of southeastern Brazil. It bears unconsolidated and poorly consolidated sediments divided in two formations: the lower Guabirotuba Formation and the overlying Tinguis Formation, both developed over Precambrian basement. Field observations, water well drill cores, and interpretations of satellite images lead to the inference that regional tectonic processes were responsible for the origin of the Basin in the continental rift context and for morphotecatonic evolution through block tilting, dissection, and erosion. The structural framework of the sediments and the basement is characterized by NE–SW-trending normal faults (extensional tectonic D1 event) reactivated by NE–SW-trending strike–slip and reverse oblique faults (younger transtensional tectonic D2′ to transpressional tectonic D2″ event). This tectonic event, which started in the Paleogene and controlled the basin geometry, began as a halfgraben and was later reactivated as a pull-apart basin. D2 is a neotectonic event that controls the current morphostructures. The Basin is connected to the structural rearrangement of the South American platform, which underwent a generalized extensional or trantensional process and, in late Oligocene, changed to a compressional to transpressional regime.  相似文献   

We present a revised lithostratigraphy for the Voltaian Supergroup of Ghana, based on a review of existing literature, interpretations of remotely sensed data and reconnaissance field survey of the Volta Basin. These strata thicken eastwards, to a maximum of between 5 and 6 km adjacent to the Pan-African Dahomeyide orogen. They began to accumulate some time after about 1000 Ma, along the margin of an epicontinental sea. Initial sedimentation, comprising the age-equivalent Kwahu and Bombouaka Groups, shows a cyclical mode of deposition controlled by eustatic changes in sea-level that produced a range of nearshore marine, littoral and terrestrial environments.  相似文献   

A suite of 6 m long Mackereth cores collected from Lough Catherine, Northern Ireland, form the basis of a study of sediment accumulation rates throughout the Holocene. A data set produced by measuring the magnetic susceptibility, artificially induced remanent magnetisations and density of the sediment was used to correlate the cores by means of a sequence slotting algorithm. The resulting sediment accumulation pattern was dated by reference to previous14C and palynological studies. The interpretation of the magnetic logs was complicated by the authigenic formation of the magnetic mineral greigite (Fe3S4) and by magnetite dissolution discovered during a period of low sediment accumulation between the end of the Lateglacial period (10,10014C years B.P.) and the elm decline (5,200 B.P.). More traditional methods of core analysis based on sediment density and also new palynological studies were used to correlate sections of the cores where the magnetic results were least amenable to core matching on account of low downcore variability and low accumulation rate. The accumulation rate, a direct indication of catchment denudation, has accelerated fivefold during the Holocene. The sediment accumulation rate has increased most dramatically since the elm decline at 5,200 B.P., reflecting the increasing degree of human disturbance.  相似文献   

从黑河流域地下水年龄论其资源属性   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
地下水资源的可持续性是当前干旱区流域水资源管理的首要问题之一 ,我国西北内陆干旱区地下水的可持续开发必须首先要了解地下水系统的更新能力 ,地下水的放射性同位素测年可以提供系统循环时间和更新能力的重要信息。本文利用地下水中放射性氚 (3H )和碳 (1 4C)测年方法 ,计算黑河流域地下水的年龄 ,进而讨论地下水的更新性。结果表明 :潜水年龄多数小于 5 0 a,具有可再生的资源的属性 ,其中山前戈壁带和张掖盆地细土平原潜水地下水年龄小于 4 0 a,为 196 3年以来补给。酒泉东盆地排泄区承压含水层中地下水的年龄为 2 338~5 5 6 9a,额济纳附近的深层承压含水层中 ,地下水的年龄为 5 4 86~ 86 30 a,地下水资源更新性较差。但是张掖盆地河流附近深层承压地下水年龄小于 5 0 a,具有一定的更新性。上述认识不仅对黑河流域水资源管理和生态环境建设具有重要意义 ,而且对西北类似的内流盆地的地下水系统的研究有着借鉴意义  相似文献   

The Athgarh Formation is the northernmost extension of the east coast Upper Gondwana sediments of Peninsular India. The formation of the present area is a clastic succession of 700 m thick and was built against an upland scarp along the north and northwestern boundary of the basin marked by an E-W-ENE-WSW boundary fault. A regular variation in the dominant facies types and association of lithofacies from the basin margin to the basin centre reveals deposition of the succession in an alluvial fan environment with the development of proximal, mid and distal fan subenvironments with the distal part of the fan merging into a lake. Several fans coalesced along the basin margin, forming a southeasterly sloping, broad and extensive alluvial plain terminating to a lake in the centre of the basin. Aggradation of fans along the subsiding margin of the basin resulted in the Athgarh succession showing remarkable lateral facies change in the down-dip direction. The proximal fan conglomerates pass into the sandstone-dominated mid-fan deposits, which, in turn, grade into the cyclic sequences of sandstone-mudstone of the distal fan origin. Further downslope, thick sequence of lacustrine shales occur. The faulted boundary condition of the basin and a thick pile of lacustrine sediments at the centre of the basin suggest that tectonism both in the source area and depositional site has played an important role throughout the deposition of the Athgarh succession of the present area. The vertical succession fines upward with the coarse proximal deposits at the base and fine distal deposits at the top, suggesting deposition of the succession during progressive reduction of the source area relief after a single rapid uplift related to a boundary fault movement.The NW-SE trending fault defining the Son-Mahanadi basin of Lower Gondwana sediments are shear zones of great antiquity and these were rejuvenated under neo-tensional stress during Lower Gondwana sedimentation. The E-W-ENE-WSW trending fault of the Athgarh basin, on the other hand, define tensional rupture of much younger date. In the Early Cretaceous period, there was a reversal of palaeoslope in the Athgarh basin (southward slope) with respect to the Son-Mahanadi basin (northward slope). During the phase drifting of the Indian continent and with the evolution of Indian Ocean in the Early Cretaceous period, the tectonic events in the plate interior was manifested by formation of new grabens like the Athgarh graben.  相似文献   

Fold-interference patterns in the Bowen Basin,northeastern Australia   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Deformation patterns of Paleozoic and Mesozoic strata in eastern Australia are evidence of a structural and tectonic history that included multiple periods of deformation with variable strain intensities and orientations. Detailed analysis of structural data from the Bowen Basin in northeastern Australia reveals previously undescribed, north–south elongate, Type-1 fold-interference patterns. The Bowen Basin structures have similar orientations to previously described interference patterns of equivalent scale in upper Paleozoic strata of the New England Orogen and Sydney Basin of eastern Australia. The east Australian folds with north–south-trending axes most likely formed during late stages of the Permian–Triassic Hunter–Bowen Orogeny, and they were subsequently refolded around east–west axes during post 30 Ma collision of the Indo-Australian plate with the Eurasian and Pacific plates. The younger, east–west-trending folds have orientations that are well aligned with the present-day horizontal stress field of much of eastern Australia, raising the possibility that they are active structures.  相似文献   

The Sivas Basin, located on the Central Anatolian Plateau in Turkey, is an elongate Oligo‐Miocene basin that contains numerous salt‐walled mini‐basins. Through field analysis, including stratigraphic section logging, facies analysis and geological mapping, a detailed tectono‐stratigraphic study of the Emirhan mini‐basin and its 2·6 km thick sediment fill has been undertaken. Three main palaeoenvironments are recognized – playa‐lake, braided stream and lacustrine – each corresponds to a relatively long‐lived depositional episode within a system that was dominated overall by the development of a distributive fluvial system. At local scale, this affects the geometry of the succession and influences facies distributions within preserved sequences. Sequences affected by wedge geometries are characterized by localized channelized sandstone bodies in the area of maximum subsidence and these pass laterally to floodplain mudstone towards the diaper; several internal unconformities are recognized. By contrast, sequences affected by hook geometries display narrow and steep drape‐fold geometries with no evidence of lateral facies change and apparent conformity in the preserved succession. The sediment fill of the Emirhan mini‐basin records the remobilization of diapir‐derived detritus and the presence of evaporitic bodies interbedded within the mini‐basin, implying the growth of salt walls expressed at the surface as palaeo‐topographic highs. The mini‐basin also records the signature of a regional change in stratigraphic assemblage, passing from playa‐lake facies to large‐scale highly amalgamated fluvial facies that represent progradation of the fluvial system. The initiation and evolution of this mini‐basin involves a variety of local and regional controls. Local factors include: (i) salt withdrawal, which influenced the rate and style of subsidence and consequently temporal and spatial variation in the stratigraphic assemblage and the stratal response related to halokinesis; and (ii) salt inflation, which influenced the topographic expression of the diapirs and consequently the occurrence of diapir‐derived detritus intercalated within the otherwise clastic‐dominated succession.  相似文献   

Horseshoe Park Fan covers 70 ha and formed in a few hours after a dam broke in the Rocky Mountain National Park, U.S.A. Sediments range from coarse boulder beds up to 10 m thick, to gravel braid bars, braided stream sands, sandy sheet sands, and finally fine distal sands and desiccated muds. The horizontal transition from boulders to mud occurs in only 1.5 km.  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯盆地西缘砾质冲积扇沉积学特征   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
晚三叠世鄂尔多斯西缘冲积扇沉积主要由碎屑流、颗粒流、片流及河道砾岩等组成。文中讨论了各类砾岩的沉积学特征,同时指出,不同成因的砾岩,其粒度分布曲线形态及某些粒度参数亦不同.据此本文提出了根据-系列新的粒度分布曲线形态和粒度参数Mdf,RgsMdf/Rgs等甄别冲积扇中不同类型砾岩的设想。  相似文献   

The present study examines sedimentation rates in the eastern Gotland Basin using a variety of methods that reveal considerable heterogeneity in the rates, both spatially and temporally. High-resolution seismic recordings and correlation with long sediment cores indicate increased thickness of strata and higher sedimentation rates (0.75 mm a -1 ) in the eastern part of the basin than in the western part (0.23 mm a -1 ) since the Littorina transgression some 8000 14 C years BP. This difference is apparently a consequence of a counterclockwise near-bottom circulation in the basin with periodically high current speeds that cause winnowing on the steep SE slope of the basin and differential settling of sediments in areas of low current speeds. On shorter time scales, recent sediment accumulation rates based on radiometric dating ( 210 Pb) are in general twice as high as those observed 25 years ago using the same method. The higher modern rates, compared to those of the 1970s, may partly be due to increased eutrophication, as more carbon is buried in the sediment, and partly due to increased erosion in shallow water areas. However, strong lateral variations are evident. The average sediment accumulation rates vary between 119 and 340 g m -2 a -1 (corresponding to sedimentation rates of 2.1-2.5 mm a -1 ) in the deepest part of the basin. Very high rates (6100 g m -2 a -1 , corresponding to sedimentation rates of 30 mm a -1 ) are observed on an intraslope basin site (offshore Latvia) at a water depth of only 70 m. The radiometrically determined sediment accumulation rates are up to three times higher than those estimated from average water column concentrations of suspended matter and from sediment trap flux rates. The discrepancy suggests that sedimentation in the deep basin may have a substantial contribution from near-bottom lateral transport.  相似文献   

《Sedimentary Geology》2005,173(1-4):409-431
The neotectonic development of western Anatolia was characterized by the formation of numerous graben-type basins, which have been well documented by general mapping, although the cause and timing of the Neogene regional tectonic extension remain controversial. Previous interpretations of the origin and evolution of these Neogene basins were based mainly on regional-scale tectonic inferences, rather than detailed basin-fill analysis. The present study of the terrestrial intramontane Çameli Basin in the western Taurides combines detailed facies analysis with biostratigraphic dating (mammalian and molluscan fossils) and documents three pulses of crustal extension that are reflected in changes in the palaeogeography and sedimentary architecture of the basin.Development of the Çameli graben commenced in the Vallesian time (early Tortonian), and is marked by alluvial-fan, fluvial and lacustrine depositional systems, with freshwater molluscan fauna. A second pulse of tectonic extension occurred in the late Ruscinian time (early–middle Pliocene), producing a new normal fault that split the basin longitudinally into two compartments. The lake environment expanded and deepened, coastal peat-forming mires developed and abundant mammal fauna appeared by the early Villanian time (middle Pliocene), with the lacustrine deposits onlapping the basin-margin and intrabasinal fault escarpments. The lacustrine environment subsequently shrank, as the progradation of axial river deltas and basin-margin fan deltas caused water shallowing and shoreline regression. A third pulse of extension occurred at the end of Villanian time (late Pliocene), when the development of a new generation of normal faults further split the basin into still narrower half-graben compartments. The third pulse of rifting is estimated to have accounted for little more than 10% of the sub-basinal crustal extension, but caused the most striking changes in the basin palaeogeography and drainage pattern. The inward development of the successive normal faults indicated a high-rate crustal extension. This is the first regional case study of a terrestrial neotectonic graben employing detailed sedimentary facies analysis and mammal biostratigraphy and providing a time-stratigraphic framework for the rifting pulses in western Anatolia.  相似文献   

The Pliocene Norwest Bend Formation is a well‐preserved succession of terrestrial and shallow‐marine deposits in the Murray Basin, South Australia. Sediments in this unit consist of two discrete terrigenous clastic‐rich, decametre‐scale sequences, or informal members, which record episodes of marine incursion during the Early and Late Pliocene respectively. The base of each sequence is a transgressive lag and/or strandline deposit that is transitional upwards into a highstand, subtidal, terrigenous clastic and cool‐water carbonate sediment accumulation. The top of each sequence is incised by fluvial channels that are filled by river deposits which formed as relative sea‐level fell and terrestrial environments prograded basinward. Sedimentological data suggest that gross stratigraphic architecture was primarily determined by glacioeustasy. Differences in sedimentary style between these two sequences, however, reflect a major climatic change that took place in southern Australia during the mid‐Pliocene. The lower quartzose sand member is formed of siliciclastic sediment derived from prolonged, deep, subaerial weathering and contains a bivalve‐dominated, cool‐temperate, open‐marine mollusc assemblage. These sediments accumulated under an equitable, relatively warm, humid climate. The Murray Basin during this time, because of high fluvial discharge, was a salt‐wedge estuary with typical estuarine circulation. In contrast, the upper, oyster‐rich member is typified by large monospecific oyster buildups that grew in restricted coastal environments. Strandline deposits contain a warm‐temperate skeletal assemblage. Contemporaneous aeolian sediments accumulated under warm, semi‐arid climatic conditions. Well‐developed ferricrete, silcrete and calcrete horizons reflect cyclic conditions of rainwater infiltration and evaporation in the seasonally dry climate that typifies southern Australia today. Highly seasonal rainfall produced an estuary that fluctuated annually from being well to partially mixed. These Pliocene sediments support the notion that mollusc‐rich facies are the signature of cool‐water carbonate accumulations in inboard neritic environments. Unlike bryozoans that dominate the outer parts of Cenozoic cool‐water carbonate shelves, molluscs evolved to exploit an array of coastal ecosystems with wide salinity variations and variable sedimentation rates.  相似文献   

The Mesozoic Lusitanian Basin developed as a part of the North Atlantic rift system. Tectonic rifting activity was rejuvenated during the Upper Jurassic, leading to intensive differentiation of facies development. Kimmeridgian and Lower Tithonian calcareous and siliciclastic sediments represent basinal and slope, shallow marine, and terrestrial environments. The lithostratigraphic arrangement of facies units is demonstrated. Sediment character, distribution and thicknesses are mainly controlled by synsedimentary faulting, with a partial overprint by uprise of salt diapirs. Eustatic sea level fluctuations, exogenic and biogenic factors resulted in additional control on facies development.Comparing bathymetric development of major basin sections and simplified plotting on a common time scale is a simple tool to unravel the multifactorial control of sedimentation and to test the validity of some biostratigraphic markers.During the Kimmeridgian, paleogeography was mainly determined by intensive subsidence of the basin center, by a large linear uplift zone m the north, and by a high amount of clastic influx. At the end of the stage and during the Tithonian, overall subsidence slowed down and inner basin uplifts arose further south. Degree of clastic input was variable. Thus shallow water carbonates were episodically widespread throughout the basin and mixed calcareous-clastic sequences were common. Sheltering and trapping effects resulted in local facies variations. Towards the Cretaceous the basin sanded up from northern, eastern and, particularly, northwestern directions.
Zusammenfassung Das mesozoische Lusitanische Becken entstand als Teil des nordatlantischen Riftsystems. Während des Oberjuras lebte die tektonische Aktivität erneut auf und führte zu einer intensiven Differenzierung der faziellen Entwicklung. Die Kalke und Siliziklastika des Kimmeridge und Unteren Tithons, deren lithostratigraphische Beziehungen dargestellt werden, repräsentieren Becken-, Hang- und Flachwasserablagerungen sowie terrestrische Sedimente.Synsedimentäre Tektonik bestimmte überwiegend die Ausbildung, Verteilung und Mächtigkeiten der Sedimente. Halokinese, eustatische Meeresspiegelschwankungen, exogene und biogene Faktoren kontrollierten die Faziesverteilung zusätzlich. Ein Vergleich der bathymetrischen Entwicklung aller grö\eren Beckenprofile und Standardisierung auf eine gemeinsame Zeitachse erlauben, die überlagerung der einzelnen Kontrollfaktoren zu entschlüsseln sowie den Wert einiger biostratigraphischer Bezugshorizonte zu testen.Während des Kimmeridge wurde die Paläogeographie vor allem durch starke Subsidenz des Beckenzentrums sowie durch eine gro\e lineare Hebungszone im Norden und durch hohe klastische Zufuhr bestimmt. Am Ende des Kimmeridge und während des Tithons verlangsamte sich die Subsidenz. Anhebung innerer Beckenteile und schwankende Zufuhr von Klastika bewirkten die episodische Ausbreitung von Flachwasserkarbonaten und die verbreitete Entwicklung gemischt kalkig-klastischer Serien. Abschirmungs- und Abfangeffekte erlaubten kleinräumige Faziesvariationen. Zur Kreide hin verlandete das Becken durch klastische Zufüllung aus nördlicher, östlicher und vor allem nordwestlicher Richtung.

Resumo Durante o Mesozóico, a Bacia Lusitânica desenvolveu-se como parte do sistema »rift« do Atlântico do Norte. A actividade tectónica, tipo »rifting« renasceu durante o Jurásico Superior, causando uma diferenciaÇÃo intensa no desenvolvimento de fácies. Os sedimentos calcários e siliciclásticos do Kimeridgiano e Titoniano inferior representam ambientes do mar mais ou menos profundo (fundo de bacia, declive, lagoa, delta) e ambientes continentais. O quadro litoestratigráfico das unidades de fácies é elaborado.O carácter, a distribuiÇÃo e a espessura dos sedimentos sÃo sobretudo controlados pela actividade tectónica sinsedimentária. Movimentos halokinéticos, fluctuaÇÕes eustáticas do nível do mar, e factores exogénicos e biológicos resultaram num controle adicional do desenvolvimento de fácies.Uma medida simples para destrinÇar os factores diferentes da sedimentaÇÃo e para testar o valor de alguns »markers« bioestratigráficos é comparar o desenvolvimento batimÊtrico dos coites principais da bacia e estandardizá-los num comum eixo temporal.Durante o Kimeridgiano, a paleogeografia foi dominada pela subsidÊncia intensa do centro da bacia, por um grande levantamento estreito no Norte, e por um grau elevado de introduÇÃo de clásticos. No fim do estágio e durante o Titoniano, a subsidÊncia geral diminuiu-se e novos levantamentos surgiram mais no Sul. O grau de introduÇÃo de clásticos foi variável. Por consequÊncia, calcários de agua pouco profunda alargaram-se por vezes sobre grandes partes da bacia e sequÊncias mistas de calcários e clásticos foram comum.No fim do Jurásico o mar desapareceu por causa de enchimento da bacia por clásticos de proveniÊncia norte, este, e partialmente noroeste.

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谢宗奎 《地学前缘》2009,16(5):245-250
柴达木盆地台南地区第四系涩北组为坳陷湖盆中央低缓穹窿状继承性发育地貌环境下的湖泊沉积,沉积地层为弱固结粉细砂岩、泥岩。应用高压氮气特殊取心资料进行岩相研究,研究结果表明,台南涩北组细粒级岩相可划分为7种类型,垂向上有5种组合,进而可划出砂坝、滩砂、泥坪3种水体能量不同的沉积微相。这3种微相有序分布,砂坝在中央低缓穹窿高部位处、枯水面附近集中发育;滩砂于翼部、枯水面以下集中发育;砂坝常镶嵌在滩砂中;泥坪集中于向斜部位,且在湖平面相对上升期全区分布。这3种微相易于区分储层与非储层,并能突出储层非均质性,砂坝物性明显好于滩砂,滩砂非均质性强于砂坝,泥坪既是生物气的物质来源,又形成天然气的渗流屏障。  相似文献   

The northeast-trending Baker Lake sub-basin was a volcanically active, half-graben during deposition of ca. 1.85–1.76 Ga Baker Lake Group. Drainage was oriented along transverse and axial directions with flow to playa lake and deeper perennial lacustrine depocentres. Basin marginal, streamflow-dominated alluvial fans were concentrated along the southern margin, and provided sediment from Archean crystalline basement rocks. These fed transverse gravel- and sand-bed braided streams. Alluvial dynamics were characterized by channel aggradation and abandonment. Abandoned channel belts were sites of floodplain and eolian deposition. Basin axial braided streams fed northeast and southwest to a depocentre near Christopher Island, where eolian, playa and lacustrine environments were intimately linked. Felsic minette flows were initially erupted from localized centres; contemporaneous sedimentary deposits typically contain minor volcaniclastic components that increase in abundance basinward. Voluminous and widespread younger minette flows prograded outward from volcanic centres contributing significant additional basin-infill.  相似文献   

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