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南岭中生代成锡花岗岩系花岗质岩浆多期或多阶段侵位和结晶的产物.空间上往往集中成群成带分布,构成多个复式岩基,明显受华夏和扬子两大地块接合部NE向深大断裂及NW向隐伏深大断裂的控制;中生代成锡花岗岩主要侵位于燕山期,成矿作用主要有两期,一是早期矽卡岩化导致锡的初步富集,二是晚期岩浆热液叠加形成了工业锡矿床.锡成矿作用与燕山期伸展背景下的大规模花岗岩浆活动密切相关.  相似文献   

南岭地区矿产资源形势分析和找矿方向研究   总被引:22,自引:6,他引:22  
南岭地区地质工作程度较高,但近20年来地质找矿与科研工作投入不足,导致南岭地区一些优势矿产储量消耗过快,影响到矿业的可持续发展。近年来,南岭地区芙蓉锡矿等一批新矿产地和八仙脑式破碎带蚀变岩型钨矿等一批新矿床类型的发现,充分说明,只要认真开展成矿预测研究,配合地质找矿实践,在南岭地区取得找矿突破的可能性并不亚于西部地区。因此,目前迫切需要加强对南岭地区成矿规律的深入研究,尤其是加强矿床成矿系列、成矿体系、成矿物质来源及其超常规富集成矿机制、大型超大型矿床与矿集区、常规优势矿产与非优势矿产之间相关关系等方面的创新性研究与探索,为危机矿山“探边摸底”和新矿产地的发现提供理论指导和科学依据。  相似文献   

以海伦市研究区1 175件表层(0~20 cm)土壤样品主要微量元素(B、Cu、Mn、Mo、Zn)的实测含量为研究对象,采用地统计学与GIS相结合的方法,对土壤微量元素的含量及空间分布特征进行分析。结果表明:研究区表层土壤中B和Mo含量较缺乏;Mn和Mo的块金效应大于75%,空间自相关性弱,B、Cu和Zn块金效应在25%~75%之间,属于中等空间相关,空间变异主要受到自然因素影响;B和Cu的空间分布相似,由中心向四周逐渐减少,Mn和Mo含量呈明显带状分布,Zn含量北部高于南部。微量元素之间既存在着共生关系,也可能存在拮抗关系。土壤有机质含量、成土母质、土壤类型和土地利用对微量元素均有不同程度的影响。  相似文献   

淮南张集矿区煤中微量元素的含量分布特征分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
在采用ICP-AES对张集7个煤层144个样品微量元素含量测试分析的基础上,探讨了元素在不同煤层中的变化规律及其在煤层对比中的应用。结果表明:张集矿区煤中元素B、Se和As含量偏高;不同煤层中微量元素含量变化较大,但具有一定的规律性,其中在9煤层中元素Ba和Cr含量最低,Mn、Zn、As和Se含量相对较高,可以利用这些元素分布特征来区别和划分相邻煤层。  相似文献   

The concentrations of trace elements in apatite from granitoid rocks of the Mt Isa Inlier have been investigated using the laser‐ablation inductively coupled plasma‐mass spectrometry (ICP‐MS) microprobe. The results indicate that the distribution of trace elements (especially rare‐earth elements (REE), Sr, Y, Mn and Th) in apatite strongly reflects the chemical characteristics of the parental rock. The variations in the trace‐element concentrations of apatite are correlated with parameters such as the SiO2 content, oxidation state of iron, total alkalis and the aluminium saturation index (ASI). The relative enrichment of Y, HREE and Mn and the relative depletion of Sr in the apatites studied reflect the degree of fractionation of the host granite. Apatites from strongly oxidised plutons tend to have higher concentrations of LREE relative to MREE. Manganese concentrations are higher in apatite from reduced granitoids because Mn2+substitutes directly for Ca2+. The La/Ce ratio of apatite is well‐correlated with the whole‐rock K2O and Na2O contents, as well as with the oxidation state and ASI. Because apatite trace‐element composition reflects the chemistry of the whole rock, it can be a useful indicator mineral for the recognition of mineralised granite suites, where particular mineralisation styles are associated with granitoids that have specific geochemical fingerprints.  相似文献   

The present review deals with the distributions of dissolved trace metals in the Indian Ocean in relation with biological, chemical and hydrographic processes. The literature data-base is extremely limited and almost no information is available on particle processes and input and output processes of trace metals in the Indian Ocean basin and therefore much research is needed to expand our understanding of the marine chemistries of most trace metals. An area of special interest for future research is the Arabian Sea. The local conditions (upwelling induced productivity, restricted bottom water circulation and suboxic intermediate waters) create a natural laboratory for studying trace metal chemistry.  相似文献   

碳酸盐矿物的阴极发光性与微量元素的关系   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
碳酸盐矿物的阴极发光特征与其成分有关。笔者用阴极发光与电子探针微区分析法对砂岩中碳酸盐矿物进行测试分析,其结果表明碳酸盐矿物的阴极发光与微量元素含量有如下规律:①碳酸盐矿物在铁含量高于猝灭下限或锰含量低于激活下限时,不具有阴极发光性;②铁的猝灭下限约为0.04 mol,锰的激活下限为小于7×10-5mol;③铁/锰比值越高,越不利于碳酸盐矿物阴极发光;但是铁/锰比值小于1的碳酸盐一定具有阴极发光;④铁或锰二者之一含量很少时不利于碳酸盐矿物的阴极发光。  相似文献   

本文对南岭地区燕山期两类不同成因花岗岩(改造型及同熔型)共5个岩体23个人工重砂样品中磷灰石作了较详细的矿物学工作,包括矿物的物理性质、化学成分、稀土元素地球化学特征、红外吸收光谱以及锶同位素特征等。研究结果表明,所研究的两类不同成因花岗岩中的磷灰石标型特征有较明显区别:改造型花岗岩磷灰石为不够完整的六方柱状晶形,相对密度、硬度、红外光谱吸收带某些特征值及其初始~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr比值均稍大(强)于同熔型花岗岩的磷灰石;改造型花岗岩的磷灰石中较富含Mn、REE及F,同熔型磷灰石中较富含Cu、Pb和Cl。文中探讨了磷灰石标型特征的控制因素和形成规律,为其母岩的成因、物质来源提供了矿物学标志和信息。  相似文献   

为了探究青藏高原雪冰中痕量元素的空间分布与主要来源,对2019年7—9月在青藏高原七一冰川、八一冰川、岗什卡雪峰、煤矿冰川、玉珠峰冰川、古仁河口冰川以及玉龙雪山白水河1号冰川采集的表雪样酸化后,利用电感耦合等离子体质谱仪(ICP-MS)测试了常量元素Al、Fe与痕量元素As、Ba、Co、Cr、Cu、Li、Mn、Mo、Pb、Sr、Tl、Zn、Cd共15种元素的含量,通过Jonckheere-Terpstra非参数检验分析痕量元素空间分布趋势。结果表明:中部煤矿冰川和玉珠峰冰川浓度最高,南部古仁河口冰川和玉龙雪山最低,东北部3条冰川居中;本研究与其他研究区关于冰川As、Cu、Pb、Zn、Cd浓度对比的结果显示,青藏高原冰川中元素含量的空间分布总体趋势为:中部>北部>南部。富集因子分析表明,Co、Cr、Cu、Tl、Fe、Li、Mn、Mo、Sr元素主要受粉尘输入影响,Pb、Cd、Zn元素受人为源影响较大(例如有色金属冶炼、交通排放、化石燃料燃烧等)。后向轨迹结果表明,东北部3条冰川主要受东北和西北部地区影响;中部冰川元素来源复杂,以青藏高原西部和北部的粉尘输入为主,且受西部临近煤矿...  相似文献   

王鑫  王宁练  王俊杰  申保收 《冰川冻土》2021,43(5):1354-1364
积雪中记录的痕量元素含量,能很好地评估当地大气污染状况。利用电感耦合等离子体质谱仪(ICP-MS),对2018年1月和3月采自新疆北部的天山北坡、伊犁河谷、塔城地区和阿勒泰地区的积雪样品进行了16种痕量元素测试。结果表明:北疆地区积雪中痕量元素含量的平均值在0.06 ng·g-1(Cd)~1 481.1 ng·g-1(Al)之间。时间分布上,消融期多数痕量元素浓度低于积累期、稳定期;Pb、Cr等元素消融期含量高于其他时期,可能与外源输入有关。空间分布上,塔城地区和天山北坡的多数痕量元素含量高出伊犁河谷和阿勒泰地区1~3倍。与其他地区雪冰中痕量元素含量对比,发现新疆北部高出青藏高原北部1~3倍,与受人类活动影响较大的天山乌鲁木齐河源1号冰川相应痕量元素浓度接近,揭示了新疆北部积雪中痕量元素较高的浓度特征。元素富集系数表明,Fe、Be等元素主要来自地壳粉尘,Pb、Cd、Zn、As等元素呈显著富集(EFc>10),受人类排放活动主导。结合后向气团轨迹分析,塔城地区的痕量元素可能受到哈萨克斯坦的影响,阿勒泰地区的痕量元素可能受到中亚、阿尔泰山南缘等地的影响,天山北坡与伊犁河谷主要受新疆本地气团的影响。  相似文献   

The environment of Mt. Qomolangma (Everest) area is of great significance to the global environmental background and environmental change research. However, there are few studies on the content and distribution of soil trace elements in the area. About 130 soil samples were collected nearby the Rongbuk valley at the northern slope of the Qomolangma from 4,400 to 6,600 m elevations. Nine soil trace elements, Cr, Zn, Sr, Pb, Ni, Co, Cd, Mn, Cu, were analyzed with ICP-AES (inductively coupled plasma atom emission spectrometry). The results showed that soil trace elements content increased with altitude; the content of the Cd in this area was very high, which was 5.8 times of the average content of Chinese soil. There was a noticeable change point for soil trace elements content at the altitude of 5,800 m, and the content of Cd increased abruptly above 5,800 m. This point was just located at the boundary of two types of rocks. The Late Precambrian-Neoproterozoic granite–gneiss and metacryst migmatized interbedded with marble located below 5,800 m; black-dark slate and marl of Cambrian located above 5,800 m (including 5,800 m), the geochemical characteristic of different rocks was the main factors controlling the soil trace elements content in the northern slope of Qomolangma Mountain.  相似文献   

Coals from Guizhou Province, Southwest China, attract many researchers' attention for their high concentrations of hazardous trace elements, sulphur and mineral components. Trace elements in coals have diverse modes of occurrence that will greatly influence their migration in the process of coal preparation. Mode of occurrence is also important in determining the partitioning during coal combustion. The coal floatation test by progressive release was used to study the migration of trace elements and mineral components in the process of froth floatation. Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) was used to determine the absolute concentrations of trace elements including As, Be, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, Sb, Se, Th, U, V and Zn in the parent coals and the floatation fractions. Precise determination of the mineral matter percentage in coals was obtained by low-temperature ashing. The mineral compositions in coals were quantified using Rietveld-based X-ray diffraction analysis package on low-temperature ash. Scanning electron microscope equipped with energy dispersive X-ray detector was used to provide information on the forms of occurrence of mineral components in coal. Five floatation fractions were obtained from the pulverized coal samples. The contents of trace elements and mineral components decrease from the first tailings to the last cleaned coal. The concentrations of trace elements and mineral components in parent coals and different floatation samples show that trace elements and mineral components are mainly concentrated in the first tailings samples. Nearly 60% of mineral components are enriched in the first tailings, whereas less than 1.3% remains in the cleaned coal. The ratio of sixteen trace elements concentrations in the first tailings to the corresponding concentrations in the cleaned coal ranges from 1.6 to 22.7. Quantitative mineralogical analysis results using the full-profile general structure analysis system (GSAS) showed that the main compositions of LTA include quartz, calcite, kaolinite, pyrite, chlorite, montmorillonite, illite, anatase and pyrite.  相似文献   

 The mobility of 10 potentially toxic trace elements (PTTE), As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb, Se, Tl, and Zn from 32 coals of the Longtan Group formed in Permian Period in Guizhou Province, China was investigated using sequential extraction procedures. The results demonstrate that PTTEs such as Hg, As, Se, Cd, Cu, and Pb have the highest mobility at surface conditions, and the average extractable fractions of them are 86%, 95%, 79%, 76%, 69%, and 69% of the total amount in coal, respectively. The elements in coal with the lowest leachability include Tl, Cr, and Ni, and the average extractable fractions of them are 30%, 20%, and 29% of the total amount in coal respectively. Zinc has an intermediate behavior, and the average leachable fraction of it accounts for 46% of the total amount in coal. The results demonstrate that mobility of PTTE in coal depends on the speciation of these elements. The elements associated with sulfates, carbonates, sulfides and some organic matter in coal show the highest extraction rates during the weathering process, while elements with silicate affinities are inert at surface conditions. Received: 29 December 1998 · Accepted: 10 November 1998  相似文献   

The analytical performance of laser ablation (LA) for the determination of Co, Fe, Cd, Ag, Mn, Cu and S in sphalerite was evaluated using double focusing sector field inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-SFMS). Samples were collected from Zinkgruvan, situated in the south central Sweden. The use of Zn for internal standardisation, together with correction for FeS impurities in sphalerite, allows straightforward quantification without using external methods for the determination of the actual Zn content. LA–ICP-SFMS results were compared with data obtained by conventional pneumatic nebulisation introduction of sample solutions following acid digestion. Good agreement between the two methods was obtained for homogeneously distributed elements. For the majority of the elements under consideration, LA–ICP-SFMS precision was better than 10% RSD.  相似文献   

周云  于玉帅  曹亮  段其发 《地质通报》2022,41(12):2265-2280
湘西花垣铅锌矿田是湘西-鄂西成矿带的重要组成部分, 为探究花垣矿田铅锌矿床的成因, 利用电感耦合等离子体质谱(ICP-MS)等方法对花垣团结、李梅、耐子堡、蜂塘、土地坪、大石沟6个铅锌矿床中的闪锌矿、方铅矿、黄铁矿等单矿物进行了微量元素含量测试。测试结果表明, 闪锌矿相对富集Fe、Cd、Pb、Cu、Ge、Tl等元素, 贫In、Ga、Se、Ag、Sn等元素, Cd、Mn等元素含量稳定, Pb、Cu等元素含量变化范围大, Fe、Pb元素可能主要以类质同象或纳米级矿物微粒形式赋存于闪锌矿中。闪锌矿和方铅矿微量元素地球化学性质表明, 花垣矿田铅锌矿床为与碳酸盐岩有关的中—低温(100~250℃)铅锌矿床。通过与不同成因类型的铅锌矿床相比, 认为花垣矿田铅锌矿床与跟盆地卤水相关的MVT型铅锌矿床相似。  相似文献   

文章分析了磁铁矿中铂族元素(PGE)含量的特征,发现磁铁矿中铂族元素富集为10-9级,主要为PPGE(即Pd,Pt,Rh)。富集PPGE的主要原因是其在热液活动的晚期阶段可以被轻微的再分配和富集,其含量的高低严格受岩浆结晶过程中氧逸度的控制。磁铁矿的结晶程度直接影响岩浆体系的氧逸度,控制了PGE的含量分布,进而影响成矿。  相似文献   

中国多金属结核开辟区沉积物中微量元素地球化学特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
分析了中国多金属结核开辟区沉积物中Ba、Ce、Co、Cr、Cu、Mo、Ni、Sr、V、Y和Zn等11个微量元素的含量。研究表明,开辟区沉积物中微量元素在不同沉积单元中的分布特征存在明显差异,反映了地质历史上沉积环境的不同。沉积物中的Zn、Ni和Mn具有共同来源,反映铁锰氧化物、氢氧化物对这些元素的吸附控制作用;Sr、Ba以及Ce和Y等元素在东区主要与岩源碎屑有关,而西区则主要来自生物碎屑;Cu具有多种来源,东区主要与生物组分和岩源碎屑有关,西区则主要与自生铁锰氧化物的吸附有关。而通常认为与有机物有关的Cr、V等元素在研究区内则主要来自岩源碎屑。  相似文献   

马收先  李厚民  孙燕  陈雷  庞绪勇  张英利  张朋 《地质通报》2021,40(10):1737-1756
湘南是南岭有色、稀有多金属成矿带的重要组成部分,发育多种类型锡多金属矿床,目前对于不同类型锡石的流体来源、成分和物理化学条件差异,尚不清楚。选择湘南地区香花岭、芙蓉和红旗岭锡多金属矿床,采集接触矽卡岩型、远端矽卡岩型、云英岩型、绿泥石脉型和石英脉型5种不同类型锡石,开展阴极发光(CL)显微结构、年龄、原位微量元素等研究,探讨不同类型锡石结晶过程控制因素。红旗岭钨锡矿床锡石LA-ICP-MS U-Pb年龄为153.7±2.4 Ma。湘南不同类型锡石CL图像颜色变化主要与Ti和Nb、Ta相对含量有关,含CL激发剂Ti含量高则CL图像颜色浅,含CL抑制剂Nb、Ta高则CL图像颜色较深。不同类型锡石的Zr/Hf值反映了围岩地层的同化混染和流体演化程度。其中矽卡岩型和石英脉型锡石Zr/Hf值高于成矿岩体,受地层的影响较大,云英岩型和绿泥石脉型锡石Zr/Hf值则低于成矿岩体,表明其具有较高的流体演化程度;绿泥石脉型和石英脉型锡石原生与次生结构发育完全相反的Fe、W、U含量及Zr/Hf值变化趋势,可能分别代表了大气水加入和脉冲式岩浆流体。  相似文献   

淮南矿区煤中12种微量元素的赋存状态及环境效应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为研究淮南矿区煤中微量元素的赋存状态和环境效应,在淮南矿区7个矿井共采集17个样品,采用电感耦合等离子质谱仪(ICP-MS)测定了12种微量元素的含量,分别利用聚类分析和因子分析,结合其地球化学性质,讨论了它们的赋存状态,并采用静态燃烧实验研究其挥发性。结果表明:研究的元素没有异常富集;Zn和Cu赋存于闪锌矿中,Cr、Pb和Cd被粘土矿物吸附,Ba可能赋存于铁白云石和方解石中,Ni、Mo、Co和As主要赋存于黄铁矿中,Be和Se以有机结合态存在;研究的元素大多不易挥发,但Zn和Pb易挥发,且含量较高,环境危害较大,Zn和Pb分别赋存于闪锌矿和粘土矿物中,可通过洗选脱除减小其危害。  相似文献   

兖州矿区煤中某些微量元素的赋存状态研究   总被引:6,自引:8,他引:6  
微量元素的赋存状态决定其在煤的加工利用过程中释放的难易程度和毒性,弄清其在煤中的赋存状态,对准确评价元素的工艺性能、环境影响、作为副产品的可能性以及在地质意义上都是十分重要的。分析了微量元素在煤中的有机亲合性,采用数理统计方法,求得了微量元素与煤中有机显微组分、三态硫、灰分之间的相关性,并在浮沉实验的基础上,分析了微量元素的存在状态,通过研究向知,Ge、Ga、U、V、Cu、Th、Pb和Zn主要以无机态存在于煤中,F和Cl可能以有机态存在为主,As无机态和有机态存在的机率相似。  相似文献   

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