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Group II introns are self-splicing RNA molecules that are of considerable interest as ribozymes, mobile genetic elements and examples of folded RNA. Although these introns are among the most common ribozymes, little is known about the chemical and structural determinants for their reactivity. By using nucleotide analog interference mapping (NAIM), it has been possible to identify the nucleotide functional groups (Rp phosphoryls, 2'-hydroxyls, guanosine exocyclic amines, adenosine N7 and N6) that are most important for composing the catalytic core of the intron. The majority of interference effects occur in clusters located within the two catalytically essential Domains 1 and 5 (D1 and D5). Collectively, the NAIM results indicate that key tetraloop-receptor interactions display a specific chemical signature, that the epsilon-epsilon' interaction includes an elaborate array of additional features and that one of the most important core structures is an uncharacterized three-way junction in D1. By combining NAIM with site-directed mutagenesis, a new tertiary interaction, kappa-kappa', was identified between this region and the most catalytically important section of D5, adjacent to the AGC triad in stem 1. Together with the known zeta-zeta' interaction, kappa-kappa' anchors D5 firmly into the D1 scaffold, thereby presenting chemically essential D5 functionalities for participation in catalysis.  相似文献   

One largely unexplored question about group I intron splicing is how the cleavage and ligation steps of the reaction are coordinated. We describe a simple in vitro trans-splicing model system in which both steps take place, including the exchange of ligands in the guanosine-binding site that must occur between the two steps. Using this model system, we show that the switch is accomplished by modulating the relative affinity of the binding site for the two ligands. While the terminal guanosine of the intron (omegaG) and exogenous guanosine compete for binding during the first step of splicing, no competition is apparent during the second step, when omegaG is bound tightly. These results help explain how the ribozyme orchestrates progression through the splicing reaction. In addition to providing a new tool to ask basic questions about RNA catalysis, the trans-splicing model system will also facilitate the development of therapeutically useful group I ribozymes that can repair mutant mRNAs.  相似文献   

Dimethyl sulfate modification was used to probe for tertiary structural elements in the group II intron PI.LSU/2 from the mitochondrial pre-ribosomal RNA of the brown alga Pylaiella littoralis. Modification of the lariat form of the intron under conditions that allow both native folding and conformational homogeneity is found to be generally consistent with secondary and tertiary structural features identified previously for group II ribozymes. A comparison of chemical probing at temperatures just below and above the first melting transition illustrates the cooperative unfolding of tertiary structure and identifies novel candidates for tertiary interactions in addition to defining elements of secondary structure. Substitution of the GAAA terminal loop of domain V is shown to be compatible with retention of conformational homogeneity (despite the loss of an important tertiary interaction), but produces a concise methylation footprint in domain I at the site previously shown to harbor the receptor for that loop. The analysis also identified two nucleotide positions in domain V with novel secondary and potential tertiary structural roles. The proposed refinement of domain V secondary structure is supported by an expanded comparative analysis of group II sequences and bears increased resemblance to U2:U6 snRNA pairing in the spliceosome.  相似文献   

Ll.ltrB is a functional group II intron located within a gene (ltrB) encoding a conjugative relaxase essential for transfer of the lactococcal element pRSO1. In this work, the Ll.ltrB intron was shown to be an independent mobile element capable of inserting into an intronless allele of the ltrB gene. Ll.ltrB was not observed to insert into a deletion derivative of the ltrB gene in which the intron splice site was removed. In contrast, a second vector containing a 271-nucleotide segment of ltrB spanning the Ll.ltrB splice site was shown to be a proficient recipient of intron insertion. Efficient homing was observed in the absence of a functional host homologous recombination system. This work demonstrates that the Ll.ltrB intron is a novel site-specific mobile element in lactococci and that group II intron self-transfer is a mechanism for intron dissemination among bacteria.  相似文献   

The modelling of the folding structure of Tetrahymena group I intron have been carried out, using the molecular mechanics programs; Insight II and Discover. This model has long-range interactions between the P2.1 loop region and the 3' exon, and between the P9.1a and P5c loop regions.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To review the results of recent studies on radiation-induced germline instability at mammalian minisatellite loci. RESULTS: Evidence has been obtained recently that germline mutation at minisatellites is remarkably sensitive to ionizing radiation, in both mice and humans. In mice, an elevated mutation rate was found after acute irradiation of pre-meiotic spermatogonia, with a doubling dose of 0.33 Gy, a value close to those obtained in mice after acute spermatogonia irradiation using other systems for mutation detection. In humans, analysis of germline mutation rate at minisatellites among children born in areas of the Mogilev district of Belarus, which was heavily polluted after the Chernobyl accident, has shown a twofold higher mutation rate in exposed families compared with non-irradiated families from the United Kingdom. Within the Belarus cohort, the mutation rate was significantly greater in families exposed to a higher parental radiation dose, consistent with radiation induction of germline mutation. The data in this study also demonstrate the indirect nature of radiation-induced germline mutation at mammalian minisatellite loci suggesting a strong similarity with the phenomenon of genomic instability in somatic cells. CONCLUSIONS: Minisatellite loci provide a powerful system for the efficient monitoring of germline mutation in humans and are capable of detecting induced mutations in relatively small population samples.  相似文献   

Intron mobility at the RNA level by splicing reversal at allelic (homing) and non-allelic locations (transposition) has been reported in vitro. In the living cell, however, only intron homing by unidirectional gene conversion has been described. Supposing that intron insertions at non-allelic sites might occur in vivo, we speculated that group II splice-site-associated macro-deletions in fungal mitochondrial DNA might result from group II intron transposition to new locations followed by recombination. We used polymerase chain reaction techniques to detect this critical, infrequent intermediate in mtDNA populations. Here we report on group II intron aI1 transposition to non-allelic, splicing-compatible locations within the cox1 gene of yeast mtDNA. The identified integration sites are preceded by motifs similar to the upstream exon A1. Sequences flanking intron aI1 are not co-converted to the insertion sites and cis- and trans-acting mutations within aI1 reduce intron mobility below detection levels. These findings suggest the involvement of an RNA intermediate in group II intron transposition.  相似文献   

Concerns about potentially harmful effects on the visual system due to the use of head mounted displays (HMDs) in general, and stereoscopic systems in particular, have been raised in the literature. Most of the concerns were based on studies measuring visual function changes following short-term use of HMDs. This study measured functional changes in binocular vision, accommodation, and resolution following 30 min use of HMD in both stereoscopic- and non-stereoscopic modes, and compared them to changes following the same task performed on a desk-top CRT display. No functional differences were found between HMD and CRT and most measured changes were too small to be considered clinically meaningful. An evaluation of subjective comfort found a statistically significant difference in the impression of comfort between the CRT and the HMD in stereoscopic mode, with the latter being less comfortable. It can be concluded that the functional changes reported following short term use of HMDs are not specific to stereoscopic presentation and do not differ from those caused by desk-top CRT display.  相似文献   

为了降低一浸终液残酸量和便于处理高铁闪锌矿,冶金工作者开发出了二段加压浸出工艺.但新工艺的完善需要理论的跟进.铁在加压浸出中的行为,一直是加压酸浸理论的重难点.而二段加压酸浸中铁的行为,国内外尚没相关正式研究报告.本文通过设计试验,对铁在二段加压酸浸中的行为进行了浅析,特别是研究了第二段加压浸出中铁的浸出行为.  相似文献   

Group II intron ai5 gamma was reconstructed into a multiple-turnover ribozyme that efficiently cleaves small oligonucleotide substrates in-trans. This construct makes it possible to investigate sequence specificity, since second-order rate constants (kcat/K(m), or the specificity constant) can be obtained and compared with values for mutant substrates and with other ribozymes. The ribozyme used in this study consists of intron domains 1 and 3 connected in-cis, together with domain 5 as a separate catalytic cofactor. This ribozyme has mechanistic features similar to the first step of reverse-splicing, in which a lariat intron attacks exogenous RNA and DNA substrates, and it therefore serves as a model for the sequence specificity of group II intron mobility. To quantitatively evaluate the sequence specificity of this ribozyme, the WT kcat/Km value was compared to individual kcat/Km values for a series of mutant substrates and ribozymes containing single base changes, which were designed to create mismatches at varying positions along the two ribozyme-substrate recognition helices. These mismatches had remarkably large effects on the discrimination index (1/relative kcat/K(m)), resulting in values > 10,000 in several cases. The delta delta G++ for mismatches ranged from 2 to 6 kcal/mol depending on the mismatch and its position. The high specificity of the ribozyme is attributable to effects on duplex stabilization (1-3 kcal/mol) and unexpectedly large effects on the chemical step of reaction (0.5-2.5 kcal/mol). In addition, substrate association is accompanied by an energetic penalty that lowers the overall binding energy between ribozyme and substrate, thereby causing the off-rate to be faster than the rate of catalysis and resulting in high specificity for the cleavage of long target sequences (> or = 13 nucleotides).  相似文献   

Group I introns are mobile, self-splicing genetic elements found principally in organellar genomes and nuclear rRNA genes. The only group I intron known from mitochondrial genomes of vascular plants is located in the cox1 gene of Peperomia, where it is thought to have been recently acquired by lateral transfer from a fungal donor. Southern-blot surveys of 335 diverse genera of land plants now show that this intron is in fact widespread among angiosperm cox1 genes, but with an exceptionally patchy phylogenetic distribution. Four lines of evidence-the intron's highly disjunct distribution, many incongruencies between intron and organismal phylogenies, and two sources of evidence from exonic coconversion tracts-lead us to conclude that the 48 angiosperm genera found to contain this cox1 intron acquired it by 32 separate horizontal transfer events. Extrapolating to the over 13,500 genera of angiosperms, we estimate that this intron has invaded cox1 genes by cross-species horizontal transfer over 1,000 times during angiosperm evolution. This massive wave of lateral transfers is of entirely recent occurrence, perhaps triggered by some key shift in the intron's invasiveness within angiosperms.  相似文献   

Polypeptide import into the yeast endoplasmic reticulum (ER) requires two hsp70s, Ssa1p in the cytosol and BiP (Kar2p) in the ER lumen. After import, aberrant polypeptides may be exported to the cytoplasm for degradation by the proteasome, and defects in the ER chaperone calnexin (Cne1p) compromise their degradation. Both import and export require BiP and the Sec61p translocation complex, suggesting that import and export may be mechanistically related. We now show that the cne1Delta and two kar2 mutant alleles exhibit a synthetic interaction and that the export and degradation of pro-alpha factor is defective in kar2 mutant microsomes. Pulse-chase analysis indicates that A1PiZ, another substrate for degradation, is stabilized in the kar2 strains at the restrictive temperature. Because two of the kar2 mutants examined are proficient for polypeptide import, the roles of BiP during ER protein export and import differ, indicating that these processes must be mechanistically distinct. To examine whether Ssa1p drives polypeptides from the ER and is also required for degradation, we assembled reactions using strains either containing a mutation in SSA1 or in which the level of Ssa1p could be regulated. We found that pro-alpha factor and A1PiZ were degraded normally, indicating further that import and export are distinct and that other cytosolic factors may pull polypeptides from the ER.  相似文献   

The effect of genetic context on splicing of group I introns is not well understood at present. The influence of ribosomal RNA conformation on splicing of rDNA introns in vivo was investigated using a heterologous system in which the Tetrahymena group I intron is inserted into the homologous position of the Escherichia coli 23S rRNA. Mutations that block splicing in E. coli result in accumulation of unspliced 23S rRNA that is assembled into 50S complexes, but not 70S ribosomes. The data indicate that accommodation of the intron structure on the surface of the 50S subunit inhibits interactions with the small ribosomal subunit. Spliced intron RNA also remains noncovalently bound to 50S subunits on sucrose gradients. This interaction appears to be mediated by base pairing between the intron guide sequence and the 23S rRNA, because the fraction of bound intron RNA is reduced by point mutations in the IGS or deletion of the P1 helix. Association of the intron with 50S subunits correlates with slow cell growth. The results suggest that group I introns have the potential to inhibit protein synthesis in prokaryotes by direct interactions with ribosomes.  相似文献   

In a female barking deer, Muntiacus muntjak, whose 2 X-chromosomes are mutually distinguishable from each other, one X has been found to be late replicating in 57.8% cells compared to the other which is late replicating in 42.2% cells. These data are suggestive of preferential inactivation of one X-chromosome. These findings have been discussed in the light of Lyon's hypothesis of random X-inactivation in eutherian mammals.  相似文献   

The functional groups responsible for branch site identity in the two steps of pre-mRNA splicing as well as for spliceosome assembly were tested by incorporation of site-specific modifications at the branch site of a pre-mRNA. These results show that recognition of the adenosine occurs early in complex formation and that the branch site adenosine is recognized differently before the first step and for the second step. Further, direct UV cross-linking with these modified RNAs was used to identify a factor whose interaction was dependent upon the identity of the branch site nucleotide.  相似文献   

The authors investigated the association between dimensions of perceived group climate (engagement, avoidance, and conflict) and treatment outcome in 2 forms of short-term group psychotherapy. They were particularly interested in the relationship between early group climate and outcome. They also examined whether average group climate and change in group climate were associated with outcome. Both engagement after Session 4 and engagement averaged over the course of therapy were directly associated with improvement. Significant interactions among the group climate dimensions were also found. These findings support the contention that aspects of the group environment influence patient benefit from psychotherapy groups. Possible explanations and implications of the findings are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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