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Efficient parallel hierarchical clustering algorithms   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Clustering of data has numerous applications and has been studied extensively. Though most of the algorithms in the literature are sequential, many parallel algorithms have also been designed. In this paper, we present parallel algorithms with better performance than known algorithms. We consider algorithms that work well in the worst case as well as algorithms with good expected performance.  相似文献   

Practical parallel algorithms, based on classical sequential Union-Find algorithms for computing transitive closures of binary relations, are described and implemented for both shared memory and distributed memory parallel computers. By practical algorithms, we mean algorithms that are efficient for parallel systems with bounded numbers of processors as opposed to algorithms where the number of processors grows with the problem size. Transitive closures are useful for decomposing many applications problems into independent subproblems. The implementations were on an ENCORE Multimax shared memory machine and an NCUBE hypercube. Our implementations indicate that transitive closure computations are intrinsically difficult for distributed memory parallel machines because of the need for global information. By contrast, our results for shared memory machines exhibited excellent speedups.Supported in part by NSF Grant DCR-8619103, ONR contract N000-86-G-0202 and DOE Grant DE-FG02-85ER25001.Supported in part by RADC contract F30602-85-C-0303.Supported in part by RADC contract F30602-85-C-0303.  相似文献   

A cross-bridge reconfigurable array of processors is a parallel processing system which has the ability to change dynamically the supported interconnection scheme during the execution of an algorithm. Based on this architecture, several O(1) time basic operations such as the transpose, the untranspose, the shift, the unshift and the prefix sum of a binary sequence are first proposed. Then, these basic operations can be used to find the kth smallest element of N m bits unsigned integers in O(m) time using N processors and to sort N data items in O(1) time using O(N5/3) processors instead of using O(N2) processors as those proposed by other researchers  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to develop new efficient approaches based on DC (Difference of Convex functions) programming and DCA (DC Algorithm) to perform clustering via minimum sum-of-squares Euclidean distance. We consider the two most widely used models for the so-called Minimum Sum-of-Squares Clustering (MSSC in short) that are a bilevel programming problem and a mixed integer program. Firstly, the mixed integer formulation of MSSC is carefully studied and is reformulated as a continuous optimization problem via a new result on exact penalty technique in DC programming. DCA is then investigated to the resulting problem. Secondly, we introduce a Gaussian kernel version of the bilevel programming formulation of MSSC, named GKMSSC. The GKMSSC problem is formulated as a DC program for which a simple and efficient DCA scheme is developed. A regularization technique is investigated for exploiting the nice effect of DC decomposition and a simple procedure for finding good starting points of DCA is developed. The proposed DCA schemes are original and very inexpensive because they amount to computing, at each iteration, the projection of points onto a simplex and/or onto a ball, and/or onto a box, which are all determined in the explicit form. Numerical results on real word datasets show the efficiency, the scalability of DCA and its great superiority with respect to k-means and kernel k-means, standard methods for clustering.  相似文献   

Summary We present space-efficient-O(log2 n)-deterministic algorithms for some graph theoretical problems such as planarity testing, producing a plane embedding, finding minimum cost spanning trees, obtaining the connected, biconnected and triconnected components of a graph. Previous planarity algorithms used (n) space. Several algorithms are based on a space-efficient matrix inversion method. The same bounds hold for uniform circuit depth.Research partially supported by NSF grants No. MCS 79-05006 and MCS 78-27600.  相似文献   

We consider a framework of sample-based clustering. In this setting, the input to a clustering algorithm is a sample generated i.i.d by some unknown arbitrary distribution. Based on such a sample, the algorithm has to output a clustering of the full domain set, that is evaluated with respect to the underlying distribution. We provide general conditions on clustering problems that imply the existence of sampling based clustering algorithms that approximate the optimal clustering. We show that the K-median clustering, as well as K-means and the Vector Quantization problems, satisfy these conditions. Our results apply to the combinatorial optimization setting where, assuming that sampling uniformly over an input set can be done in constant time, we get a sampling-based algorithm for the K-median and K-means clustering problems that finds an almost optimal set of centers in time depending only on the confidence and accuracy parameters of the approximation, but independent of the input size. Furthermore, in the Euclidean input case, the dependence of the running time of our algorithm on the Euclidean dimension is only linear. Our main technical tool is a uniform convergence result for center based clustering that can be viewed as showing that the effective VC-dimension of k-center clustering equals k. Editor: Olivier Bousquet and Andre Elisseeff A preliminary version of this work appeared in the proceedings of COLT’04 (Ben-David, 2004). This work is supported in part by the Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative (MURI) under the Office of Naval Research Contract N00014-00-1-0564.  相似文献   

In this paper we analyze the application of parallel and sequential evolutionary algorithms (EAs) to the automatic test data generation problem. The problem consists of automatically creating a set of input data to test a program. This is a fundamental step in software development and a time consuming task in existing software companies. Canonical sequential EAs have been used in the past for this task. We explore here the use of parallel EAs. Evidence of greater efficiency, larger diversity maintenance, additional availability of memory/CPU, and multi-solution capabilities of the parallel approach, reinforce the importance of the advances in research with these algorithms. We describe in this work how canonical genetic algorithms (GAs) and evolutionary strategies (ESs) can help in software testing, and what the advantages are (if any) of using decentralized populations in these techniques. In addition, we study the influence of some parameters of the proposed test data generator in the results. For the experiments we use a large benchmark composed of twelve programs that includes fundamental algorithms in computer science.  相似文献   

The quadtree has recently become a major data structure in image processing. This correspondence investigates ways in which quadtrees may be efficiently stored as a forest of quadtrees and as a new structure we call a compact quadtree. These new structures are called virtual quadtrees because the basic operations we expect to perform in moving about within a quadtree can also be performed on the new representations. Space and time efficiency are investigated and it is shown these new structures often given an improvement in both.  相似文献   

We model a deterministic parallel program by a directed acyclic graph of tasks, where a task can execute as soon as all tasks preceding it have been executed. Each task can allocate or release an arbitrary amount of memory (i.e., heap memory allocation can be modeled). We call a parallel schedule “space efficient” if the amount of memory required is at most equal to the number of processors times the amount of memory required for some depth-first execution of the program by a single processor. We describe a simple, locally depth-first scheduling algorithm and show that it is always space efficient. Since the scheduling algorithm is greedy, it will be within a factor of two of being optimal with respect to time. For the special case of a program having a series-parallel structure, we show how to efficiently compute the worst case memory requirements over all possible depth-first executions of a program. Finally, we show how scheduling can be decentralized, making the approach scalable to a large number of processors when there is sufficient parallelism  相似文献   

We present the first space and time optimal parallel algorithm for the pairwise sequence alignment problem, a fundamental problem in computational biology. This problem can be solved sequentially in O(mn) time and O(m+n) space, where m and n are the lengths of the sequences to be aligned. The fastest known parallel space-optimal algorithm for pairwise sequence alignment takes optimal O(m+n/p) space, but suboptimal O((m+n)/sup 2//p) time, where p is the number of processors. On the other hand, the most space economical time-optimal parallel algorithm takes O(mn/p) time, but O(m+n/p) space. We close this gap by presenting an algorithm that achieves both time and space optimality, i.e. requires only O((m+n)/p) space and O(mn/p) time. We also present an experimental evaluation of the proposed algorithm on an IBM xSeries cluster. Although presented in the context of full sequence alignments, our algorithm is applicable to other alignment problems in computational biology including local alignments and syntenic alignments. It is also a useful addition to the range of techniques available for parallel dynamic programming.  相似文献   

Semigroup and prefix computations on two-dimensional mesh-connected computers with multiple broadcasting (2-MCCMBs) are studied. Previously, only square 2-MCCMBs with N processing elements were considered for semigroup computations of N data items, and O(N1/6) time was required. It is found that square machines are not the best form for semigroup computations, and an O(N1/8)-time algorithm is derived on an N5/8×N3/8 rectangular 2-MCCMB. This time complexity can be further reduced to O(N1/9) if fewer processing elements are used. Parallel algorithms for prefix computations with the same time complexities are derived  相似文献   

A parallel algorithm for Euclidean distance transform (EDT) on linear array with reconfigurable pipeline bus system (LARPBS) is presented. For an image with n/spl times/n pixels, the algorithm can complete EDT transform in O(n log n/c(n) log d(n)) time using n/spl middot/d(n)/spl middot/c(n) processors, where c(n) and d(n) are parameters satisfying 1/spl les/c(n)/spl les/n, and 1相似文献   

Data clustering has attracted a lot of research attention in the field of computational statistics and data mining. In most related studies, the dissimilarity between two clusters is defined as the distance between their centroids or the distance between two closest (or farthest) data points However, all of these measures are vulnerable to outliers and removing the outliers precisely is yet another difficult task. In view of this, we propose a new similarity measure, referred to as cohesion, to measure the intercluster distances. By using this new measure of cohesion, we have designed a two-phase clustering algorithm, called cohesion-based self-merging (abbreviated as CSM), which runs in time linear to the size of input data set. Combining the features of partitional and hierarchical clustering methods, algorithm CSM partitions the input data set into several small subclusters in the first phase and then continuously merges the subclusters based on cohesion in a hierarchical manner in the second phase. The time and the space complexities of algorithm CSM are analyzed. As shown by our performance studies, the cohesion-based clustering is very robust and possesses excellent tolerance to outliers in various workloads. More importantly, algorithm CSM is shown to be able to cluster the data sets of arbitrary shapes very efficiently and provide better clustering results than those by prior methods.  相似文献   

The analysis of hyperspectral images is usually very heavy from the computational point-of-view, due to their high dimensionality. In order to avoid this problem, band selection (BS) has been widely used to reduce the dimensionality before the analysis. The aim is to extract a subset of the original bands of the hyperspectral image, preserving most of the information contained in the original data. The BS technique can be performed by prioritizing the bands on the basis of a score, assigned by specific criteria; in this case, BS turns out in the so-called band prioritization (BP). This paper focuses on BP algorithms based on the following parameters: signal-to-noise ratio, kurtosis, entropy, information divergence, variance and linearly constrained minimum variance. In particular, an optimized C serial version has been developed for each algorithm from which two parallel versions have been derived using OpenMP and NVIDIA’s compute unified device architecture. The former is designed for a multi-core CPU, while the latter is designed for a many-core graphics processing unit. For each version of these algorithms, several tests have been performed on a large database containing both synthetic and real hyperspectral images. In this way, scientists can integrate the proposed suite of efficient BP algorithms into existing frameworks, choosing the most suitable technique for their specific applications.  相似文献   

Hardware/software partitioning is an essential step in hardware/software co-design. For large size problems, it is difficult to consider both solution quality and time. This paper presents an efficient GPU-based parallel tabu search algorithm (GPTS) for HW/SW partitioning. A single GPU kernel of compacting neighborhood is proposed to reduce the amount of GPU global memory accesses theoretically. A kernel fusion strategy is further proposed to reduce the amount of GPU global memory accesses of GPTS. To further minimize the transfer overhead of GPTS between CPU and GPU, an optimized transfer strategy for GPU-based tabu evaluation is proposed, which considers that all the candidates do not satisfy the given constraint. Experiments show that GPTS outperforms state-of-the-art work of tabu search and is competitive with other methods for HW/SW partitioning. The proposed parallelization is significant when considering the ordinary GPU platform.  相似文献   

This paper presents several algorithms for solving problems using massively parallel SIMD hypercube and shuffle-exchange computers. The algorithms solve a wide variety of problems, but they are related because they all use a common strategy. Specifically, all of the algorithms use a divide-and-conquer approach to solve a problem withN inputs using a parallel computer withP processors. The structural properties of the problem are exploited to assure that fewer thanN data items are communicated during the division and combination steps of the divide-and-conquer algorithm. This reduction in the amount of data that must be communicated is central to the efficiency of the algorithm. This paper addresses four problems, namely the multiple-prefix, data-dependent parallel-prefix, image-component-labeling, and closest-pair problems. The algorithms presented for the data-dependent parallel-prefix and closest-pair problems are the fastest known whenNP and the algorithms for the multiple-prefix and image-component-labeling problems are the fastest known whenN is sufficiently large with respect toP.  相似文献   

This paper presents several algorithms for solving problems using massively parallel SIMD hypercube and shuffle-exchange computers. The algorithms solve a wide variety of problems, but they are related because they all use a common strategy. Specifically, all of the algorithms use a divide-and-conquer approach to solve a problem withN inputs using a parallel computer withP processors. The structural properties of the problem are exploited to assure that fewer thanN data items are communicated during the division and combination steps of the divide-and-conquer algorithm. This reduction in the amount of data that must be communicated is central to the efficiency of the algorithm.This paper addresses four problems, namely the multiple-prefix, data-dependent parallel-prefix, image-component-labeling, and closest-pair problems. The algorithms presented for the data-dependent parallel-prefix and closest-pair problems are the fastest known whenN P and the algorithms for the multiple-prefix and image-component-labeling problems are the fastest known whenN is sufficiently large with respect toP.This work was supported in part by our NSF Graduate Fellowship.  相似文献   

The intersection problem for a subclass of rectangles called r-rectangles is investigated and reduced to the balanced batched r(estricted)-range searching problem as well as to the balanced batched inverse r-range searching problem. Simple algorithms for these problems are given which are space and time optimal. The algorithm given for the balanced batched r-range searching problem leads to a new algorithm for the all-points ECDF problem in 2-space which is simple and optimal. Again, the balanced batched r-range searching algorithm is combined with a known algorithm for batched range searching problems, leading to a new algorithm for the rectangle intersection problem which is space and time optimal in the worst case when the given set of rectangles contains a much higher proportion of r-rectangles.  相似文献   

Time series analysis utilising more than a single forecasting approach is a procedure originated many years ago as an attempt to improve the performance of the individual model forecasts. In the literature there is a wide range of different approaches but their success depends on the forecasting performance of the individual schemes. A clustering algorithm is often employed to distinguish smaller sets of data that share common properties. The application of clustering algorithms in combinatorial forecasting is discussed with an emphasis placed on the formulation of the problem so that better forecasts are generated. Additionally, the hybrid clustering algorithm that assigns data depending on their distance from the hyper-plane that provides their optimal modelling is applied. The developed cluster-based combinatorial forecasting schemes were examined in a single-step ahead prediction of the pound-dollar daily exchange rate and demonstrated an improvement over conventional linear and neural based combinatorial schemes.  相似文献   

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