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Our objective was to evaluate effects of corn grain endosperm type and fineness of grind on feed intake, feeding behavior, ruminal fermentation, and productive performance of lactating cows. Eight ruminally and duodenally cannulated Holstein cows in mid lactation (130 ± 42 d in milk; mean ± standard deviation) were used in a duplicated 4 × 4 Latin square design with 21-d periods. A 2 × 2 factorial arrangement of treatments was used with main effects of corn grain endosperm type (floury or vitreous) and fineness of grind of corn grain (fine or medium). Rations were formulated to contain 29% starch, 27% neutral detergent fiber, 18.2% forage neutral detergent fiber, and 18% crude protein. Corn grain treatments supplied 86.2% of dietary starch. Endosperm was 25% vitreous for floury corn and 66% vitreous for vitreous corn. Fineness of grind did not affect dry matter intake (DMI), but floury corn tended to reduce DMI (23.8 vs. 25.1 kg/d) compared with vitreous corn. Floury corn increased meal frequency more for fine grind size (9.57 vs. 9.41 meals/d) than medium grind size (9.78 vs. 9.75 meals/d). However, there were no effects of treatment on any other measure of feeding behavior. Endosperm type did not affect yields of milk or milk components or milk composition except that vitreous corn tended to decrease milk lactose concentration compared with floury corn. Finely ground corn decreased yields of milk (31.1 vs. 33.1 kg/d), 3.5% fat-corrected milk (33.1 vs. 35.1 kg/d), milk fat (1.22 vs. 1.32 kg/d), milk lactose (1.48 vs. 1.59 kg/d), and solids not fat (2.46 vs. 2.63 kg/d) compared with medium grind size. However, fineness of grind did not affect milk composition. Treatments had no effect on change in body weight or body condition score or efficiency of milk production (kg of 3.5% fat-corrected milk/kg of DMI). Mean ruminal pH was not affected by treatment, but pH variance was decreased by vitreous compared with floury corn. Total volatile fatty acids and propionate concentrations in the rumen were increased by floury compared with vitreous corn but were not affected by fineness of grind. Effects of fineness of grind on yield of milk and milk components were greater than the effects of corn grain vitreousness.  相似文献   

Our objective was to evaluate the relative effects of endosperm type and conservation method of corn grain on ruminal kinetics, site of nutrient digestion, and flow of nitrogen fractions to the duodenum in lactating dairy cows. Seven ruminally and duodenally cannulated Holstein cows (73 ± 39 d in milk; mean ± SD) were used in a duplicated 4 × 4 Latin square design with 21-d periods. A 2 × 2 factorial arrangement of treatments was used, with main effects of corn grain endosperm type (floury or vitreous) and conserved as dry ground corn (DGC) or high-moisture corn (HMC). Rations were formulated to contain 27.0% starch, 26.6% neutral detergent fiber (NDF), 19.1% forage NDF, and 16.5% crude protein. Corn grain treatments supplied 86.6% of dietary starch, and alfalfa silage was the sole forage. True ruminal starch digestibility was increased by HMC compared with DGC (87.2 vs. 64.3%) and by floury compared with vitreous corn grain (83.7 vs. 67.7%). The increase for HMC compared with DGC was because of an increase in the degradation rate (33.8 vs. 23.1%/h) and a decrease in passage rate of starch (7.6 vs. 15.2%/h). The increase for floury compared with vitreous corn grain was because of an increase in the degradation rate (31.5 vs. 25.4%/h) and a decrease in rate of starch passage from the rumen (7.9 vs. 14.9%/h). Apparent total-tract starch digestibility was increased by HMC compared with DGC and by floury compared with vitreous corn, but the increase for floury corn was greater for the DGC treatment. Dry ground corn compared with HMC tended to increase nonammonia N flow to the duodenum (466 vs. 431 g/d) by increasing flow of nonammonia nonmicrobial N (211 vs. 111 g/d) despite a decrease in microbial N flow (255 vs. 320 g/d). Vitreous corn increased nonammonia nonmicrobial N flow to the duodenum (187 vs. 135 g/d) compared with floury corn, but microbial N flow to the duodenum was not affected by endosperm type. Efficiency of microbial N production was not affected by treatment. Endosperm type and conservation method of corn grain greatly affect digestion kinetics and ruminal digestibility of starch as well as flow of N fractions to the duodenum and should be considered during diet formulation for lactating cows.  相似文献   

Interactions of endosperm type of corn grain and the brown midrib 3 mutation (bm3) in corn silage on feeding behavior, productivity, energy balance, and plasma metabolites of lactating dairy cows were evaluated. Eight ruminally and duodenally cannulated cows (72 +/- 8 d in milk; mean +/- SD) were used in a duplicated 4 x 4 Latin square design experiment with a 2 x 2 factorial arrangement of treatments. Treatments were corn grain endosperm type (floury or vitreous), and corn silage type (bm3 or isogenic control). Diets contained 26% neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and 30% starch. Floury endosperm grain decreased dry matter intake (DMI) 1.9 kg/ d compared with vitreous grain when combined with control corn silage but did not affect DMI when combined with bm3 corn silage. This interaction of treatments occurred because of changes in meal size; floury endosperm grain decreased meal size in control silage diets but increased meal size in bm3 corn silage diets. Ruminal pool sizes reflected DMI differences among diets, suggesting that ruminal fill was not the primary limitation on intake. Brown midrib 3 corn silage reduced rumination time per day and number of rumination bouts per day. Floury endosperm grain decreased 3.5% fat-corrected milk by 1.2 kg/d when combined with control silage but increased 3.5% fat-corrected milk by 2.1 kg/d when combined with bm3 corn silage. Starch and fiber digestibility interact to affect feeding behavior and milk production and production response to bm3 corn silage depends on the grain source that is fed.  相似文献   

The objective of the experiment was to determine if factors such as endosperm type (floury vs. vitreous) and particle size (fine vs. medium) of dry corn grain, known to affect starch digestibility in the rumen, modify apparent ruminal synthesis and duodenal flow of B vitamins in lactating dairy cows. Eight lactating multiparous Holstein cows equipped with rumen and duodenal cannulas were assigned randomly to a treatment sequence according to a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement in duplicate 4 × 4 Latin square design experiment. Duration of each experimental period was 21 d. When expressed per unit of dry matter intake (DMI), floury treatments increased duodenal flow and apparent ruminal synthesis of niacin and folates but tended to increase apparent degradation of thiamin in the rumen. Duodenal flow of thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, folates, and vitamin B12, expressed per unit of DMI, decreased with an increase in particle size. Similarly, apparent degradation of thiamin and riboflavin was greater and apparent synthesis of niacin, folates, and vitamin B12 was reduced when cows were fed coarser dry corn grain particles. Neither endosperm type nor particle size had an effect on duodenal flow and apparent ruminal synthesis of vitamin B6. Apparent ruminal syntheses, expressed per unit of DMI, of all studied B vitamins but thiamin were negatively correlated with apparent ruminal digestibility of neutral detergent fiber. Duodenal flow of microbial N was positively correlated with apparent ruminal synthesis of riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6, and folates. Under the conditions of the present experiment, except for thiamin, the effects of factors increasing starch digestibility of dry corn grain in the rumen on the amounts of B vitamins available for absorption by the dairy cow seem to be mediated through differences on ruminal digestibility of neutral detergent fiber and, to a lesser extent, on duodenal microbial N flow.  相似文献   

Effects of conservation method of corn grain and dietary starch concentration on dry matter intake (DMI) and productivity of lactating dairy cows were evaluated. Eight ruminally and duodenally cannulated Holstein cows (55 +/- 15.9 d in milk; mean +/- SD) were used in a duplicated 4 x 4 Latin square design with a 2 x 2 factorial arrangement of treatments. Experimental diets contained either ground high-moisture corn (HM) or dry ground corn (DG) at two dietary starch concentrations (32 vs 21%). Mean particle size and dry matter (DM) concentration of corn grain were 1863 pm and 63.2%, and 885 microm and 89.7%, for HM and DG, respectively. DMI was lower for HM compared to DG treatment in high-starch diets (20.8 vs 22.5 kg/d), but similar for the HM and DG treatments in low-starch diets (19.7 vs 19.6 kg/d). This reduction in DMI is attributed to smaller meal size for HM compared to DG in high-starch diets (1.9 vs 2.3 kg of DM for high-starch diets; 2.1 vs 2.0 kg of DM for low-starch diets). Faster starch fermentation for HM in high-starch diets might result in satiety with smaller meal size. Milk yield was greater when cows were fed high-starch diets compared to low-starch diets (38.6 vs 33.9 kg/d) regardless of corn grain treatment. High-starch diets increased solids-corrected milk yield by 3.3 kg (35.2 vs 31.9 kg/d) compared to low-starch diets for cows fed DG, but did not increase for cows fed HM. This was because of a lower milk fat concentration for cows fed HM in high-starch diets. Reducing ruminal starch fermentation by substituting DG for HM can increase the productivity of lactating cows fed high-starch diets.  相似文献   

The effects of increasing concentrations of dried, pelleted beet pulp substituted for high-moisture corn on intake, milk production, and chewing behavior were evaluated using eight ruminally and duodenally cannulated multiparous Holstein cows in a duplicated 4 x 4 Latin square design with 21-d periods. Cows were 79 +/- 17 (mean +/- SD) d in milk at the beginning of the experiment. Experimental diets with 40% forage (corn silage and alfalfa silage) and 60% concentrate contained 0, 6.1, 12.1, or 24.3% beet pulp substituted for high-moisture corn on a dry matter basis. Diet concentrations of neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and starch were 24.3 and 34.6% (0% beet pulp), 26.2 and 30.5% (6% beet pulp), 28.0 and 26.5% (12% beet pulp), and 31.6 and 18.4% (24% beet pulp), respectively. Increasing beet pulp in the diet caused a linear decrease in dry matter intake (DMI). Time spent eating per day and per kilogram of DMI increased, and sorting against NDF tended to increase, with added beet pulp. Substituting beet pulp for corn caused a quadratic response in milk fat yield, with the highest yield for the 6% beet pulp treatment. A tendency was detected for a similar quadratic response in 3.5% fat-corrected milk yield. Lower plasma insulin concentration may have resulted in lower body condition gain for cows fed diets with higher beet pulp concentration. Partial substitution of pelleted beet pulp for high-moisture corn decreased intake but also may have permitted greater fat-corrected milk yield.  相似文献   

Saturated and unsaturated fatty acid supplements (FS) were evaluated for effects on feed intake, meal patterns, and chewing behavior. Eight ruminally and duodenally cannulated cows were used in a replicated 4 × 4 Latin square design experiment with 21-d periods. Treatments were control and a linear substitution of 2.5% fatty acids from supplemented saturated FS (SAT; prilled, hydrogenated free fatty acids) for partially unsaturated FS (UNS; calcium soaps of long-chain fatty acids). All rations contained identical forage and concentrate components including 37.2% forage and 13.5% cottonseed. Dry matter intake for SAT was not different from control, whereas increasing unsaturated FS linearly decreased dry matter intake by 3.2 kg. Wet weight of ruminal digesta decreased linearly up to 11.3 kg (13%) with increasing unsaturated FS. Adding supplementary fatty acids did not change meal number, meal length, or time between meals compared with control, but increasing unsaturated FS decreased meal size 0.22 kg (9%) within FS. The SAT treatment increased time spent ruminating by 56 (10%) and 42 (7%) min/d compared with control and UNS, respectively. Increasing saturated FS did not affect frequency of rumination bouts or interval between bouts, but increased rumination bout length by 5.6 min. Water intake was not affected by treatment, but increasing saturated FS linearly decreased the number of drinking bouts per day by up to 2.9 bouts (23%). Increased unsaturated fatty acid flow to the duodenum decreased feed intake by decreasing meal size, and increased saturated fatty acid flow to the duodenum increased rumination time per day by increasing rumination bout length.  相似文献   

Our objective was to evaluate effects of corn grain endosperm type and fineness of grind on feed intake, feeding behavior, and productive performance of lactating cows. Eight ruminally and duodenally cannulated Holstein cows in mid lactation (130 ± 42 d in milk; mean ± standard deviation) were used in a duplicated 4 × 4 Latin square design with 21-d periods. A 2 × 2 factorial arrangement of treatments was used with main effects of corn grain endosperm type (floury or vitreous) and fineness of grind (fine or medium). Rations included alfalfa silage, corn treatments, protein supplement, minerals, and vitamins and were formulated to contain 29% starch, 27% neutral detergent fiber, 18.2% forage neutral detergent fiber, and 18% crude protein. Corn grain treatments supplied 86.2% of dietary starch. Endosperm was 25% vitreous for the floury treatment and 66% vitreous for the vitreous treatment. The floury treatment increased rate of starch degradation by 94% (19.2 vs. 9.9%/h) and decreased rate of starch passage by 38% (16.1 vs. 25.8%/h), increasing apparent ruminal starch digestibility by 117% (53.7 vs. 24.7%). The floury treatment increased total-tract starch digestibility by 8% (92.2 vs. 85.1%) despite 37% lower postruminal starch digestion for the floury treatment compared with vitreous corn (38.4 vs. 60.7% of starch intake). Fine grind size increased apparent ruminal starch digestibility by 52% (47.2 vs. 31.1%) compared with medium grind size by increasing the rate of starch degradation by 105% (19.5 vs. 9.5%/h) with no effect on rate of starch passage. However, total-tract starch digestibility was not affected by fineness of grind because postruminal starch digestibility was 37% greater for medium compared with fine grind size (57.2 vs. 41.9% of starch intake). Endosperm type did not affect flow of nitrogen (N) fractions to the duodenum or microbial N efficiency, whereas fine grind size increased duodenal flow of nonammonia N by increasing duodenal flow of microbial N by 22% compared with medium grind size (438 vs. 359 g/d) but did not affect apparent total-tract N digestibility. No interactions were detected for any measure of starch digestion, ruminal N metabolism, or flow of N fractions to the duodenum. Endosperm type greatly affected ruminal and total-tract starch digestibility independent of the fineness of grind of corn grain with no effects on flow of N fractions.  相似文献   

Interactions of endosperm type of corn grain and the brown midrib 3 mutation (bm3) in corn silage on ruminal fermentation and microbial efficiency of lactating dairy cows were evaluated. Eight ruminally and duodenally cannulated cows (72 +/- 8 d in milk; mean +/- SD) were used in a duplicated 4 x 4 Latin square design experiment with a 2 x 2 factorial arrangement of treatments. Treatments were corn grain endosperm type (floury or vitreous) and corn silage type (bm3 or isogenic normal). Diets contained 26% neutral detergent fiber and 30% starch. Increasing ruminal starch digestibility by replacing vitreous corn grain with floury grain reduced mean and minimum ruminal pH. Brown midrib 3 corn silage reduced mean and minimum ruminal pH and increased total volatile fatty acid concentration. Ruminal pH was positively associated with rate of valerate absorption. Although floury endosperm reduced acetate:propionate ratio in both control and bm3 corn silage diets, it had a greater effect on reducing acetate:propionate ratio for control silage compared with bm3 corn silage. Nonammonia N flow to the duodenum did not differ among treatments and no effects of treatment were detected for microbial N and nonammonia, nonmicrobial N flow. Although treatment effects on ruminal fermentation and ruminal pH were observed, few interactions of treatment were detected and treatments did not affect flow of N fractions to the intestines.  相似文献   

Interactions of endosperm type of corn grain and the brown midrib 3 (bm3) mutation in corn silage on ruminal kinetics and site of nutrient digestion of lactating dairy cows were evaluated. Eight ruminally and duodenally cannulated cows (72 +/- 8 d in milk; mean +/- SD) were used in a duplicated 4 x 4 Latin square design experiment with a 2 x 2 factorial arrangement of treatments. Treatments were corn grain endosperm type (floury or vitreous) and corn silage type (bm3 or isogenic normal). Diets contained 26% neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and 30% starch. Interactions of treatments were not observed for any measure of digestibility, but digestion kinetics of starch and fiber did interact to affect digestible organic matter intake by affecting dry matter intake. Rate of ruminal starch digestion was faster and rate of ruminal starch passage tended to be slower in diets containing corn grain with floury vs. vitreous endosperm, resulting in a mean increase of 22 units for ruminal starch digestibility. Although compensatory postruminal starch digestion decreased differences among treatments for total tract starch digestibility, starch entering the duodenum was more digestible for grain with floury endosperm compared with vitreous grain, resulting in greater total tract starch digestibility for floury compared with vitreous corn grain. Fermentation rate of potentially digestible NDF was not affected by either bm3 corn silage or greater ruminal starch digestion of floury grain. Brown midrib corn silage increased total tract NDF digestibility vs. control silage by numerically increasing ruminal and postruminal digestibility of NDF. Endosperm type of corn grain greatly influences site of starch digestion and should be considered when formulating diets.  相似文献   

This experiment was conducted to determine the effects of corn silage hybrids and nonforage fiber sources (NFFS) in high forage diets formulated with high dietary proportions of alfalfa hay (AH) and corn silage (CS) on ruminal fermentation and productive performance by early lactating dairy cows. Eight multiparous Holstein cows (4 ruminally fistulated) averaging 36 ± 6.2 d in milk were used in a duplicated 4 × 4 Latin square design experiment with a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement of treatments. Cows were fed 1 of 4 dietary treatments during each of the four 21-d replicates. Treatments were (1) conventional CS (CCS)-based diet without NFFS, (2) CCS-based diet with NFFS, (3) brown midrib CS (BMRCS)-based diet without NFFS, and (4) BMRCS-based diet with NFFS. Diets were isonitrogenous and isocaloric. Sources of NFFS consisted of ground soyhulls and pelleted beet pulp to replace a portion of AH and CS in the diets. In vitro 30-h neutral detergent fiber (NDF) degradability was greater for BMRCS than for CCS (42.3 vs. 31.2%). Neither CS hybrids nor NFFS affected intake of dry matter (DM) and nutrients. Digestibility of N, NDF, and acid detergent fiber tended to be greater for cows consuming CCS-based diets. Milk yield was not influenced by CS hybrids and NFFS. However, a tendency for an interaction between CS hybrids and NFFS occurred, with increased milk yield due to feeding NFFS with the BMRCS-based diet. Yields of milk fat and 3.5% fat-corrected milk decreased when feeding the BMRCS-based diet, and a tendency existed for an interaction between CS hybrids and NFFS because milk fat concentration further decreased by feeding NFFS with BMRCS-based diet. Although feed efficiency (milk/DM intake) was not affected by CS hybrids and NFFS, an interaction was found between CS hybrids and NFFS because feed efficiency increased when NFFS was fed only with BMRCS-based diet. Total volatile fatty acid production and individual molar proportions were not affected by diets. Dietary treatments did not influence ruminal pH profiles, except that duration (h/d) of pH <5.8 decreased when NFFS was fed in a CCS-based diet but not in a BMRCS-based diet, causing a tendency for an interaction between CS hybrids and NFFS. Overall measurements in our study reveal that high forage NDF concentration (20% DM on average) may eliminate potentially positive effects of BMRCS. In the high forage diets, NFFS exerted limited effects on productive performance when they replaced AH and CS. Although the high quality AH provided adequate NDF (38.3% DM) for optimal rumen fermentative function, the low NDF concentration of the AH and the overall forage particle size reduced physically effective fiber and milk fat concentration.  相似文献   

Kernel processing and theoretical length of cut (TLOC) of whole-plant corn silage (WPCS) can affect feed intake, digestibility, and performance of dairy cows. The objective of this study was to evaluate for lactating dairy cows the effects of kernel processing and TLOC of WPCS with vitreous endosperm. The treatments were a pull-type forage harvester without kernel processor set for a 6-mm TLOC (PT6) and a self-propelled forage harvester with kernel processor set for a 6-mm TLOC (SP6), 12-mm TLOC (SP12), and 18-mm TLOC (SP18). Processing scores of the WPCS were 32.1% (PT6), 53.9% (SP6), 49.0% (SP12), and 40.1% (SP18). Twenty-four Holstein cows (139 ± 63 d in milk) were blocked and assigned to six 4 × 4 Latin squares with 24-d periods (18 d of adaptation). Diets were formulated to contain 48.5% WPCS, 15.5% citrus pulp, 15.0% dry ground corn, 9.5% soybean meal, 6.8% low rumen degradability soybean meal, 1.8% calcium soap of palm fatty acids (FA), 1.7% mineral and vitamin mix, and 1% urea (dry matter basis). Nutrient composition of the diets (% of dry matter) was 16.5% crude protein, 28.9% neutral detergent fiber, and 25.4% starch. Three orthogonal contrasts were used to compare treatments: effect of kernel processing (PT6 vs. SP6) and effect of TLOC (particle size; SP6 vs. SP12 and SP12 vs. SP18). Cows fed SP6 produced 1.2 kg/d greater milk yield with no changes in dry matter intake, resulting in greater feed efficiency compared with PT6. Cows fed SP6 also produced more milk protein (+36 g/d), lactose (+61 g/d), and total solids (+94 g/d) than cows fed PT6. The mechanism for increased yield of milk and milk components involved greater kernel fragmentation, starch digestibility, and glucose availability for lactose synthesis by the mammary gland. However, cows fed SP6 had lower chewing time and tended to have greater levels of serum amyloid A compared with PT6. Milk yield was similar for SP6 and SP12, but SP12 cows tended to have less serum amyloid A with greater chewing time. Cows fed SP18 had lower total-tract starch digestibility and tended to have lower plasma glucose and produce less milk compared with cows fed SP12. Compared with PT6, feeding SP6 raised linear odd-chain FA concentration in milk. Similarly, a reduction of these same FA occurred for SP12 compared with SP6. Cows fed SP6 had greater proportion of milk C14:1 and C16:1 compared with PT6 and SP12. Lesser trans C18:1 followed by greater C18:0 concentrations were observed for SP12 and PT6 compared with SP6, which is an indication of more complete biohydrogenation in the rumen. Under the conditions of this study, the use of a self-propelled forage harvester with kernel processing set for a 12-mm TLOC is recommended for WPCS from hybrids with vitreous endosperm.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of 2 lots of barley grain cultivars differing in expected ruminal starch degradation on dry matter (DM) intake, ruminal fermentation, ruminal and total tract digestibility, and milk production of dairy cows when provided at 2 concentrations in the diet. Four primiparous ruminally cannulated (123 ± 69 d in milk; mean ± SD) and 4 multiparous ruminally and duodenally cannulated (46 ± 14 d in milk) cows were used in a 4 × 4 Latin Square design with a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement of treatments with 16-d periods. Primiparous and multiparous cows were assigned to different squares. Treatments were 2 dietary starch concentrations (30 vs. 23% of dietary DM) and 2 lots of barley grain cultivars (Xena vs. Dillon) differing in expected ruminal starch degradation. Xena had higher starch concentration (58.7 vs. 50.0%) and greater in vitro 6-h starch digestibility (78.0 vs. 73.5%) compared with Dillon. All experimental diets were formulated to supply 18.3% crude protein and 20.0% forage neutral detergent fiber. Dry matter intake and milk yield were not affected by treatment. Milk fat concentration (3.55 vs. 3.29%) was greater for cows fed Dillon compared with Xena, but was not affected by dietary starch concentration. Ruminal starch digestion was greater for cows fed high-starch diets compared with those fed low-starch diets (4.55 vs. 2.49 kg/d), and tended to be greater for cows fed Xena compared with those fed Dillon (3.85 vs. 3.19 kg/d). Ruminal acetate concentration was lower, and propionate concentration was greater, for cows fed Xena or high-starch diets compared with cows fed Dillon or low-starch diets, respectively. Furthermore, cows fed Xena or high-starch diets had longer duration that ruminal pH was below 5.8 (6.6 vs. 4.0 and 6.4 vs. 4.2 h/d) and greater total tract starch digestibility (94.3 vs. 93.0 and 94.3 vs. 93.0%) compared with cows fed Dillon or low-starch diets, respectively. These results demonstrate that selection of barley grain can affect milk fat production and rumen fermentation to an extent at least as great as changes in dietary starch concentration.  相似文献   

Four multiparous and four primiparous lactating dairy cows fitted with ruminal cannulas were used in a duplicated 4 x 4 Latin square design to study the effects of parity and inclusion of a fibrolytic enzyme product (Agribrands International, St. Louis, MO) on feeding and chewing behavior, salivation, and ruminal pH. Diets consisting of rolled barley, barley silage, and alfalfa haylage (55% forage, DM basis) differed in enzyme application: 1) control, 2) enzyme applied to concentrate (45% of TMR), 3) enzyme applied to supplement (4% of TMR), and enzyme applied to a premix (0.2% of TMR). Enzyme supplementation did not alter daily time spent eating or ruminating, but when enzymes were added to the ration daily, saliva production increased, with no difference among enzyme application treatments. Multiparous cows consumed a greater amount of feed, but spent a similar amount of time eating, compared to primiparous cows. Primiparous cows had shorter ruminating episodes, resulting in lower daily ruminating time compared with multiparous cows. Primiparous cows had lower daily saliva output compared with multiparous cows. These results indicate that application of this fibrolytic enzyme product did not alter the physical structure of the feed, as measured by feeding and chewing variables. The increase in total saliva production observed in cows fed enzyme-supplemented diets may be attributed to a physiological response to compensate for the increase in fermentation products during digestion. The increased intake for multiparous cows is attributed to increased eating rate and not to increased time spent eating. The higher DMI of multiparous cows resulted in increased rumination time needed to process the additional feed and increased salivation to buffer the greater production of VFA.  相似文献   

Seven ruminally cannulated lactating Holstein dairy cows were used in an incomplete Latin rectangle design to assess the effects of 2 commercial essential oil (EO) products on rumen fermentation, milk production, and feeding behavior. Cows were fed a total mixed ration with a 42:58 forage:concentrate ratio (DM basis). Treatments included addition of 0.5 g/d of CE Lo (85 mg of cinnamaldehyde and 140 mg of eugenol), 10 g/d of CE Hi (1,700 mg of cinnamaldehyde and 2,800 mg of eugenol), 0.25 g/d of CAP (50 mg of capsicum), or no oil (CON). Cows were fed ad libitum twice daily for 21 d per period. Dry matter intake, number of meals/d, h eating/d, mean meal length, rumination events/d, h ruminating/d, and mean rumination length were not affected by EO. However, length of the first meal after feeding decreased with addition of CE Hi (47.2 min) and CAP (49.4 min) compared with CON (65.4 min). Total volatile fatty acids, individual volatile fatty acids, acetate:propionate ratio, and ammonia concentration were not affected by EO. Mean rumen pH as well as bouts, total h, mean bout length, total area, and mean bout area under pH 5.6 did not differ among treatments. Total tract digestibility of organic matter, dry matter, neutral detergent fiber, acid detergent fiber, crude protein, and starch were not affected by EO. Milk yield and composition did not change with EO. In situ dry matter disappearance of ground soybean hulls was not affected by EO. However, organic matter disappearance of soybean hulls with CE Hi tended to decrease compared with CON. Compared with CON, neutral detergent fiber disappearance (41.5 vs. 37.6%) and acid detergent fiber disappearance (44.5 vs. 38.8%) decreased with addition of CE Hi. The CE Lo had no effect on rumen fermentation, milk production, or feeding behavior but CAP shortened the length of the first meal without changing rumen fermentation or production, making it a possible additive for altering feeding behavior. The CE Hi negatively affected rumen fermentation and shortened the length of the first meal, suggesting that a dose of 10 g/d is not beneficial to lactating dairy cows.  相似文献   

Effects of conservation method of corn grain and dietary starch concentration on ruminal digestion kinetics were evaluated. Eight ruminally and duodenally cannulated Holstein cows (55 +/- 15.9 days in milk; mean +/- SD) were used in a duplicated 4 x 4 Latin square design with a 2 x 2 factorial arrangement of treatments. Experimental diets contained either ground high moisture corn (HM) or dry ground corn (DG) at two dietary starch concentrations (32 vs. 21%). Mean particle size and dry-matter concentration of corn grain were 1,863 microm and 63.2%, and 885 microm and 89.7%, for HM and DG, respectively. Starch digestibility in the rumen was greater for HM treatments compared with DG treatments, but starch digestibility in the total tract was not affected by conservation method of corn grain because of compensatory digestion in the intestines. The difference in ruminal starch digestibility between HM and DG treatment was greater for high-starch diets (71.1 vs. 46.9%) compared with low-starch diets (58.5 vs. 45.9%). This interaction is attributed to a greater difference in first-order digestion rate of starch between HM and DG treatment in high-starch diets (28.2 vs. 14.6%/h) compared with low-starch diets (16.8 vs. 12.2%/h). This suggests that ruminal starch digestion is a second-order reaction limited by enzyme activities as well as substrate availability; ruminal contents of cows fed low-starch diets may have insufficient amylolytic activity for maximal starch digestion when readily fermentable starch is available. Rate of neutral detergent fiber digestion in the rumen was slower for high-starch diets and HM treatments compared with low-starch diets and DG treatments, respectively. Effects of corn grain conservation method on ruminal digestion kinetics are greatly altered by starch concentration of diets.  相似文献   

A lactation trial was conducted to determine the effects of supplementing whole safflower seeds (SS) on ruminal fermentation, lactational performance, and milk fatty acid (FA) profiles. Nine multiparous Holstein cows (days in milk = 110 ± 20) were used in a replicated 3 × 3 Latin square design. Each period lasted 21 d, with 14 d of adaptation and 7 d of data collection. Within square, cows were randomly assigned to a sequence of 3 dietary treatments as follows: cottonseed total mixed ration (TMR; CST), conventional SS (variety S-208) TMR (CSST), and NutraSaff SS (Safflower Technologies International, Sidney, MT) TMR (NSST). Diets contained approximately 63% forage (36% alfalfa hay, 4% grass hay, and 23% corn silage) and 37% concentrate supplemented with 2% cottonseed to the CST and 3% conventional or NutraSaff SS to the CSST or the NSST, respectively. Intake of dry matter (DM) averaged 21.8 kg/d and did not differ across diets, but feeding the NSST decreased intake of neutral detergent fiber (NDF) due to lower dietary concentration of NDF in the NSST. Digestibilities of DM and nutrients were similar among treatments. No differences in yields of milk or milk components were observed in response to supplementing SS. Dietary treatments did not affect ruminal pH, total or molar proportions of ruminal volatile FA, and ammonia-N. However, cows fed SS had a higher molar proportion of isobutyrate than those fed the CST diet. Ruminal C16:0 FA concentration increased with the CST, whereas C18:1 cis-9 and C18:2 n-6 tended to increase with SS supplementation, indicating that conventional and NutraSaff SS were partially protected from microbial biohydrogenation. Supplementing SS decreased milk C16:0 concentration, whereas it increased C18:1 cis-9 and C18:1 trans-9. Milk FA C18:1 trans-11 and cis-9, trans-11 conjugated linoleic acid increased and tended to increase with feeding the NSST, respectively, but not the CSST diet. In conclusion, supplementing diets with whole SS at 3% of dietary DM can be an effective strategy of fat supplementation to lactating dairy cows without negative effects on lactational performance and milk FA profiles.  相似文献   

Four lactating Holstein cows with ruminal and duo-denal cannulas were used in a 4 x 4 latin square design to determine the effects of feeding heat-treated flaxseed on ruminal fermentation and site and extent of nutrient utilization. Four diets were formulated: a control diet with no flaxseed, a raw flaxseed diet (RF), a micronized flaxseed diet (MF), and an extruded flaxseed diet (EF). Flaxseed diets contained 12.6% flaxseed (dry matter [DM] basis). Ruminal pH, NH3 N, and total concentration of volatile fatty acids were not affected by dietary treatments. However, feeding flaxseed decreased the molar proportion of acetate and increased that of propionate. Flaxseed supplementation had no effect on ruminal digestion of DM, organic matter (OM), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), crude protein (CP), fatty acids (FA), and gross energy. However, ruminal digestion of acid detergent fiber (ADF) was lower for cows fed the flaxseed diets than for cows fed the control diet. Feeding flaxseed tended to increase post-ruminal and total tract digestibilities of DM, OM, NDF, and gross energy. Feeding heat-treated flaxseed diets relative to RF had no effect on ruminal, post-ruminal, and total tract nutrient digestibilities. Cows fed EF had higher ruminal and lower post-ruminal digestibilities of DM, OM, ADF, CP, and FA than cows fed MF. However, total tract digestibilities were similar for the 2 heat treatments. It was concluded that flaxseed supplementation improved total tract nutrient utilization with no adverse effects on ruminal fermentation. Extrusion failed to protect flaxseed from ruminal digestion. However, micronization can be used to increase the ruminal undegraded protein value of flaxseed.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of type of corn endosperm on nutrient digestibility in lactating dairy cows. Near-isogenic variants of an Oh43 × W64A normal dent endosperm hybrid carrying floury-2 or opaque-2 alleles were grown in spatial isolation in field plots and harvested as dry shelled corn. Six ruminally cannulated, multiparous Holstein cows (67 ± 9 d in milk at trial initiation) were randomly assigned to a replicated 3 × 3 Latin square design with 14-d periods; the first 11 d of each period were for diet adaptation followed by 3 d of sampling and data collection. Treatment diets that contained dry rolled vitreous-, floury-, or opaque-endosperm corn [33% of dry matter (DM)], alfalfa silage (55% of DM) and protein-mineral-vitamin supplement (12% of DM) were fed as a total mixed ration. The percentage vitreous endosperm was zero for floury and opaque endosperm corns and 64 ± 7% for the vitreous corn. Prolamin protein content of floury and opaque endosperm corns was 30% of the content found in vitreous corn. Degree of starch access and in vitro ruminal starch digestibility measurements were 32 and 42% greater on average, respectively, for floury and opaque endosperm corns than for vitreous corn. Dry matter and starch disappearances after 8-h ruminal in situ incubations were, on average, 24 and 32 percentage units greater, respectively, for floury and opaque endosperm corns than for vitreous corn. Ruminal pH and acetate molar percentage were lower, propionate molar percentage was greater, and acetate:propionate ratio was lower for cows fed diets containing floury and opaque endosperm corns than for cows fed vitreous corn. In agreement with laboratory and in situ measurements, total-tract starch digestibility was 6.3 percentage units greater, on average, for cows fed diets containing floury and opaque endosperm corns than vitreous corn. Conversely, apparent total-tract neutral detergent fiber (NDF) digestibility was lower for cows fed diets containing floury and opaque endosperm corns compared with vitreous corn. The type of endosperm in corn fed to dairy cows can have a marked effect on digestion of starch and NDF. Feeding less vitreous corn increased starch digestion but decreased NDF digestion.  相似文献   

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