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The delineation of wellhead protection areas (WHPAs) under uncertainty is still a challenge for heterogeneous porous media. For granular media, one option is to combine particle tracking (PT) with the Monte Carlo approach (PT‐MC) to account for geologic uncertainties. Fractured porous media, however, require certain restrictive assumptions under this approach. An alternative for all types of media is the capture probability (CP) approach, which is based on the solution of the standard advection‐dispersion equation in a backward mode, making use of the analogy between forward and backward transport processes. Within this context, we review the current controversy about the correct form of the conceptual model for transport, finding that the advection‐diffusion model, which represents the diffusive interchange between streamtubes with differing velocities, is more physically realistic than the conventional advection‐dispersion model. For mildly to moderately heterogeneous materials, stochastic theories and simulation experiments show that this process converges at the field scale to an effective advection‐dispersion process that can be simulated with conventional transport models using appropriate macrodispersivity values. For highly heterogeneous materials, stochastic theories do not yet exist but there is no reason why the process should not converge naturally as well. Macrodispersivities appear to be formation‐specific. The advection‐dispersion model can be used for capture zone delineation in heterogeneous granular media. For fractured porous systems, hybrid equivalent porous medium and discrete fracture network or CP‐based approaches may have potential. In general, capture zones delineated by PT without MC will always be too small and should not be used as a basis for land‐use decisions.  相似文献   

Analysis of Flow to a Large-Diameter Well Discrete Kernel Approach   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The design of a pump and treat (P&T) system for the hydraulic control of a contaminated plume in a confined aquifer is presented here. Being the system designed for the emergency containment of a nonaqueous phase liquid plume, the evaluation of the system’s short-term efficiency was considered an important issue. For this reason, both time-related and ultimate capture zones were defined. They were traced using the automatic protection area (APA) model, a capture-zone delineation tool based on a hybrid forward-backward particle tracking algorithm, that provides an automatic post-processing encirclement of capture zones. Two simple indexes are here proposed for the evaluation of the performance of the hydraulic barrier, that is, the efficacy and efficiency indexes, calculated from the capture areas provided by APA. The discharge rates of the wells were dimensioned applying the APA algorithm, maximizing efficacy and efficiency of the barrier. Results proved both visually (via plotting of capture zones) and numerically (via calculation of the indexes) that the P&T system can provide a complete capture of the contaminated area and minimizes the volume of extracted water. Consequently, the APA algorithm was proved to be a useful tool in capture zone delineation. As a future perspective, it could be coupled with the real-time measurement of pumping rates and water levels and be implemented as a part of a tuning tool for the management of the hydraulic barrier.  相似文献   

Analytical studies for well design adjacent to river banks are the most significant practical task in cases involving the efficiency of riverbank filtration systems. In times when high pollution of river water is joined with increasing water demand, it is necessary to design pumping wells near the river that provide acceptable amounts of river water with minimum contaminant concentrations. This will guarantee the quality and safety of drinking water supplies. This article develops an analytical solution based on the Green's function approach to solve an inverse problem: based on the required level of contaminant concentration and planned pumping time period, the shortest distance to the riverbank that has the maximum percentage of river water is determined. This model is developed in a confined and homogenous aquifer that is partially penetrated by the stream due to the existence of clogging layers. Initially, the analytical results obtained at different pumping times, rates and with different values of initial concentration are checked numerically using the MODFLOW software. Generally, the distance results obtained from the proposed model are acceptable. Then, the model is validated by data related to two pumping wells located at the first riverbank filtration pilot project conducted in Malaysia.  相似文献   

When operated properly, in situ soil venting or vapor extraction can be one of the most cost-effective remediation processes for soils contaminated with gasoline, solvents, or other relatively, volatile compounds. The components of soil-venting systems are typically off-the-shelf items, and the installation of wells and trenches can be done by reputable environmental firms. However, the design, operation, and monitoring of soil-venting systems are not trivial. In fact, choosing whether or not venting should be applied at a given site is a difficult decision in itself. If one decides to utilize venting, design criteria involving the number of wells, well spacing, well location, well construction, and vapor treatment systems must be addressed. A series of questions must be addressed to decide if venting is appropriate at a given site and to design cost-effective in situ soil-venting systems. This series of steps and questions forms a "decision tree" process. The development of this approach is an attempt to identify the limitations of in situ soil venting, and subjects or behavior that are currently difficult to quantify and for which future study is needed.  相似文献   

针对高邮地电观测场地2009年10月开始出现的干扰,通过对干扰形态的分析和测试,建立模型理论计算和多种实地观测方法,初步确定了干扰源的性质和位置。对地电观测台站查找排除干扰有一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

Four state-of-the-art ground water sampling systems were analyzed to determine their reliability in providing representative samples of the volatile chlorinated hydrocarbons trichloroethylene (TCE), perchloroethylene (PCE), and 1,1,1-trichloroethane (TCA) from a simulated monitoring well. The sampling systems studied represent four commonly used devices, including a stainless steel and Teflon® piston pump, a Teflon bailer, a Teflon bladder pump, and a PVC air-lift pump.
Controlled laboratory sampling experiments were conducted in a tank and well test chamber designed to approximate field conditions. A well purging and sampling procedure was used in the test apparatus to determine the accuracy and precision of each device for detecting low concentrations of the compounds in ground water. The compounds selected are some of the most ubiquitous hazardous contaminants found in shallow aquifers near hazardous waste sites throughout the United States.
No significant statistical difference was found among the four sampling systems in detecting the compounds.  相似文献   

There are limitations in conventional earthquake loss procedures if attempts are made to apply these to assess the social and economic impacts of recent disastrous earthquakes. This paper addresses the need to develop an applicable model for estimating the significant increases of earthquake loss in mainland China. The casualties of earthquakes were studied first. The casualties of earthquakes are strongly related to earthquake strength, occurrence time (day or night) and the distribution of population in the affected area. Using data on earthquake casualties in mainland China from 1980 to 2000, we suggest a relationship between average losses of life and the magnitude of earthquakes. Combined with information on population density and earthquake occurrence times, we use these data to give a further relationship between the loss of life and factors like population density, intensity and occurrence time of the earthquake. Earthquakes that occurred from 2001 to 2003 were tested for the given relationships. This paper also explores the possibility of using a macroeconomic indicator, here GDP (Gross Domestic Product), to roughly estimate earthquake exposure in situations where no detailed insurance or similar inventories exist, thus bypassing some problems of the conventional method.  相似文献   

High-accuracy electronic data acquisition equipment, a solid-state memory, computer interface and software have been developed to provide a complete system for measuring and recording water level changes.
A small, stand-alone hydrologic instrument (SE1000) provides the automation and accuracy of solid-state electronics in pump tests, slug tests, and long- and short-term ground water monitoring. The unit is powered by a high-performance battery pack with a minimum life of four years. This instrument can be buried at the monitoring site for protection from vandals, animals and temperature extremes. Ten pre-programmed 949-point data schedules are standard. One schedule is logarithmic with an initial data interval of 0.2 seconds. Nine linear schedules provide data intervals ranging from 15 minutes to 1.5 days and corresponding test durations ranging from 10 days to 46 months. The stored data can be recovered directly via the LCD display or transferred to a computer. Software provides automatic data reduction with hard copy tables and plots.
This instrument has been used successfully in various locations in the United States.  相似文献   

本文介绍了一种地震短期综合预测思路,即以虚报率较低的短期异常作为“引信”,在出现1个或数个“引信”异常后,再依据其它异常综合判定发震地点和震级,其优点是据此做出的综合预测意见的成功率较高。本文以2012年江苏高邮-宝应4.9级地震和2016年江苏射阳4.4级地震的震前实时跟踪过程为例,详细介绍了该思路的应用,该综合预测思路对指导今后震情跟踪工作有实际意义。  相似文献   

Mikhailova  M. V. 《Water Resources》2022,49(5):895-900
Water Resources - The article examines delta formation processes and suggests a new approach to their study. In the paper, delta formation is divided into its active and passive component. The...  相似文献   

高村井记录到的一次降雨荷载效应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
简春林 《中国地震》1995,11(2):181-190
高村深层地下水测井是全国地震地下水监测网中的重点井之一。1994年7月,在该井记录到了一次时间短、变幅较大的水位动态异常,作者经多方面较为仔细的分析研究后认定,该异常反映了一次典型的降雨荷载效应,并对该异常的形成机制作了初步讨论。  相似文献   

回顾了地震系统行政后勤管理体制改革的背景,介绍了改革的基本思路和目标,探索了地震系统行政后勤管理体制进一步深化改革之路。  相似文献   

In discrete fracture network (DFN) modeling, fractures are randomly generated and placed in the model domain. The rock matrix is considered impermeable. Small fractures and isolated fractures are often ignored to reduce computational expense. As a result, the rock matrix between fractures could be large and intersections may not be found between a well introduced in the model and the hydraulically connected fracture networks (fracture backbones). To overcome this issue, this study developed a method to conceptualize a well in a three-dimensional (3D) DFN using two orthogonal rectangular fractures oriented along the well's axis. Six parameters were introduced to parameterize the well screen and skin zone, and to control the connectivity between the well and the fracture backbones. The two orthogonal fractures were discretized using a high-resolution mesh to improve the quality of flow and transport simulations around and along the well. The method was successfully implemented within dfnWorks 2.0 (Hyman et al. 2015) to incorporate a well in a 3D DFN and to track particles leaving an injection well and migrating to a pumping well. Verification of the method against MODFLOW/MODPATH found a perfect match in simulated hydraulic head and particle tracking. Using three examples, the study showed that the method ensured the connectivity between wells and fracture backbones, and honored the physical processes of flow and transport along and around wells in DFNs. Recommendations are given for estimating the values of the six introduced well parameters in a real-world case study.  相似文献   

This article explores the hypothesis that natural losses of light nonaqueous phase liquids (LNAPLs) through dissolution and evaporation can control the overall extent of LNAPL bodies and LNAPL fluxes observed within LNAPL bodies. First, a proof‐of‐concept sand tank experiment is presented. An LNAPL (methyl tert‐butyl ether) was injected into a sand tank at five constant injection rates that were increased stepwise. Initially, for each injection rate the LNAPL bodies expanded quickly. With time the rate of expansion of the LNAPL bodies slowed and at extended times the extent of the LNAPL became constant. Attainment of a stable LNAPL extent is attributed to rates of LNAPL addition being equal to rates of LNAPL losses through dissolution and evaporation. Secondly, analytical solutions are developed to extrapolate the processes observed in the proof‐of‐concept experiment to dimensions and time frames that are consistent with field‐scale LNAPL bodies. Three LNAPL body geometries that are representative of common field conditions are considered including one‐dimensional, circular, and oblong shapes. Using idealized conditions, the solutions describe volumetric LNAPL fluxes as a function of position in LNAPL bodies and the overall extent of LNAPL bodies as a function of time. Results from both the proof‐of‐concept experiment and the mathematical developments illustrate that natural losses of LNAPL can play an important role in governing LNAPL fluxes within LNAPL bodies and the overall extent of LNAPL bodies.  相似文献   

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