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<正>针对当前形势,农业部将采取以下6项措施,进一步稳定生猪生产发展,保障市场有效供给。一是落实中央稳定生猪生产发展的各项政策。督促各地尽快落实已经下达的生猪调出大县奖励、生猪标准化规模养殖场小区建设项目和生猪良种补贴项目,确保中央强农惠农政策尽快落实到场户,进一步提高综合生产能力,增强生猪产业发展的稳定性和  相似文献   

非洲猪瘟对中国生猪市场和产业发展影响分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
受非洲猪瘟疫情、环保等因素影响,生猪产能快速深度下降,未来2 a猪肉供给偏紧特征明显,生猪价格快速进入新一轮上涨周期,未来养殖收益将连续3 a处于较好水平,未来2 a猪肉进口预期创新高。短期来看,非洲猪瘟影响下产销区供给过剩和供给偏紧交替出现,猪价由区域分化演变为普遍性上涨。受非洲猪瘟防控政策、产业生物安全水平提升需求和近期出台的产业支持政策等因素影响,中国生猪产业的生产和屠宰布局、流通模式、消费结构、猪肉贸易、价格周期等发生深刻变革。非洲猪瘟导致中国生猪养殖模式向适度规模转变,"公司+农户"成为主要发展模式,屠宰产能由销区向产区转移,管理和防疫成本提高,生猪产能恢复速度将较缓慢,猪肉消费加速向冷鲜肉转变,在肉类消费结构中比重将进一步下降,未来猪肉进口保持较高水平将成为常态。要有效实施非洲猪瘟分区防控、保障生猪市场稳定,需要通过加强区域化防控机制的顶层设计和立法,优化非洲猪瘟强制性扑杀补贴机制,加强基层兽医体系建设,实施"政府+企业+养殖户"联防联控,降低疫病传播风险,推动生猪产业可持续发展。  相似文献   

<正>猪价连涨:3周据监测,重庆市猪肉价格自五一节后连续上涨3周,5月下旬,重庆市生猪出栏价为13.59元/千克,与4月份相比累计涨幅17.96%;猪肉价格为23.12元/千克,与4月份相比累计上涨6.25%。这轮反弹主要是由于近期重庆市政府启动猪肉收储,有助于提升市场信心;生猪养殖存栏量有所下降,猪肉供给减少,加上外调  相似文献   

<正>重庆市合川区是全国粮食生产先进单位、全国生猪调出大县,是重庆首批农业产业化产品出口基地县,年粮食总产量、生猪出栏量、水产品产量保持全市第一。2013年,合川始终将保障重要农产品有效供给作为头等大事和"一把手"工程来抓,全年实现粮食总产量72.35万吨、生猪出栏量120.65万头、水产品产量3.69万吨、蔬菜产量64.65万吨、水果产量17.3万吨。实现农  相似文献   

近年来.生猪市场如同过山车般频繁波动,“猪粮比”因此也成为一个热门词汇被屡屡见诸报端。那么,究竟什么是“猪粮比”?它是如何得来的?“猪粮比”对反映、判断生猪市场情况和指导生猪生产有哪些实际意义?针对当前生产成本的变化,是否需要适当调整其量化指标?自然成为人们关注的话题。  相似文献   

猪场信息综合管理系统研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该文设计了一个猪场信息管理系统,这个系统包含以下6个模块:用户信息、猪场和生猪信息、饲料管理、环境监测、疾病诊断、销售管理。该系统的用户信息管理模块可以实现用户的注册、信息修改、登录和退出等功能;猪场信息管理模块主要实现生猪基本信息的添加、删除、查询等功能以满足实时查询生猪入栏、出栏数量;饲料信息管理模块是查询每个猪场所使用的饲料品牌及相应的价格、买入量和剩余量,使用户能实时记录猪场饲料使用的基本情况以追溯不同品牌的饲料的质量。猪场环境直接影响生猪的生长和健康状况,环境监测管理模块能实时监测影响生猪生长的六大因素,即温度、湿度、NH3、SO2、CO2、光照强度;疾病诊断信息模块用于记录和查询生猪的疾病症状、诊断信息和用药信息,可支持不同猪场疾病信息的动态汇总,并能够根据发病规模进行预警和提醒;销售信息管理模块用于记录和查询生猪的出栏体重、销售价格、背膘厚度、检疫信息;本系统实现了生猪从入栏到出栏的所有信息及猪场相关信息的动态汇总、查询和管理,可实现生猪猪场的自动化管理,提高了生猪养殖户的管理效率,并降低了生猪养殖户的养殖成本,该系统具有重要的实用价值。  相似文献   

对生猪养殖户参与网络市场营销的影响因素进行分析,认为互联网和交通基础设施建设、养殖规模和经营模式、生猪产品的市场供需情况、养殖户自身电商经营素质对其参与网络市场营销有影响。建议地方政府加强互联网及交通基础设施建设、构建产品供需平台,生猪养殖户应合理地规划养殖规模、优化经营模式、提高自身的电商素质,共同实现农村生猪养殖获得可观的经济效益。  相似文献   

综合运用系统动力学等理论与方法,建立了生猪供需系统的因果反馈结构。首次完整地描述了该系统中特有的经济现象———随机性与恒、远期波动行为。最后,以浙江省为例,藉助系统仿真对文中提出的周期波动现象给予了定量论证  相似文献   

<正>4月1日,农业部在其官网发布《关于稳定当前生猪生产的技术指导意见》,指出为促进生猪生产稳定发展,结合当前生猪产能和市场消费状况分析,提出以下建议:一是优化种猪群体结构,提高种猪生产水平。加快高龄、低产母猪淘汰,优化种猪群结构,可根据当地和自身条件适当压缩母猪  相似文献   

农村金融市场资金供给不足已成为我国新农村建设的制约因素,大量金融机构撤离农村,现代金融体系已无法适应农村经济的现状,新型的农村金融体系亟需建立。文章分析农村金融市场长期供给不足的原因,提出增强农村金融市场资金供给的一些建议。  相似文献   

Commercial trade is a major driver of over-exploitation of wild species, but the pattern of demand and how it responds to changes in supply is poorly understood. Here we explore the markets for snakes from Tonle Sap Lake in Cambodia to evaluate future exploitation scenarios, identify entry points for conservation and, more generally, to illustrate the value of multi-scale analysis of markets to traded wildlife conservation. In Cambodia, the largest driver of snake exploitation is the domestic trade in snakes as crocodile food. We estimate that farmed crocodiles consume between 2.7 and 12.2 million snakes per year. The market price for crocodiles has been in decline since 2003, which, combined with rising prices for their food, has led to a reduced frequency of feeding and closure of small farms. The large farms that generate a disproportionate amount of the demand for snakes continue to operate in anticipation of future market opportunities, and preferences for snakes could help maintain demand if market prices for crocodiles rise to pre 2003 levels. In the absence of a sustained demand from crocodile farms, it is also possible that alternative markets will develop, such as one for human snack food. The demand for snakes, however, also depends on the availability of substitute resources, principally fish. The substitutability and low price elasticity of demand offers a relatively sustainable form of consumerism. Given the nature of these market drivers, addressing consumer preferences and limiting the protection of snakes to their breeding season are likely to be the most effective tools for conservation. This study highlights the importance of understanding the structure of markets and the behaviour of consumer demand prior to implementing regulations on wildlife hunting and trade.  相似文献   

我国水溶性肥料产业发展趋势与挑战   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
水溶性肥料是随水肥一体化技术普及而发展的一类新型肥料,由于管道和微孔滴水器对肥料浓度、溶解速率和水不溶物含量等方面的特殊要求,水溶性肥料有其特定的产品标准。最近几年我国水溶性肥料行业发展迅速,但出现了技术研发滞后、产品种类繁杂、质量参差不齐等问题,给产业发展带来一定的影响。本文通过文献调研,并结合对行业发展的过程分析,综述了水溶性肥料的概念和产品特点,回顾了水溶性肥料在产品标准、配方、工艺、功能和施用等方面的发展变化,从作物营养理论角度分析根区施用水溶性肥料产品的养分高效利用理论基础,明确根区环境和水肥调控是实现作物健康及优质高产高效的关键,而保证合适的养分供应配比、施用量、施用时间、施肥位置和良好的土壤环境是综合调控的主要内容。根系健康与土壤养分供应强度、容量及溶液中的离子平衡和土壤缓冲性等存在相互影响。本文根据上述理论分析指出了肥料产品和灌溉设备结合及农化服务保障的必要性,而基于当前市场发展现状,提升水溶性肥料产业需要开展原料创新和功能挖掘,加快推动产品的农化服务,创新技术营销和服务模式,进一步完善相关产品标准。文章预测功能型液体水溶性肥料 (氨基酸类、腐植酸类和有机类) 是未来最具有竞争性的水溶性肥料产品,而规模化经营会引导大量元素水溶性肥料产品低成本化,并逐步实现套餐施肥产品组合与技术服务的结合, 这些都可能刺激功能性水溶性肥料产品市场的发展。  相似文献   

A joint project was undertaken by the Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) and the Agriculture Research Service branches of the U.S. Department of Agriculture to determine the presence of aflatoxins in the U.S. meat supply during a drought year. In 1988, high incidences of aflatoxins occurred in corn grown in regions of the Midwest, Southeast, and South. Six states were identified as having serious aflatoxin contamination in their corn crop: Virginia, North and South Carolina, Texas, Iowa, and Illinois. Swine liver and pillars of diaphragm (muscle) tissues were sampled by federal FSIS Inspectors in plants located in these states. A worstcase sampling plan was conducted. Samples were taken in January 1989 from hogs fed corn soon after harvest and in April 1989 from hogs fed corn originally stored and then fed in the spring. A modification of the official AOAC method for the thin-layer chromatography (TLC) determination of aflatoxins in animal tissue was used to permit quantitation by LC with fluorescence detection. The official AOAC TLC confirmation of identity method was used to confirm all positive samples with B1 concentrations greater than 0.04 ppb and M1 concentrations greater than 0.1 ppb. Sixty samples in the January group and 100 samples in the April group were assayed. Concentrations of aflatoxins B1 and M1 in the first group of pig livers ranged from 0.04 to 0.06 ppb. The identity of aflatoxin B1 was confirmed in all positive samples. Aflatoxin M1 could not be confirmed in any of the positive liver samples because the method was insufficiently sensitive for this aflatoxin.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

就猪的饲养管理自动化进行了讨论,内容包括饲喂自动化系统、种猪性能测定自动化设备以及环境控制和废水管理自动化设施等。  相似文献   

就猪的饲养管理自动化进行了讨论,内容包括饲喂自动化系统、种猪性能测定自动化设备以及环境控制和废水管理自动化设施等。  相似文献   

赵奕博  于洋  孙保平 《水土保持学报》2023,37(6):126-133,144
为了解生态系统服务供需匹配、供需时空变化趋势及其影响因素。以山西省产水服务为切入点,基于1990年、2000年、2010年和2020年自然地理和社会统计数据,利用地理统计分析和InVEST模型,分析其供需时空变化特征。结果表明:(1)在产水服务供需时空格局方面,山西省产水服务供给与需求总量在30年呈增加趋势。山西东南地区(晋中市、长治市、晋城市)是主要的产水服务供给区;而产水服务需求较大的地区主要为太原、大同、长治和阳泉市区。(2)在产水服务供需匹配方面,1990—2000年产水服务供给不足的区域面积由1.82%急剧增加至16.80%,而在2010—2020年由16.95%急剧减少至5.34%,供需空间匹配状况有所好转。(3)通过空间自相关分析,山西省产水服务供给和需求之间存在明显空间不匹配。研究结果为全面梳理山西省生态系统服务供需匹配特征提供理论支撑。  相似文献   

重庆市可持续发展的生态足迹测度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从供需平衡状况、供需结构等方面定量分析了重庆市生态系统可持续发展的状况,结果表明:2004年重庆市人均生态赤字1.2806hm2/人,人类活动对区域生态经济系统的影响已超出其生态承载力,区域生态经济系统的结构和功能亟需调整;重庆市人均生态足迹的供需结构具有明显不对称性,可用于人类消费的可供生态空间类型结构较为单一,重庆市生态赤字的存在,进一步揭示了当前人地关系紧张的现状。  相似文献   

Abstract. The ultimate goal of resource monitoring is to analyse the spatial distribution of the balance between supply and demand of a certain resource. Remote sensing techniques are commonly used for the assessment of the supply of resources. By integrating remote sensing with the related techniques of geographical information systems and spatial modelling, the demand as well as the accessibility of resources can be analysed. The article gives an overview over methods for integrated resource monitoring. Examples from arid environments are also presented.  相似文献   

Understanding the factors driving demand for wild meat and its substitutes is crucial for predicting the effects of changing socio-economic conditions on consumption, and managing supplies sustainably. However urban demand for wild meat remains relatively understudied, particularly in West/Central Africa. We use interviews with consumers in households, markets and restaurants and a market survey to examine patterns of consumption of bushmeat, domestic meat and fish in Bata, Equatorial Guinea, a country currently undergoing a period of strong economic and population growth. Consumers make a much clearer distinction between fresh and frozen foods than between bushmeat, domestic meat and fish. Fresh foods are greatly preferred over frozen but are more expensive and less consumed. Consumption of all fresh foods increases with income. Controlling for income, native Equatoguineans consume more bushmeat than other nationalities, while of the two dominant Equatoguinean tribes, the continental Fang consume more bushmeat than the coastal Ndowe. Our findings indicate that increasing wealth of a growing urban population will greatly increase future demand for all fresh foods, including bushmeat. There is no evidence of a luxury bushmeat market based on rare species, thus controlled demand for bushmeat could be met from common, highly productive species that are relatively robust to exploitation. Improving the supply of under-developed commodities, particularly domestic livestock, could also offset demand for bushmeat.  相似文献   

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