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刘王云  毕思文  豆西博 《物理学报》2010,59(3):1780-1785
利用VonNeuuman量子约化熵理论研究了驻波激光场与囚禁在谐振势中的离子单量子共振相互作用系统中量子场熵的时间演化特性,通过数值计算详细讨论了Lamb-Dick参数、离子质心在驻波激光场中的位置以及囚禁离子初始状态对量子场熵演化特性的影响.结果表明:Lamb-Dick参数影响囚禁离子与驻波激光场之间量子纠缠的频率和幅度,其值越大离子与光场之间的平均纠缠程度越低;随着离子质心从驻波激光场的波节向波腹移动,二者之间量子纠缠的振荡频率逐渐变慢,纠缠强度逐渐减弱;随着囚禁离子处于激发态概率的减小,离子与光场之间的量子纠缠呈现先增强后减弱的变化趋势.这些特性对于纠缠态的制备以及利用囚禁离子进行量子通讯等信息处理过程有一定的参考价值.  相似文献   

用全量子理论研究驻波激光场与囚禁离子相互作用系统中量子态保真度,详细讨论离子质心在驻波激光场中位置及离子初始状态对保真度的影响.结果表明:随着囚禁离子从远离驻波激光场波节处向波节处移动,量子态保真度振荡频率越来越高,振荡幅度几乎不变,且保真度到达第一个极小值所用时间越来越短,但不会出现信息完全失真;随着囚禁离子处于基态概率增加,量子态保真度振荡频率几乎不变,振荡幅度越来越小,也不会出现信息完全失真;在信息储存或传递过程中,囚禁离子量子态失真比系统和驻波场量子态失真小.  相似文献   

刘王云  安毓英  杨志勇 《光子学报》2008,37(5):1057-1062
利用Von Neumann约化熵理论研究了多模相干态场与二能级原子非简并多光子相互作用系统中量子场熵的时间演化特性,得到了含有失谐量的多模场熵的解析表达式,并通过数值计算讨论了光场为三模场时频率失谐量对场熵演化的影响.结果发现:当近共振时,失谐量几乎不影响场与原子之间的纠缠特性;而当远离共振时,量子场熵很强地依赖于失谐量的大小,特别是当失谐量足够大时,场与原子几乎总是处于纠缠态.  相似文献   

汪仲清  段昌奎  安广雷 《物理学报》2006,55(7):3438-3442
从描述囚禁离子与驻波激光场相互作用的Jaynes-Cummings(J-C)模型出发,导出了囚禁离子谐振动单量子共振激发相互作用的非线性J-C模型. 通过求解这一模型的系统状态随时间变化,数值研究了离子布居数反转的演化规律. 结果表明,离子布居数反转演化的崩塌-复原周期与Lamb-Dick参数η和离子在驻波激光场中的位置有关,随着η参数的增大,离子布居数反转的崩塌-复原周期变短,当离子质心的位置从驻波激光场的波节移向波腹时,离子布居数崩塌-复原的周期变长. 关键词: 驻波激光场 囚禁离子 非线性J-C模型 Lamb-Dick参数  相似文献   

运用全量子理论研究了初始处于Bell态(对称迭加态或反对称态)的两原子与双模纠缠相干光场相互作用系统中场熵的演化特性. 分析了光场强度、光场纠缠度及原子间相互作用强度对场熵演化特性的影响. 结果表明:原子初态处于反对称态时,场熵始终为零;原子初态处在对称迭加态时,增大光场强度场熵的时间演化曲线逐渐变成较规则的振荡曲线,原子间的相互作用强度对双原子间纠缠度有显著的非线性调制作用.  相似文献   

运用全量子理论研究了初始处于Bell态(对称迭加态或反对称态)的两原子与双模纠缠相干光场相互作用系统中场熵的演化特性. 分析了光场强度、光场纠缠度及原子间相互作用强度对场熵演化特性的影响. 结果表明:原子初态处于反对称态时,场熵始终为零;原子初态处在对称迭加态时,增大光场强度场熵的时间演化曲线逐渐变成较规则的振荡曲线,原子间的相互作用强度对双原子间纠缠度有显著的非线性调制作用.  相似文献   

运用全量子理论研究了初始处于Bell态(对称迭加态或反对称态)的两原子与双模纠缠相干光场相互作用系统中场熵的演化特性. 分析了光场强度、光场纠缠度及原子间相互作用强度对场熵演化特性的影响. 结果表明:原子初态处于反对称态时,场熵始终为零;原子初态处在对称迭加态时,增大光场强度场熵的时间演化曲线逐渐变成较规则的振荡曲线,原子间的相互作用强度对双原子间纠缠度有显著的非线性调制作用.  相似文献   

运用全量子理论研究了初始处于Bell态(对称迭加态或反对称态)的两原子与双模纠缠相干光场相互作用系统中场熵的演化特性. 分析了光场强度、光场纠缠度及原子间相互作用强度对场熵演化特性的影响. 结果表明:原子初态处于反对称态时,场熵始终为零;原子初态处在对称迭加态时,增大光场强度场熵的时间演化曲线逐渐变成较规则的振荡曲线,原子间的相互作用强度对双原子间纠缠度有显著的非线性调制作用.  相似文献   

运用全量子理论研究了初始处于Bell态(对称迭加态或反对称态)的两原子与双模纠缠相干光场相互作用系统中场熵的演化特性. 分析了光场强度、光场纠缠度及原子间相互作用强度对场熵演化特性的影响. 结果表明:原子初态处于反对称态时,场熵始终为零;原子初态处在对称迭加态时,增大光场强度场熵的时间演化曲线逐渐变成较规则的振荡曲线,原子间的相互作用强度对双原子间纠缠度有显著的非线性调制作用.  相似文献   

运用全量子理论研究了初始处于Bell态(对称迭加态或反对称态)的两原子与双模纠缠相干光场相互作用系统中场熵的演化特性. 分析了光场强度、光场纠缠度及原子间相互作用强度对场熵演化特性的影响. 结果表明:原子初态处于反对称态时,场熵始终为零;原子初态处在对称迭加态时,增大光场强度场熵的时间演化曲线逐渐变成较规则的振荡曲线,原子间的相互作用强度对双原子间纠缠度有显著的非线性调制作用.  相似文献   

Quantum teleportation by entanglement swapping with trapped ions   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
An effective teleportation scheme for an unknown ionic internal state via trapped ions is proposed without joint Bell-state measurement (BSM). In the constructed quantum channel process, we make use of entanglement swapping to avoid decrease in entanglement during the distributing of particles. Thus our scheme provides new prospects for quantum teleportation in a longer distance. The distinct advantage of our scheme is insensitive to the heating of vibrational mode. Furthermore, our scheme has no any individual optical access, and the successful probability also can reach 1.  相似文献   

运用量子纠缠和线性熵理论,研究了驻波激光场中囚禁离子的线性熵和量子态转移.讨论了相干角、离子的相对位相、离子与驻波激光场之间的耦合强度以及失谐量、Lamb-Dicke参数对离子线性熵的影响.结果表明,在一定的条件下可以实现囚禁离子的内态到振动态的相干转移,线性熵随时间的演化呈现非周期性的振荡行为.离子线性熵的最大值随着相干角、离子与激光场之间的耦合强度以及失谐量的增大而减小,随着Lamb-Dicke参数的增大而增大.并且可以通过调节驻波激光场来调节离子与驻波激光场之间的耦合强度和失谐量,从而达到对离子线性熵的控制与操纵,理论上提供了一种调控纠缠的方式.  相似文献   

运用量子纠缠和线性熵理论,研究了驻波激光场中囚禁离子的线性熵和量子态转移。讨论了相干角、离子的相对位相、离子与驻波激光场之间的耦合强度以及失谐量、Lamb-Dicke参数对离子线性熵的影响。结果表明,在一定的条件下可以实现囚禁离子的内态到振动态的相干转移,线性熵随时间的演化呈现非周期性的振荡行为。离子线性熵的最大值随着相干角、离子与激光场之间的耦合强度以及失谐量的增大而减小,随着Lamb-Dicke参数的增大而增大。并且可以通过调节驻波激光场来调节离子与驻波激光场之间的耦合强度和失谐量,从而达到对离子线性熵的控制与操纵,理论上提供了一种调控纠缠的方式。  相似文献   

An analytical method is developed to study the two-mode quantum Rabi model. For certain specific parameter conditions, especially for the resonant conditions, we obtain an infinite number of the exact solutions of the eigenfunctions and associated energies. It is shown that there exist new types of the exact energies which do not correspond to the level-crossings. Our analytical method may find applications in some related models.  相似文献   

In this paper,we propose a scheme to achieve a multiphonon-resonance quantum Rabi model and adiabatic passage in a strong-coupling cavity optomechanical system.In the scheme,when the driving bichromatic laser beam is adjusted to the off-resonant j-order red-and blue-sideband,the interaction between the cavity and mechanical oscillator leads to a j-phonon resonance quantum Rabi model.Moreover,we show that there exists a resonant multi-phonon coupling via intermediate states connected by counter-rotating processes when the frequency of the simulated bosonic mode is near a fraction of the transition frequency of the simulated two-level system.As a typical example,we theoretically analyze the two-phonon resonance quantum Rabi model,and derive an effective Hamiltonian of the six-phonon coupling.Finally,we present a method of six-phonon generation based on adiabatic passage across the resonance.Numerical simulations confirm the validity of the proposed scheme.Theoretically,the proposed scheme can be extended to the realization of 3j-phonon state.  相似文献   

刘王云  安毓英  杨志勇 《中国物理》2007,16(12):3704-3709
The properties of the field quantum entropy evolution in a system of a single-mode squeezed coherent state field interacting with a two-level atom is studied by utilizing the complete quantum theory, and we focus our attention on the discussion of the influences of field squeezing parameter $\gamma $, atomic distribution angle $\theta $ and coupling strength $g$ between the field and the atom on the properties of the evolution of field quantum entropy. The results obtained from numerical calculation indicate that the amplitude of oscillation of field quantum entropy evolution decreases with the increasing of squeezing parameter $\gamma $, and that both atomic distribution angle $\theta $ and coupling strength $g$ between the field and the atom can influence the periodicity of field quantum entropy evolution.  相似文献   

Using extended coherent states, an analytical exact study has been carried out for the quantum Rabi model (QRM) with two arbitrary qubits in a very concise way. The GG-functions with 2×22×2 determinants are generally derived. For the same coupling constants, the simplest GG-function, resembling that in the one-qubit QRM, can be obtained. Zeros of the GG-function yield the whole regular spectrum. The exceptional eigenvalues, which do not belong to the zeros of the GG function, are obtained in the closed form. The Dark states in the case of the same coupling can be detected clearly in a continued-fraction technique. The present concise solution is conceptually clear and practically feasible to the general two-qubit QRM and therefore has many applications.  相似文献   

《Physics letters. A》2020,384(14):126287
Time evolution of pertinent operators in the Rabi Hamiltonian and its rotating wave approximation (RWA) version, the Jaynes-Cummings model (JCM), in the Heisenberg picture, gives systems of nonlinear differential equations (NDEs). Considering well localized atom, the mean field theory (MFT) was applied to replace the operators by equivalent expectation values. The Rabi model was reduced to a fourth orders NDE describing atoms position. Solution by the harmonic balance method (HBM) showed good accuracy and consistency to the numerical results, which introduces it as a useful tool in the quantum dynamics studies. The NDEs describing the JCM in the Heisenberg picture structurally prevent applying the MFT and shows inconsistency to the Ehrenfest's theorem, contrary to the Rabi model.  相似文献   

本文从非线性Jaynes-Cummings模型出发,研究了受驻波场驱动的离子的质心运动振幅平方压缩效应.结果表明,非线性参数η对压缩效应有明显的影响.随着参数η的增大,离子处于压缩态的时间增长,压缩程度加深,但当η越过某一临界值时,离子最大压缩量减小,压缩时间相对变短;另外,驻波场的相位也对压缩效应有明显的影响.  相似文献   

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