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Five separate exposures of oceanic basalts were dredged in the vicinity of the Peru-Chile Trench between 9° and 27°S latitude. Each dredge is dominated by abundant pillow basalts. Approximately ten of the most unaltered, glassy and fine-grained samples were selected for detailed chemical and petrographic analyses from each dredge area. All basalts recovered in the Peru-Chile Trench are olivine and quartz-normative tholeiites that are believed to have formed at the now extinct Galapagos Rise 30–50 m.y. ago. Detailed chemical analyses of the basalts, including major and selected trace and rare earth elements, indicate that considerable compositional variability exists both within each of the dredged areas as well as between areas. Most of the inherent chemical variability observed within particular basement sections appears consistent with the concept of temporal evolution of magma bodies at a former spreading center by shallow-level fractional crystallization involving primarily plagioclase and olivine. In contrast, important chemical differences between the dredged areas suggest compositional heterogeneities in the mantle source regions. Our results indicate that although shallow-level fractionation has brought about large changes in composition of basalts in each area, compositional trends are distinct and appear to reflect original mantle-derived compositional differences.  相似文献   

Mineralogical and hydrogen isotopic studies have been made on clay minerals occurring in the Ohnuma geothermal area, northeastern Japan. Here, clay minerals such as smectite, kaolinite, dickite, sericite, and chlorite were formed by hydrothermal alteration of Miocene rocks. A chemical equilibrium can be assumed to be attained from the fact that the amount of expandable layer in the interstratified chlorite/smectite decreases and the polytype of sericite changes from 1M to 2M1 with increasing depth and temperature. The hydrogen isotopic composition (D/H) of the clay minerals is lighter than that of the geothermal and local meteoric waters by about 20–40‰. The hydrogen isotopic fractionation factors αmineral-water are as follows: 0.972–0.985 for kaolinite and dickite, 0.973–0.977 for sericite, and 0.954–0.987 for chlorite. In the temperature range from 100 to 250°C, the hydrogen isotopic fractionation factors between these minerals and water are not sensitive to the temperature. αchlorite-water depends on the kind of octahedrally coordinated cations which lie close to the hydroxyl groups; it becomes large with an increase of Mg content of chlorite.  相似文献   

The geochemical data of Hualalai tholeiitic basalts allow extension of the temporal variations established at Mauna Loa back in time, and provide important information for the long-term temporal variation of the Hawaiian lavas. We report new Hf, Pb, Nd, and Sr isotope compositions for 32 Hualalai tholeiitic basalts collected from deep submarine portions of the North Kona region. The samples were collected from the lower section of the North Kona bench (dives K218 and K219), a submarine stratigraphic section at Hualalai volcano's northwest rift zone (dive S690), and an elongate ridge outboard of the central section of the bench (dive S692), during two JAMSTEC Hawaii cruises in 2001 and 2002. The Hualalai shield-stage tholeiitic basalts have magma source isotopic signatures similar to Mauna Loa. The new data shows temporal Pb and Sr isotope trends that correspond to the long-term temporal variations in Loa-trend lavas, and the Hualalai–Mauna Loa lavas seem to show inter-shield geochemical excursions. Variation in Pb and Sr isotopes at Hualalai appears to take place over a longer time scale than at Mauna Loa. The merged Hualalai–Mauna Loa isotopic trends support models where heterogeneous material in the plume conduit is distributed chaotically, with variable cross-sectional density and length scale.  相似文献   

Coexisting fine-grained (0.1–20 μm) authigenic silicate minerals separated from altered tuffs in Miocene and Plio-Pleistocene lacustrine deposits were characterized petrographically and using X-ray powder diffraction. The authigenic minerals are dominated by clinoptilolite, erionite, phillipsite, K-feldspar, silica, calcite, smectite, and randomly interstratified illite/smectite. Minor accessories of opal-CT, cristobalite, and barite are present with the major alteration minerals. Authigenic minerals from altered tuffs were dated using the K/Ar method to evaluate the utility of these minerals for determining the time of alteration in low-temperature diagenetic environments. The eruption ages of some of these zeolite-rich tuffs were determined using the 40Ar/39Ar method on single sanidine and plagioclase minerals. The K/Ar isotopic ages of the fine-grained K-feldspar show minimal variation compared with results from the clinoptilolite separates. The isotopic ages from the authigenic K-feldspar (15-13.8 Ma) and some of the zeolites (16.-6.7 Ma) are similar to the eruption ages of the tuffs and indicate early alteration. Despite their open-framework structure, zeolites apparently can retain part or all of their radiogenic argon under favorable conditions (e.g., saturated environment). How much of the radiogenic argon is retained is estimated from the isotopic ages of other coexisting secondary minerals that are commonly dated by the K/Ar method. Although zeolite isotopic ages should be interpreted with caution, they may be useful to constrain temporal relations of low-temperature diagenetic processes when used in conjunction with other dateable minerals.  相似文献   

Bimodal tholeiitic and mildly alkalic basalts occur near Bhir, in the central part of Deccan Volcanic Province (DVP). Major and trace element concentrations show that, of the ten flows, nine are tholeiitic and one is an alkalic basalt. The Bhir basalts have a wide range of chemical composition. Geochemical variations in the stratigraphic section define three distinct phases of evolution (zones 1 to 3). Crystal fractionation of plagioclase, clinopyroxene, olivine and Fe–Ti oxide expanded the compositional range. Low Mg#s (39–55), low concentrations of Ni and Cr and high Zr suggest the evolved nature of the Bhir basalts. Fractionation modeling suggests about 42% fractional crystallization.In spite of the dominant role of fractional crystallization in the evolution of Bhir basalts, some other processes must be sought to explain the chemical variations. Crustal contamination, magma mixing and degree of partial melting are suggested to explain the observed chemical variations. Resorption, reverse zoning and compositional bimodality in plagioclase phenocrysts indicate magma mixing. Samples of flows one and four suspected of being contaminated all have enriched SiO2 and LILE (K, Rb, and Ba) contents and depletion in Ti and P, believed to be due to ‘granitic’ crustal contamination.As compared to tholeiitic basalts, the alkalic basalts are characterized by low SiO2 and high TiO2, Na2O, K2O and P2O5. Alkalic basalts are richer in LILE (Rb and Ba), HFSE (Nb, Zr, and Y) and REE than the tholeiitic basalts. The alkalic basalt occurrence is important from a petrogenetic point of view and also suggests that the sources of alkalic basalt magmas may be of variable ages under different parts of the DVP. Based on major, trace and rare earth element distributions it is suggested that asthenospheric mantle having affinities with the source of OIB was the source material of the magmas and the range in the composition of tholeiitic and alkalic basalts was probably controlled by different degrees of melting and/or inhomogeneities in the mantle source.  相似文献   

The olivine basalts of the Karymskii Volcanic Center (KVC) can be traced during the history of the area from the Lower Pleistocene until recently (the 1996 events); they are typical low-and moderate-potassium tholeiite basalts of the geochemical island-arc type. We have investigated the compositions of phenocryst minerals represented by plagioclase, olivine, clinopyroxene, as well as solid-phase inclusions of spinel in olivine, and more rarely in anorthite. The evolutionary trends of the rock-forming minerals provide evidence of the comagmaticity of these basalts, and thus of a long-lived intermediate magma chamber in the interior of the structure. The activity of this chamber is related to periodic transport of high temperature basalt melts to the surface. The geochemistry of the basalts is controlled by their origin at the same depleted magma source close to N-MORB, by successive crystallization of the primary melt, and by restricted mixing with magma components that are crystallizing at different depths. It is hypothesized that the solid-phase inclusions of high alumina spinel (hercynite?) found in olivine (and anorthite) of the basalts in the KVC north sector are of relict origin.  相似文献   

Although clay is composed of disconnected anisotropic clay platelets, many rock physics models treat the clay platelets in shale as interconnected. However, the clay matrix in shales can be modelled as anisotropic clay platelets embedded within a soft isotropic interplatelet region, allowing the influence of disconnected clay platelets on the elastic properties of the clay matrix to be analysed. In this model, properties of the interplatelet region are governed by its effective bulk and shear moduli, whereas the effective properties of the clay platelets are governed by their volume fraction, aspect ratio and elastic stiffness tensor. Together, these parameters implicitly account for variations in clay and fluid properties, as well as fluid saturation. Elastic stiffnesses of clay platelets are obtained from the literature, including both experimental measurements and first-principles calculations of the full anisotropic (monoclinic or triclinic) elastic stiffness tensors of layered silicates. These published elastic stiffness tensors are used to compile a database of equivalent transverse isotropic elastic stiffness tensors, and other physical properties, for eight common varieties of layered silicates. Clay matrix anisotropy is then investigated by examining the influence of these different elastic stiffnesses, and of varying model parameters, upon the effective transverse isotropic elastic stiffness tensor of the clay matrix. The relationship between the different clay minerals and their associated anisotropy parameters is studied, and their impact on the resulting anisotropy of the clay matrix is analysed.  相似文献   

Luna 16 sample B-1 was the largest fragment (62 mg) obtained in the sample exchange with the USSR. Petrologic, mineralogic, and chemical investigations have been made on this fragment in conjunction with Rb-Sr and40Ar/39Ar investigations by our colleagues. Sample B-1 is a fine-grained ophitic basalt but is distinguished from the Apollo samples by containing a single pyroxene, predominantly pigeonitic, an ilmenite content (7%) intermediate to that of the Apollo 11 and 12 samples, and subequal amounts of pyroxene (50%) and plagioclase (40%). Chemically it is distinguished by a high Sr content (437 ppm) and a high K/U value (4700). The K-content (1396 ppm) is higher than that of Luna 16 soil sample A-2.  相似文献   

Arc volcanoes occur at convergent margins with a wide range in subduction parameters, and variations in these parameters might be expected to lead to variations in the chemistry of magmas parental to arcs. Major element analyses from approximately 100 volcanic centers within 30 arcs, normalized to 6% MgO to minimize the effects of crystal fractionation, display wide variations. Na2O and CaO at 6% MgO (Na6.0 and Ca6.0) correlate remarkably well with the thickness of the overlying crust. These systematics are consistent with two possible models. In the first model, the crust behaves as a chemical filter; where the crust is thick, magmas crystallize at higher pressure and interact more extensively with the arc crust. Modeling of high-pressure crystallization and assimilation, however, does not reproduce the associated variations in Na6.0 and Ca6.0 without calling upon complicated combinations of fractionating phases and assimilants. In the second model, crustal thickness determines the height of the mantle column available for melting beneath arc volcanoes. If melting begins beneath arcs at similar depths, then the column of mantle that undergoes decompression melting is much shorter beneath the thickest arc crust. The shorter mantle column for arcs built on thick crust will lead to smaller extents of melting in the mantle, and hence higher Na6.0 and lower Ca6.0 in the parental magmas. Modeling shows that variations in the extent of melting in the mantle can easily account for the associated variations in Ca6.0 and Na6.0. The abundances of the other major elements at 6% MgO do not correlate well with crustal thickness, or any other subduction parameter. Co-variation of some of these other major elements (e.g., Si6.0 and Fe6.0) within individual arcs suggests that they are strongly influenced by local crustal level processes that obscure partial melting systematics. Correction for the crustal processes improves the relationship between Na6.0 and Ca6.0 that is so readily explained by partial melting. The extents of melting in the mantle beneath arc volcanoes estimated from the ranges in Na6.0 and Ca6.0 are remarkably similar to those estimated beneath mid-ocean ridges. This observation provides further evidence that the mantle wedge, and not the slab, melts beneath arc volcanic fronts.  相似文献   

高速铁路、地铁、轻轨等轨道交通迅速发展深入城市内部人群密集地区,对环境产生的振动影响不容忽视。空沟、碎石填充沟和排桩是三种常用的轨道交通隔振措施。通过大比例尺试验,采用加速度作为振动的评价指标,分别研究空沟、碎石填充沟和排桩的隔振效果。各组试验除隔振措施外其他条件均完全相同,使不同隔振措施的隔振效果具有较强的可比性,通过比较三种隔振措施与无隔振措施下影响区的加速度衰减率,评价其隔振效果,同时通过三种隔振措施下距离振源不同位置处的加速度比较其隔振效果。研究成果可为轨道交通隔振措施及方案的选取提供依据。  相似文献   

The concentrations (per cent) of secondary clay minerals (mica, vermiculite, montmorillonite, chlorite and kaolinite) in the A-horizon of 99 soil sample sites were entered into a cluster program to determine the common clay mineral assemblages found in U.S. soils. Five major assemblages were identified with the most common assemblage consisting of mica, montmorillonite and kaolinite. A suite of climatic variables was determined for each of the 99 sites, including the water balance variables and Arkley's leaching index. A discriminant analysis was then used to predict the occurrence of a clay assemblage from the climate data. Sixty per cent of the sites could be correctly predicted, although not all assemblages could be predicted equally well; two assemblages could be predicted with 88 and 82 per cent accuracy. The precipitation of the wettest month and Arkley's leaching index accounted for most of the predictive power. Thus this study supports theoretical models which suggest that seasonal moisture supply is an important control of clay genesis and persistence. A residuals analysis indicated that many of the palaeosols in the data set and many of the soils from glacial parent materials possessed clay mineral assemblages not expected on the basis of modern climate.  相似文献   

The axial ratio of basalt pillows in some shallow water pillow lava sequences from Azores and Iceland, is defined as V/H, where V and H represent the vertical and horizontal axes in cross section perpendicular to the elongate direction of undisturbed pillows. The axial ratios show a great spread of overlapping values for pillows from different sequences. However, alkaline olivine basaltic pillows tend to be more flattened than the olivine tholeiitic pillows. Another, and probably more discriminative feature between the two, is the difference in the maximum size of V and H of a pillow body. The limit for V and H for alkaline olivine basalt pillows is significantly lower than that of the olivine tholeiite pillows. A lower viscosity for alkaline olivine basalt than for olivine tholeiite probably accounts for the differences.  相似文献   

储层的渗透率是描述流体在岩石中渗透性的固有属性,在实验室测量的样品液体渗透率往往小于克式校正法修正后的Klinkenberg渗透率.本研究分别以氮气和盐水为介质,分别测量了 30块不含黏土矿物的枫丹白露砂岩试块与30块含黏土矿物的Y砂岩试块的渗透率,用以研究不同流体与黏土矿物对渗透率的影响以及气体测量渗透率时滑脱因子b...  相似文献   

The Cenozoic basaltic province of the Vogelsberg area (central Germany) is mainly composed of intercalated olivine to quartz tholeiites and near-primary nephelinites to basanites. The inferred mantle source for the alkaline and tholeiitic rocks is asthenospheric metasomatized garnet peridotite containing some amphibole as the main hydrous phase. Trace element modelling indicates 2 to 3% partial melting for the alkaline rocks and 5 to 7% partial melting for the olivine tholeiites. Incompatible trace element abundances and ratios as well as Nd and Sr radiogenic isotope compositions lie between plume compositions and enriched mantle compositions and are similar to those measured in Ocean Island Basalts (OIB) and the Central European Volcanic Province elsewhere. The mafic olivine tholeiites have similar Ba/Nb, Ba/La and Nd–Sr isotope ratios to the alkaline rocks indicating derivation of both magma types from chemically comparable mantle sources. However, Zr/Nb ratios are slightly higher in olivine tholeiites than in basanites reflecting some fractionation of Zr relative to Nb during partial melting. Quartz tholeiites have higher Ba/Nb, Zr/Nb, La/Nb, but lower Ce/Pb ratios and lower Nd isotope compositions than the alkaline rocks which can be explained by interaction of the basaltic melt with lower (granulite facies) crustal material or partial melts thereof during stagnation within the lower crust. It appears most likely that upwelling of hot, asthenospheric material results in the generation of primitive alkaline rocks at the base of the lithosphere at depths of 75–90 km. Lithospheric extension together with minor plume activity and probably lower lithosphere erosion induced melting of shallower heterogenous upper mantle generating a spectrum of olivine tholeiitic melts. These olivine tholeiitic rocks evolved via crystal fractionation and probably limited contamination to quartz tholeiites.  相似文献   

The Trap Series outcropping in the southeastern margin of the Main Ethiopian Rift has a total thickness of not less than 500–600 m. In this series, mainly composed of flood lavas and rare scoriaceous beds, basaltic rocks — which on a serial viewpoint are transitional basalts — are the best represented. Alkali-olivine basalts (with modal and normative nepheline) are interbedded within the lower and middle members of the series, while in the upper members andesine basalts and dark phonolitic tephrites are present. Among the transitional basalts, rocks of alkaline and of tholeiitic affinity are present as shown by petrographic and chemical analyses. On the basis of petrochemical and geovolcanological data, it is probable that these rocks and the phonolitic-tephrites originated from different primary magmas.  相似文献   

The basaltic rocks of the Hut Point area contain a diverse suite of inclusions. The xenolithic nature of many sedimentary, metamorphic and igneous inclusion types is clearly displayed, but previous studies have left considerable doubt as to whether the ultrabasic inclusions are noncognate xenoliths, and possible relicts from the mantle brought to the surface in a magma originating in this zone; or rather of cognate and/or cumulative origin. Olivine grains in the dunite and enstatite bearing peridotite inclusions commonly display undulose extinction and strain bands (translation laminae), and preferred indicatrix orientations expressed as B γ girdles. Enstatite frequently contains clinopyroxene exsolution laminae, and many grains are deformed and/or disrupted by shear zones. Weak B γ olivine fabrics have also been detected in the titanaugite peridotites and pyroxenites, but no evidence of post-crystallization deformation was detected. Titanaugite also occurs as phenocrysts (xenocrysts?) and in the groundmass of the host basalt chemical and optical data suggest that the titanaugite grains in the basalt and the inclusions are genetically related. These preliminary findings suggest that the titanaugite bearing inclusions may be of cognate origin, and that the dunite and enstatite bearing peridotite fragments are more likely noncognate xenoliths. Field and laboratory studies of this problem are continuing as supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

Abstract   Ultramafic xenoliths in alkali basalts from Jeju Island, Korea, are mostly spinel lherzolites with subordinate amounts of spinel harzburgites and pyroxenites. The compositions of major oxides and compatible to moderately incompatible elements of the Jeju peridotite xenoliths suggest that they are residues after various extents of melting. The estimated degrees of partial melting from compositionally homogeneous and unfractionated mantle to form the residual xenoliths reach 30%. However, their complex patterns of chondrite-normalized rare earth element, from light rare earth element (LREE)-depleted through spoon-shaped to LREE-enriched, reflect an additional process. Metasomatism by a small amount of melt/fluid enriched in LREE followed the former melt removal, which resulted in the enrichment of the incompatible trace elements. Sr and Nd isotopic ratios of the Jeju xenoliths display a wide scatter from depleted mid-oceanic ridge basalt (MORB)-like to near bulk-earth estimates along the MORB–oceanic island basalt (OIB) mantle array. The varieties in modal proportions of minerals, (La/Yb)N ratio and Sr-Nd isotopes for the xenoliths demonstrate that the lithospheric mantle beneath Jeju Island is heterogeneous. The heterogeneity is a probable result of its long-term growth and enrichment history.  相似文献   

High-TiO2, quartz-normative (HTQ) tholeiite sheets of Early Jurassic age have intruded mainly Late Triassic sedimentary rocks in several early Mesozoic basins in the eastern United States. Field observations, petrographic study, geochemical analyses and stable isotope data from three HTQ sheet systems in the Culpeper basin of Virginia and Maryland and the Gettysburg basin of Pennsylvania were used to develop a general model of magmatic differentiation and magmatic-hydrothermal interaction for HTQ sheets. The three sheet systems have remarkably similar major-oxide and trace-element compositions. Cumulus and evolved diabase in comagmatic sheets separated by tens of kilometers are related by igneous differentiation. Differentiated diabase in all three sheets have petrographic and geochemical signatures and fluid inclusions indicating hydrothermal alteration beginning near magmatic temperatures and continuing to relatively low temperatures. Sulfur and oxygen isotope data are consistent with a magmatic origin for the hydrothermal fluid.The three sheet systems examined apparently all had a similar style of crystal-liquid fractionation that requires significant lateral migration of residual magmatic liquid. The proposed magmatic model for HTQ sheets suggests that bronzite-laden magma was intruded in an upper crustal magma chamber, with bronzite phenocrysts collecting in the lower part of the magma chamber near the feeder dike. Early crystallization of augite and Ca-poor pyroxene before significant plagioclase crystallization resulted in density-driven migration of lighter residual magmatic liquids along lateral and vertical pressure gradients towards the upper part of the sheet. The influence of water on the physical properties of the residual liquid, including density, viscosity and liquidus temperature, may have facilitated the lateral movement more than 15 km up dip in the sheets. Exsolution of a Cl- and S-rich metal-bearing aqueous fluid from residual magma resulted in concentration and redistribution of incompatible and aqueoussoluble elements in late-stage differentiated rocks. This proposed hydrothermal mechanism has important economic implications as it exerts a strong control on the final distribution of noble metals in these types of diabase sheets.  相似文献   

The Neoproterozoic quartz potassic syenite of the Iwo area,Southwestern Nigeria has been investigated for its magmatic history and zircon saturation temperature.The zircon morphology showed irregular shapes with sectoral and oscillatory micro zoning.The majority of the zircon grains have embayment,which corresponds to magmatic resorption.The syenite crystallized from probably multiple recharge of less evolved magma.Both the magma injection and subsequent crystallization of the rock occurred over...  相似文献   

Concurrently erupted, alternating Deccan Trap flows of tholeiitic and potassic alkalic basalt outcrop along both banks of the Narmada River near Navgam. Nearby, around Rajpipla, early tholeiites are overlain by K-rich alkalic flows and intrusives, which are themselves cut by later tholeiitic dikes. Nd and Sr isotopic ratios of a wide variety of rocks from both areas form a single correlated array, which reflects mixing between positive εJUV and negative εJUV endmembers. There is an almost complete overlap between values for tholeiitic and alkalic samples; thus, both alkalic and tholeiitic primary magmas must have been produced that were isotopically much alike. A Rajpipla rhyolite also falls on the array, near the midpoint. For positive values of εJUV(T) the array is indistinguishable from that defined by the lower group of tholeiites at Mahabaleshwar, some 450 km to the south, implying a similar or identical high εJUV mantle source. The negative εJUV component, apparently different from either of the two at Mahabaleshwar, may have been continental crust or enriched mantle. Both alkalic and tholeiitic groups display wide overlapping ranges in incompatible elements other than K, Rb, and Ba—particularly in Sr and Nb. This partial decoupling of incompatible elements, in conjunction with the isotopic similarity between the two classes of rocks, is strongly suggestive of an enrichment event in portions of the mantle source shortly before magmatism.  相似文献   

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