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Wireless Personal Communications - Automatic key establishment schemes are the root of secure communication in Mobile adhoc networks(MANETs). These schemes are not universal, their performance...  相似文献   

A simple connection control system for multiservice cellular wireless networks is presented. Mobile stations are classified depending on the traffic they generate (e.g., voice, data). Within each class, two subclasses are also identified: stations which have originated inside the cell and stations which come from adjacent cells. The connection control mechanism is carried out by considering a number of priorities among the various classes and their subclasses. It works on two levels: static and dynamic. The static level looks at packet-level quality of service (QoS), such as cell loss and delay, while the dynamic level takes care of connection dynamics and allows the load of the system to be driven with respect to the various subclasses. Results that illustrate the performance of this control mechanism are presented.  相似文献   

This paper proposes an admission strategy for connection-oriented services at the access node of a broadband integrated packet network based on asynchronous transfer mode. Based on an estimate of the probability of cell loss and in the absence of buffering, we determine the number of sources from different classes of bursty traffic which can be accepted. The parameters which are used to describe the traffic sources are average bit rate and peak bit rate. We will evaluate the cell loss estimate for homogeneous and heterogeneous cases. Furthermore, we will examine the variation of this estimate as the average to peak ratio changes. The estimate is an upper bound for the probability of cell loss. Based on this upper bound simple and robust allocation of resources to bursty sources can be developed. The proposed strategy can be implemented using simple computations or via a look-up table to determine admission or denial of an incoming call and therefore allocating the required capacity. The procedure results in efficient use of the bandwidth, ensuring the desired service quality for connection-oriented services and results in proactive control of network congestion.  相似文献   

Instrumentation was developed to apply controlled biaxial (normal and shear) forces to the skin of a human or animal subject. The instrument mimicked any reference waveform within the constraints of a bandwidth of 15 Hz, a maximum force of 20 N, and displacement ranges of 15 mm for the normal direction and 18 mm for the shear direction. Two shaker motors, positioned with their axes parallel, were used with a low effective mass linkage and small-angle rotational joints to deliver the force. A digital feedback controller independently controlled the instantaneous normal and shear forces and recorded the resultant displacements. Evaluations on human and animal (pig) subjects demonstrated mean absolute errors between the applied and reference waveforms of less than 1.2% full-scale output for both the normal and shear directions. No degradation in performance was apparent over the course of a 1-h loading session. The instrument is to be used for the investigation of skin adaptation to mechanical stress, information that could be used to design new therapeutic methods to encourage skin load-tolerance  相似文献   

In this letter, we propose a novel load-balancing scheme for two-stage switches, which does not disturb the sequence of packets. The proposed scheme uses chamber queues (CQs) in front of the second crossbar fabric as well as VOQs in front of the first crossbar. While the proposed scheme is very simple, it can achieve 100% throughput under not only uniform but also non-uniform traffic. Moreover, the simulation results show that the average delay of packets in the proposed two-stage switch is lower than that of the original two-stage switch.  相似文献   

In this paper, we introduce a control theoretical analysis of the closed-loop congestion control problem in packet networks. The control theoretical approach is used in a proportional rate controller, where packets are admitted into the network in accordance with network buffer occupancy. A Smith Predictor is used to deal with large propagation delays, common to high speed backbone networks. The analytical approach leads to accurate predictions regarding both transients as well as steady-state behavior of buffers and input rates. Moreover, it exposes tradeoffs regarding buffer dimensioning, packet loss, and throughput.  相似文献   

A caching strategy to reduce network impacts of PCS   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
We propose an auxiliary strategy, called per-user caching, for locating users who move from place to place while using Personal Communications Services (PCS). The caching strategy augments the basic location strategy proposed in existing standards such as GSM and IS-41, with the objective of reducing network signaling and database loads in exchange for increased CPU processing and memory costs. Since technology trends are driving the latter costs down, the auxiliary strategy will become increasingly attractive. The idea behind caching is to reuse the information about a called user's location for subsequent calls to that user, and is useful for those users who receive calls frequently relative to the rate at which they change registration areas. This idea attempts to exploit the spatial and temporal locality in calls received by users, similar to the idea of exploiting locality of file access in computer systems. We use a reference PCS architecture and the notion of a user's local call-to-mobility ratio (LCMR) to quantify the costs and benefits of using caching and classes of users for whom it would be beneficial. We also present two simple algorithms for estimating users' LCMR and the situation in which each is preferable. We show that under a variety of assumptions caching is likely to yield significant net benefits in terms of reduced signaling network traffic and database loads  相似文献   

随着农用可再生能源发电、分布式发电、微电网与智能电网技术的不断发展,对储能变流系统的要求也越来越高,其中大变压比高压双向直流变换器已成为储能变流的研究热点。针对传统的双向Buck/Boost DC-DC等非隔离型变换器变压比小、开关管电压应力大等缺点,提出了一种新型半桥三电平推挽式(half bridge TL push-pull)双向DC-DC变换器,它具有电气隔离,充放电均可实现两级变压来形成大变压比,开关器件少,且开关管电压应力仅为高压侧输入电压的一半并可实现软开关的优点。并对新型双向DC-DC变换器提出通过对蓄电池荷电状态(SOC)的检测与上位机的指令信号来控制实现双向DC-DC变换器工作模式的切换。并通过仿真实验验证新型双向变流器的可行性与优越性。  相似文献   

针对短期电力负荷预测问题,提出一种在小波包分解下的径向基神经网络预测方法。通过小波包分析,将电力载荷及其温度变量对称地分解为低频的近似系数和高频的细节系数。针对不同的小波系数,设计径向基神经网络作为预测器,并通过试错法确定网络合适的结构。网络的训练过程中,采用滑动窗口数据选择策略减少数据样本集,采用随机梯度法更新权值、中心位置和扩展参数。预测的小波系数用于重构出最终的电力载荷值。与前馈多层神经网络的对比数值,实验结果表明,新提出的方法具有较高的预测准确性。  相似文献   

介绍一种基于蓝牙LMP(链路管理协议)的时序调度方案.它通过不使用被干扰恶化的频点传输数据.达到提高链路性能的目的.利用蓝牙协议中预留的消息字.无需改动硬件.简便易行。  相似文献   

黄振柱 《电子测试》2016,(3):106-107
丢包率是指在使用系统检测过程中对数据进行访问时,数据包因为各种物理原因或者软件原因导致的信道丢失现象。在自动化通讯设备出现串口丢包的情况下,会导致设备通信不通畅,信号遗失等不良后果。本文从软硬件方面对通讯串口的丢包问题进行分析,并提出防范措施。  相似文献   

彭波  韦岗 《通信学报》2002,23(3):21-26
本文提出了一种基于(2、1,m)卷积码的网络毛包错误恢复新方法,给出了(2,1,m)系统卷积码的纠删解码算法和判定定理,并证明了最优列距离剖面码具有最优延迟特性。实验结果证明本方法可以在不同的解码延迟条件下保持良好的效果,从而能适应不同的网络延迟条件。  相似文献   

One of the common artifacts for three-row charge-coupled device (CCD) desktop scanners is color misregistration between the red, green, and blue layers of an image. This causes both color fringing and blur in the resulting scanned images, which we quantify by linear system theory analysis. Knowing the bandwidth and peak sensitivity asymmetries in the opponent color representation of the visual system, we develop a method to reduce the color misregistration artifact by attempting to capture signals in an approximate opponent color space. To facilitate separate capture of the luminance and chrominance signals, we use a new sensor arrangement. The luminance signal (Y) is captured at the full resolution using one row of the three-row CCD linear arrays. The first chrominance signal is captured on another row with a interleaved half resolution red (R) and half resolution luminance sensor elements and the second chrominance signal is similarly captured on a third row using blue (B) and luminance. Since each luminance and chrominance signal is isolated on a single row and since there is no registration error within a row, color misregistration is theoretically prevented in luminance as well as in the chrominance signals. Simulation shows that the new method does reduce blur and the visibility of color fringing. Because residual luminance and chrominance misregistration may occur we conduct a psychophysical experiment to judge the improvement in the scanned image quality. The experiment shows that this new capture scheme can significantly reduce the perception of misregistration artifacts. Finally, we use an image processing model of the visual system to quantify the visible differences due to misregistration and compare these to the psychophysical results  相似文献   

This paper proposes a control, method for reducing flow time variability in a wafer fabrication facility with multiple wafer types. We employ stochastic Petri nets to model and analyze the machine module, and define operation due dates using a novel utilization index metric. An operation due date (OPNDD) rule for lot dispatch is proposed and evaluated against other lot dispatch policies  相似文献   

一种调节TCP非对称信道数据传输效率的算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了研究非对称信道对TCP端到端性能的影响。本文以非对称信道数据传输效率为对象,分析了非对称环境下,上行、下行数据传输效率的关系。在此基础上找到一种调节TC 致锥道数据传输效率的可行算法,并以ADSL信道为模型,通过仿真对算法的性能进行验证和分析。  相似文献   

无轴承无刷直流电机集成了直流和交流电机的优点,具有重要的实际应用价值,针对传统悬浮力控制方法存在工作复杂、逆变器通断频繁等缺陷,为了提高磁悬浮力的控制效果,提出了基于有限元分析的无轴承无刷直流电机悬浮力控制策略。首先对无轴承无刷直流电机的结构以及悬浮力产生的原理进行了分析,然后采用有限元分析法对电机转矩和悬浮力进行计算,从而实现无轴承无刷直流电机控制,最后采用Matlab/Simulink工具对其性能进行测试与验证。结果表明,本文策略可以提高转子悬浮的稳定性,能够保证无轴承无刷直流电机的正常运行。  相似文献   

Ad Hoc网络中DSR协议的QoS改进算法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
针对AdHoc网络中基于资源预留的QoS算法所带来的复杂度问题,本文引入了适合该网络的测量可用带宽算法,并且提出了新的DSR-QoS改进算法。仿真结果表明,在网络业务较大的时候这种改进是有效的,适合实时业务的传输;在网络业务较小的时候,这种改进的效果不是很明显。  相似文献   

提出一种基于超级电容的双向DC/DC变换器。根据DC/DC变换器的基本原理,在小信号假设条件下,采用状态空间平均法,建立变换器的数学模型;根据双向变换器的双向传递能量的工作原理,制定有效合理的控制策略;利用Matlab/Simulink库中超级电容模块搭建双向DC/DC变换器进行仿真,仿真和实验结果均表明,系统能够实现能量的双向传递,验证了其正确性和合理性。  相似文献   

Das  Sajal K.  Sen  Sanjoy K.  Jayaram  Rajeev 《Wireless Networks》1997,3(5):333-347
We propose a dynamic load balancing scheme for the channel assignment problem in a cellular mobile environment. As an underlying approach, we start with a fixed assignment scheme where each cell is initially allocated a set of channels, each to be assigned on demand to a user in the cell. A cell is classified as 'hot', if the degree of coldness of a cell (defined as the ratio of the number of available channels to the total number of channels for that cell), is less than or equal to some threshold value. Otherwise the cell is 'cold'. Our load balancing scheme proposes to migrate unused channels from underloaded cells to an overloaded one. This is achieved through borrowing a fixed number of channels from cold cells to a hot one according to a channel borrowing algorithm. A channel assignment strategy is also proposed based on dividing the users in a cell into three broad types – 'new', 'departing', 'others' – and forming different priority classes of channel demands from these three types of users. Assignment of the local and borrowed channels are performed according to the priority classes. Next, a Markov model for an individual cell is developed, where the state is determined by the number of occupied channels in the cell. The probability for a cell being hot and the call blocking probability in a hot cell are derived, and a method to estimate the value of the threshold is also given. Detailed simulation experiments are carried out in order to evaluate our proposed methodology. The performance of our load balancing scheme is compared with the fixed channel assignment, simple borrowing, and two existing strategies with load balancing (e.g., directed retry and CBWL), and a significant improvement of the system behavior is noted in all cases. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

一种利用标准阵列降低PAPR的新方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对正交频分复用系统中峰均功率比较大的问题,从分析选择映射法的基本原理和实现框图入手,详细描述了利用线性分组码标准阵列降低OFDM系统PAPR的算法,其核心思想是通过选择陪集中PAPR较小的向量代替选择映射法中的加权向量。最后进行了蒙特卡罗仿真,仿真结果表明,该方法能够明显改善PAPR特性。  相似文献   

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