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采用基于密度泛函理论(DFT)的赝势平面波法,对Zr掺杂BaTiO3(BTO)的电子结构进行了第一性原理研究.结果表明,纯四方相钛酸钡的禁带宽度为1.863eV;随着锆含量的增加,锆钛酸钡(BZT)的总态密度向高能量方向移动且禁带宽度逐渐增大,导电性能降低,介质损耗减小.  相似文献   

This paper reports complex impedance analysis of polycrystalline complex perovskite structured BaZr 0·025Ti 0·975O3 prepared by solid state reaction method. XRD analysis reveals the formation of single phase perovskite structure. SEM has been used to investigate grain morphology of the material. Impedance plots have been used as a tool to analyse electrical properties of the sample as a function of frequency and temperature. Bulk resistance is observed to decrease with an increase in temperature showing a typical negative temperature coefficient of resistance (NTCR) type behaviour. Nyquist (Cole–Cole) plots show both inter and intra grain boundary effects. Relaxation time is found to decrease with increasing temperature and it obeys the Arrhenius relationship. The variation of d.c. and a.c. conductivity as a function of temperature is also reported.  相似文献   

We propose an innovative idea to bond the dielectric barium strontium zirconium titanate (BSTZO) plates with magnesium oxide (MgO) as the spacers to achieve a hermetic module without any air gaps between the dielectric and the spacer. The gold metallization can be applied across the whole assembly to create an integrated electrode. The gold metallization also eliminates pressure contact by external copper plates assemblies, which are required to achieve good contacts between the copper plates and the metallized surfaces of the BSTZO. The MgO spacers are processed using a dry-pressing and pressureless-sintering method. The thermal expansion coefficient (CTE) of BSTZO and MgO spacer was measured. In addition to matching the CTE between BSTZO dielectric and the MgO spacer, it is also critical to develop a good bonding material with CTE matching to BSTZO and MgO spacer. The effect of CTE for various bonding compositions on the dielectric properties was thoroughly studied and reported. The mechanism explaining the high and low dielectric constants for the laminates is proposed and discussed based on the CTE results and their effect on microstructural development.  相似文献   

The sol–gel method was used to synthesize two different Ba0.75Sr0.25Ti0.95Zr0.05O3 powders: one of high purity and the other of low purity. These two sol–gel-synthesized powders show two distinct particle sizes and surface areas. The slip casting method was applied to these two sol–gel powders followed by a pressureless sintering, which shows large differences in sintered density and grain size for the pressureless sintered disks. Neutron powder diffraction shows a transition to the nonpolar cubic Pm–3m space group at higher temperatures for both materials. Pair distribution function analysis was used to examine the local displacements of the Ti4+ and Zr4+ cations. The dielectric constant, loss tangent, and bias were measured on these two materials.  相似文献   

BaSn x Ti1–x O3 (short for BTS) ceramics are prepared via the conventional solid state reaction method. The microstructures, diffuse phase transiton, dielectric and ferroelectric properties of BTS ceramics were investigated. These results indicate that Sn4+ ions have entered the unit cell maintaining the perovskite structure of solid solution. The incorporation of SnO2 can limit grain growth in the BTS ceramics. The Curie temperature of BTS ceramics decreases with the increasing of tin content. Addition of tin can decrease dielectric loss of BTS ceramics at room temperature. The diffuseness of the phase transition of BTS ceramics enhances with the increasing of tin content. The coercive electric field (E C) increases as tin content increases when x is 0.10–0.20. Moreover, the remanent polarization (P r) of BTS ceramics decreases with the increasing of tin content.  相似文献   

Effects of dysprosium (Dy) amphoteric doping on the structural, dielectric and electric properties of barium stannate titanate (BTS) ceramics have been studied. X-ray diffraction analyses reveal that all Dy-doped BTS ceramics exhibit cubic perovskite structure until to 1 mol%. Dy doping at the A site shows lower solubility than that at the B site. SEM surface morphologies display that the Dy B site doping is beneficial for the compact and homogeneous grain distribution. The dielectric constant and loss tangent are reduced with increase of the doping levels. Impedance spectroscopy investigation demonstrates that all samples are insulating at room temperature. Doping alters the full resistive regions of pure BTS ceramics to Doped BTS with insulating grain boundaries and semiconducting bulk regions, but the doping contents has little effect on changing the electric structures.  相似文献   

(Pb1−xLax)TiO3 (PLT) ceramics of perovskite type were prepared by sol-gel process, and their structural and dielectric properties investigated. The obtained compounds crystallize, under heat treatment, at relatively low temperatures and no secondary phases have been observed on the corresponding XRD spectra. Annealing temperature (Ta) and its duration (ta) appear to influence notably their structural and dielectric characteristics.  相似文献   

Neodymium (Nd) doped barium titanate powder (Ba(1−x)Nd x TiO3) with x value varying from 0, 0.01, 0.03, 0.05, 0.07, 0.10 and 0.13 was prepared using the sol gel method. The powder samples were calcined at 700 °C and tetragonal phase appeared in the powders before they were sintered at 1250 °C for 3 h. The undoped samples have a polycrystalline tetragonal structure, but Nd doping into the BaTiO3 caused phase transformation from tetragonal to cubic. The smaller grains (0.35 μm) produced with the addition of Nd is associated to the inhibition of grain growth of samples. The powders for each composition were pressed into pellets and tested as dielectric resonator antenna (DRA). It was found that on the actual antenna circuit, each sample showed a resonance frequency at X-band application and a dielectric constant value in the range of 51.25–56.89 and tangent loss was 0.039–0.045, depending on the concentration of the Nd at room temperature.  相似文献   

(Ba0.8Sr0.2ZryTi1?yO3) (y = 0.05, 0.1, 0.15 and 0.2) nanosized powders is synthesized by solvothermal method. The formation of (Ba0.8Sr0.2ZryTi1?yO3) was confirmed by XRD, FT-IR and XPS analysis. The purity of the (Ba0.8Sr0.2ZryTi1?yO3) was examined using FT-IR spectroscopy. The X-ray analysis proves that all as-synthesized Ba0.8Sr0.2ZryTi1?yO3 powders have a cubic perovskite structure. The surface characterization indicates the powder contains Zr and Sr elements. SEM investigation shows that the average particle size is reduced with increasing the Zr content and the average particle size is in the range 37–50 nm, the well dispersed nano powders have narrow particle size distribution. The study of dielectric properties shows that the Curie peaks of dielectric constant become broader and shift towards lower temperature on the basis of Ba0.8Sr0.2TiO3 and the dielectric loss decreases with increasing Zr content.  相似文献   

Ferroelectric and dielectric properties of barium titanate (BaTiO3) bulk ceramics and thin films have been investigated. The bulk ceramics and thin film samples have been prepared from barium acetate [Ba(CH3COO)2] and titanium(IV)isopropoxide [Ti(CH3)2CHO)4] precursors by sol-gel technique. The as-grown bulk powder and thin films were found to be amorphous, which crystallized to tetragonal phase after annealing at 700°C in air for one hour. The values of the spontaneous polarization (Ps), remanant polarization (Pr) and coercive field (Ec) of the bulk ceramics were found to be 19.0, 12.6 C cm–2 and 30 kVcm–1 respectively. In the case of the film, the values of Ps, Pr and Ec were respectively found to be 14.0, 3.2 Ccm–2 and 53 kVcm–1. The capacitance-voltage (C-V) characteristics of the film also showed polarization hysteresis. The values of the dielectric constant () of the bulk ceramic and thin film at 1 kHz were found to be 1235 and 370 respectively. Both the films and ceramics showed dielectric anomaly peaks at 125°C, showing ferroelectric to paraelectric phase transition.  相似文献   

Barium zirconate titanate ceramics were fabricated by microwave sintering. Effects of microwave sintering time on microstructure, dielectric and ferroelectric properties of barium zirconate titanate ceramics have been investigated. The result shows that the ceramic samples sintered at 2.5 kW for 15–30 min are single phase perovskite structure and there is no secondary phase observed. As the microwave sintering time extends, barium zirconate titanate ceramics become more uniform and the grain size increases. The data of dielectric properties indicate that the samples prepared by microwave sintering for 15–30 min are the ferroelectrics with diffuse phase transition and the diffuseness of phase transition weakens with the extending of microwave sintering time. As microwave sintering time increases, the remnant polarization increases initially and then decreases. Moreover, the remnant polarization and the coercive field of the samples sintered for 15 and 20 min decrease as measuring frequency increases, but the measuring frequency has little effect on ferroelectricity of the sample sintered for 30 min. The temperature dependences of hysteresis loops further prove that the samples are ferroelectrics with diffuse phase transition.  相似文献   

Zirconium titanate (ZrTiO4) ceramics have been prepared by the mixed oxide route using small additions of ZnO, Y2O3 or CuO. Specimens were sintered mainly at 1400 °C and cooled at various rates: water-quench, air-quench, 300 °C h–1, 120 °C h–1, 6 °C h–1 and 1 °C h–1. Products prepared with additives exhibited densities of at least 93% of the theoretical value. As the cooling rate after sintering was decreased, the length of the lattice parameter in the b direction was reduced and transmission electron diffraction revealed superlattice reflections associated with cation ordering. For specimens cooled at 1 °C h–1, electron diffraction patterns exhibited features consistent with an incommensurate superstructure in the a direction. The dielectricQ value of rapidly cooled (air-quenched) ceramics was 2000 at 5 GHz. With an increase in the degree of cation ordering theQ value increased to a maximum of 4400 for specimens cooled at 6 °C h–1. For specimens cooled at the slowest rate (1 °C h–1) theQ value fell to 2000 due in part to the presence of microcracks and exsolved ZrO2. Diffusion of trivalent impurities (yttria) into the host ZrTiO4 grains also led to a lowering of theQ values.The microwave dielectric properties of zirconium titanate ceramics are sensitive to processing conditions and mircrostructural features. The highestQ values (lowest loss) should be achieved in homogeneous specimens, free of trivalent impurities and lattice defects, in which lowQ-value second phases, microcracks and pores are eliminated.  相似文献   

A system of barium strontium titanate glass ceramics with different fluoride concentrations were prepared by melt-annealing technique. The effect of fluoride doping on impedance spectra of the barium strontium titanate glass ceramics were investigated. According to the impedance spectroscopy studies, three (low, middle, and high frequency) electrical responses, which corresponds to glass phase, crystal–glass interface and crystal interior were identified. It is shown that with the increase of fluoride concentration, the resistivity of the glass phase passed through a minimum and then increased. In addition, the capacitance of the crystal–glass interface increased and the capacitance of the crystal phase decreased with the increase of the fluoride concentration. Moreover, as a result of ac conductivity calculation and analysis, it is believed that the dc conduction was affected by the glass and crystal–glass interface regions and ac regime was attributed to the crystal phase. Based on the results, a change of the compensation mechanism from electronic to ionic one with variation in fluoride concentration was proposed.  相似文献   

The effect of phosphor doping on the sintering behaviour, microstructure and dielectric properties of BaTiO3 has been investigated. Diisopropyl phosphinate is added to high-purity BaTiO3 powder prepared by the wet chemical method with a final amount of 0.14 wt.% P2O5 with respect to the BaTiO3. Phosphor-doped BaTiO3 ceramics with a high density and uniform grain size have been produced by using wet processing and pressureless sintering without any binder. A scanning electron microscope, thermometric analysis, X-ray diffraction and an impedance analyser have been used to determine the microstructure as well as the dielectric properties. The phosphor cations can form a liquid phase belonging to the ternary system BaO-TiO2-P2O5, leading to the formation of BaTiO3 ceramics with high density at low temperature. Phosphor-doped BaTiO3 ceramics with a high density of 96% Dth are obtained by sintering at 1200°C with a soaking time of 2 h. The dielectric constants of samples sintered at 1150 and 1200°C are as high as 6100 and 5500, respectively; the Curie temperature of samples decreases with decreasing sintering temperature. Doping with a small amount of phosphor can improve the sintering and dielectric properties of BaTiO3 ceramics.  相似文献   

A crystallizable glass which can precipitate barium titanate was added to BaTiO3 ceramics to study its effect on sintering behavior and dielectric properties of the composites. High densification (>95 % theoretical density) was achieved by addition of glass phase and the dielectric constant of composites was enhanced through the crystallization of glass phase. A composite with 90 wt% BaTiO3 and 10 wt% glass showed a dielectric constant of ~2,300 at room temperature at 1 kHz and a dielectric breakdown strength about 140 kV/cm.  相似文献   

The effect of processing variables on the mechanical and electrical properties of holmium-doped barium titanate ceramics with a positive temperature coefficient of resistance has been investigated. This paper contains details of the tests used to measure the mechanical properties of ceramics prepared using four compositional mixes. Two methods of measuring strength were used: diametral compression of disc samples and four-point bending of beam specimens. Fracture toughness was also evaluated using two methods: the failure of single edge-notched (SEN) beams under four-point loading and cracking from a surface indentation with a diamond pyramid indentor. Values of strength ranged from 18 to 82 MPa for the four materials when measured by the diametral compression test. This compared with a range of 35–79 MPa for the same materials tested in pure bending. Fracture toughness values ranged from 0.65 to 0.95 MPa m1/2 for the SEN specimens and from 1 to 1.8 MPa m1/2 using the indentation technique on the same samples.  相似文献   

Te modified barium stannates BaSn1−x Te x O3 (x = 0–15 mol%) provides an interesting result (i.e., ferroelectric phase transition) above room temperature. As we increase concentration of Te, dielectric anomalies (dielectric constant and loss) increases but Curie temperature (T c) shifted towards lower temperature side. Impedance analysis indicates the existence of both grain and grain boundary resistance nears the Curie temperature (∼225 °C–275 °C). At elevated temperature materials show a typically semiconducting nature (i.e., Negative temperature coefficient of resistance (NTCR)).  相似文献   

Lead-free Ba(Zr0.15Ti0.85)O3 (BZT15) ceramics were synthesized by adopting the solid-state synthesis method. The effect of increasing sintering temperature (Ts) in the range of 1,350–1,450 °C on the microstructure, dielectric, polarization, and electric field induced strain of the ceramics was studied. Fine grained (~260 nm) BZT15 ceramics displayed single phase perovskite structure with relative densities >94 % of the theoretical density. Both grain size and shape were influenced by the sintering parameters. With increase in Ts, not only the maximum dielectric constant decreased from 11,412 to 8,734 along with an increase in the degree of diffuseness, but also interestingly the Curie temperatures were found to vary within an interval of 61–73 °C. Optimum sintering temperature has been found resulting in high remnant polarisation and strain in these ceramics. The properties observed are attributed to a contribution from all polar vectors present in coexistent phases.  相似文献   

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