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时坤 《草地学报》2007,15(5):491-499
在过去几十年中,由于人口和牲畜数量的增加以及各种社会变化的影响,内蒙古北部草原传统的游牧方式逐步被定居放牧所取代。这种放牧体系的根本性变化的结果是,定居放牧村落周围的过度放牧现象日趋严重,植被严重毁坏;同时,由于放牧抗性较强的植物的侵入,许多原生植物已经被这些外来种所取代。这种植被退化和环境干扰造成了放牧草原和采草草原鸟类多样性和种群数量的减少以及群落结构的改变;自然鸟类群落只存在于未被利用的天然草原中,在该地区人口与牲畜数量快速增加的社会背景下,这类草原提供了良好的野生动物栖息地。然而,这些重要的野生动物栖息地正随着草原私有化和人类活动区的不断扩大而逐渐消失。论文论述了该地区建立草原自然保护区以及促进生态旅游建设,有效保护草原生态系统,实现人类与野生动物的和谐共存的必要性和实施办法。  相似文献   

A comprehensive understanding of multipaddock, rotational grazing management on rangelands has been slow to develop, and the contribution of adaptive management (Briske et al. 2011) and sufficient scale (Teague and Barnes 2017) have been identified as key omissions. We designed an experiment to compare responses of vegetation and cattle in an adaptively managed, multipaddock, rotational system with that of a season-long, continuous system at scales comparable with those of a working ranch. We hypothesized that 1) year-long rest periods in the adaptively managed, rotational pastures would increase the density and productivity of perennial C3 graminoids compared with continuously grazed pastures and 2) adaptive management, supported with detailed monitoring data, would result in similar cattle performance in the rotational as in the continuously grazed pastures. However, we found little supporting evidence for grazing management effects on C3 graminoid abundance or production under either above-average or below-average precipitation conditions during the 5-yr experiment. Furthermore, adaptive rotational grazing resulted in a 12–16% reduction in total cattle weight gain relative to continuous grazing each year. Our work shows that the implementation of adaptive management by a stakeholder group provided with detailed vegetation and animal monitoring data was unable to fully mitigate the adverse consequences of high stock density on animal weight gain. Under adaptive rotational grazing, C3 perennial grass productivity and stocking rate both increased following above-average precipitation. But when adaptive rotational management was directly compared with continuous grazing with the same increase in stocking rate, continuous grazing achieved similar vegetation outcomes with greater cattle weight gains. We suggest that managers in semiarid rangelands strive to maintain cattle at stock densities low enough to allow for maximal cattle growth rates, while still providing spatiotemporal variability in grazing distribution to enhance rangeland heterogeneity and long-term sustainability of forage production.  相似文献   

Exclusion of large grazers from rangelands that evolved with significant grazing pressure can alter natural processes and may have legacy effects by changing magnitude or direction of community responses to subsequent disturbance. Three moderately grazed pastures were paired with 12-ha areas with 15 yr of livestock exclusion. Six treatments were assigned to each in a 2 x 3 factorial arrangement of fire (fall fire or no fire) and grazing utilization (0%, 50%, or 75% biomass removal) to determine grazing history effects on rangeland response to subsequent disturbance. Livestock exclusion increased C3 perennial grass (1 232 vs. 980 ± 50 kg ? ha-1) and forbs (173 vs. 62 ± 19 kg ? ha-1) and reduced C4 perennial grass (36 vs. 180 ± 25 kg ? ha-1) with no effect on total current-year biomass. Diversity was greater in pastures than exclosures (H’ = 1.5400 vs. 1.3823 ± 0.0431). Every biomass, cover, and diversity measure, except subshrub biomass, was affected by fire, grazing utilization, or both. Contrary to expectations, grazing history only interacted with fire effects for old standing dead material and interactions with grazing utilization were limited to old dead, bare ground, richness and dominance. Fire by grazing utilization interaction was limited to bare ground. Fire reduced annual grass (64 vs. 137 ± 29 kg ? ha-1), forbs (84 vs. 133 ± 29 kg ? ha-1), and diversity (H’ = 1.3260 vs. 1.5005 ± 0.0537) with no difference in total current-year biomass (1 557 vs. 1 594 ± 66 kg ? ha-1). Grazing to 75% utilization reduced total current-year biomass (1 467 vs. 1 656 ± 66 kg ? ha-1) and dominance (0.4824 vs. 0.5584 ± 0.0279). Grazing history affected starting points for most variables, but changes caused by grazing utilization or fire were similar between pastures and exclosures, indicating management decisions can be made based on independent knowledge of grazing or fire effects.  相似文献   

Most of the world's rangelands are subject to large spatial and temporal variation in forage quantity and quality, which can have severe consequences for the stability and profitability of livestock production. Adaptive foraging movements between functional seasonal resources can help to ameliorate the destabilizing effects on herbivore body stores of spatial and temporal variability of forage quantity and quality. Functional dry-season habitats (key resources) provide sufficient nutrients and energy to minimize reliance on body stores and are critical for maintaining population stability by buffering the effects of drought. Functional wet-season habitats dominated by short, nutritious grasses facilitate optimal intake of nutrients and energy for lactating females, for optimal calf growth rates and for building body stores. Adaptive foraging responses to high-quality focal patches induced by rainfall and disturbance further facilitate intake of nutrients and energy. In addition, focused grazing impact in high-quality patches helps to prevent grassland maturing and losing quality. In this regard, the design of many rotational grazing systems is conceptually flawed because of their inflexible movement of livestock that does not allow adaptation to spatial and temporal variability in forage quantity and quality or sufficient duration of stay in paddocks for livestock to benefit from self facilitation of grazing. Similarly the fixed intraseasonal resting periods of most rotational grazing systems might not coincide with the key pulses of nitrogen mineralization and rainfall in the growing season, which can reduce their efficiency in providing a functional recovery period for grazed grasses. This might explain why complex rotational grazing systems on average have not out-performed continuous grazing systems. It follows, therefore, that ranchers need to adopt flexible grazing management practices that allow adaptation to spatial and temporal variability in forage quantity and quality, allow facilitation of grazing (season-long grazing), and allow more effective recovery periods (season-long resting).  相似文献   

The impacts of wild herbivores on cattle diet selection were investigated in an East African rangeland during August 2001 and February 2002. The study compared cattle diets in plots exclusively accessible to cattle (C) and those accessible to megaherbivores (elephants and giraffes), non-megaherbivore wild herbivores > 15 kg (zebras, hartebeests, Grant's gazelles, oryx, elands, and buffaloes) and cattle (MWC); or non-megaherbivore wild herbivores and cattle (WC). There were no treatment differences in selection of most grass species in either sampling period (P > 0.05). However, selection of forbs differed among treatments during February when conditions were relatively dry and percent of bites taken by cattle on this forage class increased (P < 0.005) from 1.8% ± 0.3 to 7.7% ± 1.6 (mean ± SE). During this period, cattle took a lower percent of bites on forbs in MWC (4.3% ± 1.7; P = 0.01) and WC (5.9% ± 2.2; P = 0.03) than in C (12.9% ± 0.9). These patterns were generally driven by Commelina spp., which comprised 65% ± 9.4 of total bites on forbs. Notably, these differences were associated with differences in cover of forbs, which was positively correlated with percent of bites on forbs (r2 = 0.86, P < 0.01). Because forbs may be critical components of cattle diets in such rangelands during relatively dry periods, these dietary changes may indicate potential seasonal costs of wildlife to cattle production. Looking for ways to offset such costs may be worthwhile for livestock properties that accommodate wildlife.  相似文献   

Ecological systems comprise a complex array of interacting processes that manifest across multiple scales. Effective management of natural ecosystems has to be underpinned by an understanding of how the scaling of these processes influences system integrity and stability. This is particularly true in semiarid rangelands, which display strong relationships between pattern and process that are fundamental to maintaining ecosystem function. Grazing can disrupt the scaling of these relationships and the mechanistic coupling between pattern and process, undermining the health of grazed semiarid rangelands. This is due to possible hysteretic responses in key system components to increases and decreases in grazing disturbance. We used data from a semiarid rangeland in northern Australia to test for hysteretic responses in system components after the removal of cattle grazing. We found an uncoupling of spatial linkages between vegetation and soil moisture in a severely degraded plot that was not evident in less intensively grazed or recovering plots. Recovering plots protected from grazing for 20 yr showed a scale of spatial linkage between vegetation and soil moisture, and soil organic matter and mineralization flush, of a scale much coarser than that of degrading plots. These findings provide evidence for hysteretic recovery from grazing and demonstrate that comparison of the spatial patterns of vegetation and soil properties is essential for capturing the true state of ecological functionality in this system. This has important implications for assessing ecological function in systems typified by strong natural environmental variation or in which data for pristine conditions are lacking.  相似文献   

放牧家畜采食的调控   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
放牧家畜的采食行为受不同调控途径调控。视觉、嗅觉、味觉、触觉、学习途径促使家畜产生正向或负向的采食经验,家畜通过采食经验自发地对草地进行可持续利用与管理。采食经验的主要内容是家畜通过各个调控途径将草地牧草的物理指标与牧草的适口性建立联系。家畜可通过视觉将牧草的高度、密度、颜色等与牧草适口性建立联系;通过嗅觉、味觉将牧草的气味、味道与牧草适口性建立联系;通过触觉将牧草的物理性质与牧草适口性建立联系。合理的放牧管理制度和生境条件也可调控家畜的采食行为。  相似文献   

Rotational grazing systems (RGS) are often implemented to alleviate undesirable selective grazing by livestock. At both fine and coarse scales, livestock selectively graze individual plants, patches, communities, and landscapes. Smaller pastures, increased stocking density, and rotation allow managers to constrain livestock movement and determine season and frequency of grazing, potentially limiting selectivity and preventing repeated grazing of preferred plants. However, in arid and semi-arid rangelands, forage growth is limited primarily by precipitation rather than defoliation frequency. When soil moisture is adequate, forage is abundant and defoliation levels are typically low, and repeated, intensive defoliation of preferred plants is less likely than in more mesic areas where more consistent precipitation and soil moisture storage allows animals to establish and maintain spatial hierarchies of grazing patterns. Many southwestern rangelands contain diverse vegetation, which provides quality forage during different times of the year. These spatial and temporal patterns of forage distribution may not be amenable to manipulation with RGS. Tracking data show that livestock often alternate among locations within pasture boundaries and can opportunistically exploit areas with higher quality forage when they are available. Higher stock densities combined with higher stocking rates can increase livestock use of less preferred areas, but overall distribution patterns of intensive-rotational and extensive grazing systems are often comparable at similar stocking rates and distances from water. Management that ensures that grazing of riparian areas does not occur during the critical late summer period may be more beneficial than RGS that periodically defers livestock use throughout the grazing season. In arid and semi-arid shrublands, timely adjustments to animal numbers and practices that improve grazing distribution at regional and landscape scales are more likely to be effective in maintaining or improving rangeland health than fencing and RGS.  相似文献   

野生动物生境破碎化理论探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
生境破碎化是指由于人类活动或自然因素引起生境变化的一个生态过程。生境破碎化是生态学和保护生物学中较新的理论,已成为保护生态学、景观生态学和保护生物学研究领域中备受关注的热点问题之一。本文介绍了生境破碎化的基本概念、主要特点,以及生境破碎化在种群、群落、生态系统和景观层次引起的生态效应,概括了生境破碎化在形式上和功能上的主要表现。同时综述了生境破碎化研究的起源、发展和在森林采伐、道路及边缘效应3个主要方面的研究进展,并着重探讨了生境破碎化:(1)对野牛动物生物多样性保护带来的生态效益;(2)对野生动物景观结构与格局的时空动态影响分析;(3)对野生动物产生的直接或潜在生态过程中的尺度性;(4)对野生动物遗传多样性产生的影响;(5)野生动物对生境破碎化的适应机制等研究发展方向和趋势。  相似文献   

Most wildfires occur during summer in the northern hemisphere, the area burned annually is increasing, and fire effects during this season are least understood. Understanding plant response to grazing following summer fire is required to reduce ecological and financial risks associated with wildfire. Forty 0.75-ha plots were assigned to summer fire then 0, 17, 34 or 50% biomass removal by grazing the following growing season, or no fire and no grazing. Root, litter, and aboveground biomass were measured before fire, immediately after grazing, and 1 yr after grazing with the experiment repeated during 2 yr to evaluate weather effects. Fire years were followed by the second driest and fifth wettest springs in 70 yr. Biomass was more responsive to weather than fire and grazing, with a 452% increase from a dry to wet year and 31% reduction from a wet to average spring. Fire reduced litter 53% and had no first-year effect on productivity for any biomass component. Grazing after fire reduced postgrazing grass biomass along the prescribed utilization gradient. Fire and grazing had no effect on total aboveground productivity the year after grazing compared to nonburned, nongrazed sites (1 327 vs. 1 249 ± 65 kg · ha-1). Fire and grazing increased grass productivity 16%, particularly for Pascopyrum smithii. The combined disturbances reduced forbs (51%), annual grasses (49%), and litter (46%). Results indicate grazing with up to 50% biomass removal the first growing season after summer fire was not detrimental to productivity of semiarid rangeland plant communities. Livestock exclusion the year after summer fire did not increase productivity or shift species composition compared to grazed sites. Reduction of previous years' standing dead material was the only indication that fire may temporarily reduce forage availability. The consistent responses among dry, wet, and near-average years suggest plant response is species-specific rather than climatically controlled.  相似文献   

在分析研究国际野生动物栖息地分类体系,归纳总结我国野生动物栖息地分类方法基础上,结合我国实际情况及适应野生动物栖息地保护管理及科学研究需求,提出了陆生野生动物栖息地分类体系。该系统分为三级,包括一级12个栖息地类,二级66个栖息地型,三级218个基本类型。构建野生动物栖息地分类体系,能够更好地从多层次、空间立体格局上实施野生动物及栖息地保护、恢复和改善野生动物生存环境,维系野生动物种群健康发展。该体系建立与实施对国家生态安全维护,实现全国野生动物保护多层次化和多元化具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Grazing management effects on soil property dynamics are poorly understood. A study was conducted to assess effects of grazing management and season on soil property dynamics and greenhouse gas flux within semiarid rangeland. Grazing management treatments evaluated in the study included two permanent pastures differing in stocking rate (moderately and heavily grazed pastures) and a fertilized, heavily grazed crested wheatgrass (Agropyron desertorum [Fisch. ex. Link] Schult.) pasture near Mandan, North Dakota. Over a period of 3 yr, soil properties were measured in the spring, summer, and fall at 0–5 cm and 5–10 cm. Concurrent to soil-based measurements, fluxes of carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxidewere measured on 1-wk to 2-wk intervals and related to soil properties via stepwise regression. High stocking rate and fertilizer nitrogen (N) application within the crested wheatgrass pasture contributed to increased soil bulk density and extractable N, and decreased soil pH and microbial biomass compared to permanent pastures. Soil nitrate nitrogen tended to be greatest at peak aboveground biomass, whereas soil ammonium nitrogen was greatest in early spring. Drought conditions during the third year of the study contributed to nearly two-fold increases in extractable N under the crested wheatgrass pasture and the heavily grazed permanent pasture, but not the moderately grazed permanent pasture. Stepwise regression found select soil properties to be modestly related to soil–atmosphere greenhouse gas fluxes, with model r2 ranging from 0.09 to 0.76. Electrical conductivity was included most frequently in stepwise regressions and, accordingly, may serve as a useful screening indicator for greenhouse gas “hot spots” in grazing land.  相似文献   

The impact of livestock grazing on desert vegetation in Khirthar National Park, Pakistan, was investigated by comparing dry and wet season plant species composition, richness, cover, and a grazing index for quadrats outside (“open”) and inside (“exclosed”) native mammal breeding enclosures that had excluded livestock for 6 years. A total of 93 plant species were recorded in the dry season, 88 species in exclosed quadrats and 50 in open quadrats. While only 5 species were unique to open quadrats, 43 species were found only in the exclosed quadrats. Species richness was higher in the exclosures because of the presence of more grass and herb species, while grazing was higher in the open. After rain, species richness and cover were significantly higher than in the dry season because of the growth of summer ephemeral herbs and grasses, but richness was no longer different between the exclosure and open treatments. Although some herbaceous species may have been adversely affected by livestock grazing, overall species richness suggests strong ecosystem resilience to grazing, with levels no different after seasonal rains regardless of grazing level. Many grass and herb species absent from open sites during the dry season reappeared after rain, which suggests that livestock grazing may eliminate them as the dry season proceeds, but that a soil seed or bud bank persists.  相似文献   

Global positioning system (GPS) data collected over a 4-yr period on 52 crossbred young cows grazing a 146-ha pasture were used to determine whether cattle establish patch-scale rotational patterns within pastures. Cow positions at 5-min intervals were recorded during 20 d in late winter/early spring. Estimated per capita forage allowance (PCFA) was 347 kg herbage · cow-1, 438 kg herbage · cow-1, 1 104 kg herbage · cow-1, and 1 884 kg herbage · cow-1 in 2004, 2005, 2006, and 2007, respectively. Cumulative winter/early spring precipitation (CPPT) was low in 2004 and 2006 (35 mm and 30 mm, respectively) and high in 2005 and 2007 (119 mm and 112 mm, respectively). Structured query language codes developed for this study were used to 1) select grazing GPS points with movement velocities between 1 m · min-1 and 20 m · min-1, 2) overlay location data on a pasture map subdivided into 30 × 30 m pixels, and 3) calculate percentage of grazed pixels (% GP), pixel residence time (RT), revisit rate (RR), and return interval (RI) for each animal. Cows grazed 31% ± 5.9 SEM of all pixels for 21 min ± 3.7 SEM, visited grazed pixels 1.6 times ± 0.18 SEM, and returned to grazed pixels after 5 D ± 2 SEM. As PCFA increased, % GP decreased (r = -0.42) and RI increased (r = 0.73) significantly (P < 0.01); however, RT decreased (r = -0.46) and RR increased (r = 0.6) significantly (P < 0.01) with increasing CPPT. Pixel attributes (elevation, aspect, slope, percentage of tree cover, and distance from water, roads, and fences) failed to explain variation in pixel RT (R2 = 0.28) regardless of PCFA. The same predictors explained most of the variation in pixel RR and RI when PCFA was high (R2 = 0.86 and R2 = 00.76, respectively). Cows appear to establish their own patch-scale rotational patterns within pastures. Nonforage pixel attributes appear to have a strong influence on such patterns.  相似文献   

Indigenous rangeland management practices, forage quality and availability, and livestock production by pastoralists and agro-pastoralists in miombo woodlands were investigated in a study conducted in Kilosa district, Tanzania. The study methods comprised household interviews, key informant and focus group discussions, and forage laboratory analyses. Preferred forage species and indigenous rangeland and livestock management practices among pastoral and agro-pastoral communities in miombo woodlands were identified, and the nutrient content of the forages was determined. In general, rangeland management in the study area faces challenges such as unclear or disputed land tenure regime and lack of technical knowledge. Moreover, the nutritional value of some native forage species identified in miombo was found to be too low to meet the nutrient requirements of livestock. Livestock in miombo contribute greatly to household livelihoods and food security, but forage scarcity was identified as a limiting factor. Overall, it was concluded that rangeland improvement practices are poor or nonexistent in allocated grazing areas in Kilosa’s miombo woodlands.  相似文献   

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