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I.INTRODUCTIONThereisaclosecorelationbetweenthelocationofalandparcelanditsvalue.Arealestateexpertoncestatedthatthefactorsdete...  相似文献   

With a technique of GIS(Geographical Information System) and a method of multiple linear regression analysis, the spatial distribution of Shanghai land values and its relationship with some location factors are examined in this paper. The database of land values consists of 166 land parcels leased during 1993–1994. The land value map shows that the spatial distribution of Shanghai land values has some distinct spatial features. Firstly, the highest land value areas are located along Nanjing Road, Huaihai Road and the Bund. Secondly, there is no conspicuous peak land value intersection within the CBD(Central Business District). Finally, The land values of Pudong are much lower than those of Puxi. The regression model between Shanghai land values and the selected location factors shows that Nanjing Road is the first important location factor affecting the spatial distribution of the land values, the city center is the second one and Huaihai Road is the third one. The Bund, the regional shopping centers and the transportation nodes have little influence on the land values. This relationship between Shanghai land values and the location factors is determined by the distribution of commercial activities, the characteristics of the CBD and the spatial form of the city.  相似文献   


The precipitation in Shandong in July, August as well as the whole summer (JJA) and the corresponding 500hPa geopotential height fields are analyzed by means of the SVD (singular value decomposition) methodology. It is found that the general circulations in East Asia and the Western Pacific underwent decadal changes around 1979. The geopotential height, in particular over key areas like the South China Sea and the Philippines, increased after 1979. Corresponding to the changes in the geopotential height, the rainfall in Shandong started to decrease around 1979. The synthesized analysis shows that when the geopotential height at 500hPa level decreases in the key areas, the Western Pacific subtropical high shifts northward and an anticyclonic anomalous cell enforces the southerly flow over Shandong-Korea-Japan, Shandong could experience a wet period. A dry period is likely to occur when the geopotential height increases in these key areas, the subtropical high moves southward or expands westward to a great distance, and a cyclonic anomalous cell controls Shandong. Respective conceptual models for the causative mechanism are obtained for the cases of July, August and the whole summer (JJA).  相似文献   

The structure of the "black soil" in Northeast China has been greatly deteriorated by long-term intensive conventional mouldboard plow tillage (CT) practices. In this study, micro- morphological observation and image analysis of soil thin sections were conducted to evaluate the impacts of 21 years (1986-2007) of no tillage (NT) on soil structure as compared to CT in an experiment near Gongzhuling City, Jilin Province. Soil organic matter (SOM), wet aggregate stability and saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks) were also analyzed. Total SOM was not significantly affected by tillage systems, but fresher SOM was observed in the surface layer under NT. The aggregates under NT showed different hierarchies in the form of crumbs, and the mean weight diameter (MWD) of NT was significant higher than that of CT in the surface layer. Platy and blocky aggregates were frequently observed in the lower layers under CT practice. The compound pore structure with intertwined intra- and inter- aggregates pores under NT was well developed in a layer from 0-5 cm to 20-25 era. While under CT system, more inter-aggregate pores and fewer intra- aggregate pores were observed, and planes and channels were frequently found in the 20-25 cm layer, where maeroporosity decreased significantly and a plow pan was evident. The Ks values of NT weresignificantly lower at o-5 cm but significantly higher at 20-95 cm compared with CT, which showed the same trend with macroporosity. These results confirmed that long-term CT practice fragmented the tillage layer soil and compacted the lower layer soil and formed a plow pan. While long-term NT practice in the black soil region favored soil aggregation and a stable porous soil structure was formed, which are important to the water infiltration and prevent soil erosion.  相似文献   

古代城市结构复原的GIS分析与应用——以北宋东京城为例   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
空间综合研究方法在社会科学研究中越来越受到重视,GIS正成为一种新的历史学研究工具。本文以北宋东京为例,讨论了运用GIS进行古代城市结构复原可行性。基于开封市考古发现和历史文献研究成果,运用地图学方法、GPS、GIS技术,探讨了古代城市空间结构复原的基本思路、方法和操作步骤。东京城GIS的初步实现表明:以现有考古发现和文献研究资料为基础,在GIS环境中重现古代城市空间,可以整合历史学研究成果,不仅实现历史研究成果的共享,而且为历史学研究提供一个新方法。  相似文献   

We present a three-level nested-grid ocean circulation modeling system for the Belize shelf of the western Caribbean Sea. The nested-grid system has three subcomponents: a coarse-resolution outer model of the western Caribbean Sea; an intermediate-resolution middle model of the southern Mest〉American Barrier Reef System; and a fine-resolution inner model of the Belize shelf. The two-way nesting technique based on the semi-prognostic method is used to exchange information between the three subcomponents. We discuss two applications of the nested-grid system in this study. In the first application we simulate the seasonal mean circulation in the region, with the nested system forced by monthly mean surface fluxes and boundary forcing. The model results reproduce the general circulation features on the western Caribbean Sea and mest〉scale circulation features on the Belize shelf. In the second application, we simulate the storm-induced circulation during Hurricane Mitch in 1998, with the nested-grid system forced by the combination of monthly mean forcing and idealized wind stress associated with the storm. The model results demonstrate that the storm-induced currents transport a large amount of estuarine waters from coastal regions of Honduras and Guatemala to offshore reef atolls.  相似文献   

The sequences of the ITS(internal transcribed spacer) and 5.8S rDNA of three cultivated strains of Porphyra haitanensis thalli(NB,PT and ST) were amplified,sequenced and analyzed.In addition,the phylogenic relationships of the sequences identified in this study with those of other Porphyra retrieved from GenBank were evaluated.The results are as follows:the sequences of the ITS and 5.8S rDNA were essentially identical among the three strains.The sequences of ITS1 were 331 bp to 334 bp,while those of the 5.8...  相似文献   

andslide risk analysis is one of the primary studies providing essential instructions to the subsequent risk management process. The quantification of tangible and intangible potential losses is a critical step because it provides essential data upon which judgments can be made and policy can be formulated. This study aims at quantifying direct economic losses from debris flows at a medium scale in the study area in Italian Central Alps. Available hazard maps were the main inputs of this study. These maps were overlaid with information concerning elements at risk and their economic value. Then, a combination of both market and construction values was used to obtain estimates of future economic losses. As a result, two direct economic risk maps were prepared together with risk curves, useful to summarize expected monetary damage against the respective hazard probability. Afterwards, a qualitative risk map derived using a risk matrix officially provided by the set of laws issued by the regional government, was prepared. The results delimit areas of high economic as well as strategic importance which might be affected by debris flows in the future. Aside from limitations and inaccuracies inherently included in risk analysis process, identification of high risk areas allows local authorities to focus their attention on the “hot-spots”, where important consequences may arise and local (large) scale analysis needs to be performed with more precise cost-effectiveness ratio. The risk maps can be also used by the local authorities to increase population’s adaptive capacity in the disaster prevention process.  相似文献   

利用我国城镇居民人均可支配收入与消费支出的面板数据(1991-2009),采用变系数模型、协整理论等时间序列分析方法对其消费行为进行实证检验,并建立了城镇居民的消费模型,分析了边际消费倾向和自发性消费。结果表明:可支配收入与其消费支出之间存在着长期均衡的关系;当期收入是影响居民消费的最直接、最重要的因素,并据此提出相应的一些政策建议。  相似文献   

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