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以宁波市为例,基于宁波市“六普”与“五普”数据,首先利用年龄别死亡率对同批次队列人口进行年龄移算,即人口留存分析,对比2010年的实际人口数和无迁移模式下的封闭人口数之差,进一步测算两次普查期间分性别、年龄别人口的净迁移量和净迁移率。然后,将迁移率与出生率和死亡率整合,构建多要素随机人口预测模型,预测宁波市未来人口变化趋势,并评估迁移、死亡、出生三要素对人口变动的弹性影响效果。结果表明:人口净迁入对宁波市人口总量变化影响最大,而低死亡率和低出生率是未来50年加剧宁波市人口老龄化的主要原因。未来50年内,劳动力人口净迁入对降低宁波市人口老年负担系数的作用有限。鼓励夫妇生育二孩,优化人才引进与落户机制,尽快建立起应对高龄社会的公共服务体系尤其是长期照护体系,应是宁波市人口政策改革的当务之急。  相似文献   

人口出生水平取决于生育水平、 生育模式以及育龄妇女比重.文章利用1980—2010年进入生育期的妇女的初育年龄对其终身生育率进行预测,并据此测算1990年、2000年以及2010年三个人口普查年份的人口出生率,结果表明,这三个年份的出生率估计值均能够以较小的误差接近由总和生育率计算得到的人口出生率真实值.在此基础上,文章进一步解释了1990年以来中国人口出生水平持续下降以及近十年来始终处于低水平的现象,是由30岁以下的年轻育龄妇女的生育水平、 生育模式(标准化年龄别生育率)和占总人口比重共同下降所致.考虑到二孩政策的全面放开,文章还模拟了高、 中、 低三种预测情景下2011—2050年中国人口出生规模的变化,指出即使在文章设定的高生育水平方案下,人口出生规模也只能在短期内实现回升.因此,为促进未来人口出生数量渐进增加,保持人口长期均衡发展,生育政策的调整目标仍须适当提高.  相似文献   

一、基本情况和趋势 日本在三十七万七千多平方公里的国土上,养育着一亿一千六百多万儿女,平均每平方公里近三百一十人。人口的发展经历了高出生、高死亡、低自然增长和高出生、低死亡、高自然增长,目前己处于低出生、低死亡、低自然增长阶段。一九七七年出生率为15.5‰,死亡率为6.1‰,自然增长率为9.4‰。一九八○年出生率为13.7‰,死亡率为6.2‰,自然增长率是7.5‰。  相似文献   

大多数发展中国家当前的人口发展正处于低死亡、高出生和高自然增长的阶段。降低死亡率,特别是降低婴儿死亡率是任何国家的目标之一。因而要降低人口的迅速增长,只能着眼于降低出生率。出生率是按出生人数与总人口之比来计算的。其增减除了生育率变化因素外,还受人口年龄性别构成的影响,而当前的育龄人口构成早由十几年前以至几十年前的出生所决定,已无法改变。所以控制人口增长只能从降低生育率着手。  相似文献   

新中国成立前,我国人口基本属于高出生、高死亡、低增长类型。1949年底,我国大陆总人口为54167万,平均预期寿命只有35岁,1987年总人口增至108073万,平均预期寿命提高到68.5岁。38年间人口近乎翻了一番。除1959—1961年困难时期死亡率急剧回升外,1949年到1981年,一直呈逐年下降趋势。在高出生率持续稳定,死亡率下降的条件下,人口增长速度明显加快。这是我国第一次及第二次生育高峰中大部分年份的显  相似文献   

论文作者通过对数十年来中国人口婚育行为模式、家庭结构与类型、死因构成模式转变的简要描述,指出仅在传统和最基本的人口动态、即人口出生、死亡和增长的角度来理解和认识人口转变、包括中国的人口转变,已远远不够,难以适应时代和人口发展的要求。提出人口转变是一个多维的动态历史过程,是一系列特定人口转变的集合。其中人口出生率、死亡率和自然增长率的变动仅仅是人口转变的表象和外壳,其内核则是通过制度、文化和技术等承载的人口行为及其动力机制,由此引致的变化才代表了人口的内在转变,强调关注人口的内在转变是理解中国特色人口转变道路的重要视角和基础。在对人口转变内涵探索的前提下,借助于对国内人口学界近些年有代表性的人口转变理论研究成果的介绍和分析,作者初步探讨了人口转变理论研究的拓展和创新问题。  相似文献   

(一) 第二次世界大战之后,日本国经过1947—1949年的人口激增时期,开始了由高出生率向低出生率的人口转变。1947年日本人口的出生率高达34‰;1950年则下降为28‰;至1957年时进而下降到17‰;死亡率则从1950年的10.9‰的低水平进而降低到1957年的8‰。短短十几年的时间内,日本人口便由高出生、高死亡进入了低出生、低死亡的人口再生产类型,从  相似文献   

俄罗斯人口再生产形势的剧变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对俄罗斯的总人口发展、人口的生育率与死亡率等人口再生产的状况进行了分析。自苏联解体以来 ,俄罗斯人口的总量出现下降趋势 ,出生率和生育率都大幅度下降 ,而死亡率上升 ,平均寿命骤减 ,人口的性别构成发生显著变化。这些产生人口再生产现象的主要原因在于 1991年以后俄罗斯社会经济转轨时期的艰难曲折  相似文献   

根据世界人口发展新趋势,在传统人口转变理论框架的基础上,提出人口转变过度理论,并认为当前人类人口转变远未完成。随着各国生育率持续下降,人类人口发展表现出“较低出生率、较高死亡率、负自然增长率”的特点,并正逐渐由发达国家向其他国家蔓延,我们将这一人口发展模式称为“人口转变过度”。首先,人口转变过度这一人口发展特征的存在意味着传统人口转变中出现的“低出生率、低死亡率、低自然增长率”并不是人类人口发展的最终形态,但人类社会又不可能永远处于人口负增长的状态下,人类自身再生产水平终将会回升到更替水平左右,因而人口转变过度又可以分为“人口转变恶化”和“人口转变回归”两个子阶段。其次,虽然人口转变过度是在传统人口转变基础上形成的,但与传统人口转变存在明显差异,是一个相对独立的人口发展阶段,最主要特征是人口规模持续负增长。再次,人口转变过度形成的原因在于维持高生育率的经济、社会和文化基础发生了改变,是社会生产力进一步提高和社会经济持续发展所产生的客观结果。人类走出人口转变过度的关键是人口再生产水平回升并长期稳定在世代更替水平左右,这依然要有赖于生产力的进一步发展,以及建立与之相适应的生产关系。最后,世...  相似文献   

人口的高龄化 在近代社会以前,人口动态是多生多死,到了近代社会,人口动态就是少生少死了。从近代社会以前的人口动态向近代社会的人口动态的转变,称为人口革命或人口转换。一般是随着经济的发展和社会的近代化而引起人口转换,这多见于各国的人口历史。人口转换过程的前一阶段,首先是死亡率的下降,这是由于社会的近代化和经济的发展,使医药和卫生水平不断提高,从而导致死亡率的下降的缘故。可是,在这个阶段的出生率却依然保持着高水平,所以,当人口动态成为高出生率和低死亡率的组合时,其结果便造成人口的增加。随着人口发展的变化,不久就到了人口转换过程的后一阶段,这时出生率也下降了,死亡率和出  相似文献   

本文利用俄罗斯的历史人口数据,对俄罗斯人口数量和结构变动状况进行了分析,并对俄罗斯三次人口转型中的社会经济情况变化对人口变动状况的影响进行了分析。结果表明,俄罗斯的人口出生率下降很快,人口死亡率升高,总和生育率已远低于替代水平,因此人口自然增长率迅速下降,总人口数长期处于下降通道,出生预期寿命不增反降,特别是男性出生预期寿命远低于女性出生预期寿命。在推动人口增长的社会经济相关措施实施后,俄罗斯人口数量仍不能增加,这对目前总和生育率已经很低的中国有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

20 ESCAP member countries responded to the "Third Population Inquiry among Governments: Population policies in the context of development in 1976." The questionnaire sent to the member countries covered economic and social development and population growth, mortality, fertility and family formation, population distribution and internal migration, international migration, population data collection and research, training, and institutional arrangements for the formulation of population policies within development. Most of the governments in the ESCAP region that responded indicate that the present rate of population growth constrains their social and economic development. Among the governments that consider the present rate of population growth to constrain economic and social development, 13 countries regarded the most appropriate response to the constraint would include an adjustment of both socioeconomic and demographic factors. 11 of the governments regarded their present levels of average life expectancy at birth "acceptable" and 7 identified their levels as "unacceptable." Most of the governments who responded consider that, in general, their present level of fertility is too high and constrains family well-being. Internal migration and population distribution are coming to be seen as concerns for government population policy. The most popular approaches to distributing economic and social activities are rural development, urban and regional development and industrial dispersion. There was much less concern among the governments returning the questionnaire about the effect of international migration than internal migration on social and economic development.  相似文献   

City dwellers in Sub-Saharan Africa have increased roughly 600% in the last 35 years. Throughout the developing world, cities have expanded at a rate that has far outpaced rural population growth. Extensive data document lower fertility and mortality rates in cities than in rural regions. But slums, shantytowns, and squatters' settlements proliferate in many large cities. Martin Brockerhoff studies the reproductive and health consequences of urban growth, with an emphasis on maternal and child health. Brockerhoff reports that child mortality rates in large cities are highest among children born to mothers who recently migrated from rural areas or who live in low-quality housing. Children born in large cities have about a 30% higher risk of dying before they reach the age of 5 than those born in smaller cities. Despite this, children born to migrant mothers who have lived in a city for about a year have much better survival chances than children born in rural areas to nonmigrant mothers and children born to migrant mothers before or shortly after migration. Migration in developing countries as a whole has saved millions of children's lives. The apparent benefits experienced in the 1980s may not occur in the future, as cities continue to grow and municipal governments confront an overwhelming need for housing, jobs, and services. Another benefit is that fertility rates in African cities fell by about 1 birth per woman as a result of female migration from villages to towns in the 1980s and early 1990s. There will be an increasing need for donors and governments to concentrate family planning, reproductive health, child survival, and social services in cities, particularly in Sub-Saharan Africa, because there child mortality decline has been unexpectedly slow, overall fertility decline is not yet apparent in most countries, and levels of migration to cities are anticipated to remain high.  相似文献   

主体功能区划背景下的甘肃省适度人口及人口再分布研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
居玲华  石培基 《西北人口》2010,31(1):120-124,128
主体功能区划促进了人口迁移和人口再分布。文章在甘肃省主体功能区划背景下,分析了甘肃省人口数量变化和空间布局特征.并利用P-E—R模型计算了重点开发区适度人口容量,进一步提出了人口再分布模式。结果表明:金川区、嘉峪关市、兰州市的人口承载能力强,适度人口容量大,而永登、榆中等9个县(区)的人口容量偏小,最后得出发展绿洲城镇、兰州都市圈、天水一陇南和陇东四大人口密集区的人口再分布格局。  相似文献   

Population reproduction is a physiological phenomenon necessary to continue the human race, replacing the older generation with a new one. Population reproduction is also closely related to material production. Both are mutually restricted and supportive of each other. Population reproduction can be divided into 2 types: 1) short life span and rapid generation replacement or high birth rate and high mortality rate, and 2) long life span and slow generation replacement or low birth rate and low mortality rate. Since 1949 China has significantly reduced the mortality rate because of the improvement of our health system and working conditions and the increased living standard. The birth rate, however, still remains high because we are a developing country and our levels of education, science, and technology are quite low. This intermediate stage of low mortality rate but high birth rate also existed in most developed countries for several decades. China's large population and high population growth rate severely inhibit the development of social production and the achievement of the "Four Modernizations." The only way to resolve this contradiction of population reproduction and development of productivity is to control the population growth. Family planning and advocation of 1 child per couple are important strategic tasks in realizing the "Four Modernizations."  相似文献   

This world report reviews population growth pre-1900, population change during 1900-50 and 1950-2000, causes and effects of population change and projections to 2050. World population grew from 2 billion in 1900 to almost 6 billion in 2000. Population showed more rapid growth in the 17th and 18th centuries. Better hygiene and public sanitation in the 19th century led to expanded life expectancies and quicker growth, primarily in developed countries. Demographic transition in the 19th and 20th centuries was the result of shifts from high to low mortality and fertility. The pace of change varies with culture, level of economic development, and other factors. Not all countries follow the same path of change. The reproductive revolution in the mid-20th century and modern contraception led to greater individual control of fertility and the potential for rapid fertility decline. Political and cultural barriers that limit access affect the pace of decline. Population change is also affected by migration. Migration has the largest effect on the distribution of population. Bongaarts explains differences in fertility by the proportion in unions, contraceptive prevalence, infertility, and abortion. Educational status has a strong impact on adoption of family planning. Poverty is associated with multiple risks. In 2050, population could reach 10.7 billion or remain low at 7.3 billion.  相似文献   

引入省际人口迁移因素的陕西省人口发展趋势预测   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
20世纪80年代中期以来,由于政治、经济等多方面因素的变动,我国省际人口迁移规模急剧增长。省际人口迁移已成为影响区域人口发展趋势的重要因素之一。本文以陕西省为例。了解陕西省的省际迁移人口的规模大小和年龄分布特征,分析在引入省际人口迁移因素时,陕西省人口老龄化进程将如何变化。研究结果发现:陕西省迁入人口呈现年轻态特征,多为处于就业初期的年轻人口,减缓了陕西省人口老龄化速度。  相似文献   


The cyclically stable population relaxes the stable population assumption of fixed vital rates and replaces it with the assumption of a recurring sequence of schedules of vital rates. From any point (or stage) in one cycle of the sequence to the same stage in the next cycle, the cyclically stable population grows at a constant rate (λ). While the age composition of the cyclically stable population is different at different stages of the same cycle, it always has the same age composition at the same stage of every cycle. The essential dynamics of the cyclically stable model are captured by its birth projection matrix (BPM). The dominant eigenvalue of the BPM is growth rate A, and the right eigenvector associated with λ gives the within cycle‐birth sequence.

An important special case occurs when λ = 1, and a cyclically stationary population arises. Such populations challenge simplistic ideas about “Zero Population Growth.”; A population projection based on the sets of rates observed in the United States, 1970–90, shows a cyclically stationary population arising in less than 100 years. While it experiences no long term growth, that cyclically stationary population exhibits fluctuations in total size and considerable variability in age structure.  相似文献   

Africa's expanding population: old problems,new policies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sub-Saharan Africa faces an historic challenge: to achieve economic and social progress while experiencing extraordinary population growth. With an estimated 1989 population of 512 million, the 42 countries of sub-Saharan Africa have the highest birth and death rates of any major world region. While death rates have fallen since the 1960s, persistently high birth rates yield annual growth rates above 3% in many countries. The United Nations projects that the region's population will increase 2.7 times by 2025--to 1.4 billion. Throughout the region, population has outstripped economic growth since the mid-1970s. In addition, many African countries are experiencing an epidemic of AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome). The extent and demographic impact of the epidemic still are unknown, but disturbing social and political effects are already being felt. The region's population growth will slow only when African couples begin to have fewer children. The average number of children per woman ranges from 6 to 8 for most countries. The Africans' preference for large families is deeply rooted in the culture and fed by the perceived economic benefits they receive from their children. Economic stagnation during the 1980s prompted many national governments to recognize that rapid population growth was hindering their socioeconomic development. The political climate has shifted away from pronatalist or laissez-faire attitudes toward official policies to slow population growth. The policy formation process--detailed here for 4 countries (Zambia, Nigeria, Zaire, and Liberia)--is ponderous and beset with political and bureaucratic pitfalls, However, policy shifts in more and more countries combined with evidence of increased contraceptive use and fertility downturns in a few countries give some hope that the region's extraordinary population growth may have peaked and will start a descent. Whatever the case, the decade of the 1990s will be crucial for the future of sub-Saharan Africa.  相似文献   


This article critiques a recent U.N. Population Division report, Replacement Migration: Is it a Solution to Declining and Ageing Populations? The report explores the use of increased immigration to bolster future population size and change age distribution patterns in a group of developed countries. Fertility rate declines and lengthening life expectancies associated with demographic transition inevitably yield an aging population and a falling potential support ratio (PSR), a situation which some demographers and economists view with alarm. As the U.N. report itself suggests, replacement migration can only temporarily delay population aging and decline. These issues are ultimately better addressed through changes in retirement policy. Population projections should be used only with great caution in designing long-term demographic policy. In particular, some assumptions used to make the U.N. projections are questionable, and even minor changes in those assumptions would yield substantially different policy conclusions. Replacement migration also raises difficult environmental questions by moving large numbers of people from low to high per-capita consumption nations. Modest population decline, particularly in more developed countries, may have significant local and global environmental and climate policy benefits.


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