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西藏门巴地区层状地貌特征及其形成机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
西藏门巴地区发育多级层状地貌,即不同高度的山顶面、盆地面与多级河谷阶地地貌。深入研究这些层状地貌的特征、成因和形成时代,是探讨青藏高原隆升年代、幅度和过程的重要途径。对该区层状地貌的研究表明:门巴地区不同高度的山顶面是渐新世晚期形成的老夷平面在高原持续隆升过程中解体后的残留;不同规模和方向的盆地地貌面是高原隆升过程中伸展作用的产物。研究区广泛分布的多级阶地表明0.15 Ma(共和运动)以来该区又进入了强烈的隆升时期。  相似文献   

Arid soils with slight variations in parent material, vegetation and climate were studied for their morphological, chemical and mineralogical characteristics. Results show that the soils are at different stages of profile development. Varying degrees of pedogenic features have been tied up with data on palaeoenvironment to develop a relationship between the soil and age of the landform. Studies reveal that Dune and Shergarh sandy soils with least degree of manifestation belong to early Holocene to latest Pleistocene, whereas Chirai sandy soil with weakly developed B horizon belongs to the upper Holocene. Soils (Khajwana and Gajsinghpura) with well-developed B horizon and a calcic layer with lime segregations belong to mid-Pleistocene whereas Pali and Pipar soils with illuvial clay in B horizon belong to early Pleistocene.  相似文献   

南昌市南部新建县广泛分布由古风沙和现代流沙组成的沙化土地.在野外地质调查的基础上,选择新建县南部厚田沙地作为研究对象,应用观察法、描述法和系统调查分析法等定性评价方法对上伏风沙地貌的类型和特征进行分析,并结合下覆古风沙的OSL年代、粒度组成及色度参数等定量分析方法,探讨亚热带湿润区风沙地貌遗产的美学特征.结果 表明:厚田风沙地貌包括现代风沙沉积和晚第四纪古风沙沉积.现代风沙沉积大致始于14 ka B.P.,以纵向沙垄、穹形沙堆、辫状沙堆、平沙地等微地貌形态为主;晚第四纪古风沙沉积时间约为77.0~14.9 ka B.P.,以板状交错层理为主,地层序列丰富,是蕴含古环境演变信息的特殊地质遗迹,具有重要的科学研究价值.风沙地貌具有色彩美、旷远美、形式美和生命美等美学特征,具有良好的地学旅游开发价值.定性评价与定量分析相结合,可丰富风沙地貌美学研究的内容,也可为中国南方亚热带湿润区风沙地貌的地质遗迹保护和地学旅游开发提供参考.  相似文献   

区域性滑坡敏感性评价的数据驱动权重模型及应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
基于GIS的区域滑坡灾害评价的空间分析方法主要有两种,一是基于专家经验的知识驱动型方法;二是基于统计学的数据驱动型方法.前者对于影响滑坡灾害发生的评价指标的分级以及权重的确定多依赖于专家的经验,具有主观性和不确定性.而后者则是根据已发生滑坡灾害的历史调查数据以及影响滑坡灾害发生的孕灾环境因子资料,对评价指标进行分级和权重的确定.后者使区域滑坡评价更具科学性和可靠性.本文基于GIS技术,运用贝叶斯统计方法的数据驱动权重模型及其分析程序,进行了哥伦比亚Chinchina地区滑坡灾害敏感性分析.  相似文献   

三江平原生态地质环境分区研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
生态地质环境是指地面或地面以下岩石圈浅部由地质作用而形成的并影响人类生存和发展的空间或地质空间,主要包括植被、地貌、土壤、第四系松散堆积物、岩石、地下水等 6个因子.这6个因子各自有其不可替代的作用和功能,并不是各自孤立存在着,而是互相联系、互相影响、互相制约,缺一不可,并且是不断地发展变化着的.其中水是决定一切的主要矛盾方面,是生态地质环境中最积极最活跃的主导动力条件;植被是生态平衡的重中之重,是生态地质环境中最脆弱的指代因子;地貌、土壤、第四纪松散堆积物、岩石是生态地质环境的基础.每一个因子既同周围各种因子及作用的影响,也反过来影响其它因子或成份.一个因子发生恶化或失去平衡,其它因子也会发生变化或失去平衡.本文论述了三江平原生态地质环境系统中这6个因子的特征,分析了它们的分布状况,阐明了特征因子主要环境地质问题.根据地貌特征、植被破坏状况和主要环境地质问题,进行了分区研究.  相似文献   

辽东山地老秃顶子冰缘地貌特征及其环境意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对以老秃顶子为中心的辽东冰缘地貌分布区考察研究, 发现区内广泛发育的冰缘地貌类型为石河、石流坡、石海, 偶见石堡、雪蚀洼地、寒冻风化崩坍崖和倒石堆. 砾石大小不一, 堆积混杂无序, 在地表径流的作用下, 具有潜在的移动性. 风化淋溶以石流坡地貌最为显著, 土壤营养元素含量及成壤作用均以石河最优. 石下暗河发育, 上覆植被多样, 植被类型随海拔自高向低可划分为灌草丛、灌丛、矮曲林、暗针叶林、针阔混交林、落叶阔叶林, 其群落类型变化与冰缘过程趋于复杂化具有一致的发展趋势. 由于该区生境条件苛刻, 植被演替极慢且容易发生山地灾害, 建议加强人为干预, 改善植被覆盖状况, 促进演替进度, 以提高此冰缘地貌的稳定性.  相似文献   

矿山地质环境保护与恢复治理方案编制规范对地形地貌景观影响程度提出的评估指标在实际工作中存在着不确定性和难以操作、量化的问题。以陕西省彬县和神木县的两个煤矿为例,从场地建设和采煤引发的地面塌陷两个因子考虑,分别对规范中两个指标的影响程度提出了量化分级的数值区间。这套评估指标量化体系,为煤矿矿山地质环境保护与恢复治理方案报告的编制工作提出了可操作性较强的理论依据。  相似文献   

The definition of objectives and question of interpretation must be considered when setting up data banks. The objective will determine the type of data to be collected. A hierarchy of data-processing systems exists where the amount of interpretation in the data increases as the order of the system increases. The remarkable continuity of basic data can be embodied in the axiom: Any fundamental data free of interpretation cannot be discontinuous. The measurement of space and time remain invariant for all orders of data systems and are essential for relating data containing various amounts of interpretation. In general, only basic data should be exchanged. Where this is not feasible the object described should be clearly defined in space and time.  相似文献   

杭州湾南岸是我国近代海岸线变化最大的海岸带之一.前人曾利用史料、遥感、土地利用等手段对这一带岸线的变化进行过大量的研究.最近,笔者等在慈溪市滨海平原中距海岸线2~3 km的二座孤山—伏龙山和海王山发现了海蚀崖、海蚀沟、海蚀穴等海蚀地貌,从而提供了对历史海岸线位置有明确指示意义的地质地貌证据.分析认为此乃20世纪60年代...  相似文献   

李长安  王伟  侯红星  祝晓松  孙永辉 《地质论评》2021,67(6):67112008-67112008
杭州湾南岸是我国近代海岸线变化最大的海岸带之一。前人曾利用史料、遥感、土地利用等手段对这一带岸线的变化进行过大量的研究。最近,笔者等在慈溪市滨海平原中距海岸线2~3 km的二座孤山—伏龙山和海王山发现了海蚀崖、海蚀沟、海蚀穴等海蚀地貌,从而提供了对历史海岸线位置有明确指示意义的地质地貌证据。分析认为此乃20世纪60年代的海岸线位置所在。此发现不仅对杭州湾地区的岸线变化、人类活动对滩涂改造等研究具有重要的价值,同时,这也是杭州湾地区难得的历史海岸线地质遗迹,对开展科普宣传、研学旅行、地学旅游等具有重要意义。  相似文献   

碳酸盐岩风化剖面U和Th的富集特征 及淋溶实验的指示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对贵州岩溶区12条风化剖面U、Th的分布情况、岩-土界面岩粉层动态淋溶残余物的元素变化特征以及元素质量平衡的研究,初步揭示了碳酸盐岩风化剖面U、Th的富集特征.①在碳酸盐岩风化体系中,U呈现出明显的活性,而Th既有惰性的一面,又表现出活性的一面.②碳酸盐岩风化过程中,岩-土界面是U、Th产生突变性富集的重要地球化学场所,而剖面进一步发育演化中U、Th的变化是一个长期而缓慢的过程.岩-土界面反应中,由于风化残余物体积的巨大缩小,U呈现出低背景、强亏损、高富集的地球化学特征.当Th呈现活性态时,与U表现出相似的地球化学特征;当Th表现为惰性态时,其在剖面中的富集主要源于易溶组分溶蚀后的绝对残余.③碳酸盐岩风化剖面U、Th的富集系数与基岩酸不溶物含量存在明显的负相关,说明碳酸盐岩酸不溶物含量愈低,碳酸盐溶蚀的体量愈大,风化溶液带出的活性U或Th也愈多,风化残余物的体积缩小变化程度也愈强,因此残余U或Th的相对富集程度也愈高.  相似文献   

The Hill Country of Central Texas, USA, is undergoing rapid socioeconomic development, but environmental management of this region is hampered by misconceptions about local bedrock, soils, terrain, and hydrologic processes. The Hill Country is underlain mostly by Glen Rose Limestone (Lower Cretaceous) and exhibits a stepped terrain, which has been incorrectly attributed to alternating hard and soft bedrock strata. Other characteristics mistakenly attributed to this landscape include thin soils with scant water-retention capabilities, and rapid runoff as the dominant hydrologic process. This report presents new findings: unweathered bedrock is well indurated, but interbeds exhibit variable weathering rates. Recessive slopes (“risers”) on this stepped terrain result from rapid deterioration of strata having generally heterogeneous depositional fabrics (bioturbation and irregular clay partings) in contrast to ledge-forming strata having homogeneous fabrics. A stony regolith is thus formed beneath risers, providing porous and permeable ground that retards runoff and promotes the formation of moderately deep to deep (two-tiered) regolith/soil zones. These surficial materials on local steep slopes compose important natural environmental buffers; they support diverse biota and enhanced geochemical cycling of nutrients; they also exhibit significant water retention and enhanced erosion abatement. Proper land management demands recognition of these attributes in the siting, design, and construction of facilities.  相似文献   

海洋Nd同位素演化及古洋流循环示踪研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
海洋Nd同位素演化已经成为示踪陆源风化输入和洋流循环改变的最重要的手段之一,得到了越来越多的应用,并取得了许多重要的成果。海水的Nd同位素组成主要受陆源输入物质控制,热液输入几乎可以忽略。由于Nd在海洋中的停留时间(约500~1000a)略小于海水的平均混合时间(约1500a),且各洋盆有不同的Nd同位素风化输入,因此现代各大洋海水具有不同的Nd同位素组成。在陆源输入稳定的情况下,可以利用海水的Nd同位素组成和演化来示踪水体的混合或洋流循环的改变。目前主要依靠对海洋中水成铁锰结壳、海洋钙质有孔虫壳体、磷酸质鱼骨头或鱼牙齿化石以及沉积物中铁锰氧化物组分等的研究来恢复和反演古海水的Nd同位素组成和演化。4种分析材料各有其优缺点。其中,通过对水成铁锰结壳的Nd同位素分析,基本建立了各大洋新生代以来的主要洋流的Nd同位素组成的长尺度演化。通过有孔虫壳体、鱼化石碎片和沉积物中Fe-Mn氧化物组分可以进行高时间分辨率的古海水Nd同位素演化示踪。利用海水Nd同位素演化可以示踪古洋流通道的开启或闭合,以及获得水体交换的直接信息,为研究构造运动与气候变化之间的关系提供指示。同时,将海水Nd同位素演化与气候变化的指标结合起来,可以用于示踪各种气候条件下洋流循环的改变,将洋流循环的改变与气候变化联系起来,研究两者之间的成因关系。对表层水体的Nd同位素组成的研究则可以示踪不同气候条件下大陆陆源风化输入的改变。  相似文献   

为研究汉中盆地地下水的水化学特征及成因,在丰水期共采集56件潜水样品,综合运用数理统计、相关性分析、Piper三线图、Gibbs模型和离子比等方法,分析了汉中盆地地下水的水文地球化学特征、各化学参数的空间变化规律、主要离子的控制因素及来源。结果表明,汉中盆地地下水阳离子以Ca2+为主,阴离子以HCO3–为主。从离子空间变化规律上来看, K+波动最为剧烈,且从中下游开始逐渐降低,Cl−和Na+变化规律一致,呈波动变化;HCO3−、Ca2+、Mg2+以及SO42−的从中上游至中下游含量逐步降低,至下游含量增加;TDS值为128.5~590 mg/L,平均值为282.67 mg/L,在中下游含量明显增加;pH平均值为7.17,为弱碱性,在中上游波动剧烈,至下游逐渐降低。地下水水化学类型以HCO3–Ca和HCO3–Ca·Mg型为主,受碳酸盐岩和硅酸盐岩的溶解共同控制,阳离子交替吸附作用较弱,Na+和K+主要来源于钾长石、钠长石等硅铝酸盐矿物的溶解和部分盐岩的风化溶解,Ca2+除来自碳酸盐岩的溶解外,还有大量硅酸盐岩的溶解;方解石及少量白云石等碳酸盐岩的风化溶解对Mg2+和HCO3−贡献较大。查明汉中盆地地下水水化学特征及成因机制,可为汉中地区地下水饮水安全提供有力科学依据。  相似文献   

Based on back scattered electron images and electron micro-probe analysis results, four alteration layers, including a transition layer, a reticulated ferric oxide layer, a nubby ferric oxide layer and a cellular ferric oxide layer, were identified in the naturally weathering products of pyrite. These layers represent a progressive alteration sequence of pyrite under weathering conditions. The cellular ferric oxide layer correlates with the strongest weathering phase and results from the dissolution of nubby ferric oxide by acidic porewater. Leaching coefficient was introduced to better express the response of element mobility to the degree of pyrite weathering. Its variation shows that the mobility of S, Co and Bi is stronger than As, Cu and Zn. Sulfur in pyrite is oxidized to sulfuric acid and sulfate that are basically released into to porewater, and heavy metals Co and Bi are evidently released by acid dissolution. As, Cu and Zn are enriched in ferric oxide by adsorption and by co-precipitation, but they would re-release to the environment via desorption or dissolution when porewater pH becomes low enough. Consequently, Co, Bi, As, Cu and Zn may pose a substantial impact on water quality. Considering that metal mobility and its concentration in mine waste are two important factors influencing heavy metal pollution at mining-impacted sites, Bi and Co are more important pollutants in this case.  相似文献   

Two Holocene sediment cores were retrieved respectively from the enclosed Lake Daihai in the monsoon/arid transition zone of North China and the Taihu Lake coast in the monsoonal area of the Yangtze delta, Eastern China. Distribution of major geochemical elements and their ratios were employed to reveal the characteristics of Holocene climate and associated environmental implications in the two regions. It is suggested that the temporal distribution of major elements serve as a useful indicator to denote the variations of monsoon effective precipitation for the enclosed lake area. High values of resistant elements such as Al2O3, SiO2, TiO2, (FeO + Fe2O3), MnO in the lake sediments correspond to the depressed chemical weathering and weakened mon-soon effective precipitation, while the highs of mobile and easy soluble elements such as MgO, CaO, Na2O reflect the enhanced chemical weathering and increased monsoon effective precipitation in the lake basin. In comparison, the behaviors of the major elements in sediments of the Taihu Lake coast were largely controlled by the changes both in sea transgression in the different Holocene time periods and the monsoon precipitation. The relatively highs of Al2O3, TiO2, (FeO + Fe2O3), in marine-influenced sediments suggest relatively strong coastal hydrodynamics and chemical weathering, and vice versa. Meanwhile, the lows of SiO2, Na2O and CaO in the non-marine-influenced sediments also denote relatively strong hydrodynamics and chemical weathering due to enhanced monsoon precipitation, and vice versa. Sedimentary environment should be taken into account when achieving a full understanding of their climate implications.  相似文献   

Ajaz Karim  Jan Veizer   《Chemical Geology》2000,170(1-4):153-177
This study deals with the major ions and isotope systematics for C, O, S, and Sr in the Indus River Basin (IRB). Major ion chemistry of the Indus, and most of its headwater tributaries, follow the order Ca2+>Mg2+>(Na++K+) and HCO3>(SO42−+Cl)>Si. In the lowland tributaries and in some of the Punjab rivers, however, (Na++K+) and (SO42−+Cl) predominate. Cyclic salts, important locally for Na+ in dilute headwater tributaries, constitute about 5% of the annual solutes transported by the Indus. Weathering of two lithologies, sedimentary carbonates and crystalline rocks, controls the dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) concentrations and its carbon isotope systematics throughout the Indus, but turbulent flow and lower temperatures in the headwaters, and storage in reservoirs in the middle and lower Indus promote some equlibration with atmospheric carbon dioxide. Combined evidence from sulfur and oxygen isotopic composition of sulfates refutes the proposition that dissolution of these minerals plays a significant role in the IRB hydrochemistry and suggests that any dissolved sulfates were derived by oxidation of sulfide minerals.

In the upper Indus, silicate weathering contributes as much as 75% (or even higher in some tributaries) of the total Na+ and K+, declining to less than 40% as the Indus exits the orogen. In contrast, about two-thirds of Ca2+ and Mg2+ in the upper Indus (over 70% in some tributaries) and three-fourth in the lower Indus, are derived from sedimentary carbonates. The 87Sr/86Sr ratios tend to rise with increasing proportions of silicate derived cations in the headwater tributaries and in the upper and middle Indus, but are out of phase or reversed in the lower Indus. Finally, close to the river mouth, the discharge weighted average contribution of silicate derived Ca2++Mg2+ and silicate derived Na++K+ are, respectively, about one-fourth and two-thirds of their total concentrations.  相似文献   

蚯蚓肠道内小分子有机酸与摄入的土壤矿物相互作用,加速矿物溶解。摄入的土壤在蚯蚓肠道内平均停留时间约为12 h,不足以使土壤矿物产生显著的溶解特征,因此这一过程难以在蚯蚓体内进行评估。本研究通过体外实验控制pH值和有机酸浓度,模拟蚯蚓肠道中有机酸对土壤中常见矿物的溶解反应,探讨了方解石和钾长石在蚯蚓肠道环境中的初始溶解动力学。研究发现,矿物在混合有机酸中的溶解速率比在纯水中高一个数量级,说明有机配体和质子促进了矿物溶解。溶解速率及粒度分析表明,方解石(CaCO3)溶解速率不受溶解过程中粒度变化的影响,而钾长石(KAlSi3O8)粒度在溶解期间未出现显著变化。在此基础上,采用初始速率法模拟了钾长石的初始溶解动力学,计算得出的溶解速率表明钾长石在溶解初期主要为表面K~+的释放。使用缩核模型(shrink core model)和Hixson-Crowell模型对方解石溶解过程进行动力学解析,发现方解石的溶解主要受溶液中反应物内扩散的速率影响。这定量描述了两种矿物在有机酸溶液和纯水中的溶解差异。现有研究表明,有机配体和质子协同促...  相似文献   

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