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Aquestionnaire was designed to acquire expert knowledge concerning land suitability assessment for three industrial land uses. The suitability criteria definition and factor weights collected by the questionnaire were integrated into a GIS framework. The interaction of the expert, questionnaire and GIS modelling environment can benefit the plan making process.  相似文献   

GIS在城市绿地系统规划中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文总结了地理信息系统(GIS)近年来在我院城市绿地系统规划中的应用。GIS的应用为城市绿地系统规划走向定量化、数字化、科学化开辟了广阔的前景。从现状绿地分类数据赋值与分析,到规划绿地图层处理与空间分析,以及建立绿地规划信息系统,GIS都发挥着重要作用。本文以南昌市、攀枝花市和佛山市三个城市的绿地系统规划为实例具体介绍了各个过程的应用。最后分析了GIS在城市绿地系统规划中的应用前景。  相似文献   

Problem: Despite the widespread availability of geographic information systems (GIS) in local government, there is some evidence that the potential of GIS as a planning tool is not being fully exploited. While obstacles to GIS implementation in local government have been investigated, most of these investigations are either dated or do not focus on planning applications.

Purpose: We aim to add to the limited literature on the current barriers hindering GIS use in public planning agencies. We also offer some insights into how to mitigate these barriers and help planning agencies move beyond using GIS simply for routine tasks of data access and mapmaking.

Methods: We analyzed responses to a 2007 web-based survey of 265 practitioners in Wisconsin's public planning agencies and follow-up interviews with 20 practitioners we conducted in 2008.

Results and conclusions: Planning departments still face a range of technological, organizational, and institutional barriers in using GIS. Training, funding, and data issues appear to be the most significant barriers preventing greater use of GIS for planning purposes, suggesting that organizational and institutional issues are more pertinent than technological barriers. Our literature review indicates that the barriers to GIS use in local government are similar to those of the past, but not identical. Furthermore, our observations indicate that, in general, practitioners are not aware of the full potential of GIS and planning support systems (PSS).

Takeaway for practice: Increased funding alone is not likely to move a planning agency beyond routine applications of GIS. Improved access to training that is geared toward the planning process and planning applications may help alleviate many barriers planners face in using GIS in general and in incorporating more sophisticated GIS functions in their work.

Research support: This work was supported in part by the Consortium for Rural Geospatial Innovations, funded by the Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Services of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and in part by the University of Wisconsin–Madison College of Agriculture and Life Sciences and the University of Wisconsin–Extension.  相似文献   

武汉市排水公司以多台专用服务器和Internet网络为硬件平台、以Oracle数据库系统和Arcgis软件作为软件平台来构建排水设施管理GIS系统,通过专业化流水作业方式采集数据,合理组织了数据收集、整理和内业处理工作,并对该项目的实施经验进行了总结。  相似文献   

基于 GIS 的多规合一辅助决策系统研究与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
建立基于 GIS的多规合一辅助决策系统是多规合一信息化建设工作的一项重要工作,也是多规合一成果落实应用的具体体现. 本文提出利用GIS技术,以ArcGIS为开发平台,结合REST和SOA的WCF架构,构建一个多规合一辅助决策系统. 该系统的关键技术已应用于宁夏回族自治区三规合一及多规融合信息化平台的建设,取得较好的实际效果.  相似文献   

GIS技术在燃气长输管道管理系统中的应用   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
用地理信息系统进行燃气长输管道的管理,可以提高燃气管道系统管理的质量和效率。用MapObjects结合C Builder程序设计语言进行GIS操作平台的开发。该平台将燃气SCADA系统所搜集的管道系统信息记录到数据库中,在调度室实时直观地显示,便于操作人员对整个管道系统进行监控,提高长输管道的科学管理水平。  相似文献   

叙述了地理信息系统(GIS)在城市排水系统的管理与运行业务中的应用。分析了排水GIS应用中的关键技术与管理要素,具体介绍了上海城市排水管理中应用GIS建立的几个管理系统。  相似文献   

应用GIS技术实现高效能管理城市道路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据深圳市维修管理行业的特点,利用GIS技术开发深圳市道路维护信息系统,使计算机系统在城市道路管理工作中得到应用,取得初步成果。  相似文献   

通过对CA原理,特点的描述,构造出适应于土地利用规划的CA模型,同时利用GIS相关软件对空间数据分析、处理的强大功能,进行较精确科学的土地利用规划。并运用于福建省玉山镇镇区土地规划,验证该方法的适宜性与科学性,试图为土地利用规划方法的改进提供一个探索的焦点。  相似文献   

王俊  何正国 《城市规划》2011,35(Z1):74-78
目前我国主体功能区规划、城市总体规划和土地利用总体规划的编制与管理由不同的职能部门负责,存在技术标准与规划内容上的差异,有些成果之间甚至存在矛盾之处,给具体的城市规划实施造成了困难,有必要实现"三规合一"。所谓"三规合一"并非要把三种规划统一到一张图上,而是要统筹协调这三种规划,把这三种规划统一到相同的标准体系中,建立各种规划之间的协调衔接机制。本文提出利用GIS技术构建一个"三规合一"的基础地理信息平台来协调"三规",并提出"三规合一"基础地理信息平台应实现的主要功能以及平台搭建的关键技术,并将这些关键技术应用于云浮市"三规合一"地理信息平台的建设。  相似文献   

城市道路规划业务必须依据大量空间信息的支持。地理信息系统(GIS)技术是当前空间数据最佳的表现手段。介绍了基于GIS的上海市道路规划信息管理系统的总体框架、关键技术和主要功能。具体说明了系统所具有的基于GIS技术的信息服务。  相似文献   

Representing voices from communities of different identities and intents has been an integral part of land suitability assessment. Typically, voices of multiple communities are first synthesized and transformed into a set of coherent voices, often in the form of shared goals, objectives, criteria, or thresholds. These synchronized voices are then incorporated into an assessment model to appraise which level of suitability best characterizes each parcel of land for a specific use. The ensuing maps, as such, are a manifestation of the synthesized voices. The study reported in this article represents a different yet complementary approach to multiple voice representation, one that aims at preserving and manifesting the differences among the voices. The rendering of non-synthesized voices on the resulting maps depicts the range of valued differences. With this piece of knowledge as a reference point, planners can more effectively work with difference and make plans and facilitate consent for specific concerted actions. As a primitive experiment, the study highlights several key issues in the future development of a formal approach to multi-voice representation.  相似文献   

《Urban Water Journal》2013,10(7):519-531
Flooding often has devastating consequences. It is important to understand the evolution of these risks as climate changes. Municipal infrastructure is designed using historical data that no longer accurately represents current climate conditions, indicating infrastructure may underperform. The purpose of this study is to apply a new methodology for the assessment of climate change caused flood risk by Bowering et al. (2013) to the City of London, Ontario, Canada. Floodplain maps derived from climate, hydrologic and hydraulic analyses provide direct input into risk assessment procedure. Inundated infrastructure and high risk areas are identified in tables and maps for two climate and two hydraulic scenarios. Results indicate the most critical flood scenario is the 100 year climate change upper bound and high risk is driven by expensive infrastructure located in the floodplains. Results of the study are used as the support for climate change adaptation policy development and emergency management.  相似文献   

基于GIS的地下水建模   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
地下水模拟模型能够模拟地下水动态特征 ,GIS具有强大的空间数据处理与分析功能 ,建立地下水模拟模型与GIS的集成系统 ,将有助于对地下水模拟模型的推广应用和决策分析。本文详细论述GIS支持下的地下水模拟模型的建立过程 ,采用交互式剖分方法不仅提高建模效率 ,而且能充分考虑计算域的水文地质条件 ,使生成的网格单元效果更为理想 ,本文将这种方法应用于北京密怀顺地下水模拟中 ,极大地提高了工作效率。  相似文献   

The model framework MULBO (Multicriteria Landscape Assessment and Optimisation) is a spatially explicit decision support method on the basis of risk evaluations for landscape functions. Its principal purpose is the establishment of optimal land use patterns as scenarios, which are balanced compromises between conflicting goals for the reduction of assessed risks. A user manual for MULBO has been developed which contains the individual assessment tools, the landscape optimisation method LNOPT 2.0, a multiplicity of applications, as well as information about data and techniques. After an introductory discussion of fundamentals for spatial decision-making, the methods and contents of MULBO are presented and discussed on basis of applications in a rural area in the southern part of Saxony-Anhalt (Germany). An applied project converts the scenario results recently into possible practices.  相似文献   

燃气管网地理信息系统的网络分析   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
介绍了燃气管网地理信息系统网络模型的构造。建立了燃气管网数据模型与逻辑拓扑关系.进行了燃气管网的网络分析。  相似文献   


In an era of rapid urbanization, there is a need for data-driven tools to guide long-term strategic planning. Online What If? (OWI) is a planning support system (PSS) that helps inform strategic planners about the impact of population growth and other socioeconomic factors will have on the future growth of cities. This research presents its application in metropolitan Perth with a two-part case study, demonstrating a first comprehensive application of the tool. First, OWI tests five scenarios for urban growth through the year 2050, allocating residential land use. Next, OWI alters land use allocations to align residential development with high frequency public transit, while also allocating commercial land use to support higher residential densities. Together, these data-driven scenarios inform city planners and policy makers in guiding the long-term, sustainable growth of Perth. The paper concludes with a review of OWI’s strengths, weaknesses and possibilities for continual development.  相似文献   

《Urban Water Journal》2013,10(4):255-265
Managing stormwater runoff is crucial to preserving water quality in rapidly developing urban watersheds. The objective of this study was to develop a methodology to test existing stormwater drainage infrastructure, identify potential areas of improvement, and estimate potentially contaminated runoff by combining two widely used stormwater runoff prediction models. A watershed containing much of the University of Arkansas-Fayetteville campus was targeted for this study because stormwater from this watershed drains into a local river designated as an impaired water body due to siltation. The curve number method was used to estimate runoff for various flood-return periods and antecedent moisture conditions, while a flow-direction model integrated topography, land use, and stormwater drainage infrastructure in a GIS. The methodology developed and results generated will help stormwater planners visualise localised runoff and potentially adapt existing drainage networks to accommodate runoff, prevent flooding and erosion, and improve the stormwater quality entering nearby surfacewater bodies.  相似文献   

基于GIS与虚拟现实的三维地质建模方法   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
 提出一种基于GIS结合虚拟现实建模语言(VRML),实现实时、快速三维地质建模的简化方法。通过调用储存在GIS数据库中的钻孔岩土层信息,利用空间插值技术自动创建模型的侧面贴图,并依据标准格式自动将这些信息输出为VRML脚本。创建的模型可不依赖建模软件平台而独立展示,并可以实现自由旋转、飞行和缩放等功能。依据介绍的设计思路成功研发三维地质建模系统,并运用该系统实现某桥址区的三维地质建模。该方法具有操作简单、建模速度快、人工干预少和可视化交互操作等特点,可以作为工程勘察的辅助决策手段。  相似文献   

基于GIS区域边坡失稳灾害预测与评价   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
 滑坡和泥石流是边坡失稳后两种主要的运动方式,是山区重大的地质灾害。对既往滑坡和泥石流进行研究,以此作为基础来预测和评价本地区潜在的滑坡和泥石流灾害,是防灾减灾的一个重要措施。大多数泥石流是在强降雨的情况下,由滑坡滑入山谷河道而形成的。基于地理信息系统(GIS)和数值模型相结合的方法,采用两步骤方法预测和评价日本熊本县水俣市宝川区集地区的滑坡和泥石流灾害。首先分析该区域可能存在的新滑坡,然后假定这些滑坡在遇到强降雨时形成泥石流,利用数值模拟流动过程分析其在三维复杂地形下的泛滥过程,预测可能受害的房屋和路段。  相似文献   

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