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目的分析2013—2021年上海市普通外科专科医师规范化培训(简称专培)的开展情况。方法回顾性分析2013—2021年上海市各家医院普通外科专培基地的基本情况、床位数、带教师资情况、招录和结业人数以及结业考核通过率,对比上海市和全国普通外科试点专培的轮转培训时间和计划。结果截至2021年11月,上海市共有14家医院具备上海市或全国普通外科专培基地,均为三级甲等医院,平均床位数为283张,共有中国医师协会认定带教医师204名;完成9批专培医师的招录,共招录401名,轮转培训时间为3年,共结业297名,结业综合考核中第三阶段考核在2016、2017、2019年均未达到100%的通过率。同期,全国普通外科试点专培完成3批专培医师的招录,共招录190名。结论现阶段上海市普通外科专培基地所在医院均具备较好的培训保障和师资条件,并能顺利完成为期3年的轮转计划。采用"三段式"的考核模式能较好地反映经过培训后专培医师的5项核心能力,上海市普通外科专培的培训、管理和考核方式能为全国普通外科专培提供良好的模板和示范。  相似文献   

[摘要] 本文目的为进一步规范心血管外科住院医师规范化培训和提高规培质量提供借鉴。依据住院医师规培的总体要求,结合心血管外科专业性强,对规培医师实践能力要求高的特点,通过强化制度落实、优化师资配备、注重“三基”训练,改进带教方法、加强人文医学技能培训等方面着手,从实践中探索出一套优化的住院医师规范化培训策略。通过上述方法的改进和实施,调动了带教老师的积极性,取得了很好的教学效果,受到了规培医师的欢迎。从多层面着手,综合制定针对性的规培措施,可显著提高心血管外科的住院医师规范化培训质量。  相似文献   

本文目的为进一步规范心血管外科住院医师规范化培训和提高规培质量提供借鉴。依据住院医师规培的总体要求,结合心血管外科专业性强,对规培医师实践能力要求高的特点,通过强化制度落实、优化师资配备、注重"三基"训练,改进带教方法、加强人文医学技能培训等方面着手,从实践中探索出一套优化的住院医师规范化培训策略。通过上述方法的改进和实施,调动了带教老师的积极性,取得了很好的教学效果,受到了规培医师的欢迎。从多层面着手,综合制定针对性的规培措施,可显著提高心血管外科的住院医师规范化培训质量。  相似文献   

目的调查住院医师规范化培训重点专业基地(麻醉学)师资队伍的现状。方法本研究为横断面调查研究, 于2021年1至6月, 中国医师协会麻醉学医师分会向全国43家住院医师规范化培训重点专业基地(麻醉学)发放"中国医师协会住院医师规范化培训重点专业基地(麻醉学)师资队伍现状调查问卷"。结果共回收有效问卷2 163份, 回收率88.72%。普通教师比率为82.57%, 骨干教师比率为14.38%, 教学主任比率为3.05%。曾接受过各种类型(国家级、省市级、院校级)住院医师规范化培训的教师比率为72.08%, 其中曾接受国家住院医师规范化培训的医师比率为10.68%。基地教师近3年参加国家级、省市级的师资培训次数为1(1, 2)次。14.93%的教师曾受住院医师评价, 0.92%的教师曾受院外专家评价。结论首次调查了住院医师规范化培训重点专业基地(麻醉学)师资队伍现状, 明确了现有师资结构及师资培训情况。现有师资对住院医师规范化培训内容、形式、胜任力目标的了解不足, 仍需加强。  相似文献   

目的:探讨腹腔镜模拟训练在外科住院医师规范化培训中的应用效果。方法:选取2018年12月至2019年11月进行腹腔镜模拟培训的外科住培医师57人次,共举办三期培训班。培训内容包括在腹腔镜模拟器下缝合、打结、剪纸环、拾豆转移等项目,分别测试外科住培医师在三期腹腔镜培训后上述4项技能的完成效果。结果:三期腹腔镜模拟培训班均顺利完成,达到预定的培训目标。培训前后住院医师完成缝合、打结、剪纸环、拾豆转移4项技能的时间少于培训前,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:规范化的腹腔镜模拟培训符合腹腔镜手术的特点,可提高外科住培医师的腹腔镜培训效果,值得推广。  相似文献   

目的调查外科住院医师规培满意度,探讨存在的问题和影响因素,为进一步完善外科住院医师规培制度和提高培养质量提供参考。方法采用自制满意度量表对2015年9月-2018年6月在首都医科大学附属北京友谊医院参加外科住院医师规范化培训的137名住院医师进行规培满意度调查。男性108名(78.8%),女性29名(21.2%);平均年龄(26.78±1.83)岁。正态分布的计量资料采用均数±标准差(Mean±SD)表示,计数资料采用n(%)表示。组间差异采用t检验和单因素方差分析。结果外科住院医师对规培的总体满意度评分为(3.71±0.83)分,其中对工作环境评分最高,为(4.12±0.67)分,而培训效果评分最低,仅(3.53±0.85)分。规培第3年的住院医师在总体满意度低于规培第1、2年评分,差异存在统计学意义(F=3.27,P=0.04);规培第1年住院医师在规范管理维度评分高于规培第2、3年住院医师评分,差异存在统计学意义(F=3.30,P=0.04)。并轨专业学位研究生在总体满意度、规范管理和科研训练维度评分高于招录住院医师评分,差异均存在统计学意义(P<0.05);招录住院医师在薪资待遇维度上高于专业学位研究生评分,差异存在统计学意义[(3.78±0.85)分比(3.44±0.63)分,P=0.02]。结论外科住院医师对规培的总体情况表示满意,但在科研训练、规范管理、培训条件、培训效果层面还需加强,专业学位研究生薪资待遇也需进一步提高。  相似文献   

随着现代外科的发展,要求外科住院医师成为临床与科研紧密结合的复合型人才。除了需要具备扎实的临床理论知识、熟练的临床手术技能外,还需要具有严谨的科研能力。调查外科住培医师的科研现状发现了一系列的问题,如外科住培医师自身对科研培训的意识度薄弱,缺少合适的平台和引领,科研氛围感缺失,使得住培医师的科研培训工作很难开展。针对上述问题制定相应解决方案,包括培养住培医师科研选题能力、重视高质量临床研究、依托培训基地所属院校研究所搭建合作平台、推行临床科研"双导师"制、采用多元化教学模式和完善住培医师的科研考核标准,力求提升外科住培医师科研能力和素养,为住培医师的个人全面发展和医院学科建设奠定一定的基础。  相似文献   

外科住院医师规范化培训是毕业后医学教育中极为重要的组成部分,是医学毕业生成长为一名具备独立、正确、规范地处理临床常见问题能力的外科医师的必由之路,是培养同质化临床医师、加强医学人才队伍建设、提高医疗卫生水平和质量的治本之策。自2013年底在全国范围内启动和实施以来,取得了较大的成绩,也暴露了一些问题,面临着新的挑战和考验。尤其在微创外科蓬勃发展的今天,积极推动青年外科医师学习腹腔镜技术的同时,更不能忽略传统外科基本技能的培训和严格训练的教学精髓,而将互联网带来的一系列变革和突破充分应用于住院医师的临床教学和规范化培训管理系统的构建,也将成为未来医学教育的创新模式。  相似文献   

外科住院医师规范化培训是毕业后医学教育中极为重要的组成部分,是医学毕业生成长为一名具备独立、正确、规范地处理临床常见问题能力的外科医师的必由之路,是培养同质化临床医师、加强医学人才队伍建设、提高医疗卫生水平和质量的治本之策。自2013年底在全国范围内启动和实施以来,取得了较大的成绩,也暴露了一些问题,面临着新的挑战和考验。尤其在微创外科蓬勃发展的今天,积极推动青年外科医师学习腹腔镜技术的同时,更不能忽略传统外科基本技能的培训和严格训练的教学精髓,而将互联网带来的一系列变革和突破充分应用于住院医师的临床教学和规范化培训管理系统的构建,也将成为未来医学教育的创新模式。  相似文献   

<正>作为一名经历和见证上海市住院医师规范化培训从摸索、改革、试点到正式开展的胸外科的医师,有一些感触。此次,借助贵刊"胸心外科住院医师培训论坛"[1],结合自身体会,提出一些建议,供大家一起讨论。1区别对待住院医师规范化培训和研究生培养虽然2010年以前上海市已经开始对住院医师规范化培训进行一些有益的探索,但正式开始规范化培训是在2010年后,在这之前,医学生走的是从  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine if surgical residents share a preferred learning style as measured by Kolb's Learning Style Inventory (LSI) and if a relationship exists between resident learning style and achievement as measured by a standardized examination (AME). Also, core faculty learning styles were assessed to determine if faculty and residents share a preferred learning style. DESIGN: Kolb's LSI, Version 3, was administered to 16 surgical residents and the residency program's core faculty of 6 attending physicians. To measure academic achievement, the American Medical Education (AME) examination was administered to residents. SETTING: The Hospital of Saint Raphael, General Surgery Residency Program, New Haven, Connecticut. Both instruments were administered to residents during protected core curriculum time. Core faculty were administered the LSI on an individual basis. PARTICIPANTS: Surgical residents of the Hospital of Saint Raphael's General Surgery Residency Program and 6 core faculty members RESULTS: Analysis of resident learning style preference revealed Converging as the most commonly occurring style for residents (7) followed by Accommodating (5), Assimilating (3), and Diverging (1). The predominant learning style for core faculty was also Converging (4) with 2 Divergers. The average score for the Convergers on the AME was 62.6 compared with 42 for the next most frequently occurring learning style, Accommodators. CONCLUSIONS: In this surgical residency program, a preferred learning style for residents seems to exist (Converging), which confirms what previous studies have found. Additionally, residents with this learning style attained a higher average achievement score as measured by the AME. Also, core faculty share the same preferential learning style as this subset of residents.  相似文献   

Ongoing deficits in resident training for minimally invasive surgery   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
Patient preference has driven the adoption of minimally invasive surgery (MIS) techniques and altered surgical practice. MIS training in surgical residency programs must teach new skill sets with steep learning curves to enable residents to master key procedures. Because no nationally recognized MIS curriculum exists, this study asked experts in MIS which laparoscopic procedures should be taught and how many cases are required for competency. Expert recommendations were compared to the number of cases actually performed by residents (Residency Review Committee [RRC] data). A detailed survey was sent nationwide to all surgical residency programs (academic and private) known to offer training in MIS and/or have a leader in the field. The response rate was approximately 52%. RRC data were obtained from the resident statistics summary report for 1998–1999. Experts identified core procedures for MIS training and consistently voiced the opinion that to become competent, residents need to perform these procedures many more times than the RRC data indicate they currently do. At present, American surgical residency programs do not meet the suggested MIS case range or volume required for competency. Residency programs need to be restructured to incorporate sufficient exposure to core MIS procedures. More expert faculty must be recruited to train residents to meet the increasing demand for laparoscopy. Presented at the Forty-Second Annual Meeting of The Society for Surgery of the Alimentary Tract, Atlanta, Georgia, May 20–23, 2001 (oral presentation). Supported in part by an educational grant from Tyco/U.S. Surgical Corporation.  相似文献   

IntroductionFracture surgery is the most frequently performed orthopaedic procedure and is considered an essential surgical procedure for orthopaedic surgeons in general. Although the approach and circumstances of orthopaedic residency training for fracture treatment may differ between countries, the goals of training, which is to educate the residents regarding the principles of the fracture treatment and foster conscientious orthopaedic specialists, remain unchanged. Thus, the aim of the this study was to determine a desirable course of orthopaedic residency training by investigating and analysing the reality of training associated with fracture surgery and treatment during the orthopaedic residency of 4th year orthopaedic residents in Korea.MethodsUsing a questionnaire survey, a one-on-one interview was proposed to 266 applicants following the secondary board examination of residents who had completed the orthopaedic residency training course; the survey was conducted on January 19, 2016. Responses from 152 applicants (response rate: 57%) who accepted to participate in the survey were statistically analysed.ResultsDuring residency training, clinicians underwent fracture-related training for 3.5 h on average per month. Training consisted of various approaches and included lectures by professors, case briefings, textbook reading, and field training in an operating room. The residents largely differed in terms of experience in conducting fracture surgery: 47 (31%) responded that they had never performed fracture surgery during the training period, whereas 21 (14%) answered that they had conducted fracture surgery over 20 times. Experience in performing the surgical procedure was the most valuable in fracture training.ConclusionTo optimize fracture education among orthopaedic residents, the professors at teaching hospitals should understand the realities of fracture education, dedicate sufficient time for internal and external fracture teachings, and allow residents to perform fracture surgeries hands-on under their supervision, and also attempt to foster a social atmosphere that encourages all three factors.  相似文献   

The advent of laparoscopic and robotic techniques for management of urologic malignancies marked the beginning of an ever-expanding array of minimally invasive options available to cancer patients. With the popularity of these treatment modalities, there is a growing need for trained surgical oncologists who not only have a deep understanding of the disease process and adept surgical skills, but also show technical mastery in operating the equipment used to perform these techniques. Establishing a robotic prostatectomy program is a tremendous undertaking for any institution, as it involves a huge cost, especially in the purchasing and maintenance of the robot. Residency programs often face many challenges when trying to establish a balance between costs associated with robotic surgery and training of the urology residents, while maintaining an acceptable operative time. Herein we describe residency training program paradigms for teaching robotic surgical skills to urology residents. Our proposed paradigm outlines the approach to compensate for the cost involved in robotic training establishment without compromising the quality of education provided. With the potential advantages for both patients and surgeons, we contemplate that robotic-assisted surgery may become an integral component of residency training programs in the future.  相似文献   

Improved continuity of care in a community teaching hospital model.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
HYPOTHESIS: We created an ambulatory resident clinic in a community teaching hospital to improve the continuity of care in a surgery residency program. DESIGN: A retrospective chart review analysis. SETTING: A community hospital, general surgery residency training program, and its ambulatory practice. INTERVENTIONS: Providence Hospital, Southfield, Mich, has established a new model, the Surgical Associates of Michigan, which is an association comprising private practice physicians serving as full-time faculty in the Department of Surgery. In addition to clarification of teaching requirements and reimbursement for educational activities, the most dramatic feature is the relocation of private practice offices and the staff surgical office to one central location within the hospital. The proximity of the staff and private surgical offices facilitates closer interaction of attending physicians, residents, and patients. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Compliance rates of continuity of patient care provided by the same resident, as presented by the Surgery Residency Review Committee, including confirmation of diagnosis, provision of preoperative care, discussion with attending physician, selection and provision of intervention, direction of postoperative care, and postdischarge follow-up. RESULTS: Since the inception of this arrangement at our institution, surgical residents have seen 229 staff patients and 465 private patients in the offices under supervision. Compliance rate of continuity of care was defined as patient follow-up with the same senior surgical resident who performed an operation or evaluated the patient on initial presentation to the emergency department or offices. We achieved a compliance rate of 92.8% (169/182) in the staff surgical clinics. A compliance rate of 63.5% (205/323) for private general surgical patients and 70.4% (100/142) for vascular surgical patients was obtained. With the establishment of the teaching faculty group and the relocation of offices, we were able to achieve a dramatic improvement in continuity of care. CONCLUSIONS: In addition to fulfilling the Surgery Residency Review Committee requirements, we believe our model facilitates broader education of surgical residents and improves risk management. We recommend further similar studies, greater involvement of primary care specialties in recruiting staff surgical referrals, and implementation of a specialized computer program to continue to improve continuity of care in surgery residency programs.  相似文献   



The surgical residency was implemented in Brazil in 1944. Gradually, several programs were created under the auspices of the National Committee of Medical Residency (Comissão Nacional de Residência). A candidate for a residency program is submitted to a selection process in various institutions. One of the greatest obstacles to medical education in Brazil is that the number of graduate students is much larger than the number of available vacancies. As a consequence, they end up looking for other alternatives to their professional training, and these cannot offer the same results as a formal residency. Regarding the current residency program in surgery, Brazil has roughly 200 general surgery programs, which offer 1,040 vacancies yearly.

Method and results

The surgical residency program lasts 2 years with rotation in various surgical specialties, which is a requirement for the following years in specific specialties. The 1,040 who are enrolled in the first 2 years of a residency in surgery take a new examination to continue their training. Here, there are only 573 vacancies; therefore, 45% of the newly trained surgeons start a practice or become apprentices. The 573 residents who move on to further education then pass 2 years in basic general surgery at an institution and continue in the same or are transferred to another department. The next training period should be 2 or 3 years, depending on the specialty. The General Surgery program lasts 4 years: two initial basic years and two more years of training in elective, emergency, and trauma surgery and intensive care. The objective is to become competent in the diagnosis and treatment of the most common diseases that affect the community.


Medical entities in specialties have their own selection process to grant the title of specialist. The Brazilian College of Surgeons (Colégio Brasileiro de Cirurgiões) is responsible for granting the title “general surgeon,” following the model of the American Board of Surgery.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: A working knowledge of documentation and coding for physician services (DCPS) is increasingly important for a successful practice. There is no standardized, widely available educational offering available to surgical residents in DCPS. The purpose of this study was to survey surgical residents and attendings for their knowledge of documentation and coding and their opinions about its importance in their training and practice. METHODS: A convenience sample of 60 surgical residents and 46 attendings from 5 surgical residency training programs were administered a written survey on DCPS. RESULTS: The majority of residents were male (60%), in university-based programs (82%), and planned to work in a surgical specialty (55%) A larger proportion of attendings were male (80%) and in general surgery practice (62%), and a smaller proportion was university based (61%). Similar proportions of residents and attendings, 82% and 89%, respectively, stated they had not received adequate training in DCPS. The vast majority of residents (85%) felt they were novices at coding and billing, whereas 61% of attendings stated that they were somewhat knowledgeable. As a group, residents answered 54% of 25 knowledge questions correctly, and attendings answered 77% correctly. Ninety-two percent of residents believed that expertise in DCPS would make a difference in their practice, whereas 80% of attendings stated that this knowledge was currently important to their practice. Similar proportions of residents and attendings, 85% and 87%, respectively, thought that it should be an important part of residency training. CONCLUSIONS: Residents in this survey are aware of the importance of DCPS but feel inadequately prepared for this area of practice. The residents' knowledge of basic concepts in DCPS is marginal. Attendings surveyed had similar opinions and somewhat better knowledge of the subject. A widely available, standardized educational offering on DCPS is needed and should be provided as part of the practice-based core competencies of surgical residency training.  相似文献   

Lowrance WT  Cookson MS  Clark PE  Smith JA  Chang SS 《The Journal of urology》2007,178(2):500-3; discussion 503
PURPOSE: Surgical experience is important for the mastery of operative procedures. We evaluated the current United States urological surgical resident training in performing retroperitoneal lymph node dissection. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education Residency Review Committee for Urology operative log reports from 2000 through 2004 were reviewed. We analyzed resident retroperitoneal lymph node dissection experience as surgeon and first assistant by examining CPT codes for retroperitoneal lymph node dissection (CPT codes 38780, 38570 and 38572). RESULTS: The overall number of retroperitoneal lymph node dissections performed at urological residency training programs has increased from 2000 to 2004 (781 to 924). The average number of retroperitoneal lymph node dissections performed by graduating residents in 2001 and 2004 did not change significantly (3.5 vs 4.0). Half of all graduating urology residents in 2004 had performed 2 or fewer retroperitoneal lymph node dissections as the primary surgeon and 1 or none as the first assistant during their training program. However, a small percentage (10%) of graduating residents completed their respective programs with 9 or more retroperitoneal lymph node dissections as primary surgeon and 4 as first assistant. There were no laparoscopic retroperitoneal lymph node dissections logged by graduating residents from 2001 through 2004. CONCLUSIONS: Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education data suggest that many urology residents have minimal surgical exposure and training in retroperitoneal lymphadenectomy. These results indicate that alternative strategies should be explored not only to improve the residency training experience but also to determine minimum training criteria.  相似文献   



Laparoscopic surgery has been an essential component of surgical education for the last two decades. The Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) changed the requirements for laparoscopic cases beginning with graduates in 2008, and the Fundamentals of Laparoscopic Surgery program was introduced over a decade ago as a method of measuring competency with laparoscopic techniques. The purpose of this study was to determine what changes have been made to meet these requirements and how these changes have impacted general surgery residents in their preparation to perform both basic and complex laparoscopic procedures upon completion of residency.


A 23-question survey was distributed electronically to all fourth- and fifth-year residents of United States general surgery residency programs. Respondents were queried about demographics, perception of surgical education, and their level of preparedness to perform laparoscopic cases upon graduation.


The survey was completed by a total of 321 residents (174 fourth-year and 147 fifth-year). Nineteen percent of respondents indicated that they anticipated problems meeting the new ACGME guidelines and 18.7% of all respondents indicated that changes had been made to their program to meet those new requirements. The majority of residents felt they had adequate laparoscopic training upon graduation, but there was a disparity between program types. Despite this finding, more than one-third of respondents believed that it would be necessary to seek additional laparoscopic training post-residency graduation.


Residency training programs have had to keep pace with evolving technology while preparing future surgeons to perform with confidence upon completion of residency training. The majority of residents feel their training has been adequate, but there are also a great number who believe they will need to continue their education in laparoscopic surgery to keep pace with this ever-evolving field.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To assess laparoscopic training curriculums in US Obstetrics and Gynecology residency programs. METHODS: A list of E-mail addresses was obtained for the accredited Obstetrics and Gynecology residency programs in the US from the CREOG Directory of Obstetric-Gynecologic Residency Programs and Directors. An E-mail survey containing 8 questions regarding laparoscopy training was sent to all residency directors with current E-mail addresses. RESULTS: Seventy-four residency directors responded to the survey for a response rate of 41%. Residency programs from all sections of the US were included in the study. Results of the survey indicate that 69% of residency programs had implemented a formal laparoscopy training program. At least half of the program directors surveyed stated that lack of faculty time and funds were the main barriers to laparoscopic surgery training. Seventy-two percent of those surveyed thought that in the future the health-care industry would demand proof of competency in laparoscopy as standard of care. CONCLUSIONS: Most US Obstetrics and Gynecology residency programs have implemented a formal laparoscopy training curriculum, use more than one method to train their residents, and involve almost half of their faculty on average in training residents to perform laparoscopic surgery.  相似文献   

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