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冀南地区一次强雷暴过程分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
利用MTSAT卫星云图、雷达回波、常规天气资料和闪电资料,对2007年7月18日邯郸地区强雷暴天气过程进行了综合分析,结果表明:雷暴云的发展与水汽通量、不稳定区有较好的对应关系.雷暴初始阶段,地闪以负闪为主,正闪较少;随云系发展,闪电密度增大;云系发展成熟阶段,正闪密度变化不大,负闪密度明显减小.雷暴云回波强度>36 dBz,就有闪电发生,且强回波区与闪电区一致.  相似文献   

华北一次强对流天气系统的地闪时空演变特征分析   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
利用地面雷电探测网,多普勒天气雷达和常规天气资料,分析了2005年8月1日发生在山东北部的一次具有前部对流线,后部大范围层状云降水(LLTS)的典型中尺度对流系统(MCS)的闪电活动演变特征。结果表明:整个过程中负地闪占主导地位,最高频数达到260次/5min;与负地闪比较,正地闪呈现不活跃状态。负地闪主要落在>40 dBz的强回波区内部及其边缘区域,而正地闪则分布在前部云砧和后部层状云降水区内。对地闪位置与回波强度的进一步对比分析发现,45~55 dBz的回波是最有利于地闪发生的区域,回波强度低于这一区域,随着回波强度的增大,地闪活动呈递增趋势,地闪频数在50~55 dBz的回波区域内达到峰值,>55 dBz的回波区域内地闪频数明显降低。  相似文献   

应用地面闪电定位系统、多普勒雷达、加密自动雨量站资料,对2007年7月8~9日蒙古东部冷涡天气系统下,发生在河北中南部的两次雹暴过程进行了分析.结果表明:两次雹暴均产生大量地闪活动,且以负地闪占优势,闪电集中发生时段与强对流发生及维持时间相当.雹暴和强降水在时空分布上对应的地闪极性有明显差异,降雹发生在雹暴云团中正地闪最活跃的阶段,正地闪集中出现在强回波中心及其邻近区域,降雹点落在正地闪聚集区附近;对流性强降水云团中负地闪频繁发生,强降水区出现在负地闪密度高值中心附近,负地闪簇集区域预示着对流性强降雨的落区.多单体风暴中:闪电的频率及聚集区域主要取决于雷暴单体的数目、强度和相互接近的程度,其造成的强降雹主要发生在总地闪的活跃期.本次个例分析显示,总闪电频数跃增、正闪频数突增,仅先于降雹数分钟(几乎同时)发生.因此,根据闪电频数变化可监测对流强度的演变和冰雹天气的发生.  相似文献   

山东半岛一次强飑线过程地闪与雷达回波关系的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
利用山东省气象局地闪定位资料和青岛多普勒雷达资料,分析了2007年7月31日发生在山东半岛一次强飑线过程的地闪活动演变特征以及地闪活动与雷达回波特征的关系.结果表明,此次过程中地闪异常活跃,最大频数达到1 212 fl· (10 min)-1,但正地闪仅有15次.在飑线系统快速发展阶段,地闪频数出现了两次“跃增”现象,地闪频数随时间的增加呈“阶梯状”发展特征.地闪主要集中发生在6 km高度上雷达回波≥35 dBZ的区域,地闪频数与45 dBZ以上强回波面积的相关系数达到0.89,但也有少量地闪零星分布在弱回波区域.地闪频数与45 dBZ回波顶高的相关性要好于与35dBZ和50 dBZ回波顶高的关系,二者之间的相关系数为0.71.为了定量分析对流强度与地闪频数之间的关系,定义了8个对流强度指数,其中0℃层以上所有强回波的反射率因子值之和与0℃层以上所有强回波的反射率因子值与所在高度的乘积之和以及地闪频数的关系非常稳定.对比分析不同强度的对流系统,发现不同雷暴天气过程中的对流强度与地闪频数的关系明显不同,即对流越强,相应的对流强度与地闪频数的相关关系也越好.另外,在飑线系统的发展演变过程中,地闪频数与0℃层以上和7~11 km高度的冰相降水含量也存在着非常密切的关系,相关系数均在0.8以上.  相似文献   

利用MICAPS资料、多普勒雷达资料和地闪资料,分析了2008年8月1日低纬高原中部一次强对流天气过程。结果表明:台风登陆和副热带高压北抬西伸导致外围的偏东气流带来充沛的水汽和热量,为强对流天气过程提供了有利的环流背景条件;在强对流发展过程中,前部始终有入流存在,多普勒雷达回波上具有"弓"型回波、前侧"V"型槽口、弱回波区、后侧"V"型槽口等特征,强回波区与多普勒雷达速度图上的逆风区和辐合区相关;-10℃层高度上雷达回波强度≥35dBz时,才开始有地闪活动发生,负地闪占整个地闪过程的99.6%,大多数负地闪出现在强度30dBz的强回波区,对应着强辐合上升气流区,正地闪出现在回波前部的云砧或回波后部的较弱回波区域,对应着辐散的下沉气流区域;整个雷暴云发展演变过程中负地闪电流强度呈现出先增大后减小的单峰型变化特征,而正地闪电流强度基本呈现逐渐增大的直线型变化特征。  相似文献   

一次夏季雷暴天气过程中闪电活动特征分析   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1  
利用探空资料、多普勒天气雷达和闪电定位仪数据,分析了2009年7月30日发生在南京地区一次雷暴天气过程的雷达及闪电数据时空演变特征。结果表明:对流有效位能Ecap比起K指数(IK)等对于对流潜势预报具有更明显的指示作用,0 ℃层和-10 ℃层高度的降低有利于雷暴云的雷电活动;整个过程以负闪为主导,闪电强度越大,闪电频数也越高,每次闪电峰值后,都对应一次谷值;闪电数据与多普勒天气雷达回波叠加后分析发现,回波的生消演变对应着闪电频数和强度的生消演变,负闪主要落在强回波中心区域,正闪零星分布于回波强度梯度较大的区域;雷达径向速度图像特征变化更能揭示闪电发生发展的机制,逆风区对应雷暴中心区域,不仅是强降水的中心区也是闪电的中心区,对逆风区的识别监测能够更好的指导雷暴预警报工作;利用雷达数据计算的云底动能施力参量,能够很好的描述支持闪电起电的热动力特征,云底动能施力对雷电增长的贡献有一段持续传输过程,该参量峰值比频闪峰值和强度峰值都约有0.5 h的提前量。  相似文献   

一次冷涡天气系统中雹暴过程的地闪特征分析   总被引:19,自引:3,他引:19  
利用地面雷电定位系统、多普勒雷达和卫星观测资料,对2002年6月1日山东地区冷涡天气系统下的3个雹暴过程的地闪特征进行了详细分析,结果表明,在同样的天气条件下,产生冰雹的3个强雷暴在不同的发展阶段表现出明显不同的地闪分布特征。通过云图和地闪资料的综合分析发现,地闪主要出现在云顶亮温低于-50℃的云区内,其中负地闪分布比较集中,且偏向云顶亮温水平梯度大的一边,而正地闪则分布比较分散。地闪主要发生在大于40 dBz的区域内,负地闪通常簇集在强回波区(大于50 dBz)或邻近区域,有时密集的正地闪也出现在强回波区或临近区域,但稀疏的正地闪通常发生在强回波外围10-30 dBz的范围内,属于稳定性降水区。结合地面降雹观测资料发现降雹发生在正地闪比较活跃的阶段,正地闪频数峰值略微超前降雹时刻。比较密集的正地闪发生,通常预示着强对流天气(如冰雹、大风等)的发生。强雷暴在发展旺盛阶段通常表现的低地闪频数,可能是由“电荷抬升机制”造成的。  相似文献   

强对流天气雷达回波与闪电特征的个例分析   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
利用闪电定位资料和多普勒天气雷达强度产品,分析了2006年6月22日发生在南京西南140km处的一次强对流天气过程中闪电的演变特征及其与回波强度的关系。结果表明,地闪多发生于雷暴云中回波强度大于40dBz且回波强度梯度较大的区域;正、负地闪频次在强对流系统发展的不同阶段呈现出不同的特点,负地闪占总闪数的90%以上,正地闪出现在系统进入成熟阶段之后,且占总闪的比例在系统消散阶段明显增大;地闪强度越大,相应的地闪频次越小,除少数弱闪(1/1〈10kA)外,二者基本上呈反相位关系。  相似文献   

利用湖北省闪电定位系统监测资料与武汉市多普勒天气雷达资料同步叠加,对2010年4月12日湖北省东南部地区一次强对流过程的两个致灾雹暴单体进行分析。结果表明:雹暴生消的不同阶段,正地闪和负地闪频数及在雷达回波中的分布呈不同的变化特征,通过地闪频次和地闪在雷达回波中位置的变化可以识别雹暴生命史演变的不同阶段。雹暴Ⅰ产生小冰雹,是一个普通对流单体,闪电以负地闪为主,闪电频率最大为15次·(6 min)-1;正地闪落在风暴发展和消亡阶段,负地闪主要落在35—55 dBz强回波边缘,零星正地闪分布在强回波周围层状云中,雹暴移动路径前侧的负地闪对雹暴移动有一定的指示意义。雹暴Ⅱ是一个典型超级单体,产生直径超过3 cm的大冰雹,闪电频率最大为44次·(6 min)-1,风暴成熟阶段正地闪活跃,16—17时正地闪频繁出现时间与大冰雹持续时间一致;负地闪与25—55 dBz强回波区域吻合较好,正地闪分布在强回波30—55 dBz中心及层状云边缘。对比地闪频数和雹暴成熟阶段的回波强度可以发现,降雹均出现在风暴的成熟阶段,小冰雹发生时地闪频数下降幅度较小,大冰雹发生时地闪频数下降幅度较大,且正地闪比例明显增大。  相似文献   

一次云南强对流暴雨的中尺度特征分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
鲁亚斌  李华宏  闵颖  胡娟  许迎杰  杨竹云 《气象》2018,44(5):645-654
利用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料及常规观测资料与雷达、卫星等非常规观测资料,综合分析了2014年6月6日云南暴雨过程的天气成因及中尺度对流系统特征。结果表明:500hPa前倾槽、700hPa切变线及地面冷锋是此次暴雨过程的天气尺度影响系统;高能高湿的对流不稳定层结、明显的垂直风向切变是强对流天气形成的有利条件;在Q矢量散度辐合区内多个β中尺度对流系统(MCS)发生发展,短时强降水主要出现在MCS移动方前沿对流活跃的云顶亮温(TBB)等值线密集区,雨强变化与TBB等值线梯度变化密切相关;多普勒雷达及地闪资料显示多个γ中尺度对流系统是强对流暴雨产生的直接影响系统,雷暴易发生于回波强度在35~45dBz、回波顶高超过10km的区域,中尺度辐合线、第二类γ中尺度辐合区附近负地闪密集区与短时强降水、雷暴天气有很好的对应关系。  相似文献   

从一般雷暴、灾害性雷暴和台风的闪电活动特征以及雷暴闪电尺度特征四个方面对相关研究进行梳理.一般雷暴通常具有正常极性电荷结构,云/地闪比例在3左右(中纬度地区),地闪中正地闪占比为10%左右,负地闪位置往往更集中于对流区.灾害性雷暴倾向具有活跃的云闪,低比例的地闪,易出现反极性电荷结构,正地闪比例偏高.闪电活动与灾害性天...  相似文献   

孙哲  魏鸣 《大气科学学报》2016,39(2):260-269
利用NCEP再分析资料、探空资料、闪电定位资料和南京、常州多普勒雷达资料,通过对比分析南京2012年2月22日春季雷暴和2011年8月10日夏季雷暴两次过程,研究不同季节影响雷暴发生的大气结构以及强弱雷暴地闪特征的差异。结果表明:风矢位温(V-3θ)图揭示的大气动力热力水汽特征能够为雷暴的潜势预报提供先兆信息。两者相较而言,春季雷暴的动力抬升作用明显;夏季雷暴主要由热对流引起,对流层上层的动力抽吸作用不明显。春季弱雷暴正地闪在总地闪中所占比例较高。无论春季弱雷暴还是夏季强雷暴,地闪落点与辐合区对应关系明显,且地闪的落点也与雷达反射率因子有较好的对应关系:地闪主要分布在强回波区(大于40 d Bz)及其外围区域。但在较强雷暴云的发展阶段,地闪多发生在风暴体伸展方向的一侧,具有引导雷达回波移动的作用,夏季强雷暴地闪簇集在垂直风切变区域。  相似文献   

Three summer thunderstorms in the eastern region of China were analyzed in detail using multiple data, including Doppler radar, lightning location network, TRMM (Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission), MT- SAT (Multi-Function Transport Satellite) images, NCEP (National Centers for Environmental Prediction) Reanalysis, and radiosonde. Two of the three storms were sprite-producing and the other was non-sprite- producing. The two sprite-producing storms occurred on 1 2 August and 2~28 July 2007, producing 16 and one sprite, respectively. The non-sprite-producing storm occurred on 29-30 July 2007. The major ob- jective of the study was to try to find possible differences between sprite-producing and non-sprite producing storms using the multiple datasets. The results showed that the convection in the 1-2 August storm was the strongest compared with the other storms, and it produced the largest number of sprites. Precipitation ice, cloud ice and cloud water content in the convective regions in the 1-2 August storm were larger than in the other two storms, but the opposite was true in the weak convective regions. The storm microphysical prop- erties along lines through parent CG (cloud-to-ground lightning) locations showed no special characteristics related to sprites. The flash rate evolution in the 1-2 August storm provided additional confirmation that major sprite activity coincides with a rapid decrease in the negative CG flash rate. However, the evolution curve of the CG flash rate was erratic in the sprite-producing storm on 27-28 July, which was significantly different from that in the 1 2 August storm. The average positive CG peak current in sprite-producing storms was larger than that in the non-sprite-producing one.  相似文献   

The analyses of spatial and temporal characteristics of positive cloud-to-ground(CG) lightning for four mesoscale convective systems and two severe local convective systems in 1989 and 1990 show that positive CG flash rate usually has two peak values.The major peak occurs during the developing stage of the storm and most of the positive CG flashes originate at the lower part of the storm.The minor occurs during the dissipative stage of the storm and most of the positive CG flashes originate at the upper part of the storm,especially in the region of the wind divergence in the storm anvil.The positive CG flash rate is almost an order of magnitude larger in the developing stage than in the dissipative stage.The appearing time of the peak of negative CG flash rate is in accordance with that of the valley of positive CG flash rate.The higher the intensity of the radar echo,the higher the positive CG flash rate.Most of the positive CG flashes occur when the weak echo area is larger,and mostly originate in the region where the radar echo intensity is about 10dBz and in the back region of the moving storms.The spatial distribution of the positive CG flashes is much more dispersive than that of the negative.The mesoscale analysis reveals a bipolar lightning pattern.The mean bipole-length reaches its minimum during the mature stage of the storm and reaches the maximum during the developing stage of the storm.The vertical distribution of the charge density is calculated by a one-dimensional charging model.Then,we discuss the producing condition of the positive CG lightning and forming cause of charge structure mentioned above.  相似文献   

The analyses of spatial and temporal characteristics of positive cloud-to-ground(CG)lightning for four mesoscaleconvective systems and two severe local convective systems in 1989 and 1990 show that positive CG flash rate usuallyhas two peak values.The major peak occurs during the developing stage of the storm and most of the positive CGflashes originate at the lower part of the storm.The minor occurs during the dissipative stage of the storm and most ofthe positive CG flashes originate at the upper part of the storm,especially in the region of the wind divergence in thestorm anvil.The positive CG flash rate is almost an order of magnitude larger in the developing stage than in thedissipative stage.The appearing time of the peak of negative CG flash rate is in accordance with that of the valley of pos-itive CG flash rate.The higher the intensity of the radar echo,the higher the positive CG flash rate.Most of the positive CG flashes oc-cur when the weak echo area is larger,and mostly originate in the region where the radar echo intensity is about 10dBzand in the back region of the moving storms.The spatial distribution of the positive CG flashes is much more dispersivethan that of the negative.The mesoscale analysis reveals a bipolar lightning pattern.The mean bipole--length reaches itsminimum during the mature stage of the storm and reaches the maximum during the developing stage of the storm.The vertical distribution of the charge density is calculated by a one-dimensional charging model.Then,we discussthe producing condition of the positive CG lightning and forming cause of charge structure mentioned above.  相似文献   

云南两次中尺度对流雷暴系统演变和地闪特征   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
在利用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料诊断分析2010年9月21—23日中尺度对流雷暴系统形成的环流背景基础上,通过云南省闪电定位系统地闪监测资料和FY-2E卫星云图资料的同步叠加, 分析两个中尺度雷暴系统的演变和地闪特征。结果表明:台风凡亚比 (1011) 西行减弱的热带低压为中尺度对流雷暴系统提供有利的暖湿和抬升动力环流背景,促使中尺度弧状对流云带、中尺度雷暴云团和中尺度对流复合体生成和发展。雷暴云团结构和地闪活动空间分布不均匀并随时间变化,且正、负地闪频数与云顶亮温 (TBB) 相关,当TBB降低和等值线密度变大,雷暴云团发展,低TBB中心偏于云团的前部云区,负地闪频数剧增;当TBB达最低值时,雷暴云团成熟,负地闪频数达峰值,正地闪出现;当TBB升高且等值线密度变小时,雷暴云团减弱,低TBB中心靠近云团中心,负地闪频数迅速减小,正地闪频数达到峰值;密集的负地闪出现在雷暴云团前部大的TBB梯度区和TBB不大于-56℃的低值中心附近,正地闪分散在TBB不大于-56℃的低值中心附近,偏于负地闪区域后部发生。  相似文献   

《Atmospheric Research》2010,95(4):715-725
Flash floods are associated with highly localized convective storms producing heavy rainfall. Quantitative precipitation forecasting of such storms will potentially benefit from explicit representations of deep moist convection in numerical weather prediction models. However, explicit representation of moist convection is still not viable in operational mesoscale models, which rely on convective parameterizations for issuing short to medium-range forecasts. In this study we evaluate a technique that uses regional Cloud-to-Ground (CG) lightning observations to define areas of deep moist convection in thunderstorms and adjust the model-generated precipitation fields in those regions. The study focuses on a major flash flood inducing storm in central Europe (23 August 2005) that was simulated with the aid of an operational weather forecasting system (POSEIDON system based on Eta/NCEP model). The performance of the technique is assessed using as reference distributed rainfall estimates from a network of radar observations. The results indicate that CG lightning data can offer sufficient information to increase the mesoscale model skill in reproducing local convective precipitation that leads to flash floods. The model error correction is shown to be proportional to the density of lightning occurrence, making the technique potentially suitable for operational forecasting of flash flood inducing thunderstorms.  相似文献   

Sprites are brief optical emissions occurring above thunderstorms. Features of sprites and their parent thunderstorms and lightning activities have been studied by many researchers. Here, we report a single sprite recorded over a mesoscale convective system during its life cycle in Northeast China. The results show that the sprite might have been a dancing one,with a 20 km horizontal displacement from its parent cloud-to-ground flash(CG) and a 38 ms time delay; all the sprite elements occurred during the continuing current process of the parent flash. The peak current of the parent CG was the largest during the almost one-hour time window containing the sprite, and the absolute values of all the negative flashes were smaller than 100 k A during the same time period and did not produce sprite. The sprite did not occur during the time period in which the maximum area of the thunderstorm reached. The occurrence of sprite corresponded well with the decay of the thunderstorm convection, and no significant relationship between the occurrence of sprite and the increase in the 30–35 d BZ and 35–40 d BZ interval was found. The large wind gradient in the 8–12 km region of the thunderstorm may have played an important role in the sprite production.  相似文献   

A combined analysis of microphysical thunderstorm properties derived by C-band polarimetric Doppler radar measurements and lightning observations from two ground-based systems are presented. Three types of storms, a multicell, a supercell, and a squall line, that were observed during the European Lightning Nitrogen Oxides project (EULINOX) are investigated. Correlations are sought between the mass of rain, graupel, hail, and snow derived form radar observations at different height levels and the electrical activity, represented either by cloud-to-ground or intracloud flashes. These relationships are explained by connecting the radar-derived properties with the non-inductive charging process. For the multicell and the supercell storm, the lightning activity can be linearly correlated to both the hydrometeor total mass and class specific mass in the upper part of the storm. It is shown that the fractions of graupel and hail above the −20 °C-level in these storms positively correlate with the intracloud flash activity in the supercell, and negatively for the cloud-to-ground lightning frequency in the multicell. No such relation can be established for the squall line, indicating that the convective organization plays a crucial role in the lightning development. The analysis of the masses in the different storms shows that lightning activity cannot be parameterized by total mass alone, other parameters have to be identified. The results provide important information for all lightning studies that rely on bulk properties of thunderstorms, e.g., the parameterization of lightning in mesoscale models or the nowcasting of lightning by radar.  相似文献   

A significant enhancement in the number of negative cloud-to-ground (CG) lightning and a decrease in the percentage of positive CG flashes are observed over the city of São Paulo, similar to observations in other large urban areas. Strong evidence indicates that this anomalous behavior results from several mechanisms related to the urban effect. In this paper, we investigated the importance of the air pollution using CG lightning data provided by the Brazilian lightning detection network (BrasilDAT) for a 6-year period (1999–2004). Due to the large variations in the CG lightning activity in response to different meteorological processes, it is not an easy task to infer the contribution of air pollution to the enhancement in the lightning activity. In order to overcome such difficulty, two approaches were considered: (1) the weekly variation of the number of days with lightning in comparison to the mean concentration of particulate matter (PM10), as well as other thermodynamical parameters; (2) the variation of the number of CG flashes and the maximum storm flash rate per individual thunderstorm for different levels of pollution. The results of both analyses suggest that: first, the enhancement in the CG lightning activity during the week days over São Paulo metropolitan region is related to the PM10 concentration (pollution); second, the PM10 concentration tends to increase the lifetime of the storms and, in consequence, the number of flashes per storm, and not the flash rate of the thunderstorm; and third, the effect of the pollution in the enhancement of the CG lightning activity is probably less significant compared to the effect of the urban heat island.  相似文献   

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