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为了模拟研究混凝土海水环境下的侵蚀损伤及劣化规律,采用质量分数10% Na2SO4溶液对混凝土试样进行不同渗透压和不同时长下的室内侵蚀试验. 结合微米压痕试验、CT扫描试验和电子显微镜扫描试验,对高渗透压-硫酸盐耦合侵蚀作用下混凝土的侵蚀损伤及微观力学性能进行研究. 试验结果显示,渗透压加速了离子迁移,主要起到了促进化学侵蚀作用. 渗透压越大,混凝土化学损伤速率越快,侵蚀深度越深;骨料与砂浆胶结处是易侵蚀、易破坏的薄弱点;混凝土内部孔隙易生成水化产物,高渗透压下容易生成大量短柱状石膏晶体及细密的针状钙矾石晶体.  相似文献   

干湿交替环境下混凝土受硫酸盐侵蚀劣化机理   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
通过试验模拟干湿循环作用下混凝土受不同质量分数硫酸钠的侵蚀特点,从不同侵蚀时间后混凝土的表观特征、质量经时变化规律、混凝土中硫酸根离子分布、侵蚀深度、混凝土轴心抗压强度、劈裂抗拉强度经时退化规律、变形经时变化规律等方面全面衡量混凝土的硫酸盐侵蚀损伤特征;讨论硫酸盐溶液质量分数、侵蚀龄期对混凝土损伤累积规律的影响;根据SEM图像分析受蚀混凝土的微观结构特征,揭示了干湿循环和硫酸盐侵蚀共同作用下,不同侵蚀时期后混凝土损伤的演变机理.试验结果表明,在干湿循环作用下硫酸钠对混凝土的侵蚀损伤是侵蚀产物与硫酸盐结晶膨胀共同作用的结果;在侵蚀初期由于晶体的填充密实作用,使得受蚀混凝土的质量、强度与延性增大;随着侵蚀时间的延长,混凝土不仅受到钙矾石、石膏等侵蚀产物的膨胀损伤作用,而且叠加了干湿循环过程中Na2SO4·10H2O的结晶膨胀作用,使得混凝土损伤反复进行并不断累积,加速了混凝土的受蚀劣化速度,质量、强度逐渐降低,脆性变大;由于拉应力的叠加效应,混凝土劈裂抗拉强度对硫酸盐侵蚀损伤更敏感.  相似文献   

The experiments of concrete attacked by sulfate solution under freeze-thaw cycles were investigated. The sulfate solution includes two types of 5% Na2SO4 and 5% MgSO4. Through the experiment, microstructural analyses such as SEM, XRD and TGA measurements were performed on the selected samples after freeze-thaw cycles. The corrosion products of the concrete were distinguished and quantitatively compared by the thermal analysis. Besides, the damage mechanism considering the dynamic modulus of elastically of concrete under the coupling effect was also investigated. The experimental results show that, under the action of freeze-thaw cycles and sulfate attack, the main attack products in concrete are ettringite and gypsum. The corrosion products exposed to MgSO4 solution are more than those to Na2SO4 solution. Furthermore, the content of gypsum in concrete is less than that of ettringite in test, and some of gypsum can be observed only after a certain corrosion extent. It is also shown that MgSO4 solution has a promoting effect to the damage of concrete under freeze-thaw cycles. Whereas for Na:SO4 solution, the damage of concrete has restrained before 300 freeze-thaw cycles, but the sulfate attack accelerates the deterioration process in its further test period.  相似文献   

为分析外部硫酸盐腐蚀对混凝土灌注桩截面损伤和承载力的影响,研究了硫酸根离子在混凝土灌注桩中的扩散反应规律并探讨了桩身结构性能退化的影响因素.基于Fick第二定律建立了柱坐标下硫酸根离子的非稳态扩散反应方程,采用数值方法得到了扩散方程求解的有限差分格式,并通过相关试验结果验证了理论模型与计算方法的正确性.根据化学反应生成的膨胀产物计算膨胀应变,并通过损伤演化函数计算桩身截面损伤和承载力,建立了桩基损伤度与桩身承载力的相关关系,对比分析了不同腐蚀因素和腐蚀时间对桩基损伤与桩身承载力的影响.研究结果表明:内膨胀应变和损伤在表层的发展速度比内层发展更为迅速,增大桩半径能显著提高桩基的耐久性和承载能力,而水灰比大于0.4时,桩基损伤增长幅度最大.因此,合理增加桩半径并采用较小的水灰比能有效减小桩身混凝土损伤,提高桩基的耐久性并减少桩身承载能力的损失.  相似文献   

Deterioration of concrete in railway tunnel suffering from sulfate attack   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
For the sake of understanding the deterioration behavior of concrete in actual railway tunnel structures subjected to aggressive sulfate medium in practice,detailed field investigations and tested analysis on sprayed concrete linings of approximately 40-year-old railway tunnels in environments containing sulfate ion were carried out,respectively.The results show that the deterioration of concretes in the investigated area is serious,which involves complicated physicochemical process between the sulfate salt...  相似文献   

在不同的试验条件下对抗硫酸盐侵蚀进行试验,研究了成型压力和浸泡时间对混凝土抗硫酸盐侵蚀性能的影响.结果表明:按现有规范规定的成型压力取得的试验结果偏大,对评价侵蚀性能不利,采用振动成型更接近实际情况;随着浸泡时间的延长,混凝土的耐腐蚀性均有所下降,建议延长浸泡时间评价混凝土的抗腐性能.  相似文献   

硫酸盐环境混凝土动弹性模量及微观研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对西部重盐渍土地区混凝土的耐久性问题,以内掺复合掺合料制成的高性能细石混凝土和普通硅酸盐水泥以及抗硫酸盐水泥制成的高性能细石混凝土作为研究对象,在硫酸钠溶液中进行干湿循环后,通过对动弹性模量的测量以及对混凝土SEM形貌分析,结果表明,在干湿交替的恶劣环境中,抗硫酸盐水泥混凝土的抗侵蚀性能并不比普通水泥混凝土好;掺加复合掺和料的高性能细石混凝土对硫酸盐侵蚀有较好的抵抗性能;掺加矿物掺合料能够与混凝土内部的不利成分Ca(OH)2发生二次水化反应,生成有利的C-S-H凝胶,有效改善混凝土的微观结构;并给出了在盐渍土地区拌制混凝土的建议.  相似文献   

针对荷载和硫酸盐耦合作用过程中钢筋混凝土柱的应力分析问题,在已有混凝土内硫酸根离子扩散反应模型的基础上,进一步给出了硫酸盐侵蚀引起的混凝土损伤程度与硫酸根离子浓度及腐蚀时间之间的关系,建立了与损伤程度相关的混凝土腐蚀本构模型及轴压混凝土柱截面应力的计算方法,并通过数值模拟分析了柱截面内硫酸根离子传输、腐蚀损伤程度变化、截面应变和应力分布规律。结果表明:硫酸根离子浓度和混凝土损伤程度在柱截面内呈梯度分布,且受二维交互效应的影响明显;随腐蚀时间的增加,截面损伤区逐渐向内移动且其宽度增加,而混凝土应力在损伤区呈先增加后逐渐降低、在未损伤区基本呈线性增加的趋势。硫酸盐侵蚀过程中,轴压混凝土柱截面应力发生了明显的重分布现象。  相似文献   

硫酸盐腐蚀后混凝土单轴受压本构关系   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
为了研究硫酸盐侵蚀环境下混凝土力学性能的变化,对受硫酸盐腐蚀的普通混凝土进行单轴受压实验.通过实验室加速腐蚀的实验方法,测定不同腐蚀时期的混凝土的应力应变全曲线,研究受腐蚀混凝土应力-应变曲线上的几个特征值(峰值应力及应变、弹性模量、割线模量、拐点应力及应变、收敛点应力及应变)随腐蚀程度变化的规律,对腐蚀后混凝土的应力应变全曲线进行拟合.结果表明:随腐蚀的进行,混凝土峰值应力、弹性模量先增加后减小,而峰值应变是先稍微有所减小,而后急剧增大;该实验条件下获得了受腐蚀后混凝土应力应变曲线上各特征值与峰值应力fc′的关系式,建立了曲线上升段参数αa的数学表达式.可以以受腐蚀混凝土的强度为基本参数,分别求解受腐蚀混凝土峰值应变、弹性模量,上升段曲线拟合参数、拐点应力以及收敛点应力.从而得到受腐蚀混凝土一系列的力学参数和本构关系.  相似文献   

胶凝材料组成对混凝土TSA硫酸盐侵蚀的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究不同水泥品种、矿物掺合料对混凝土抗TSA侵蚀性能的影响规律,采用掺30%石灰石粉填料的胶砂件,测试各砂浆在5±1℃的2%MgSO4溶液中浸泡1年后的外观破损与强度损失情况,通过X-射线衍射仪分析各砂浆的矿物成分.结果表明:不同品种水泥的抗TSA侵蚀能力由高到低依次为:硫铝酸盐水泥 硅酸盐水泥复合>硫铝酸盐水泥>抗硫酸盐水泥>普硅水泥.掺硅灰和矿渣细粉均能明显改善混凝土抗TSA侵蚀性能,且矿渣粉掺量越大效果越明显.由于粉煤灰活性低,掺量较少时可在一定程度上减缓TSA侵蚀过程,但掺量过多时反而产生不利影响.  相似文献   

The damage process of concrete exposed to sodium sulfate attack and drying-wetting cycles was investigated. The water to binder(W/B) ratio and the concentration of sulfate solution were taken as variable parameters. Through the experiment, visual change, relative dynamic modulus of elasticity(RDME) and the surface damage layer thickness of concrete were measured.Furthermore, SEM and thermal analysis were used to investigate the changing of microstructure and corrosion products of concrete.The test results show that the ultrasonic velocity is related to the damage layer of concrete. It approves that an increase in damage layer thickness reduces the compactness and the ultrasonic velocity. The deterioration degree of concrete could be estimated effectively by measuring the surface damage layer and the RDME of concrete. It is also found that the content of gypsum in concrete is less than that of ettringite in test, and some gypsum is checked only after a certain corrosion extent. When the concrete is with high W/B ratio or exposed to high concentration of sulfate solution, the content of ettringite first increases and then decreases with corrosion time. However, the content of gypsum increases at a steady rate. The content of corrosion products does not correspond well with the observations of RDME change, and extensive amount of corrosion products can be formed before obvious damage occurs.  相似文献   

为研究橡胶颗粒粒径和掺量对再生混凝土耐久性的影响,针对水灰比为0.50再生混凝土设计了橡胶粒径60目、1~3 mm和3~6 mm与掺量10、20、30 kg/m3的6组混凝土配合比,对再生混凝土进行了抗压强度、抗氯离子渗透和抗冻性试验.结果表明:掺入橡胶颗粒降低了再生混凝土的抗压强度,再生混凝土的抗压强度随着橡胶颗粒掺量和粒径的增加而减小;橡胶颗粒的掺入能改善再生混凝土的抗氯离子渗透性能和抗冻性能,再生混凝土的抗氯离子渗透和抗冻性随着橡胶颗粒掺量增大和粒径的减小而提高,当橡胶颗粒的粒径为60目、掺量为30 kg/m3时,再生混凝土的耐久性能最好.  相似文献   

为评估海洋、盐湖等环境中钢筋混凝土结构耐久性,通过试验与理论相结合探究氯盐与硫酸盐复合侵蚀下钢筋混凝土锈裂特性。通电腐蚀5%(质量分数)NaCl、5%NaCl+5%Na2SO4溶液中钢筋混凝土试件,对比分析混凝土表观形貌、钢筋锈蚀特征。设计伴随的混凝土腐蚀试验,类比保护层腐蚀劣化,分析混凝土力学性能。结果表明:硫酸盐的存在改变胀裂前混凝土形貌,使得单一氯盐侵蚀下的“白须”消失,表面粉化并出现盐结晶,延长胀裂时间;复合侵蚀下钢筋锈蚀率低于单一氯盐侵蚀,二者均显著低于法拉第定律理论值;锈胀裂缝宽度与钢筋锈蚀率线性相关,硫酸盐的存在增大裂缝随钢筋锈蚀发展的速率;通电环境中,受腐蚀混凝土的抗压强度先升高后降低,劈裂抗拉强度不断降低。提出受腐蚀混凝土的抗拉强度演化经验公式。在经典锈胀模型的基础上考虑锈蚀产物对裂缝的填充作用,并将硫酸盐的影响考虑至混凝土抗拉强度、钢筋腐蚀电流密度中,建立复合侵蚀下钢筋混凝土胀裂时间预测模型,并验证了模型的有效性。  相似文献   

Steam-cured concrete is widely used to manufacture prefabricated units of high-speed railway foundation structure such as girder and track slab. The dynamic mechanical property of steam-cured concrete is one of the key properties affecting service performance of high-speed railway foundation structure. In the present paper, serial macro/micro-experiments were carried out to investigate the dynamic elastic modulus, shear modulus, damping ratio, and microstructure of steam-cured concrete. The relationships between compositions, curing regime, microstructure, and dynamic properties of steam-cured concrete as well as the corresponding mechanisms were discussed. The results indicate that steam-cured concrete in early age has a larger dynamic elastic modulus and shear modulus as well as a smaller damping ratio compared with standard-cured concrete. On the contrary, at a later age a slightly smaller dynamic elastic modulus and a larger damping ratio of steam-cured concrete are observed. Addition of mineral admixture results in a bit lower dynamic elastic modulus and damping ratio of concrete than that of the control specimen without mineral admixtures. The achievements can provide some fundamental suggestions for materials parameters selection during structural design of steam-cured concrete precast element.  相似文献   

硫酸盐侵蚀环境下混凝土双K断裂参数试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了评估硫酸盐侵蚀环境下混凝土的工作性能并为断裂分析提供依据,采用三点弯曲梁试验方法,研究在硫酸盐侵蚀和干湿循环双重作用下混凝土双K断裂参数等断裂性能的劣化规律.基于断裂力学理论,通过在裂缝尖端表面粘贴应变片来监测裂缝的起裂、扩展和失稳断裂情况,得到在不同硫酸盐侵蚀龄期下试件的P-CMOD曲线.以侵蚀系数为评价指标,采用混凝土双K断裂准则计算构件的失稳韧度和起裂韧度.结果表明:起裂荷载与最大荷载的比值PQ/Pmax大致分布在0.55~0.90,失稳韧度和起裂韧度在侵蚀初期均有较明显的增大,转折点分别为60和30d,之后随侵蚀龄期不断缓慢减小.与失稳韧度相比,起裂韧度受硫酸盐侵蚀因素的影响较敏感.  相似文献   

通过实验室试验研究了不同配合比混凝土力学性能随溶蚀时间的演化规律.试验设计变量主要为水灰比和骨料体积率,采用硝酸铵溶液加速混凝土溶蚀过程.试验结果表明:酚酞指示剂法能够较准确地表征混凝土的溶蚀深度,溶蚀深度近似与溶蚀时间的平方根成线性关系.混凝土弹性模量、抗压强度和劈拉强度均随着溶蚀时间的增长而减小,水灰比和骨料体积率对它们的减小速率有较大影响.与弹性模量相比,溶蚀对抗压强度和劈拉强度影响更大.当溶蚀损伤变量小于0.6时,溶蚀混凝土抗压强度模型与试验结果良好吻合.  相似文献   

In order to study the compressive property of corroded concrete, accelerated corrosion test were performed on concrete C30.6 corrosive solutions, including hydraulic acid solution (pH=2), hydraulic acid solution (pH=3) were applied as the corrosive medium. 6 series of corrosion tests, including 111 specimens, were carried out. Mechanical properties of all the corroded specimens were tested respectively. Compressive properties of the corroded specimens (e.g. compressive strength, stress-strain relation, elastic modulus etc.) were achieved. Taking the strength degradation ratio and strain energy loss as damage index, effects of the corrosion solution on the compressive property of corroded concrete were discussed in detail. Relationship between the damage index and corrosion state of specimens were achieved.  相似文献   

The development of strength and the form of attack of cement-based material made of limestone powder at low water-binder ratio under low-temperature sulfate environment were studied. The results indicate that when water-binder ratio is lower than 0.40, the cement-based material with limestone powder has insignificant change in appearance after being soaked in 10% magnesium sulfate solution at low temperature for 120 d, and has significant change in appearance after being soaked at the age of 200 d. Expansion damage and exfoliation occur on the surface of concrete test cube at different levels. When limestone powder accounts for about 28 percent of cementitious material, with the decrease of water-binder ratio, the compressive strength loss has gradually decreased after the material is soaked in the magnesium sulfate solution at low temperature at the age of 200 d. After the specimen with the water-binder ratio of less than 0.4 and the limestone powder volume of greater than 20% is soaked in 10% magnesium sulfate solution at low temperature at the age of 200 d, gypsum attack-led destruction is caused to the concrete test cube, without thaumasite sulfate attack.  相似文献   

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