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目的:对比口腔种植修复患者强化口腔卫生宣教与常规口腔卫生宣教的菌斑控制效果.方法:选取2020年7月~2021年7月在我院口腔修复科进行种植修复的患者120例,对照组及实验组各60例.对照组向患者告知种植修复治疗中的注意事项及口腔卫生相关知识宣教.实验组在对照组基础上,配合使用菌斑显示液,强调菌斑显示和菌斑不良作用.统...  相似文献   

慢性牙周炎患者牙周支持治疗可以维持基础治疗和手术治疗效果的长期稳定性。文章从牙周支持治疗对探诊出血(bleeding on probing,BOP)、探诊深度(probing depth,PD)、附着丧失(attachment loss,AL)、牙槽骨高度、年缺失牙率、不同牙位治疗效果等临床疗效指标的影响方面做一综述。  相似文献   

随着人口老龄化社会的到来和更多牙齿的保留,牙周炎和牙本质敏感症的发生率也随着增高,日益引起口腔科医生的重视。本文拟就这两种疾病的关系,菌斑及菌斑控制对牙本质敏感症发生发展的影响,牙周治疗在牙本质敏感症中的具体作用、作用机制及影响因素等作一综述,旨在加深对牙本质敏感症的认识。  相似文献   

费晓露 《口腔医学》2014,34(9):692-694
目的 观察牙周支持治疗对维持基础治疗长期效果的作用。方法 对在口腔医院接受过牙周治疗的患者进行回顾性研究,其中接受支持治疗16例,未接受支持治疗14例(对照组)。牙周临床检查包括牙周袋探诊深度(PD)、探诊出血(BOP)阳性位点(+),比较初诊,6周复诊以及最后一次复诊时的上诉各项临床检查指标。结果 6周复查时两组的PD和BOP(+)位点百分比明显降低,差异无统计学意义。最后一次复诊时支持治疗组的PD为2.83 mm,BOP(+)位点百分比为15.49%,与初诊比较差异有统计学意义;而对照组的PD为3.51 mm,BOP(+)位点百分比为60.42%,与初诊比较差别无统计学意义,与支持治疗组比较差别有统计学意义。结论 牙周基础治疗可以有效控制牙周炎症,但是其炎症控制的长期效果需要通过支持治疗来维持。  相似文献   

牙周病是由菌斑微生物所引起的牙周支持组织慢性感染性疾病。菌斑微生物的控制是牙周病重要的治疗手段。由于口腔环境及牙周组织结构的特殊性,牙周系统治疗无法一劳永逸,是一个长期的过程。因此,牙周维护治疗应贯穿整个治疗过程,是牙周系统治疗中必不可少的组成部分,也是牙周疗效得以长期保持的重要手段。文章就牙周系统治疗中牙周维护治疗的重要性做一综述。  相似文献   

目的研究口腔卫生宣教和强化刷牙对学龄前儿童口腔卫生的影响。方法以全口牙平均菌斑指数(PLI)为指标,比较实验组和对照组的强化卫生宣教和强化刷牙前后儿童口腔菌斑指数的变化。结果半年后的检查结果对照组平均菌斑指数为3.14±0.53,实验组为2.71±0.56,两者差异显著(P=0.012);实验组在强化卫生宣教和强化刷牙前后全口平均菌斑指数分别为3.23±0.51和2.71±0.56,两者有显著性差异(P=0.002)。结论口腔卫生宣教和强化刷牙有助于提高儿童的口腔卫生。  相似文献   

曹盈  周艳  宦泓  吴昱卓  梅幼敏  顾洋 《口腔医学》2012,32(12):746-747
目的 观察强化口腔卫生宣教在慢性牙周炎患者牙周基础治疗中的作用。方法 选择进行牙周基础治疗的慢性牙周炎患者329例,随机分为2组,A组仅在初诊时进行宣教,B组在每次复诊时强化口腔卫生宣教,观察牙周基础治疗结束后1、6、12个月的牙周临床指标变化。结果 治疗1个月后复诊,两组临床指标均显著改善,差异无显著意义(P>0.05);6、12个月后复查,两组患者临床指标较治疗前均有显著改善,B组较A组改善显著,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 在慢性牙周炎患者牙周基础治疗过程中反复强化口腔卫生宣教能显著改善口腔卫生状况,具有积极的作用。  相似文献   

张春辉  石晶  林晓萍 《口腔医学》2012,32(12):722-724
目的 观察牙周维护对固定正畸治疗患者牙周组织的影响,并对患者的依从性进行评价。方法 选择错牙合畸形患者90例随机分为3组:对照Ⅰ组,对照Ⅱ组,试验组,分别于矫治前、矫治3个月、矫治6个月检查患者临床牙周指标,并于矫治3、6个月评价依从性指标。结果 矫治3个月时,试验组的牙龈指数、菌斑指数、龈沟出血指数分别为1.81±0.48、1.79±0.46、1.80±0.46,对照Ⅱ组的牙龈指数、菌斑指数、龈沟出血指数分别为1.84±0.53、1.85±0.56、1.83±0.49,两组与对照Ⅰ组比较,差异有显著性(P< 0.05),矫治6个月时,试验组牙龈指数、菌斑指数、龈沟出血指数分别为1.78±0.30、1.68±0.28、1.72±0.41,优于两个对照组,差异有显著性(P< 0.05),对照Ⅱ组牙龈指数、菌斑指数、龈沟出血指数分别为2.01±0.23、2.03±0.47、2.06±0.31,与对照Ⅰ组比较,差异有显著性(P< 0.05);矫治3、6个月时,试验组口腔卫生较好率分别为83.33%、90.67%,与对照Ⅰ组、对照Ⅱ组比较,差异有显著性(P< 0.05),矫治3、6个月时,试验组矫治装置损坏率分别为20.15%、15.45%,与对照Ⅰ组、对照Ⅱ组比较,差异有显著性(P< 0.01)。结论 牙周维护利于固定正畸治疗患者的牙周健康,可以比单纯进行口腔卫生宣教更好地降低牙周不良反应,同时能很好地提高患者的依从性。  相似文献   

悬突对牙周状态及龈下菌斑的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:从微生态学角度探讨悬突引起牙周炎的机制,揭示悬突对牙周组织的危害性。方法:检测568个有悬突牙及568个对照牙的G1和PD,采集龈下菌斑以刚果红染色,测其龋下菌群的细菌组成。结果:悬突牙组的GI、PD明显高于对照组,其螺旋体、杆菌及球菌较对照牙组有显著性差异。结论:悬突改变牙周微生态环境,使龋下菌群细菌组成发生变化;临床治疗中要加强悬突的防治。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND, AIMS: The purpose of this investigation was to evaluate the degree of compliance for supportive periodontal therapy (SPT) and to determine factors in relation to patients who failed to continue SPT programs. METHOD: A sample of 1896 patients who were treated between 1988 and 1999 was studied. The patients were classified by gender, age group and the distance between their house and the hospital. The number of visits was counted based on an electronic patient record for SPT. Data were analyzed by survival analysis. Survival probabilities in SPT were estimated by the Kaplan-Meier method and compared by the generalized Wilcoxon test. RESULTS: 28% of patients did not comply with the first visit for SPT. The older patients had higher tendencies to continue the SPT program than the younger patients. No significant differences in compliance were found between males and females or between short-distance and long-distance groups. However, when these factors were adjusted by age, significantly different patterns were shown on the curves of survival probability: in males, significant differences were found between the 20 s and 30 s (p<0.00001) and between the 50 s and 60 s (p<0.01). In females, significant differences were found between the 40 s and 50 s (p<0.001) and between the 60 s and 70 s (p<0.001). The differences of the survival probability by age group were greater in the short-distance group than in the long-distance group. CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that age is the most important factor for compliance of the patients with SPT, not only alone but also in relation to the other factors.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The objectives of the present study include investigation of the relationship between attitudes and desires with respect to oral health at initial office visit and compliance with supportive periodontal treatment (SPT) and identification of prognostic factors with respect to low-compliance with SPT. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Four hundred thirty-one patients were evaluated. Subjects completed a questionnaire concerning attitude and desire with respect to oral health and subjective symptoms prior to periodontal treatment. Survival probabilities of SPT were estimated by the Kaplan-Meier method and compared between answers for each item of the questionnaire via the Cox-Mantel test. Finally, a multivariate Cox proportional hazards regression model was constructed, which included age and gender. RESULTS: Greater than 95% of participants desired toothbrushing proficiency and lifelong retention of teeth at the initial office visit; however, the overall survival probabilities of SPT were only 52.7% after about 5 years. Patients exhibiting unfavourable attitudes toward oral health at the initial office visit, in comparison with those displaying favourable attitudes, exhibited greater tendency to abandon SPT. A Cox regression model revealed that lack of brushing on the gingival margin, non-use of an inter-dental brush or dental floss, non-use of fluoride toothpaste and frequent consumption of sugar-containing drinks were significant independent prognostic factors for low-compliance with SPT (p<0.05; Hazard ratios=2.27, 2.00, 2.56 and 2.06, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: Desire for satisfactory oral health is not related consistently to continuation of SPT. Unfavourable attitudes toward oral health were correlated to low-compliance with SPT. Clinicians may wish to establish methods for improvement of patient compliance employing behavioural approaches applicable to the attitudes of potential low-compliance individuals.  相似文献   

Attendance compliance of patients presenting for periodontal therapy during one calendar year at two practice locations (Perth, Western Australia and Darwin, Northern Territory) was observed over a period of three to four years, depending on whether the patients were seen in the earlier or latter part of the initial year. Both venues (full-time practice and visiting practice every quarter) gave very similar results, of around 10 per cent of patients who dropped out after initial consultation, without commencing treatment. As well, both venues showed a similar trend of subsequent patient 'attrition' after the initial phase of treatment, with the retention of approximately 40 per cent of the original group of patients after three to four years. Of these, a very high proportion (90 per cent) were totally compliant with maintenance recall appointments.  相似文献   

Abstract. A sample of 414 patients, treated between 1985 and 1988 by an Italian periodontal practice for supportive periodontal therapy, was studied to determine compliance with recommended maintenance programmes. Patients included in the study had attended for supportive periodontal therapy for at least 1 year prior to the close of data collection in 1989. Based on their compliance with the suggested maintenance schedule, patients were classified as complete attending (100% of programmed visits), partial (at least 50% of programmed visits), or insufficient (less than 50% of programmed visits). Only 30%) of the initial patient sample was found to be compliant at the end of 1989. Complete compliance decreased as the number of years after active therapy increased, from 38% at 1 year to 20% at 4 years. The % of patients with insufficient compliance increased from 37% to 46% from the 1st to the 2nd year, then remained stable over the following years, indicating that the 1st year represented the critical period when subjects decided whether to follow recommended maintenance therapy. No significant relationships were found between degree of compliance and patient gender, recall schedule or type of treatment procedure performed. However, complete compliant subjects were younger than the other groups ( p <0.03), and compliance increased with the number of surgeries ( p <0.002).  相似文献   

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