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近20年外来生物入侵危害与风险评估文献计量分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
外来生物入侵导致全球生物多样性下降,极大地威胁着生态系统健康,已造成很大的生态损失与经济损失。近年来,随着生物入侵的加剧,全球对生物入侵的研究力度不断加大。外来入侵生物的生态危害与风险评估可以为人们提供对入侵可能性和入侵方式更直接的信息,从而为管理者制定管理策略提供依据。基于最近20年间(1995—2014年)科学文献数据库Web of Science的科学引文索引数据库扩展版(SCI-E)中数据,对外来入侵生物的生态危害与风险评估方面的研究进行了文献计量分析,旨在了解当前国际研究现状,以便推动中国的生物入侵相关研究。为了全面掌握全球外来生物入侵生态危害与风险评估方面的研究,采用Bibexcel与TDA文献计量工具,对Web of Science数据库中相关文献进行了分析,去重后共获取5492篇文献。结果表明:近20年(1995—2014年)入侵生物的生态危害与风险评估方面的研究刊文量呈现前缓后剧增的趋势,2008—2014年进入了快速发展阶段,文献数量急剧增加,2014年达到最高(511篇);美国发文量远超其它国家,占据主导地位,中国刊文量排名第5。美国、澳大利亚、法国、英国、德国的研究论文影响力较大。刊文量最多的研究机构为美国农业部(USDA),中国科学院发文量排名第10位。研究学科主要为昆虫学、农艺学、植物科学、生态学,研究热点集中在生物防治、风险评估、粮食作物和经济作物的病虫害防治、杂草防控,以及生物入侵与气候变化的关系等方面。有关外来入侵生物的生态危害与风险评估的研究多集中于北美、澳大利亚和欧洲,未来要加强亚洲地区,特别是中国外来生物入侵风险评估的研究;要加强气候变化对外来生物物种特性的影响研究,更多关注入侵生物的生态控制与生态恢复方面的研究,以便更好地为今后长期有效地防控入侵生物提供理论与技术指导。  相似文献   

随着我国与澳大利亚之间国际贸易关系日趋紧密,生物入侵已成为与两国经济发展、生态安全、国际贸易、政治利益等紧密相关的重大科学问题。本文基于2002-2016年Web of Science的引文数据,以生物入侵、入侵生态学、入侵生物学、入侵物种、外来或者非本地物种等为特定关键词,采用Histcite统计软件对我国与澳大利亚在生物入侵领域的发文量、期刊分布、国际影响力、研究热点以及引文关系进行了文献计量分析、比较。结果表明,我国与澳大利亚在外来生物入侵领域的研究总发文量分别为1673与3427篇,澳大利亚发文量明显较高,且总被引用数、篇均被引次数以及高被引文献数均明显高于我国;对科研机构分析发现我国中国科学院、复旦大学仍然具有很强的国际竞争力。另外,从两国的核心期刊分布、研究热点以及引文关系看出,两国在生物入侵研究方面的相似性以及国情特色。本研究结果较为客观地反映了我国与澳大利亚在生物入侵研究领域的科学能力和影响力,为准确掌握两国该领域研究发展状况和前沿动态、明确科学研究发展方向、制定管理策略等提供了依据。  相似文献   

生物多样性公约热点研究 : 外来物种入侵、生物安全、遗传资源徐海根王健民等主编7 0 3 0 1385 9 7 Q 14 4 8定价 :6 8 0 0元本书分三篇 ,共九章。第一篇介绍我国外来入侵动物、植物、微生物和海洋生物的分布、入侵途径及造成的危害 ;评估外来入侵物种对我国国民经济相关行业和生态系统服务功能、物种多样性、遗传资源造成的经济损失 ;介绍外来物种风险评估的指标体系、方法及有关案例 ;提出我国预防和控制外来入侵物种的对策与建议。第二篇介绍国内外转基因生物的环境释放和生产现状 ;分析转基因生物可能对生物多样性、生态环境和人类健…  相似文献   

生物入侵是一个动态有序的过程,其发生和危害存在异质性,通常由来源地、入侵地和它们之间的连接构成的系统中的自然、生物、社会等因素所决定。网络理论是研究复杂系统的一种新方法,本质是从复杂的信息中抽象出规律、揭示系统的结构特征共性。近20年,网络理论已被应用于生物入侵研究。本研究综述了网络理论在生物入侵研究中的应用进展,明确了主要的研究方向和前沿热点,认为:2000年以来国际上已开展的研究集中在评估外来物种入侵风险和入侵后对生态系统影响2个方面;外来物种随运输网络入侵的风险评估和景观连接性对入侵物种扩散的影响、外来物种入侵对本地物种间互作网络的影响及生态群落可入侵性是网络理论应用的热点;研究热点具有明显的时间发展特征,2013年以前多是对生态系统的影响,近10年来主要是风险评估。我国利用网络理论研究外来物种入侵较少且集中于对生态系统的危害,未来应加强对外来物种的时空定量传入和扩散风险评估,为我国制定和提升外来入侵物种早期监测预警、阻止新的入侵、抑制进一步扩散的管理措施提供依据。  相似文献   

我国外来入侵生物防控现状、问题和对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
外来物种入侵已经威胁全球多个国家和地区,严重影响农林牧渔业生产,威胁生态系统稳定,是当前全球生物多样性丧失的主要原因之一,开展入侵物种防控已成为生物多样性保护与农业绿色发展的重点工作。我国已经成为全球遭受生物入侵威胁与损失最为严重的国家之一,截至2018年底,入侵我国的外来物种有近800种,已确认入侵农林生态系统的有638种,全国31个省(区、市)均有外来生物入侵发生并带来危害,半数以上县域都有入侵物种分布,几乎涉及所有类型的生态系统。本文对全球主要发达国家外来入侵物种发生情况及防控进行梳理发现,从国家层面立法开展外来入侵生物防控成为主流,制定长期防控战略并增加投入是入侵物种防控成功的关键。近些年,我国在外来入侵物种防控方面初步建立了工作机制,发布了重点管理外来入侵物种名录,完成了重点入侵物种的调查监测,开展了局部地区的防控措施,积极推动立法工作。根据国外生物入侵防治经验与我国实际情况,本研究提出我国外来入侵物种防控对策建议,包括加强法制建设、开展本底调查和启动重大防控工程等,为我国外来侵入生物的防控提供借鉴。  相似文献   

我国外来水生生物入侵现状及其影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
生物入侵已经被公认是造成生物多样性丧失的重要因素之一,它对生态系统的结构和功能的严重影响已经引起全世界的高度重视。外来水生生物是生物入侵的重要组成部分:因此,从生物入侵的基本概念及入侵物种的传播途径着手,分析我国水生外来物种及其对水生生态系统和渔业可持续发展的影响。  相似文献   

中国外来入侵生物的危害与管理对策   总被引:205,自引:3,他引:202  
本文探讨了外来入侵生物的概念及其在我国的危害状况,入侵原因,提出了外来入侵生物 预防及管理对策,随着国际贸易往来和旅游业的发展,生物入侵在我国不断加剧,正在成为威胁我国生物多样性与生态环境的重要因素之一,外来入侵种的生态代价是造成本地物种多样性不可弥补的消失以及物种的灭绝,其经济代价是农林牧渔业产量与质量的惨重损失与高额的防治费用,生物入侵在我国大部分是由于人为因素引起的,这些因素包括:缺乏对引进种的利益与风险进行评估,淡薄的生态意识与不顾生态后果的经济利益驱使下的盲目引进,缺乏严格的科学监管体系或监管不力,缺乏全面检疫的体系与机制。外来入侵生物的综合性与系统性研究已成为当今我国生态环境保护、农业生产和经济可持续发展的重大研究领域,我国对外来入侵生物的预防与管理应着重于国家能力、研究能力,监测与管理能力三大体系的建设上,根据我国国情和目前的紧急现状应制定出优先行动计划,对特定外来种的入侵生物学基础研究,特定生态系统或地理区域入侵种现状及影响的关键评估研究,特定外来入侵生物对生态环境影响的风险评估体系及经济损失的模式研究、发展控制外来有害生物的环保型技术与方法研究,外来生物受控制后生态系统的恢复与栖息生境的复原技术与方法等,无意 目前亟待研究的课题。  相似文献   

自英国生态学家查尔斯.艾尔顿1958年撰写的《动植物的入侵生态学》出版至今,半个世纪已经过去,这部著作被公认为是生物入侵在科学研究方面的开端。这期间生物入侵研究经历了萌芽期(20世纪80年代之前)、成长期(20世纪80年代)和快速发展期(20世纪90年代末期至今)。在这个过程中,越来越多的概念、假说、方法和技术被提出和整合到生物入侵研究之中,由此催生了一门生态学领域的新兴学科——入侵生物学。本文在对近50年来生物入侵专著和论文的统计分析基础上,介绍了国际生物入侵研究的发展脉络和现状。同时综述了中国入侵生物学在基础和应用研究方面的相关进展,着重阐述了主要科学问题("入侵潜力与成功入侵的关系"、"入侵种种群的扩张与扩散"、"入侵种的生态适应性与进化"及"本地生态系统对入侵的响应及可入侵性")和预防与控制的技术体系(风险评估与早期预警、检测与监测、狙击与灭除、生物防治、生态修复与干扰调控),并进一步介绍了中国入侵生物学学科体系的构建和框架,提出入侵生物学是研究外来物种的入侵性与生态系统的可入侵性,以及外来物种预防与控制的科学,是一门多领域交叉的学科。最后展望和讨论了中国入侵生物学学科发展可能遇到的一些问题。  相似文献   

正随着国际交流的增加,物种扩散到新的地理区域更为便捷,一些外来物种在入侵地对当地的生态环境、经济、社会造成危害。《全球生物多样性展望》(2014)认为生物入侵是导致生物多样性丧失的第二大因素。我国是遭受生物入侵最严重的国家之一,已发现外来入侵生物560种,其中属于世界自然保护联盟(IUCN)公布的全球100种最具威胁的外来入侵生物的  相似文献   

我国南方生物入侵的问题与对策   总被引:22,自引:5,他引:17  
外来物种入侵到新的栖息地,可能给当地造成严重的生态灾难,导致生态灾害爆发及生物多样性的丧失,进而威胁到人类生存环境.目前,生物入侵已给我国造成了非常严重的环境问题和社会危害,带来了巨大的生态和经济损失,仅对我国农林业造成的直接经济损失每年就高达574亿元.文中主要以我国南方外来植物为例,分析了生物入侵的危害、途径、原因,针对生物入侵涉及地域、生态系统类型和涉及物种种类特点,提出了防治对策:重视生物入侵现象,加强与之相关问题的基础研究;加强立法,建立科学的引种制度;加强动植物检疫,建立全国外来物种入侵动态监测网;提高全民防范意识;加强国际合作.  相似文献   

Understanding the likely future impacts of biological invasions is crucial yet highly challenging given the multiple relevant environmental, socio‐economic and societal contexts and drivers. In the absence of quantitative models, methods based on expert knowledge are the best option for assessing future invasion trajectories. Here, we present an expert assessment of the drivers of potential alien species impacts under contrasting scenarios and socioecological contexts through the mid‐21st century. Based on responses from 36 experts in biological invasions, moderate (20%–30%) increases in invasions, compared to the current conditions, are expected to cause major impacts on biodiversity in most socioecological contexts. Three main drivers of biological invasions—transport, climate change and socio‐economic change—were predicted to significantly affect future impacts of alien species on biodiversity even under a best‐case scenario. Other drivers (e.g. human demography and migration in tropical and subtropical regions) were also of high importance in specific global contexts (e.g. for individual taxonomic groups or biomes). We show that some best‐case scenarios can substantially reduce potential future impacts of biological invasions. However, rapid and comprehensive actions are necessary to use this potential and achieve the goals of the Post‐2020 Framework of the Convention on Biological Diversity.  相似文献   

Invasion by exotic species is one of the serious socio-economic, environmental and ecological problems currently faced by mankind. Biological invasions have changed the species composition, structure and function of ecosystems, and are seriously threatening global biodiversity, economy and human health (Iqbal et al. 2021; Wang et al. 2020; Yang et al. 2021; Zhao et al. 2020; Zheng et al. 2015). Biological invasions have resulted in an economic loss of at least US$ 1.288 trillion over the past few decades worldwide (Diagne et al. 2021). As a consequence of these far-reaching impacts, biological invasions have become a hot research topic in modern ecology, and attract major attention from international organizations, governments and scientists all over the world. There is a complex interaction between biological invasions and global environmental change. Biological invasions are not only passengers of global change, but can also be major drivers of global change (MacDougall and Turkington 2005). Other components of global change, such as atmospheric CO2 enrichment, global warming, nitrogen deposition, changes in precipitation regimes, habitat fragmentation and land-use change, affect species distributions and resource dynamics of ecosystems, and consequently drive invasion success of many exotic species. On the other hand, invasion by exotic species can also alter basic ecosystem properties, which in turn affect many components of global change. Research on the patterns, processes and mechanisms of biological invasion can shed light on the drivers and consequences of biological invasions in the light of global change, and serve as a scientific basis for forward-thinking management plans. The overarching challenge is to understand the basic ecological interactions of, e.g., invasive and native species, plants and soil, and plants and animals.  相似文献   

Climate change and biological invasions are threatening biodiversity and ecosystem services worldwide. It has now been widely acknowledged that climate change will affect biological invasions. A large number of studies have investigated predicted shifts and other changes in the geographic ranges of invasive alien species related to climate change using modeling approaches. Yet these studies have provided contradictory evidence, and no consensus has been reached. We conducted a systematic review of 423 modeling case studies included in 71 publications that have examined the predicted effects of climate change on those species. We differentiate the approaches used in these studies and synthesize their main results. Our results reaffirm the major role of climate change as a driver of invasive alien species distribution in the future. We found biases in the literature both regarding the taxa, toward plants and invertebrates, and the areas of the planet investigated. Despite these biases, we found for the plants and vertebrates studied that climate change will more frequently contribute to a decrease in species range size than an increase in the overall area occupied. This is largely due to oceans preventing terrestrial invaders from spreading poleward. In contrast, we found that the ranges of invertebrates and pathogens studied are more likely to increase following climate change. An important caveat to these findings is that researchers have rarely considered the effects of climate change on transport, introduction success, or the resulting impacts. We recommend closing these research gaps, and propose additional avenues for future investigations, as well as opportunities and challenges for managing invasions under climate change.  相似文献   

《生物多样性》自1993年由中国科学院生物多样性委员会创办以来,一直秉承首任主编钱迎倩先生确定的刊物定位:紧跟国际热点和趋势,反映中国生物多样性科学研究进展;及时报道保护、管理和持续利用生物多样性的经验,包括法律法规和国际履约。时逢《生物多样性》创办20周年,我们总结了刊物的发展历程,分析了创刊以来策划的研究热点、报道对象、作者队伍及产生的影响,以期更好为推动中国生物多样性科学发展服务。这些年,生物多样性科学领域的热点问题,如生物入侵、全球变化下的生物多样性、DNA条形码、生物多样性监测与变化机制、谱系多样性、生物多样性信息学等,以及《生物多样性公约》及其履行进展在本刊上都得到了及时报道,2000年以后出版的13个专刊(专栏)更是热点问题的集中体现。在发表的1,189篇(不包括增刊)文章中物种多样性方面文章最多,遗传多样性方面的文章次之;从研究类群上看,植物和动物方面的文章明显多于微生物方面的文章。研究对象的地理分布则与所属地区的多样性丰富程度或受关注程度有一定的相关性。刊物目前已形成较为稳定的作者群,发表文章最多的前10位作者分别来自中国科学院(6人)、北京大学(2人)和复旦大学(2人);文章的平均作者数从1993年的约1.5人/篇增加到2011年的约4人/篇,一定程度上反映了团队合作的态势;每篇文章的平均页码数也从创刊时的平均5页左右逐渐增加到目前的10页左右,文章的信息量大大增加。发表的论文主要受国家自然科学基金、科技部项目和中国科学院项目资助,表明作者群的层次是比较高的。发表的论文中被引次数大于40的文章超过200篇,最高达970次(中国知网,2012年8月10日检索);被SCI刊物的引用次数也呈逐年递增趋势。《生物多样性》是目前我国发表生物多样性研究成果最多、影响最大、生物多样性科学领域最重要的刊物。但毋庸讳言,《生物多样性》如国内其他中文科技期刊一样,正面临巨大挑战,如优秀稿源匮乏、刊物国际化和国内评价体系的压力、如何协调基础性和应用性、如何兼顾作者和读者的需求等。针对上述问题,我们提出了对策建议,指出《生物多样性》在"立足本土的国际化"和前沿创新与基础支撑兼顾的定位下,继续提高学术质量,并通过数字化平台和新闻媒体宣传发表的重要成果等方式,提高科技信息传播效率,扎实推动中国生物多样性科学的发展。  相似文献   

Across the globe, invasive alien species cause severe environmental changes, altering species composition and ecosystem functions. So far, mountain areas have mostly been spared from large‐scale invasions. However, climate change, land‐use abandonment, the development of tourism and the increasing ornamental trade will weaken the barriers to invasions in these systems. Understanding how alien species will react and how native communities will influence their success is thus of prime importance in a management perspective. Here, we used a spatially and temporally explicit simulation model to forecast invasion risks in a protected mountain area in the French Alps under future conditions. We combined scenarios of climate change, land‐use abandonment and tourism‐linked increases in propagule pressure to test if the spread of alien species in the region will increase in the future. We modelled already naturalized alien species and new ornamental plants, accounting for interactions among global change components, and also competition with the native vegetation. Our results show that propagule pressure and climate change will interact to increase overall species richness of both naturalized aliens and new ornamentals, as well as their upper elevational limits and regional range‐sizes. Under climate change, woody aliens are predicted to more than double in range‐size and herbaceous species to occupy up to 20% of the park area. In contrast, land‐use abandonment will open new invasion opportunities for woody aliens, but decrease invasion probability for naturalized and ornamental alien herbs as a consequence of colonization by native trees. This emphasizes the importance of interactions with the native vegetation either for facilitating or potentially for curbing invasions. Overall, our work highlights an additional and previously underestimated threat for the fragile mountain flora of the Alps already facing climate changes, land‐use transformations and overexploitation by tourism.  相似文献   

齐相贞  林振山  温腾 《生态学报》2007,27(9):3835-3843
生物入侵带来的生态和经济危害引起了人们的广泛关注。在入侵生态学研究方面,生物多样性与生物入侵之间的关系长久以来成为群落可入侵性探讨的焦点。Elton经典假说认为,物种多样性越高对外来种入侵的抵抗能力越强,许多模型或野外试验都支持这一假说。但现在越来越多的试验对此提出了异议,各种假说纷纷出现。究竟生物多样性会不会影响外来种的入侵?假设两种不同的群落结构(功能群),设计6种外来种入侵土著群落的情景分析不同多样性及相同多样性下外来种的入侵状况。结果发现,在多样性相同的情况下,两种群落对外来种入侵的抵抗力不同。外来种成功入侵等比群落,却被倍数群落排斥在系统之外。进一步分析表明这主要是由于可利用资源的波动引起的,即Davis提出的"资源机遇假说"。在相同的物种多样性下,由于倍数群落的特殊结构,整个群落所占有资源远远大于等比群落资源比率。因此,外来种在等比群落中更易找到合适的入侵机会。而在物种多样性不同的情况下,由于物种多样性与已占有资源的变化是成正比的,因此,混淆了多样性与剩余资源可利用性对外来种入侵的影响。  相似文献   

Biological invasions are a global phenomenon that threatens biodiversity, and few, if any, ecosystems are free from alien species. The outcome of human‐mediated introductions is affected by the invasiveness of species and invasibility of ecosystems, but research has primarily focused on defining, characterizing and identifying invasive species; ecosystem invasibility has received much less attention. A prerequisite for characterizing invasibility is the ability to compare levels of invasion across ecosystems. In this paper, we aim to identify the best way to quantify the level of invasion by nonnative animals and plants by reviewing the advantages and disadvantages of different metrics. We explore how interpretation and choice of these measures can depend on the objective of a study or management intervention. Based on our review, we recommend two invasion indices and illustrate their use by applying them to two case studies. Relative alien species richness and relative alien species abundance indicate the contribution that alien species make to a community. They are easy to measure, can be applied to various taxa, are independent of scale and are comparable across regions and ecosystems, and historical data are often available. The relationship between relative alien richness and abundance can indicate the presence of dominant alien species and the trajectory of invasion over time, and can highlight ecosystems and sites that are heavily invaded or especially susceptible to invasion. Splitting species into functional groups and examining invasion patterns of transformer species may be particularly instructive for gauging effects of alien invasion on ecosystem structure and function. Establishing standard, transparent ways to define and quantify invasion level will facilitate meaningful comparisons among studies, ecosystem types and regions. It is essential for progress in ecology and will help guide ecosystem restoration and management.  相似文献   

Biological invasions are a major threat to biodiversity; however, the degree of impact can vary depending on the ecosystem and taxa. Here, we test whether a top invader at a global scale, the tree Robinia pseudoacacia (black locust or false acacia), which is known to profoundly change site conditions, significantly affects urban animal diversity. As a first multi-taxon study of this kind, we analyzed the effects of Robinia dominance on 18 arthropod taxa by pairwise comparisons of woodlands in Berlin, Germany, that were dominated by R. pseudoacacia or the native pioneer tree Betula pendula. As a negative effect, abundances of five arthropod taxa decreased (Chilopoda, Formicidae, Diptera, Heteroptera, Hymenoptera); 13 others were not affected. Woodland type affected species composition of carabids and functional groups in spiders, but surprisingly did not decrease alpha and beta diversity of carabid and spider assemblages or the number of endangered species. Tree invasion thus did not induce biotic homogenization at the habitat scale. We detected no positive effects of alien dominance. Our results illustrate that invasions by a major tree invader can induce species turnover in ground-dwelling arthropods, but do not necessarily reduce arthropod species abundances or diversity and might thus contribute to the conservation of epigeal invertebrates in urban settings. Considering the context of invasion impacts thus helps to set priorities in managing biological invasions and can illustrate the potential of novel ecosystems to maintain urban biodiversity.  相似文献   

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