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Granulite grade marble layers interlayered with metapelitic granulites from Lützow Holm Bay, East Antarctica, provide insight into fluid–rock interactions during burial to and exhumation from lower crustal levels. Sub-millimeter scale strontium, oxygen and carbon isotope variations along with LA-ICPMS trace element geochemistry and mineral chemistry of texturally characterized carbonates and associated minerals helped to reconstruct the multistage metamorphic fluid history.Fluid–rock interaction dating back to prograde metamorphism are still preserved in consistently low oxygen and high strontium isotope compositions (δ18O = 12‰; 87Sr/86Sr(550Ma) = 0.7248) within a massif dolomitic marble layer that escaped significant later metasomatism. In most marbles, total re-crystallization and isotopic resetting occurred in the presence of “externally derived” hyper-saline fluids that circulated along the carbonate layers during the early stages of prograde metamorphism. This leads to a trend of increased radiogenic Sr in marbles towards the value of associated metapelitic rocks that have 87Sr/86Sr(550Ma) of 0.764.LA-ICPMS studies on trace elements in carbonate and associated silicate minerals at different textural settings, distinguished using cathodoluminescence microscopy, revealed multiple metasomatic events during retrograde metamorphism. Trace element contents of Ba, Sr, Pb and U gave compelling evidence for metasomatic alteration that postdate the exsolution of carbonate at ~ 600 ºC, which can be correlated with the fluids released from the crystallization of anatectic melts and pegmatites. Subsequently, meteoric fluid infiltration occurred at a shallower level of the crust and caused extreme oxygen isotopic heterogeneity (δ18O = 14.7 ~ ? 4.9‰) and imprinted high concentration of fluid mobile elements. Taken together our results emphasize the importance of integrating textural and chemical heterogeneities to reveal the multiple episodes of fluid–rock interaction processes in a dynamic continental crust, which has major implications on migration of fluids and material and help in formulating models on the geodynamic evolution of crust.  相似文献   

The precise constraints on the timing of metamorphism of the Changhai metamorphic complex is of great importance considering the prolonged controversial issue of the north margin and the extension of the Sulu–Dabie HP–UHP Belt. While the monazite U–Th–Pb and muscovite 40Ar/39Ar techniques are widely accepted as two of the most powerful dating tools for revealing the thermal histories of medium–low grade metamorphic rocks and precisely constraining the timing of metamorphism. The Changhai metamorphic complex at the SE Jiao–Liao–Ji Belt, North China Craton consists of a variety of pelitic schist and Grt–Ky-bearing paragneiss, and minor quartzite and marble. Analyses of mineral inclusions and back-scattered electric (BSE) images of monazites, combined with LA–ICP–MS U–Th–Pb ages for monazites and 40Ar/39Ar ages for muscovites, provide evidence of the origin and metamorphic age of the Changhai metamorphic complex. Monazites separates from various Grt–Mus schists and Grt–Ky–St–Mus paragneisses exhibit homogeneous BSE images from cores to rims, and contain inclusion assemblages of Grt + Mus + Qtz ± Ctd ± Ky in schist, and Grt + Ky + St + Mus + Pl + Kfs + Qtz inclusions in paragneiss. These inclusion assemblages are very similar to matrix minerals of host rocks, indicating they are metamorphic rather than inherited or detrital in origin. LA–ICP–MS U–Th–Pb dating reveals that monazites of schist and paragneiss have consistent 206Pb/238U ages ranging from 228.1 ± 3.8 to 218.2 ± 3.7 Ma. In contrast, muscovites from various schists show slightly older 40Ar/39Ar plateau ages of 236.1 ± 1.5 to 230.2 ± 1.2 Ma. These geochronological and petrological data conclude that the pelitic sediments have experienced a metamorphic event at the Mid–Late Triassic (236.1–218.2 Ma) rather than the Paleoproterozoic (1950–1850 Ma), commonly regarded as the Precambrian basement for the Jiao–Liao–Ji Belt. Hence, the Changhai metamorphic complex should be considered as a discrete lithotectonic group.This newly recognized Mid–Late Triassic metamorphic event (236.1–218.2 Ma) for the Changhai metamorphic complex is coeval with the HP–UHP metamorphic event (235–220 Ma) for Sulu–Dabie rocks. This leads us to speculate that the metamorphism of the Changhai complex belt along the SE margin of the North China Craton was genetically related to the Mid–Late Triassic collision of the North China and South China cratons. By the same token, the Sulu–Dabie HP–UHP Belt may have extended through Yantai, and the southern Yellow Sea, and to the southern side of the Changhai metamorphic complex.  相似文献   

The Gangbian alkaline complex in the southeastern Yangtze Block (South China) is composed of Si-undersaturated pyroxene syenites and Si-saturated to -oversaturated syenites and quartz monzonites. SIMS zircon U–Pb analyses indicate that the complex was emplaced at 848 ± 4 Ma, during a previously-recognized interval of magmatic quiescence between the ca 1.0–0.89 Ga Sibaoan orogenic magmatism and the ca 0.83–0.78 Ga magmatic flare-up. The Gangbian rocks are characterized by wide, coherent variations in major and trace elements (SiO2 = 47.6–68.4%, K2O + Na2O = 4.5–10.5%, K2O/Na2O = 0.4–1.2, MgO = 1.2–8.5%, Cr = 4.5–239 ppm, and Ni = 4.5–143 ppm) and by enrichment in LIL and LREE and depletion in Nb, Ta and P in trace element spidergrams. Their whole-rock εNd(T) (? 6.5 to ? 0.4) and εHf(T) (? 10.7 to 0.4) are positively correlated, suggesting involvement of both metasomatized mantle and continental crust materials in their genesis. In situ zircon Hf–O isotopic measurements for the most evolved quartz monzonite sample yield a binary mixing trend between the mantle- and supracrustal-derived melts. It is suggested that the pyroxene syenites were derived by partial melting of metasomatized, phlogopite-bearing lithospheric mantle, and the parental magma experienced extensive fractionation of pyroxene and olivine associated with varying degrees of crustal contamination. Subsequent fractional crystallization of hornblende and minor amounts of plagioclase from the alkali basaltic magmas, accompanied by crustal contamination, produced the Si-saturated to -oversaturated syenites and quartz monzonites. These ca. 0.85 Ga alkaline rocks and neighboring contemporaneous dolerite dykes are the products of the anorogenic magmatism after the Sibao Orogeny. They post-date the final amalgamation between the Yangtze and Cathaysia Blocks, most likely manifesting the initial rifting of South China within the Rodinia supercontinent.  相似文献   


The Central Mackenzie Valley (CMV) area of Northwest Territories is underlain by Precambrian basement belonging to the North American Craton. The potential of this area to host kimberlitic diamond deposits is relatively high judging from the seismologically-defined lithospheric thickness, age of basement rocks (2.2–1.7 Ga) and presence of kimberlite indicator minerals (KIMs) in Quaternary sediments. This study presents data for a large collection of KIMs recovered from stream sediments and till samples from two study areas in the CMV, the Horn Plateau and Trout Lake. In the processed samples, peridotitic garnets dominate the KIM grain count for both regions (> 25% each) while eclogitic garnet is almost absent in both regions (< 1% each). KIM chemistry for the Horn Plateau indicates significant diamond potential, with a strong similarity to KIM systematics from the Central and Western Slave Craton. The most significant issue to resolve in assessing the local diamond potential is the degree to which KIM chemistry reflects local and/or distal kimberlite bodies. Radiogenic isotope analysis of detrital kimberlite-related CMV ilmenite and rutile grains requires at least two broad age groups for eroded source kimberlites. Statistical analysis of the data suggests that it is probable that some of these KIMs were derived from primary and/or secondary sources within the CMV area, while others may have been transported to the area from the east-northeast by Pleistocene glacial and/or glaciofluvial systems. At this stage, KIM chemistry does not allow the exact location of the kimberlitic source(s) to be constrained.


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