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The Patos Lagoon estuary is the most important nursery ground for commercially relevant species of fish and crustaceans in the South of Brazil, maintaining fisheries that sustain 3500 fisher families throughout the Rio Grande do Sul State coastline. Around 80% of the interior estuarine area is very shallow (< 2 m), and recruitment of fish eggs and larvae to the inner parts of the Patos Lagoon estuary is directly related to the circulation pattern in the area, which is controlled by local and non-local wind effects and freshwater discharge. The objective of this study is to investigate the processes controlling the transport of estuarine dependent fish eggs between the Atlantic Ocean and the Patos Lagoon estuary.An integrated numerical system based on a bi-dimensional hydrodynamic model and a Lagrangean transport model of passive particles is applied to a selection of scenarios representing the passage of weather fronts over the area. At this stage, fish eggs are represented as buoyant passive particles. Modelling results are compared against field data for the period under investigation (September/October 1999) and historical records. Short term results are analysed in terms of the meteorological conditions (wind direction, intensity and duration) controlling the transport of eggs to the inner parts of the estuary and the extension of their excursion. This experiment is the first attempt to couple biological and physical information to study fish eggs transport, and to enhance the current knowledge about recruitment of important fisheries resources in southern Brazil.  相似文献   

SART标准修改对海上搜救的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
顾林 《天津航海》2009,(4):46-47
SART是GMDSS的重要组成部分,对海上搜救发挥了关键作用.随着AIS的广泛应用,IMO对GMDSS的标准进行了修改,在原来RADAR-SART的基础上,增加了AIS-SABT.AIS-SART的实施有利于海上搜救,同时对AIS船舶的识别码管理提出了新的要求.  相似文献   

取水口作为LNG码头用于汽化加工的主要结构设施,在整个LNG码头的建设中占据极为重要的地位。由于取水口需联通海域与陆域,且结构所处水位较深,在建设过程中不可避免地需进行深基坑支护与开挖。较通常的深基坑支护而言,波浪及海流对取水口基坑支护的不利影响不容忽视。文章就如何安全、有效地对海陆交界处取水口深基坑进行支护加固进行分析,可供类似工程借鉴。  相似文献   

矢量声压振速联合处理是建立在信号的声压和质点振速相位基础上,海洋环境边界对声传播的影响将改变矢量声场声压和质点振速的幅度和相位特性。文章根据南海环境条件和水下目标辐射噪声测量采用矢量简正波理论估算海面非相干偶极子噪声源和水下点声源矢量场的幅度和相位随深度的变化,并对矢量水听器测量系统获取的南海典型深度上的背景噪声数据进行了分析。结果表明:深海背景噪声声压谱级在500 Hz以下基本上不随深度变化,在500 Hz-3 kHz频段浅深度背景噪声声压谱级略高于较深深度的背景噪声声压谱级;背景噪声的垂直质点振速谱级要小于声压和水平质点振速谱级。  相似文献   

聚酯缆绳因其质轻、无腐蚀而多用于深海系泊系统。聚酯缆绳的材料非线性决定了在实际工程应用中,轴向刚度表现为非线性特性。针对此特性,以动态时域方法分析聚酯缆绳的数值模型,在风、浪、流的环境载荷作用下,考虑FPSO的耦合作用,对比轴向线性刚度与轴向非线性刚度下的船体运动响应和聚酯缆绳的张力。结果表明,非线性刚度更能准确描述船体真实运动及缆绳的张力变化,对以后优化锚泊系统的设计有着重要的意义。  相似文献   

Stress coining at geometrical discontinuities may introduce compressive residual stresses which will lower the propagation of surface cracks and thus increase the fatigue life. In a non-linear finite element analysis, the residual stresses after welding of a transverse web-frame to a ship hull plating is first estimated. Stress coining of one corner of a longitudinal cut-out in a transverse web-frame is then simulated in detail. The calculated residual compressive tangential stresses in the corner of the cut-out is seen to lower the propagation of edge cracks. Experiments performed on web-frames taken from a shipyard after manufacturing show indeed that large tensile residual stresses exist in the web-frame after welding. Stress coining is therefore believed to have a beneficial effect on the fatigue life.  相似文献   

文章根据《1979年海上搜寻和救助公约》的发展和我国的履约情况,以及天津辖区搜救现状,找出了目前天津搜寻和救助方面的不足以及存在的问题,结合天津地处渤海湾的现状,提出了如何提升天津在搜寻和救助方面的水平,更好地实现航行更安全、海洋更清洁的目标,提高我国海事的履约水平,保障人命安全。  相似文献   

深海立管涡激振动疲劳损伤影响因素分析   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
根据我国南海、墨西哥湾和西非海域的流速沿深度方向的分布规律,利用涡激振动预报程序计算了立管在不同参数下的动力响应.在此基础上计算了立管沿长度方向涡激振动引起的疲劳损伤.分别讨论了立管顶部预张力、管内流体密度、管外流速分布、立管外径、立管壁厚等参数的变化对疲劳损伤的影响.结果显示立管顶部预张力、管外流速分布、立管外径对疲劳损伤的影响非常明显,而管内流体密度和立管壁厚因其变化范围有限,对疲劳损伤的影响没有上述三个参数显著.  相似文献   

基站在海洋的应用越来越多,基站信号覆盖范围的广度及深度直接影响着整个海洋领域的通信质量。同时,海洋地形相对于陆地更为复杂,深海领域的地形勘探及基站部署难度更大,所以提高现有通信基站的覆盖范围及信号传输质量是优化海上通信网络的最佳途径。本文针对现有的深海领域无线基站信号覆盖特性,提出一种多载波放大信号的基站覆盖范围延伸技术方案,提高了现有深海领域无线信号的覆盖范围及通信质量。  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that dissolved silicate (DSi) yields [kg km− 2 yr− 1] of 82 major watersheds of the Baltic Sea can be expressed as a function of the hydraulic load (HL) as a measure of water residence time and the total organic carbon (TOC) concentration, both variables potentially increasing the DSi yield. Most boreal rivers fitted a linear regression model using HL as an independent variable to explain the DSi yield. Rivers with high HL, i.e., shortest residence times, showed highest DSi yields up to 2300 kg km− 2 yr− 1. This is most likely caused by an excess supply of DSi, i.e., the geochemical sources prevail over biological sinks in these boreal watersheds. The DSi yield for regulated and unregulated larger rivers of the boreal watersheds constituting about 40% of the total water discharge and of the total DSi load to the Baltic Sea, respectively, can be expressed as: DSi yield = 190 + 49.5 HL[m yr− 1] + 0.346 TOC [µM] (R2 = 0.80). Since both HL and TOC concentrations have decreased after damming, the DSi yields have decreased significantly in the regulated boreal watersheds, for the River Luleälven we estimated more than 30%. The larger eutrophic watersheds draining cultivated landscape of the southern catchment of the Baltic Sea and representing about 50% of the annual water discharge to the Baltic Sea, deviated from this pattern and showed lower DSi yields between 60–580 kg km− 2 yr− 1. DSi yields showed saturation curve like relationship to HL and it appears that DSi is retained in the watersheds efficiently through biogenic silica (BSi) production and subsequent sedimentation along the entire river network. The relationship between HL and DSi yields for all larger cultivated watersheds was best fitted by a Freundlich isotherm (DSi = 115.7HL109; R2 = 0.73), because once lake and reservoir area exceeds 10% of the watershed area, minimum DSi yields were reached. To estimate an uperturbed DSi yield for the larger eutrophic southeastern watersheds is still difficult, since no unperturbed watersheds for comparison were available. However, a rough estimate indicate that the DSi flux from the cultivated watersheds to the Baltic Sea is nowadays only half the uperturbed flux. Overall, the riverine DSi loads to the Baltic Sea might have dropped with 30–40% during the last century.  相似文献   

主要从海洋环境电磁场和海洋环境参数2个方面,针对舰船水下电磁场测试产生影响的海洋环境进行分析。在海洋环境电磁场方面,通过长期观测得到的环境电磁场规律对舰船水下电磁场测试频带内的影响进行分析;在海洋环境参数方面,则通过数值仿真来研究环境参数对舰船水下电磁场测试的影响。  相似文献   

从曹妃甸海域西风减水现象入手,利用塘沽站和曹妃甸风、潮实测资料,进行了曹妃甸海域西风减水效应的分析研究,得到曹妃甸海域西风条件下的50~100年的重现期潮位,比全风向条件下的相应重现期潮位低0.7~0.8 m.将研究结论用于控制西风向风浪的海堤防护工程设计中,大幅减少工程防护费用,同时确保工程在设计重现期内安全.  相似文献   

船舶内部包含大量的管路系统,舷侧阀排出口的结构形式直接影响船舶整体减振降噪的效果。选取实船典型管路系统的出口通海口结构为研究对象,建立通海口、管路系统、泵、船体外壳模型,利用数值仿真软件Fluent分析通海口结构的流场稳定性以及外部流场声压。通过研究多种通海口结构优化方案,明确了通海口声学性能较优的低噪声通海口。并分析了管路系统换装低噪声通海口后,整体管路系统中的通海口区域流场水动力噪声性能的变化规律。结果表明:相较实船通海口,低噪声通海口能有效增加通海口内部流场的稳定性,降低外部流场声压,有一定的降噪效果。  相似文献   

It has long been recognized that the compressive behavior of primary ship structural components plays a vital role in the design of surface ship hulls. This is equally as true for the new advanced double hull concept as it is for the more conventional surface ship configurations. What is different, however, is the nature of the structural mechanics phenomena which must be addressed due to the double hull's more radical departure from conventional design and construction practices. With increasing interest and attention being shown in this new concept, the David Taylor Model Basin has over the past few years initiated a number of research efforts which have and are continuing to address various aspects of the behavior of double hulls and their components to primary compressive loadings. These studies have as their ultimate goal the development of practical, user oriented design methods for double hull structure and as such currently focus on more approximate, rather than mathematically rigorous, approaches to the various structural phenomena being considered. This paper is in essence a progress report on a selected number of these efforts and describes the results achieved to date as well as the ongoing efforts and those planned for the future. This report focuses primarily on three recent studies: (1) a preliminary look at the relative significance of local versus general instability failure of double hull structure; (2) small scale experimental analysis of double hull sections using rigid vinyl modelling; and (3) the application of beam-on-elastic-foundation analysis methods for high aspect stiffened plates as it relates to double hull structure. In addition to these major topics, the report also includes a brief discussion of other ongoing and planned efforts relevant to the advanced double hull.  相似文献   

海上事故救援是一项涉及面广、专业性强、需要依靠各相关部门通力合作、联合作战的系统工程。如果救援工作处理不当,将直接导致人命和财产的巨大损失,后果严重。因此,研究此预案的目的是在预案的框架内,在第一时间内及时将各相关方的救援力量有效地组织、协调起来,协同作战,迅速、有效地实施救援工作,将海上人命和财产损失降至最低。  相似文献   

针对澳门某深基坑支护,采用有限元软件建立深基坑不对称开挖数值模型,模拟基坑开挖过程,分析基坑局部挖深对支护结构应力应变的影响。计算结果表明,深基坑局部挖深对基坑整体稳定影响较大,可影响内撑系统轴力分布,但对支护桩最大弯矩影响较小。研究可对深基坑局部挖深工况下支护结构的选型设计,基坑坑中坑支护安全性、实用经济性的平衡提供指导。  相似文献   

随着全球经济增长、贸易频繁、军事纷攘、政治往来,以及文化交流等等,海上交通越来越繁忙,海上避碰也愈加纷繁与重要。那么,在海上避碰时.使用VHF通信要注意什么,就是本文所讨论的中心内容——同时应看到,在世界范围内,现行海上避碰通信所使用的语言主要是英语。  相似文献   

Ti6Al4V合金由于其优异的性能和经济的价格,在海洋产业中拥有广阔的应用前景。本文采用自行设计的实验机,对Ti6Al4V合金在海水中的耐腐蚀性能进行研究,主要考察摩擦、温度等条件对合金耐腐蚀的影响。本文采用实验的方法,在不同环境和温度中,对Ti6Al4V合金的耐腐蚀性进行测定并记录数据。最终结果表明,相比于淡水环境,海水对Ti6Al4V合金造成的腐蚀影响较为明显,同时材料的摩擦作用也是造成腐蚀的重要影响因素。  相似文献   

由于我国目前尚无完善的人身伤亡赔偿制度,在处理海上人身伤亡赔偿纠纷中缺乏统一严密的制度可资遵循,给海上人身伤亡赔偿纠纷的解决带来了很大难度。通过对《海商法》关于海上人身伤亡损害的相关规定的分析来确定责任主体在不同情况下所应承担赔偿责任的性质。同时,根据《民法通则》及相关法律、法规的规定,表明请求赔偿的权利人的范围和顺序,以及直接赔偿义务人与间接赔偿义务人的分别应承担的赔偿责任。以期待能够为类似纠纷的解决提供一点参考。  相似文献   

为了克服海上无线网络信号传输中的噪声干扰,本文将小波变换和Farima模型应用于信号状态融合,首先利用小波变换对信号进行分解,再利用Farima模型进行预测,最后对重构后的信号进行融合,实验结果表明本文算法融合速率高,准确性好。  相似文献   

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