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A small concentration of Acheulian cleavers and handaxes within the driest region on Earth adds to the increasing evidence that the eastern Sahara was considerably more verdant during the Middle Pleistocene than it is today. The similarities to stone artifact assemblages of Acheulian sites in sub-Saharan Africa and in the Levant support the evidence for the movement of hominids, utilizing the Kombewa lithic technology, between Africa and the Middle East during the Middle Pleistocene. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

In Dakhla oasis, Western Desert of Egypt, groundwater is the only resource for all anthropogenic activities. During the last 50 years, the Nubian Sandstone Aquifer System (NSAS) has been undergoing serious stress through withdrawing its storage. Plans for expanding the agricultural areas in Dakhla oasis were given by the government. This article is an attempt to investigate the best management option that meets development ambitions and groundwater availability. Based on a calibrated regional three-dimensional groundwater flow model for the NSAS using FEFLOW, a refined (high resolution) local scale model was developed to simulate and predict the impact of applying the actual and planned extractions rates on Dakhla oasis. Five management scenarios were suggested. The application of the actual extraction rate of 1.2 × 106 m3/day for the oasis for the next 90 years resulted in a drawdown of 75 m and a depth to groundwater up to 75 m with an annual change in hydraulic head of 0.57 m. At the end of this simulation, only a few wells at the west of the oasis will still be free flowing. The application of the planned extraction rate (1.7 × 106 m3/day) resulted in great depths to groundwater (>100 m) and formed huge cones of depressions that connected together to cover the whole oasis and extend further beyond its borders. It was found that the best option for groundwater management in the oasis is the implementation of an extraction rate of 1.46 × 106 m3/day, as the depths to groundwater will never exceed the 100 m limit.  相似文献   

The Darb el-Arbain study area is in the southern Western Desert of Egypt and has been attracting increasing developmental interest in the last few decades, especially since agricultural development of the southern Baris area, where the groundwater resources of the Nubian Sandstone Aquifer System (NSAS) have been utilized for the cultivation of valuable lands. Due to the proven high potential of both groundwater and land resources, determining the priority areas for sustainable hydrogeological development becomes a necessity. A geographic information system, as a platform for geospatial modeling techniques, has been built, which depends on the recently collected data about the NSAS, in addition to the published databases. Certain criteria of practical value, like depth to groundwater, hydraulic conductivity, groundwater salinity, sodium adsorption ratio, and the safe yield of wells, were selected as decisive parameters for hydrogeological prioritization. The model pinpoints areas characterized by favorable hydrogeological conditions, which could be used for future development and implementation of an artificial storage and recovery (ASR) program. The designated priority areas for hydrogeological development occur at the southern, middle southern and some localized northern parts of the Darb el-Arbain area. The newly formed Tushka Lakes represent a suitable and excellent natural source of freshwater for implementing an ASR program.  相似文献   

The future development of agriculture, industry, and civil activity planned to be in the Western Desert. This strategy need to the groundwater resource. Vertical electrical soundings (VES) and electromagnetic (TEM) measurements conducted in the El Bawiti, northern Bahariya Oasis. The measurements give detailed information about the geometry of the different hydrogeological layers in the aquifer system and depth to them. A total of 22 VES and TEM were carried out within El Bawiti area. Thirty-one sub soil samples were collected from eight sites to determine the chemical characteristics and address the effects of lithogenic source and anthropogenic activity on them. The geoelectrical measurements and borehole information indicate the presence of five geoelectrical units, from top to base; the surface cover, sand and shale, upper aquifer (Nubian sandstone), sand and shale, and lower aquifer (Nubian sandstone). Surface cover was equally distributed in thickness and composed of dry sand, gravel, and clay deposits. The regional resistivity of the upper aquifer increased in the southwestern part and decline in the northern, eastern, southern, and western parts. The decline in the resistivity reflects the high water yields and potentiality, as well as low salinity. The resistivity of the lower aquifer increased due the northwestern part and the southwestern part. The information collected during this research provides valuable data for estimating the fresh- to brackish-water resources and for development of a groundwater management plan. The integrated analyses carried out represent a significant and cost-effective method for delineating the main aquifer in this area. In turn, future well locations can be placed with more confidence than before, in accordance with the evaluation of the potentiality of the groundwater aquifers in the area. The electrical conductivity of the soil ranges from 302 to 8,490 μS/cm, increases in the western and central-northern parts. It is attributed to the location from the salt-affected soils (playa), the relatively lower elevation units (depressions) and the position in landscape in the Oasis. Sodium adsorption ratio ranges from 0.44 to 11 and the exchangeable sodium ratio ranges from 0.11 to 5. The estimated magnesium hazard fluctuated below 50%. The statistical analyses were accomplished in soil chemistry and discussed.  相似文献   

In order to assess the impact of coal mining on groundwater quality in Talcher Coalfield area, seventeen groundwater samples for pre and post monsoon seasons were collected from borewells/dugwells and analysed for major ions and trace elements. Water quality analysis of major ions and trace elements shows elevated concentration in few groundwater samples. The water quality data was analysed using multivariate statistical techniques viz., factor analysis and cluster analysis. The result clearly shows that the variation in the season is due to recharge of rain water during monsoon. The factor and cluster analysis brought out impact of intensity by mining activity on groundwater regime. Discharge of mining seepage effluents and its interaction with the groundwater contaminate the surrounding groundwater regime. Multivariate statistical techniques are potential tools and provide greater precision for identifying contaminant parameters linkages with mining environment.  相似文献   

The study of hydrogeochemistry of the Mio-Pliocene sedimentary rock aquifer system in Veeranam catchment area produced a large geochemical dataset. Groundwater samples were collected at 52 sites over 963.86 km2 area and analyzed for major ions. The large number of data can lead to difficulties in the integration, interpretation and representation of the results. Two multivariate statistical methods, Hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) and Factor analysis (FA), were applied to a subgroup of the dataset to evaluate their usefulness to classify the groundwater samples, and to identify geochemical processes controlling groundwater geochemistry. Hydrochemical data for 52 groundwater samples were subjected to Q- and R- mode factor and cluster analysis. R-mode analysis reveals the inter-relations among the variables studied and the Q-mode analysis reveals the inter-relations among the samples studied. The R-mode factor analysis shows that Ca, Mg and Cl with HCO3 account for most of the electrical conductivity, total dissolved solids and total hardness of groundwater. The ‘single dominance’ nature of the majority of the factors in the R-mode analysis indicates non-mixing or partial mixing of different types of groundwater. Both Q-mode factor and Q-mode cluster analyses indicate an exchange between the river water and the groundwater in the vicinity. The rock water interaction like flood basin back swamp deposits of silty clayey formation is the major cause for the cluster II classification. Cluster classification map reveals that 58% of the study area comes under cluster II classification.  相似文献   

Multivariate statistical analysis has been widely used for hydrogeochemical characterization of groundwater quality. In this study, hydrochemical data from three hydrological basins were used and two methods (factor and cluster analyses) were applied. The first area is the coastal area of Eastern Thermaikos Gulf where groundwater is influenced by seawater intrusion and geothermal fluids. The other two areas are the inland basins of Gallikos and Perdikas in which agricultural and industrial activities constitute the main anthropogenic pollution sources of groundwater. Initially, the aforementioned methods were applied for each area separately and resulted in a different number of significant factors and clusters, while the natural and anthropogenic influences were spatially determined in each area. Additionally, factor and cluster analyses were applied coupling data from all areas. Therefore, five clusters and three major factors were determined distinguishing the hydrochemical processes and impacts from anthropogenic activities in more detail. It is worth mentioning that the application of cluster analysis in the coupled groundwater samples of all studied areas resulted beneficially in the most hydrochemically complex area. Salinization dominates in the coastal area, while in Gallikos and Perdikas basins high concentrations of NO3 occur mainly due to agricultural activities and small livestock units. The numerous hydrochemical samples are identified as the main issue for the higher discretization and reliability of the second approach. Nevertheless, this study is associated with a number of limitations of multivariable statistical analysis regarding extreme concentrations of Cl and Na. This issue stimulates further research in overcoming and understanding these drawbacks.  相似文献   

The Middle Jurassic Khatatba Formation is an attractive petroleum exploration target in the Shoushan Basin, north Western Desert, Egypt. However, the Khatatba petroleum system with its essential elements and processes has not been assigned yet. This study throws the lights on the complete Khatatba petroleum system in the Shoushan Basin which has been evaluated and collectively named the Khatatba-Khatatba (!) petroleum system. To evaluate the remaining hydrocarbon potential of the Khatatba system, its essential elements were studied, in order to determine the timing of hydrocarbon generation, migration and accumulation. Systematic analysis of the petroleum system of the Khatatba Formation has identified that coaly shales and organic-rich shales are the most important source rocks. These sediments are characterised by high total organic matter content and have good to excellent hydrocarbon generative potential. Kerogen is predominantly types II–III with type III kerogen. The Khatatba source rocks are mature and, at the present time, are within the peak of the oil window with vitrinite reflectance values in the range of 0.81 to 1.08 % Ro. The remaining hydrocarbon potential is anticipated to exist mainly in stratigraphic traps in the Khatatba sandstones which are characterised by fine to coarse grain size, moderate to well sorted. It has good quality reservoir with relatively high porosity and permeability values ranging from 1 to 17 % and 0.05–1,000 mD, respectively. Modelling results indicated that hydrocarbon generation from the Khatatba source rocks began in the Late Cretaceous time and peak of hydrocarbon generation occurred during the end Tertiary time (Neogene). Hydrocarbon primarily migrated from the source rock via fractured pathways created by abnormally high pore pressures resulting from hydrocarbon generation. Hydrocarbon secondarily migrated from active Khatatba source rocks to traps side via vertical migration pathways through faults resulting from Tertiary tectonics during period from end Oligocene to Middle Miocene times.  相似文献   

结合稳定同位素( D、18O、13C) ,应用聚类分析和因子分析两种多元统计分析方法,对鄂尔多斯沙漠高原白垩系含水层地下水水化学演化特征进行研究。结果表明: 研究区环河组和洛河组地下水均可分为3 大类,且大致在地下水补给区、径流区和排泄区分别聚类,每一类的水化学特征和同位素特征均存在一定的差异; 研究区地下水均起源于大气降水,发生了岩盐溶滤、碳酸盐矿物溶解、硫酸盐矿物溶解、硅酸盐矿物溶解和阳离子交换等水文地球化学作用。相对洛河组地下水,环河组地下水水化学演化特征还受到了大气降水稀释作用和酸碱演化的影响。  相似文献   

为了阐明采动影响下华北隐伏型煤矿地下水化学演化规律,选取淮北煤田任楼煤矿为研究示范,运用系统聚类与主成分分析法对任楼煤矿不同时期的四含、煤系、太灰与奥灰含水层地下水水样的常规水化学指标(K++Na+、Mg2+、Ca2+、Cl-、SO42-、HCO3-与CO32-)开展多元统计分析,从而划分不同水化学类型,进而揭示地下水化学形成条件。研究结果表明:地下水\  相似文献   

The present study represents an application of the 2D homogeneous function method to investigate the near-surface groundwater potentiality to the east of Qena town, Egypt. The homogeneous function automatically inverts first arrival refractions to derive a 2D velocity distribution, which involves seismic boundaries. A complex set of observed refracted traveltimes along four seismic profiles (12 spreads) is used to construct refraction velocity field section and structural section. Such sections allow viewing the complex layered structure and delineating its boundaries and faults. The interpreted geoseismic layers were traced, according to their own gradients and velocity ranges. The resultant models were successful in fulfilling the proposed objective, as they provide: (1) the required details on the delineation of the subsurface layers, where three geoseismic layers with different ranges of velocities were detected; (2) determination of the thickness and the inversion boundary of water-bearing layer; and (3) detection of normal and reverse faults with displacement of about 10–40 m and variable dipping directions. The obtained result was found to be completely compatible with the information gained from identified boundaries of the nearby borehole.  相似文献   

正The Eastern Desert of Egypt hosts numerous undeformed to slightly deformed mafic dyke swarms which have previously been poorly characterized.Systematic use of full resolution Google Earth?images yields an initial  相似文献   

Chemical characteristics of groundwater in the Midyan Basin (northwestern Saudi Arabia) were investigated and evaluated. A total of 72 water samples were collected from existing shallow wells and analyzed for different elements. Two multivariate statistical methods, hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) and principal components analysis (PCA), were applied to a subgroup of the data set in terms of their usefulness for groundwater classification, and to identify the processes controlling groundwater geochemistry. The subgroup consisted of 46 water samples out of 72 samples and 24 variables included major elements (Ca2+, Na+, Mg2+, K+, Cl?, HCO3 ?, NO3 ?, SO4 2?), minor and trace element (SiO2, Al, As, B, Ba, Cd, Cr, F, Fe, Mo, P, Pb, Sb, Sn, Ti, and V). For water samples, four geochemically distinct clusters (i.e., C1, C2, C3 and C4) have been observed by hierarchical cluster analysis. Cr, F and Pb are the dominant ions in cluster C2. Al, As, Cd, Mo, Sb and Ti are the dominant ions in cluster C3, while B, Ca, Cl, HCO3, K, Mg, Na, SO4 and V are identified as dominant ions in the cluster C4. In the PCA, a total of five components are extracted form the data set, which explained 73.37 % of the total data variability. Among them the first component reveals strong associations between As, B, Cd, Cr, F, Mo, Pb, Sb and Ti. The second component reveals the associations between Ca, Cl, HCO3, Mg, Na, SO4 and V.  相似文献   

The Nubian Sandstone Aquifer (NSSA) is the main groundwater resource of the El-Bahariya Oasis, which is located in the middle of the Western Desert of Egypt. This aquifer is composed mainly of continental clastic sediments of sandstone with shale and clay intercalations of saturated thickness ranging between 100 and 1500 m. Vulnerability assessment to delineate areas that are more susceptible to contamination from anthropogenic sources has become an important element for sustainable resources management and land use planning. Accordingly, this research aims to estimate the vulnerability of NSSA by applying the DRASTIC model as well as utilising sensitivity analyses to evaluate the relative importance of the model parameters for aquifer vulnerability in the study area. The main objective is to demonstrate the combined use of the DRASTIC and the GIS techniques as an effective method for groundwater pollution risk assessment, and mapping the areas that are prone to deterioration of groundwater quality and quantity. Based on DRASTIC index (DI) values, a groundwater vulnerability map was produced using the GIS. The aquifer analysis in the study area highlighted the following key points: the northeastern and western parts of the NSSA were dominated by ‘High’ vulnerability classes while the northwestern and southeastern parts were characterised by ‘Medium’ vulnerability classes. The elevated central part of the study area displayed ‘Low’ aquifer vulnerability. The vulnerability map shows a relatively greater risk imposed on the northeastern part of the NSSA due to the larger pollution potential of intensive vegetable cultivation. Depth-to-water, topography and hydraulic conductivity parameters were found to be more effective in assessing aquifer vulnerability.  相似文献   

El Bahariya Oasis is a part of the great groundwater reservoir of the Western Desert of Egypt. The different stratigraphic units, the water-bearing zones, aquifer potentiality conditions, and the favorable locations for drilling new wells were evaluated by carrying out 24 Schlumberger vertical electrical soundings (VESs), along with the data of some wells drilled in the near vicinity of the measuring sites. The results of the interpreted field data revealed the presence of ten distinctive subsurface geoelectric layers; a thin surface, dry loose sand and gravel, sandy clay and shale interclations, saturated coarse sand layer, shale and clay, and saturated fine sandstone and saturated coarse sandstone. The aquifer is a multilayer aquifer with different thicknesses represented by the fourth, sixth, eighth, and tenth geoelectric layers. Results also revealed that the thicknesses of the water-bearing horizons increase towards the east direction, consequently the aquifer potentiality increases. Therefore, the best production well locations are in that direction. Depth to water starts from 40 m at VES no. 14 and increases gradually toward the east to reach 66 m at VES no. 5. Hydrogeochemical analysis of two groundwater samples taken from Ein El Ezza and well no. 2 showed that groundwater in the study area is suitable for agricultural purposes but not for human consumption due to the high iron content. Recommendations concerning site selection for drilling new productive groundwater wells are given.  相似文献   

An attempt to carry out morphometric, statistical, and hazard analyses using ASTER data and GIS technique of Wadi El-Mathula watershed, Central Eastern Desert, Egypt. Morphometric analysis with application of GIS technique is essential to delineate drainage networks; basin geometry, drainage texture, and relief characteristics, through detect forty morphometric parameters of the study watershed and its sub-basins. Extract new drainage network map with DEM, sub-basin boundaries, stream orders, drainage networks, slope, drainage density, flow direction maps with more details is very necessary to analyze different morphometric and hydrologic applications for the study basin. Statistical analysis of morphometric parameters was done through cluster analysis, regression equations, and correlation coefficient matrix. Clusters analyses detect three independents variables which are stream number, basin area, and stream length have a very low linkage distance of 0.001 (at very high similarity of 99.95%) in a cluster with the basin width. Main channel length and basin perimeter (at very high similarity of 99.83%) are in a cluster with basin length. Using the regression equations and graphical correlation matrix indicates the mathematical relationships and helps to predict the behavior between any two variables. Hazard analysis and hazard degree assessment for each sub-basin were performed. The hazardous factors were detected and concluded that most of sub-basins are classified as moderately to highly hazardous. Finally, we recommended that the flood possibilities should be taken in consideration during future development of these areas.  相似文献   

The Hawara Pyramid is an outstanding monument. However, the mudbrick structure shows signs of erosion, and the passages and chambers are currently submerged. The problem of water ingress has mainly arisen since the 1880s. In this study, an initial assessment of the pyramid structure was made and causes of water ingress were investigated through analysis of water samples. Stable oxygen isotope measurements indicate that the source of water within the pyramid is the Bahr Selah canal. Water within the pyramid is highly saline compared to the Bahr Selah, and evaporation can only partly account for this high salinity. The composition of dissolved ions suggests that dissolution of salts in soils and from bedrock in the vicinity of the pyramid has enhanced the salinity of water percolating into the pyramid structure. Water ingress and salt deposition are at present the main threat to the integrity of the monument. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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