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In order to address the key problems faced by small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), existing solutions and shortcomings were analyzed. The possibilities by using the new emerged technologies and theories (e.g., cloud computing, internet of things, service-oriented technology) to solve the bottlenecks faced by SMEs are investigated. The idea of manufacturing resource and capability sharing based on cloud computing for SME is discussed, and an SME-oriented cloud manufacturing service platform (SME-CMfgSP) is introduced. The architecture of SME-CMfgSP is proposed, and the key technologies for implementing SME-CMfgSP are introduced in details. The challenges for implementing cloud manufacturing service platform for SMEs were discussed. A case study is described to illustrate the application of the proposed SME-CMfgSP.  相似文献   

为建立高效的中小企业装配设计系统,定义了多层次与多维度的装配集成模型.为有效实现各项装配设计功能,提出一组装配应用模型,分别对装配拓扑结构、装配关系、装配工艺及仿真等进行建模,自动生成尺寸链、装配关系矩阵与电子技术文档等;采用装配领域模型表达公共语义结构与领域知识,建立单一装配数据源,支持数据重用与共享.研究了装配数据迁移与衍生衍变方法,用以实现面向结构、语义与过程的模型数据自动衍变.将该模型用于AeroAssem装配设计系统的设计开发,并进行了应用验证.  相似文献   

Design reuse of parts plays an important role in product design. In this study, we present a parametric design reuse framework for parts design based on web service. The proposed framework borrowed the ideas from component model of software reuse, such as reuse service, separation of interface, and realizing procedure. The reuse framework for parts can be divided into three layers: the design interface layer, the design service layer, and the design result layer. Firstly, we built parametric templates for parts design using software integrated technology (e.g., iSIGHT). The parametric, automatic, and integrated design for parts can be accomplished through the templates. Then, we deployed parametric templates for parts design using web encapsulation technology (e.g., EASA). Finally, we developed a design reuse prototype system using heat pipe exchanger design reuse for demonstration based on the proposed framework.  相似文献   

讨论和分析了中、小型制造类企业在ERP实施过程中的一些常见问题,并提出了相应的解决方案和工作技巧。  相似文献   

面向工程重用的三维零件库服务系统   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对企业内三维零件模型及其相关资源重用面临的问题,研究了面向工程重用的三维零件库服务系统框架及关键技术.提出了包含零件表示与存储、模型组织、用户接口、用户服务的系统结构.该系统利用元数据、特征向量、特征关系图、工程语义特征来表示模型内容.为提高零件模型匹配和检索的效率,利用特征向量,采用SOM和K-means组合算法进行模型聚类.在此基础上,提出了集成特征向量和特征关系图的两阶段相似度检索算法.最后,给出了一个冲压件库服务系统的应用实例.  相似文献   

面向中小型制造企业的计算机辅助工时定额系统   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过分析工时定额的构成、比较中、外对工时定额的不同分类方法,结合我国中小型企业的特点,建立了工时定额的分类和计算模型,详细介绍系统框架和计算流程,并在此基础上设计开发计算机辅助工时定额系统。该系统已在企业成功应用。  相似文献   

In today’s fast-paced world, computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) systems have become a necessary element in manufacturing industries. Prior to investment in a CAD/CAM system, it is essential for investor to know how to maximize their benefits from buying a new or by changing an existing CAD/CAM system. The purpose of this study is to provide a methodology to assist small- and medium-sized manufacturing companies of Pakistan in selecting a CAD/CAM system. It will also facilitate the software providers in recognizing the current state of affairs as well as preceding problems regarding the application of CAD/CAM in manufacturing firms when assisting them in choosing the direction for future development simultaneously. To accomplish this purpose, data have been collected about current CAD/CAM systems. Important criteria for system selection and parameters for evaluation have also been identified and prioritized. Analytic hierarchy process (AHP) is used as a decision-making technique for identifying and prioritizing important factors for CAD/CAM software selection. Expert Choice (AHP-based software) has been used to validate the results.  相似文献   

In today’s fast-paced world, computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) systems have become a necessary element in manufacturing industries. Prior to investment in a CAD/CAM system, it is essential for investor to know how to maximize their benefits from buying a new or by changing an existing CAD/CAM system. The purpose of this study is to provide a methodology to assist small- and medium-sized manufacturing companies of Pakistan in selecting a CAD/CAM system. It will also facilitate the software providers in recognizing the current state of affairs as well as preceding problems regarding the application of CAD/CAM in manufacturing firms when assisting them in choosing the direction for future development simultaneously. To accomplish this purpose, data have been collected about current CAD/CAM systems. Important criteria for system selection and parameters for evaluation have also been identified and prioritized. Analytic hierarchy process (AHP) is used as a decision-making technique for identifying and prioritizing important factors for CAD/CAM software selection. Expert Choice (AHP-based software) has been used to validate the results.  相似文献   

This paper reports the results from an exploratory study that sets out to identify and compare the strategic approaches and patterns of business practice employed by 14 UK small- and medium-sized enterprises to achieve success in the medical device sector of the health-care industry. An interview-based survey was used to construct individual case studies of the medical device technology (MDT) companies. A cross-case analysis was performed to search for patterns and themes that cut across these individual cases. Exploratory results revealed the heterogeneity of MDT companies and the distinctive features of the MDT innovation process that emphasize the importance of a strategic approach for achieving milestones in the product development and exploitation process and for creating value for the company and its stakeholders. Recognizing the heterogeneity of MDT companies, these exploratory findings call for further investigation to understand better the influence of components of the MDT innovation process on the commercialization life cycle and value trajectory. This is required to assist start-up or spin-out MDT companies in the UK and worldwide to navigate the critical transitions that determine access to financial and consumer markets and enhance the potential to build a successful business. This will be important not only for bioscience-based companies but also for engineering-based companies aiming to convert their activities into medical devices and the health- and social-care market.  相似文献   

With the increasing application of high technology in manufacturing enterprises, the traditional serial or sequential production approach has begun to be replaced by a parallel or simultaneous production approach. The functional balance of organisations of current manufacturing enterprises is decline. The organisation within manufacturing enterprises needs to be restructured and the functions need to be adjusted. Many production functions within an enterprise can be integrated by following the production information. This is the premise of this exploration of simultaneous engineering in manufacturing enterprises. A functional model of an enterprise is described in this paper. Some possibilities of functional integration within an enterprise are discussed. Finally, some related research activities are outlined to stimulate an open discussion on the point of view.  相似文献   

面向网络化制造的中小企业协同管理平台研究   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
针对网络化制造模式下中小型企业协同管理的需求,并基于企业协同工程和系统工程适用性,提出了一个基于协同管理中心的企业协同管理平台的系统解决方案.该系统覆盖网络化制造协同联盟的设计、制造、组织、资源和过程管理控制等环节中的关键业务,实现组织、产品、过程和资源的协同管理.从网络化制造的特点出发,给出了协同管理的模式、平台系统体系结构、特征和总体技术结构;重点解决了协同规划、协同联盟成员选择与匹配、信息交换、访问控制、协同过程管理控制、系统封装以及通信等方面的问题;最后讨论了所建立的原型系统及其应用实例.  相似文献   

机遇和挑战 2003年我国人均GDP超过1000美元,走出低收入国家行列,成绩骄人.我国GDP仅占世界的4%,但消耗的原煤占31%、钢铁占27%、水泥占40%,单位产值的能耗和物耗第一,比发达国家高4~12倍.  相似文献   

A general trend and one of the important strategies in the automotive industry is reducing the lead time of a new car development. In order to obtain this goal the efficient use of simulation software is needed to effectively design a hydroformed part. The stages of the design chain are integrated in one simulation tool. The outcome of this feasibility analysis is a virtual prototype saying that it is possible to produce the part. In fact one process point has been defined whereas when going into production a process window must be know to guarantee a stable production process. In order to achieve this latter we are suggesting a process performance analysis. Based on multiple simulations the influence and sensitivity various process parameters on the forming process can be identified. Besides combining the analysis with statistical process control evaluation the process capability (Cpk-values) can be defined. This design chain analysis will be applied on a hydroformed part. The process performance analysis is the identification of the process window and process capability in advance, so before any tool has been milled. This will be demonstrated on a second hydroformed part.  相似文献   

中小企业环境下基于现实技术的区域协同制造   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
提升企业适应性、敏捷性、精质性、益省性是制造企业的共同目标。本文通过对中小企业实际与先进制造技术的实施环境、实施条件和关键技术的比较,提出区域协同制造是现实条件下中小企业提高综合竞争能力的重要途径,并讨论了区域协同制造的理论根据、实施过程、实施环境、时序控制和几个关键问题。结合典型案例分析,给出了实施区域协同制造的一般步骤。  相似文献   

企业信息化是提高企业经济效益和竞争能力的有效途径,而BPR与ERP整合则是企业信息化建设的核心和关键.根据BPR基本思想和ERP的基本原理,结合中小企业的具体情况,分析企业实施BPR与ERP之间的关系、认识上的误区及整合策略、并给出较为成功的实例.  相似文献   

以工程机械制造企业集成化工艺系统的研究开发为背景,针对制造企业信息化中最为复杂和最具多变性的工艺系统集成环节,介绍了与之相关的各种工艺系统模型的构建、结构、相互关系以及工艺过程设计的方法;并分析了以模型为基础的工艺路线文件、工艺规程文件的编制策略.在此基础上,介绍了以模型驱动技术开发实现方法及制造企业工艺集成系统功能.  相似文献   

面向中小企业ERP系统质量管理模块的设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
质量管理模块是加工型企业资源计划(Enterprise Resource Planning,ERP)系统的重要组成部分,质量模块的设计必须满足企业质量管理的要求,质量模块的设计难点是质量管理流程的设计,质量报表的设计是ERP系统成功的关键.  相似文献   

烟机企业数字化制造工厂制造执行系统设计初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文针对烟机制造企业数字化制造工厂车间生产管理的实际需要,提出了制造执行系统(MES)设计方案,为企业进一步实施MES提供指导,为同类企业应用MES提供参考.  相似文献   

针对当前企业信息化建设风险大、失败率较高的现状,提出了从信息化软件出发,找出最适合的软件,以降低信息化风险。根据中小企业的特点,提出中小企业信息化软件综合指标体系,应用语言信息理论建立了语言评估标度,将选型问题进行模型化处理,邀请专家对候选软件进行评估。在此基础上,设计了信息化软件选型方法。通过案例详细说明了选型过程,从而为中小企业信息化软件选型决策的规范化、有效性和科学性提供了一种新的思路和方法。  相似文献   

将计算机辅助设计与制造(CAD/CAM)应用于飞机钣金加工,促进了航空制造业的快速发展.从钣金零件的设计与展开、坯料排样、数控指令编写等三个方面分析CAD/CAM技术在飞机钣金零件设计与制造过程中的应用.  相似文献   

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