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李军 《广西节能》2006,(4):34-35
根据阀控式密封铅酸蓄电池的特点提出蓄电池的运行与维护措施.  相似文献   

阀控式密封铅酸蓄电池的容量与温度关系分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了阀控式密封铅酸蓄电池在工作时容量与温度关系,分析了温度对蓄电池寿命的影响,提出了这种电池在制造及使用过程中应注意的一些问题.  相似文献   

针对铅酸蓄电池在使用过程中出现的各种故障以及使用寿命大大缩短等问题,简要地介绍了阀控密封铅酸蓄电池(VRLA)工作原理及相关特性,详细地分析了这些故障的存在原因,并在此基础上提出了阀控密封铅酸蓄电池最佳性能的实现方法。  相似文献   

阀控式密封铅酸蓄电池最佳性能的实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对铅酸蓄电池在使用过程中出现的各种故障以及使用寿命大大缩短等问题,介绍了阀控密封铅酸蓄电池(VRLA)工作原理及相关特性,分析了这些故障的存在原因,并在此基础上提出了阀控密封铅酸蓄电池最佳性能的实现方法.  相似文献   

李福生  吴榕 《内燃机车》2001,(12):34-36
根据3年多的实践经验,提出了对阀控式密封蓄电池的维护保养方法.针对辅修、小修、中修的不同修程,分别介绍了各自相应的补水,恢复性充电等不同的作业程序,特别对失水问题进行了分析.  相似文献   

通过对工矿内燃机车阀控式铅酸蓄电池维护技术的探讨,提出了该蓄电池的维护保养方案,对确保机车动力、提高机车完好率、延长蓄电池使用寿命及降低检修运用成本具有重要意义。  相似文献   

安强新  朱纪凌 《太阳能》2003,(3):18-19,48
2002年,作为实施光明工程的一项重要举措,我国政府实施“西部省份无电乡通电工程项目”,利用国债资金在西部地区大部分无电乡兴建集中的光伏电站或风光互补电站,以彻底解决当地政府和居民基本用电问题。该项目对于改善项目所在地区人民生活水平、促进当地经济发展和推动国内新能源产业的发展,均具有非常重要的意义。1光伏电站的组成光伏电站是利用光电效应原理将太阳能转换为电能的发电系统。通常由太阳电池组件、控制器、蓄电池组、直流-交流逆变器等组成,其系统组成如图1所示。图1光伏电站系统组成示意图其工作原理为:白天,太阳电池组件接…  相似文献   

通过对阀控式蓄电池的工作原理和在段修中出现的各种问题的分析,阐述了阀控式蓄电池的检修、维护方法,从而减少阀控式蓄电池故障,提高阀控式蓄电池的工作性能.  相似文献   

直流恒压恒流蓄电池充电容易造成电池过充或充电不足,且充电时间较长。简述了快速脉冲充电技术的理论基础,介绍了脉冲快速充电方法,给出了充电实例。  相似文献   

铅氧化还原液流电池作为一种新型铅电池,具有一定的应用前景,正在逐渐成为电化学储能领域的一个研究热点。自2004年铅液流电池被提出15年来已经有不少相关研究,本文分析了铅液流电池的理论性能,回顾了其发展历程,介绍了其研发现状。现有研究中,电极面积为100 cm2的铅氧化还原液流电池可实现充电效率为90%和电压效率为80%的100次循环,且已有研究者对电极面积为1000 cm2的电池堆进行了测试。计算与分析表明,铅液流电池与传统铅酸电池相比具有更低的储能成本,仅为0.265 ¥·(kW·h)-1。铅液流电池目前急需解决的问题包括:①开展放大的试验;②筛选或开发集流体材料进一步降低成本;③研究其失效机理以提高其循环寿命;④找到合适的方法修复失效铅液流电池。  相似文献   

分析了储能铅酸电池的失效模式和影响其使用寿命的内在因素、外在因素以及综合因素。电池内在因素包括电池极板、隔板等部件的质量和电池制造工艺;电池运行的外部因素包括环境温度、欠充电、过放电以及浮充电压的选择等;电池内在因素与外部因素发生综合作用的情况主要包括板栅腐蚀,内部热量失控以及酸分层等。根据储能铅酸电池特殊的工作条件导致的失效问题,结合寿命影响因素的分析,提出了延长寿命的各种对策。  相似文献   

It has been established that addition of carbon additives to the lead negative active material (NAM) of lead-acid batteries increase battery charge acceptance in hybrid electric vehicle mode of operation. The present work studies three types of activated carbons and two types of carbon blacks with the aim to evaluate their efficiency in improving the charge acceptance of lead-acid batteries. It has been established that the size of carbon particles and their affinity to lead are essential. If carbon particles are of nanosizes, they are incorporated into the bulk of the skeleton branches of NAM and may thus increase the latter's ohmic resistance. Their content in NAM should not exceed 0.2-0.5 wt.%. At this loading level, carbon grains are adsorbed only on the surface of NAM contributing to the increase of its specific surface area and thus improving its charge acceptance. When carbon particles are of micron sizes and have high affinity to lead, they are integrated into the skeleton structure of NAM as a structural component and act as super-capacitors, i.e. electric charges are concentrated in them and then the current is distributed along the adjacent branches of the lead skeleton with the lowest ohmic resistance. This eventually improves the charge acceptance of the negative battery plates.  相似文献   

With the increasing popularity of combining residential photovoltaic systems with battery storages, research, industry, and customers look for ways to determine if such an investment is economically profitable. Simulation programs may serve to predict the profitability and lifetime of the system. In this paper, we use techno-economic analysis with a specific account of battery degradation to determine profitability and lifetime of a residential photovoltaic (PV) battery system under different energy management and tariff regimes. This work presents two case studies: the first being a techno-economic comparison for a residential PV-battery system in New South Wales, Australia and Germany, and the second analyzing the profitability and degradation impact of three different operation strategies for a battery storage in Australia. The results reveal that site-specific conditions (i.e., geographical and energy-economic constraints) may have a significant impact on the ideal system configuration and ultimately the anticipated battery lifetime. Furthermore, statistical analysis of different storage operation strategies applied to various prosumer load and generation profiles reveals the effects of storage dispatch strategies on battery aging.  相似文献   

In the past 15 years, the center of the international lead market has shifted to China. China has become the largest producer of raw and refined lead, plus the largest consumer. This paper reviews the status of the lead and lead-acid battery industries in China, including lead mining, lead refining, secondary lead production, the lead-acid battery industry, new opportunities for lead-acid batteries, and the environmental problems associated with lead and lead-acid batteries. The output of raw and refined lead has increased annually in China, and now accounts for more than 30% of the world total. As a result of a change in the Chinese government's policy regarding the export of lead, plus an increase in the price of lead, the profits of Chinese lead manufacturers were significantly reduced, the trade deficit of the Chinese lead industry increased, the operating rates of lead smelter enterprises greatly reduced, and some small enterprises were forced to shut down. At the present time, an increasing number of enterprises have begun to produce secondary lead, and the scale of production has expanded from tens of tons to tens of thousands of tons. In 2006, the output of secondary lead in China reached 700,000 tons, but outdated technology and equipment limited development of the secondary lead industry. Because of serious pollution problems, raw material shortages, and fierce price competition in the battery market, changes in the development of the lead-acid battery industry have been dramatic; approximately one thousand medium-sized and small lead-acid battery producers have been closed in the past 3 years. The output of large lead-acid battery enterprises has not been reduced, however, as a result of their manufacturing technology and equipment being comparable to those in other advanced industrial countries. In China, the flourishing development of electric bicycles, electric tricycles, and photovoltaic energy systems should provide ongoing opportunities for the lead-acid battery industry.  相似文献   

大规模储能技术是实现可再生能源并网和普及应用的核心技术,也是发展能源互联网、分布式发电、电力辅助调频、离网供电、安全备用电源等领域的关键使能技术。液流电池是一类新兴的大规模储能技术,经过近几年的快速发展,已经具备规模应用的竞争力。液流电池具备安全性好、单个循环储能时间长、功率/容量独立设计、储能容量大和寿命长等特点。目前液流电池成本偏高,高成本制约了液流电池储能技术大规模商业化应用。针对这一行业"痛点"问题,本文通过创新型的电池堆结构、新型关键材料和工艺研究,将液流电池堆功率密度提高2~4倍,实现电池堆的小型化,有效提高关键部件利用率,有望将液流电池系统成本降低20%~30%。  相似文献   

A Kalman filter is developed from a model which characterizes the float service life of a battery into two phases. Once the latter phase of the float service life, that time when the capacity begins to decrease rapidly, has been detected the Kalman filter is started. Outputs of the filter are a smoothed version of the battery capacity and the projected capacity at specified time intervals in the future. It is this project ahead step that is used to estimate the remaining float service life of the battery.  相似文献   

为促进能源产业的优化升级,可再生能源的开发利用力度不断加大,电网的规划运行和调度管理将面临重大变革,亟需先进的大规模储能技术来改善可再生能源发电特性。本文从电化学储能技术在电网系统应用进行探讨,从各种电化学储能安全性、成本、技术特点等进行深入解析,归纳各种类型电化学储能的优势与不足,并对未来电化学储能在电网系统的应用前景做出展望。  相似文献   

根据储能用胶体电解液式铅酸蓄电池的性能特点,结合光伏发电系统的实际应用情况,从环境适应能力、荷电保持能力、抗欠充电能力、容量一致性、安全环保等方面分析了胶体电解液式铅酸蓄电池在光伏发电系统中的应用性能,并通过实际应用案例,分析并得出胶体铅蓄电池是光伏系统储能用电池理想选择的结论,同时为胶体铅酸蓄电池在光伏系统中的应用指出了进一步研究的方向。  相似文献   

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