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在采用风电场与小型燃气轮机组成的互补系统发电特性参数的基础上,详细分析了互补系统发电成本的构成和各自的计算方法。采用新疆达坂城风电场的风速数据,基于互补系统的发电特性参数和风电场与燃气轮机电站的发电成本构成,应用改进过的等额支付折算法,在当前的技术条件和价格下,计算了风电场子系统和燃气轮机电站子系统各自的折旧成本、燃料成本和运行维护成本,得到了整滚发电系统发电成本的计算方法,为在新疆地区实现这种互补发电系统提供经济分析基础。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the potential use of probabilistic wind power forecasting in electricity markets, with focus on the scheduling and dispatch decisions of the system operator. We apply probabilistic kernel density forecasting with a quantile‐copula estimator to forecast the probability density function, from which forecasting quantiles and scenarios with temporal dependency of errors are derived. We show how the probabilistic forecasts can be used to schedule energy and operating reserves to accommodate the wind power forecast uncertainty. We simulate the operation of a two‐settlement electricity market with clearing of day‐ahead and real‐time markets for energy and operating reserves. At the day‐ahead stage, a deterministic point forecast is input to the commitment and dispatch procedure. Then a probabilistic forecast is used to adjust the commitment status of fast‐starting units closer to real time, on the basis of either dynamic operating reserves or stochastic unit commitment. Finally, the real‐time dispatch is based on the realized availability of wind power. To evaluate the model in a large‐scale real‐world setting, we take the power system in Illinois as a test case and compare different scheduling strategies. The results show better performance for dynamic compared with fixed operating reserve requirements. Furthermore, although there are differences in the detailed dispatch results, dynamic operating reserves and stochastic unit commitment give similar results in terms of cost. Overall, we find that probabilistic forecasts can contribute to improve the performance of the power system, both in terms of cost and reliability. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

详细讨论了大型风电场与燃气轮机组成的互补发电系统发电成本的主要影响因子及其对系统的敏感性。通过对互补发电系统发电成本理论公式的研究,推导了互补系统中各项影响因子相对于发电成本的数学方程和影响尺度,得到了影响发电成本几个关键的影响因子。通过采用敏感性分析原理,对这些主要的影响因子在不同变化条件下对互补发电系统发电成本的影响进行了详细的分析与讨论,提出降低系统发电成本的可行性措施及其努力的方向,为在新疆地区实现这种互补发电系统提供经济分析上的基础。  相似文献   

Wind power is becoming a large‐scale electricity generation technology in a number of European countries, including the Netherlands. Owing to the variability and unpredictability of wind power production, large‐scale wind power can be foreseen to have large consequences for balancing generation and demand in power systems. As an essential aspect of the Dutch market design, participants are encouraged to act according to their energy programs, as submitted day‐ahead to the system operator. This program responsibility shifts the burden of balancing wind power away from the system operator to the market. However, the system operator remains the responsible party for balancing any generation/load imbalances that may still be arising in real time. In this article, features that are unique for the Dutch market design are presented and their implications on the system integration of wind power are investigated. It is shown that the Dutch market design penalizes the intermittent nature of wind power. A discussion of opportunities and threats of balancing wind power by use of market forces is provided. Last, an outline is given of future work. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley &Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Power plant cycling in thermal plants typically implies high costs and emissions. It is, therefore, important to find ways to reduce the influence of variations in wind power generation on these plants without forsaking large amounts of wind power. Using a unit commitment model, this work investigates the possibility to reduce variations by means of a moderator, such as a storage unit or import/export capacity. The relation between the reduction in CO2‐emissions and the power rating of the moderator is investigated, as well as the benefit of a moderator which handles weekly variations compared with a moderator which has to be balanced on a daily basis. It is found that a daily balanced moderator yields a decrease in emissions of about 2% at 20% wind power grid penetration. The reduction in emissions is mainly due to an avoidance of start‐up and part load emissions and a moderator of modest power rating is sufficient to achieve most of this decrease. In the case of a weekly balanced moderator, emissions are reduced as the moderator power rating increases. At 40% wind power grid penetration, a weekly balanced moderator reduces emissions with up to 11%. The major part of this reduction is due to the avoidance of wind power curtailment. The simulated benefit (CO2‐emissions and costs) from adding a general moderator is compared with emissions from Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) studies and cost data of five available moderator technologies; transmission capacity, pumped hydro power, compressed air energy storage, flow batteries and sodium sulphur batteries. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

几种常见风力发电系统的技术比较   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
结合国内外风力发电的发展现状介绍了几种常见的风力发电系统,详细阐述了风力发电原理和风力机系统的数学模型,并对这几种风力机系统进行技术比较,最后简要介绍了风力发电接入系统后对电网的影响。  相似文献   

Demand for electricity in China is concentrated to a significant extent in its coastal provinces. Opportunities for production of electricity by on-shore wind facilities are greatest, however, in the north and west of the country. Using high resolution wind data derived from the GEOS-5 assimilation, this study shows that investments in off-shore wind facilities in these spatially separated regions (Bohai-Bay or BHB, Yangtze-River Delta or YRD, Pearl-River Delta or PRD) could make an important contribution to overall regional demand for electricity in coastal China. An optimization analysis indicates that hour-to-hour variability of outputs from a combined system can be minimized by investing 24% of the power capacity in BHB, 30% in YRD and 47% in PRD. The analysis suggests that about 28% of the overall off-shore wind potential could be deployed as base load power replacing coal-fired system with benefits not only in terms of reductions in CO2 emissions but also in terms of improvements in regional air quality. The interconnection of off-shore wind resources contemplated here could be facilitated by China's 12th-five-year plan to strengthen inter-connections between regional electric-power grids.  相似文献   

Offshore wind power plants (WPPs) built near each other but far from shore usually connect to the main grid by a common high‐voltage DC (HVDC) transmission system. In the resulting decoupled offshore grid, the wind turbine converters and the high‐voltage DC voltage‐source converter share the ability to inject or absorb reactive power. The overall reactive power control dispatch influences the power flows in the grid and hence the associated power losses. This paper evaluates the respective power losses in HVDC‐connected WPP clusters when applying 5 different reactive power control strategies. The case study is made for a 1.2‐GW–rated cluster comprising 3 WPP and is implemented in a combined load flow and converter loss model. A large set of feasible operating points for the system is analyzed for each strategy. The results show that a selection of simulations with equal wind speeds is sufficient for the annual energy production comparison. It is found that the continuous operation of the WPPs with unity power factor has a superior performance with low communication requirements compared with the other conventional strategies. The optimization‐based strategy, which is developed in this article, allows a further reduction of losses mainly because of the higher offshore grid voltage level imposed by the high‐voltage DC voltage‐source converter. Reactive power control in HVDC‐connected WPP clusters change significantly the overall power losses of the system, which depend rather on the total sum of the injected active power than on the variance of wind speeds inside the cluster.  相似文献   

针对风电容量与风-水-火电互补系统稳定性的关系问题,研究了风电机组的数学模型,搭建了风-水-火电互补系统的仿真模型.将遗传算法(GA)应用于风电穿越功率的研究,建立了基于遗传算法的风电容量的优化数学模型,构造了适值函数.对实际电网中的风电容量进行了优化编程计算和仿真,优化和仿真结果虽有差异,但很近似,验证了所建优化数学模型的合理性及遗传算法应用于风电穿越功率计算的可行性.  相似文献   

Subsea cable connections are an essential part of offshore wind power projects. Apart from direct connections between an offshore wind park to the national grid, several alternatives can be envisaged, including the connection to interconnectors between countries or direct connection to a country outside the jurisdiction where the wind park is based. Besides the technical‐economical constraints of these new types of grid connection, market and regulatory aspects need to be assessed. The paper gives an overview of these trans‐national connection schemes for wind power and considers integration into electricity markets and discusses regulatory implications. The scope of the research is Western Europe. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Among the available options for renewable energy integration in existing power system, wind power is being considered as one of the suited options for future electrical power generation. The major constraint of wind power generating system (WPGS) is that it does not provide inertial support because of power electronic converters between the grid and the WPGS to facilitate frequency stabilization. The proposed control strategy suggests a substantial contribution to system inertia in terms of short-term active power support in a two area restructured power system. The control scheme uses fuzzy logic based design and takes frequency deviation as input to provide quick active power support, which balances the drop in frequency and tie-line power during transient conditions. This paper presents a comprehensive study of the wind power impact with increasing wind power penetration on frequency stabilization in restructured power system scenario. Variation of load conditions are also analyzed in simulation studies for the same power system model with the proposed control scheme. Simulation results advocates the justification of control scheme over other schemes.  相似文献   

With massive wind power integration, the spatial distribution of electricity load centers and wind power plants make it plausible to study the inter‐spatial dependence and temporal correlation for the effective working of the power system. In this paper, a novel multivariate framework is developed to study the spatio‐temporal dependency using vine copula. Hourly resolution of load and wind power data obtained from a US regional transmission operator spanning 3 years and spatially distributed in 19 load and two wind power zones are considered in this study. Data collection, in terms of dimension, tends to increase in future, and to tackle this high‐dimensional data, a reproducible sampling algorithm using vine copula is developed. The sampling algorithm employs k ‐means clustering along with singular value decomposition technique to ease the computational burden. Selection of appropriate clustering technique and copula family is realized by the goodness of clustering and goodness of fit tests. The paper concludes with a discussion on the importance of spatio‐temporal modeling of load and wind power and the advantage of the proposed multivariate sampling algorithm using vine copula.  相似文献   

直驱式风力发电系统的应用分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合目前市场应用和实验研究情况,综合评述了直驱式风力发电系统。具体介绍了5种直驱式风力发电系统的特点、优劣及应用状况,直驱式风力发电系统中应用的电力电子变换器概况。通过综合比较,指出了直驱式风力发电系统的应用前景。  相似文献   

谢萍  刘永强 《可再生能源》2011,29(3):13-16,20
直驱式永磁同步发电机组具有控制回路少、控制简单的优点,在风力发电系统中得到越来越广泛的应用。文章针对直驱式永磁同步风力发电系统的结构、运行特性及功率传输特点,列写出各个模块的电压方程及状态方程,进而建立其整合模型;使用MATLAB进行仿真,验证了该模型的正确性及可靠性,对风电系统的控制策略研究提供了有效帮助。  相似文献   

Hannele Holttinen 《风能》2005,8(2):197-218
The variations of wind power production will increase the flexibility needed in the system when significant amounts of load are covered by wind power. When studying the incremental effects that varying wind power production imposes on the power system, it is important to study the system as a whole: only the net imbalances have to be balanced by the system. Large geographical spreading of wind power will reduce variability, increase predictability and decrease the occasions with near zero or peak output. The goal of this work was to estimate the increase in hourly load‐following reserve requirements based on real wind power production and synchronous hourly load data in the four Nordic countries. The result is an increasing effect on reserve requirements with increasing wind power penetration. At a 10% penetration level (wind power production of gross demand) this is estimated as 1·5%–4% of installed wind capacity, taking into account that load variations are more predictable than wind power variations. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Although the technology to simulate inertia or to provide primary control in wind power generators is mature, most of them are a source of power with neither inertia nor primary reserve provision mainly because it means wind spilling. Therefore, an increasing wind power penetration means a reduction in the inertia of the system and of the primary reserve due to the substitution of conventional generation. In this paper, the maximum wind power penetration focusing on system inertia and primary reserve value is assessed. The Spanish power system is used as an example for the calculation of these values. For this purpose, real Spanish scenario data are used. Results will show that high penetrations of wind power can be achieved without risking adequate values of primary reserve or inertia of the power system even if wind power does not contribute to these items. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In a scenario of large scale penetration of renewable production from wind and other intermittent resources, it is fundamental that the electric system has appropriate means to compensate the effects of the variability and randomness of the wind power availability. This concern was traditionally addressed by the promotion of wind resource studies and acting in the supply side of energy and using energy storage technologies. However, in electric system planning, other options deserve to be evaluated, namely the options related with the energy demand.  相似文献   

The optimization of wind farms with respect to spatial layout is addressed experimentally. Wake effects within wind turbine farms are well known to be deleterious in terms of power generation and structural loading, which is corroborated in this study. Computational models are the predominant tools in the prediction of turbine‐induced flow fields. However, for wind farms comprising hundreds of turbines, reliability of the obtained numerical data becomes a growing concern with potentially costly consequences. This study pursues a systematic complementary theoretical, experimental and numerical study of variations in generated power with turbine layout of an 80 turbine large wind farm. Wake effects within offshore wind turbine arrays are emulated using porous discs mounted on a flat plate in a wind tunnel. The adopted approach to reproduce experimentally individual turbine wake characteristics is presented, and drag measurements are argued to correctly capture the variation in power generation with turbine layout. Experimental data are juxtaposed with power predictions using ANSYS WindModeller simulation suite. Although comparison with available wind farm power output data has been limited, it is demonstrated nonetheless that this approach has potential for the validation of numerical models of power loss due to wake effects or even to make a direct physical prediction. The approach has even indicated useful data for the improvement of the physics within numerical models. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

To meet the national target of 29% for electricity production from renewable energy sources by 2020 in Greece, effective implementation of massive wind power installed capacity into the power supply system is required. In such a situation, the effective absorption of wind energy production is an important issue in a relatively small and weak power system such as that of Greece, which has limited existing interconnections with neighboring countries. The curtailment of wind power is sometimes necessary in autonomous systems with large wind energy penetration. The absorption or curtailment of wind power is strongly affected by the spatial dispersion of wind power installations. In the present paper, a methodology for estimating this effect is presented and applied for the power supply system of Greece. The method is based on probability theory, and makes use of wind forecasting models to represent the wind energy potential over any candidate area for future wind farm installations in the country. Moreover, technical constraints imposed by the power supply system management, the commitment of power plants and the load dispatch strategies are taken into account to maximize the wind energy penetration levels while ensuring reliable operation of the system. Representative wind power development scenarios are studied and evaluated. Results show that the spatial dispersion of wind power plants contributes beneficially to the wind energy penetration levels that can be accepted by the power system. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The paper analyses the economic value of using electric heat boilers and heat pumps as wind power integration measures relieving the link between the heat and power production in combined heat and power plants. Both measures have different technical and economic characteristics, making a comparison of the value of these measures relevant. A stochastic, fundamental bottom‐up model, taking the stochastic nature of wind power production explicitly into account when making dispatch decisions, is used to analyse the technical and economical performance of these measures in a North European power system covering Denmark, Finland, Germany, Norway and Sweden. Introduction of heat pumps or electric boilers is beneficial for the integration of wind power, because the curtailment of wind power production is reduced, the price of regulating power is reduced and the number of hours with very low power prices is reduced, making the wind power production more valuable. The system benefits of heat pumps and electric boilers are connected to replacing heat production on fuel oil heat boilers and combined heat and power (CHP) plants using various fuels with heat production using electricity and thereby saving fuel. The benefits of the measures depend highly on the underlying structure of heat production. The integration measures are economical, especially in systems where the marginal heat production costs before the introduction of the heat measures are high, e.g. heat production on heat boilers using fuel oil. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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