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Deregulation of the activin/follistatin system in hepatocarcinogenesis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
BACKGROUND/AIMS: Activins A and E negatively regulate hepatic cell number by inhibiting cell replication and inducing apoptosis. Follistatin and follistatin-like 3 bind activins and antagonise their biological activities. Aim of our study was to investigate, whether activins and follistatins may play a role in hepatocarcinogenesis. METHODS: Expression levels of follistatin, follistatin-like 3, and activin subunits beta(A) as well as beta(E) were investigated in chemically induced rat and human liver tumours by real-time PCR and immunohistochemistry. In addition, the effects of follistatin and activin A on DNA synthesis of normal as well as preneoplastic hepatocytes and hepatoma cells were analysed. RESULTS: Follistatin was overexpressed while both activin subunits were downregulated in the majority of rat and human liver tumours. Follistatin-like 3 expression was low in normal but enhanced in malignant rat liver. In human normal liver, in contrast, it was abundantly expressed but downregulated in liver cancer. Administration of follistatin to normal and preneoplastic hepatocytes stimulated DNA synthesis preferentially in preneoplastic rat hepatocytes, whereas activin A repressed it. CONCLUSIONS: The balanced expression of follistatins and activins becomes deregulated during hepatocarcinogenesis. The sensitivity of preneoplastic hepatocytes to activin signals suggests the activin/follistatin system as promising target for therapeutic intervention.  相似文献   

In rats, FSHbeta gene expression and FSH secretion are increased and decreased, respectively, by pituitary activin and follistatin. Because little information is available on the paracrine control of FSH secretion in the primate, follistatin and activin/inhibin beta(B) messenger RNA (mRNA) levels were measured in pituitaries of adult male rhesus monkeys 6 weeks after castration or sham surgery (n = 5/group). Follistatin mRNA was determined by quantitative RT-PCR assay using oligonucleotide primers designed to span exons 3-5 of the human follistatin gene. Activin/inhibin beta(B) mRNA levels were measured by ribonuclease protection. Orchidectomy resulted in a 100-fold increase in plasma FSH concentrations and a 60-fold rise in those of LH. In castrated monkeys, levels of mRNA encoding FSHbeta, LHbeta, alpha- subunit, and GnRH receptor (GnRH-R) were increased 21-, 2.1-, 1.7-, and 1.7-fold, respectively (P < 0.01). Levels of pituitary follistatin and activin/inhibin beta(B) mRNAs, however, were similar in castrated and intact animals. These data suggest that the paracrine control of FSH secretion in the male differs substantially in primates and rodents. Specifically, the relatively greater postcastration rise in FSHbeta gene expression and FSH secretion in the adult male monkey may result because in this species pituitary follistatin gene expression does not increase after orchidectomy, as it does in the rat.  相似文献   

We recently reported that pituitary gonadotropes, major targets of circulating inhibins and activins, are also capable of synthesizing the inhibin (I) alpha- and inhibin/activin (I/A) beta B-subunits. In the present study, we examined the subcellular distribution of these subunits, with special attention given to determinating the extent to which they might be colocalized with the gonadotropins in secretory granules. Pituitaries from adult male rats were cryofixed, molecular distillation-dried, and resin-embedded. Immunogold staining methods were used to examine concurrently the distributions of an I/A subunit and FSH or LH. I/A subunits were detected only in cells that also labeled positively for a gonadotropin, and, in contrast to the gonadotropins, were sequestered almost exclusively within secretory granules. The I alpha-subunit colocalized with FSH in 31%, and with LH in 36%, of all positively stained granules. The I/A beta B-subunit was found with FSH or LH in about 25% of the granules. Approximately 52-69% of the granules contained FSH or LH alone; 7-18% were positive only for an I/A subunit, and this varied as a function of the particular gonadotropin with which costaining was carried out. Dual staining for the I alpha- and the I/A beta B-subunits indicated that at least 35% of all immunolabeled granules showed positive signals for both subunits. Coupled with methodological considerations to indicate that these estimates of the extent of colocalization are likely to be conservative, these data suggest that inhibin and activin are characteristically copackaged, and presumably coreleased, with the gonadotropins.  相似文献   

Follistatin is a secreted protein that binds activin in vitro and in vivo and thereby inhibits its biological functions. Recently, related human and murine genes, designated follistatin-related gene (FLRG), were identified, and their products were shown to bind activin with high affinity. In this study we further characterized the murine FLRG protein, and we analyzed its tissue-specific expression and regulation in comparison with those of follistatin. Transient expression of the mouse FLRG protein in COS-1 cells revealed that the FLRG cDNA encodes a secreted glycoprotein. FLRG mRNA was expressed at high levels in the lung, the testis, the uterus and, particularly, the skin. Immunohistochemistry revealed the presence of FLRG in the basement membrane between the dermis and the epidermis and around blood vessels. FLRG mRNA expression was induced in keratinocytes by keratinocyte growth factor, epidermal growth factor and transforming growth factor-beta 1, and in fibroblasts by platelet-derived growth factor and epidermal growth factor. The induction was more rapid, but weaker, than that of follistatin. Most interestingly, both follistatin and FLRG were expressed during the wound healing process, but their distribution within the wound was different. The different expression pattern of FLRG and follistatin and their differential regulation suggest different functions of these activin-binding proteins in vivo.  相似文献   

The precise regulation of the anterior pituitary is achieved by the cell-specific and combined actions of central, peripheral and local factors. Activins, inhibins, and follistatins were first discovered as gonadal factors with actions on FSH production from pituitary gonadotropes. With the realization that these factors are expressed in a wide array of tissues, including the pituitary, it became apparent that the functional importance of activins, inhibins, and follistatins extends beyond the reproductive axis and that they often exert their effects by autocrine/paracrine mechanisms. As members of the TGF-beta superfamily, activins and inhibins control and orchestrate many physiological processes and are vital for the development, the growth, and the functional integrity of most tissues, including the pituitary. Activins exert effects on multiple pituitary cell types but the best-characterized pituitary targets of the autocrine/paracrine function of activins are the gonadotropes. The autocrine/paracrine function of the activin-binding proteins, follistatins, constitutes an important local mechanism to modulate activin bioactivity while the restricted actions of gonadal inhibins to betaglycan-expressing gonadotropes provides a secondary mode of regulation of cell-specific actions of activins. The aim of this review is to highlight and evaluate experimental evidence that supports the roles of activins, inhibins, and follistatins as autocrine, paracrine, and/or endocrine modulators of the pituitary.  相似文献   

There is evidence that FSH-suppressing protein (FSP) antagonizes the action of activin on the differentiation of rat granulosa cells by binding activin in vitro. We tested the interaction of activin and FSP in this in vitro system by examining the effects of FSP on activin dose-related stimulation of immunoreactive inhibin release by rat granulosa cells. Granulosa cells (2 x 10(5) viable cells/well) from diethylstilbestrol-treated immature rats were cultured for 48 h in McCoy's 5a serum-free medium with additives and increasing doses of bovine FSP (0-30 nM) and human recombinant activin (0-20 nM). Inhibin was measured in the medium by RIA. Activin caused a dose-related increase in basal inhibin production, which was maximal between 4-10 nM activin (ED50, 0.6 nM). With the addition of FSP, an apparent increase in the ED50 of the activin dose-response curves was observed, but there were no changes in the maximum response. This pattern closely resembled that of chemical antagonism of an agonist by an agent that binds with relatively high affinity to form a biologically inactive complex. Based on this premise, apparent high affinity activin binding to FSP was determined by Scatchard analysis to have a Kd of 0.13 +/- 0.07 nM (mean +/- SD) and to occur in a 2:1 or greater FSP/activin molar ratio. These data support the proposition that the antagonistic effect of FSP on activin is due to the formation of an inactive complex.  相似文献   

FSH is required to maintain FSH and LH/hCG receptors at elevated steady-state levels after receptor induction. Although this function of FSH is mediated by cAMP, how cAMP level is related to the maintenance of gonadotropin receptors is unknown. To investigate cAMP's effect on changes in the levels of FSH receptor mRNAs in rat granulosa cells, total RNA from cells was prepared and analyzed by Northern blots. Incubation with 8-Br-cAMP for 24 h produced a dose-related increase in FSH receptor mRNA in granulosa cells of DES-primed immature rats. On the other hand, 8-Br-cAMP, washed at 24 h, exerted inverse dose-related effects on FSH receptor mRNA levels at 96 h. The addition of 1 mM cAMP resulted in higher levels of FSH receptor mRNA than that induced by 0.2 mM cAMP at 24 h, while 0.2 mM cAMP is as effective as 1-2 mM cAMP for the induction of FSH receptor mRNA at 96 h. To further analyze cAMP's role in the production of activin in granulosa cells, we measured activin levels in the culture medium after the addition of 8-Br-cAMP. The levels of activin A were suppressed by the addition of 8-Br-cAMP in a dose-dependent manner. In addition, the procedure by which 8-Br-cAMP was removed after 24 h incubation showed that the level of activin in the medium increased after medium change. With regard to the actions of activin A on gonadotropin receptors, our laboratory has demonstrated that activin A increases the levels of FSH receptor mRNAs. Therefore, cAMP has a negative effect on FSH receptor expression by suppressing the activin level. Since follistatin production is up-regulated by cAMP in this system, we examined the effect of follistatin on FSH receptor mRNA level, which is induced by activin and FSH. Cotreatment with follistatin (0-100 ng/ml) and activin (50 ng/ml) in the presence of FSH (30 ng/ml) caused a significant reduction in FSH receptor mRNA levels induced by activin. Based on these observations, it is possible that cAMP has both stimulatory and inhibitory effects on the expression of gonadotropin receptors, and the overall influence of cAMP on their expression might be determined by the integration of such opposing effects.  相似文献   

Activin-A is a homodimer of the beta A inhibin subunit that stimulates FSH secretion by pituitary cells in vitro; however, the physiological relevance of this effect is unknown. We have examined whether recombinant human activin-A (activin-A; 80 micrograms/kg/day iv infusion for 50.5 h) has in vivo bioactivity in the adult male macaque (n = 5). Serum FSH and LH bioactivity and serum testosterone (T) levels were measured on 2 control days and after 24 and 48 h of activin-A administration. Basal FSH levels increased significantly (p less than 0.05) by 17% at 24 h and 82% at 48 h during activin-A administration. No changes in basal LH or T levels were seen. The FSH and LH responses to GnRH (5 micrograms/kg, iv bolus) increased significantly (p less than 0.05) by 117% and 55% after 48 h of activin-A, respectively. A small (16%), but statistically significant (p less than 0.05), increase in the T response to the GnRH challenge was also noted. These data are preliminary evidence in support of a physiological role for activin-A in the control of gonadotropin secretion in the male primate.  相似文献   

In mammals, growth hormone (GH) is under a dual hypothalamic control exerted by growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH) and somatostatin (SRIH). We investigated GH release in a pleuronectiform teleost, the turbot (Psetta maxima), using a serum-free primary culture of dispersed pituitary cells. Cells released GH for up to 12 days in culture, indicating that turbot somatotropes do not require releasing hormone for their regulation. SRIH dose-dependently inhibited GH release up to a maximal inhibitory effect of 95%. None of the potential stimulators tested induced any change in basal GH release. Also, neither forskolin, an activator of adenylate cyclase, nor phorbol ester (TPA), an activator of protein kinase C, were able to modify GH release, suggesting that spontaneous basal release already represents the maximal secretory capacity of turbot somatotropes. In contrast, forskolin and TPA were able to increase GH release in the presence of SRIH. In this condition (coincubation with SRIH), pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide (PACAP) stimulated GH release, whereas none of the other neuropeptides tested (GHRHs; sea bream or salmon or chicken II GnRHs; TRH; CRH) had any significant effect. These data indicate that inhibitory control by SRIH may be the basic control of GH production in teleosts and lower vertebrates, while PACAP may represent the ancestral growth hormone-releasing factor in teleosts, a role taken over in higher vertebrates by GHRH.  相似文献   

Separate antisera against bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana) FSH (FSH as) and LH (LH as) were generated in rabbits with partially purified gonadotropins. Ouchterlony agar diffusion techniques indicated that each antiserum was relatively specific for the homologous antigen, and there was no detectable precipitin reaction with pituitary gonadotropins from a variety of other tetrapod species, including several mammals, birds, and reptiles. Radioligand studies were performed with iodinated preparations of highly purified Rana FSH and LH. Binding studies with these labeled hormones indicated some cross-reactivity with both antisera; i.e., each antiserum bound the heterologous label to some extent. However, this cross-reaction was abolished by adsorbing the antisera with the opposite antigen; this adsorption did not affect the binding of the homologous label. Thus, the apparent cross-reactivity is attributed to separate antibodies in each serum. Electrophoretic analyses on polyacrylamide disc gels at basic pH further demonstrated the distinctiveness of each gonadotropin and its antiserum.Radioimmunoassay with adsorbed and unadsorbed sera confirmed this specificity of each serum for its homologous antigen and showed that this technique could be used as a sensitive method for quantifying gonadotropins. The degree of cross-reaction between gonadotropins was estimated at about 1% or less. Comparison with crude pituitary extract from bullfrog showed that both gonadotropins were considerably purified. Little or no cross-reaction was seen with bullfrog growth hormone or with FSH, LH, or TSH from other nonamphibian species with either antiserum.Biological studies demonstrated that the LH as neutralized the activity of Rana LH in a specific bioassay (in vitro ovulation in Xenopus), whereas the FSH as had no effect on the LH. In tests for FSH activity in Anolis, the activity of Rana FSH was blocked by both antisera, but the FSH as did not affect the biological activity of Rana LH. Thus, the activity of both bullfrog hormones in Anolis is judged to be intrinsic to the molecules. These results demonstrate that the antisera cross-react with the biologically active gonadotropin molecules.  相似文献   

We recently produced Oreochromis niloticus recombinant LH and FSH as single-chain polypeptides in the methylotrophic yeast Pichia pastoris. Glycoprotein subunit alpha was joined with tilapia (t) LHbeta or tFSHbeta mature protein-coding sequences to form a fusion gene that encodes a ;;tethered" polypeptide, in which the gonadotropin beta-subunit forms the N-terminal part and the alpha-subunit forms the C-terminal part. Recombinant (r) gonadotropins were used to develop specific and homologous competitive ELISAs for measurements of FSH and LH in the plasma and pituitary of tilapia, using primary antibodies against rtLHbeta or rtFSHbeta, respectively, and rtLHbetaalpha or rtFSHbetaalpha for the standard curves. The wells were coated with either rtLHbeta (2ng/ml) or rtFSHbeta (0.5ng/well), and the final concentrations of the antisera were 1:5000 (for tLH) or 1:50,000 (for tFSH). The sensitivity of the assay was 15.84pg/ml for tLH and 0.24pg/ml for tFSH measurements in the plasma, whereas for the measurements in the pituitary, the sensitivity was 2.43ng/ml and 1.52ng/ml for tLH and tFSH, respectively. The standard curves for tFSH and tLH paralleled those of serially diluted pituitary extracts of other cichlids, as well as of serially diluted pituitary extract of seabream, European seabass and hybrid bass. We examined plasma tFSH and tLH levels in the course of one reproductive cycle, between two successive spawnings, in three individual tilapia females. Plasma levels of both FSH and LH increased during the second day after the eggs had been removed, probably related to the vitellogenic phase. LH levels increased toward spawning, which occurred on the 11th day. FSH levels also increased on day of cycle, probably due to recruitment of a new generation of follicles for the successive spawning. The development of specific ELISAs using recombinant gonadotropins is expected to advance the study of the distinct functions of each of these important hormones.  相似文献   

Little information is available on the effects of activin and inhibin on the synthesis and secretion of pituitary gonadotrophins in species other than the rat. In this in-vitro study, ovine pituitary cell cultures derived from immature sheep were used to investigate the effects of recombinant human activin-A and native Mr 32,000 bovine inhibin on basal and gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH)-induced release of FSH and LH. Residual cellular contents of FSH and LH were also determined, allowing total content/well to be calculated. Activin-A promoted a dose-dependent increase in basal (+72%; P less than 0.001) and GnRH-induced (+25%; P less than 0.001) release of FSH as well as in the residual cell content (+114%; P less than 0.001) and total FSH content/well (+67%; P less than 0.001). Conversely, inhibin significantly (P less than 0.001) suppressed each aspect of FSH production examined, confirming that in sheep, as in rats, activin and inhibin exert opposing effects on pituitary FSH production. In contrast to the rat, however, in which activin is reported to have no effect on LH secretion, exposure of sheep pituitary cells to activin-A promoted a dose-dependent suppression (-42%; P less than 0.001) of GnRH-induced LH release. This was associated with a corresponding increase (P less than 0.001) in residual cellular content of LH. Consistent with a previous report from this laboratory, inhibin had the opposite effect and significantly enhanced (+47%; P less than 0.001) GnRH-induced LH release. This was associated with a corresponding fall (P less than 0.01) in residual cellular content of LH.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Pituitary inhibin B, activin B, and follistatin are local regulators of FSH. Activin B is a homodimeric molecule (β(B)-β(B)), while inhibin B contains an α and a β(B) subunit. The regulation of gene expression of α, β(B), and follistatin by local and endocrine hormones was examined in pituitaries from female rats and in perifused pituitary cells by RT-PCR. Ovariectomy (OVX) induced an elevation in the mRNA level of α and β(B) subunits and follistatin. Short-term (4 h) treatment of pituitary cells with GnRH decreased both the inhibin α and the inhibin/activin β(B) subunit mRNA levels, while long-term treatment (20 h) with 100 nM GnRH stimulated the expression of both subunits. In contrast, the mRNA level of follistatin was elevated after the short-term GnRH treatment. Long-term exposure of pituitary cells to estradiol and inhibin B suppressed the mRNA expression of β(B) and had no effect on the expression of α subunit and follistatin. Our results demonstrate that the increased expressions of inhibin/activin subunits and follistatin in the post-OVX period can be induced by the lack of gonadal negative feedback, resulting in a high GnRH environment in the pituitary. This study reports for the first time that GnRH administered in high doses and for a long period stimulates the gene expression of inhibin/activin subunits and thereby may contribute to the stimulatory effect of OVX on the expression of these genes.  相似文献   

Follicular cells obtained by collagenase dispersion of turtle (Chrysemys picta) ovarian tissue at three different times of the year (summer, stage 1; fall, stage 2; spring, stage 3) were examined for steroid (progesterone, testosterone, estradiol) secretion in response to increasing concentrations of ovine FSH and LH. At all three stages of the cycle FSH stimulated steroid production. Although both progesterone and testosterone were secreted by cells obtained from ovaries at stages 1 and 2 of the cycle, estradiol could not be detected in incubations of cells at these times. However, at stage 3 of the cycle, a stimulatory effect of FSH on estradiol production was apparent. The slight stimulatory effect of high doses of LH on progesterone and testosterone production may be due to FSH contamination in this particular NIH preparation. Turtle luteal cells prepared by the same method secreted progesterone in response to dibutyryl cyclic AMP.  相似文献   

The time- and dose-dependent effects of bovine activin A and bovine follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) suppressing protein (FSP) or follistatin on basal and FSH-induced steroidogenesis and inhibin production were studied in granulosa cells from immature, diethylstilbestrol (DES)-treated rats. In the presence of rat FSH (20 ng/ml) which stimulates aromatase activity and the production of progesterone and inhibin, activin (0.3-100 ng/ml) augmented all three parameters, whereas FSP (0.3-100 ng/ml) enhanced progesterone production and attenuated the other two parameters. In the absence of FSH, the basal parameters were unaffected by treatment with either activin or FSP alone, except for a statistically significant increase in basal inhibin in the presence of activin alone (P less than 0.05, at doses of 30 and 100 ng/ml). Neither activin nor FSP influenced the timing of the maxima of FSH-induced activities over 5 days. These findings suggest that activin and FSP, both present in follicular fluid, may play an important role in the local regulation of granulosa cell differentiation.  相似文献   

Activin is an important regulator of gonadotropin expression and production in the vertebrate pituitary, and its activity is fine-tuned by its binding protein follistatin. In the present study, a full-length cDNA for follistatin was cloned in the goldfish, which shows 74% amino acid sequence identity with that of mammals. Recombinant goldfish follistatin expressed in the Chinese hamster ovary cells significantly blocked activin-induced F5-5 cell differentiation. Goldfish follistatin is expressed in a wide range of tissues including the brain, pituitary, ovary, and testis. The expression of follistatin mRNA in the pituitary is regulated by both activin and gonadal steroids in vitro. Treatment with goldfish activin B for 48 h significantly up-regulated follistatin expression in cultured pituitary cells, suggesting a closed activin-follistatin feedback loop in the pituitary. In agreement with this, both human and goldfish follistatin down-regulated the expression of follistatin itself, probably due to the neutralization of endogenous activin. Examination of FSHbeta and LHbeta expression in the same samples supports the role of activin and follistatin in the differential regulation of FSH and LH as demonstrated previously. Since the expression level of activin beta(B) in the pituitary is rather stable both in vitro and in vivo, it is conceivable that follistatin may play a pivotal regulatory role in the intra-pituitary activin system. Both estradiol and testosterone up-regulated follistatin expression in vitro, suggesting a mediating role for follistatin in steroid feedback on pituitary hormones. These results provide clues to the potential physiological roles of activin-follistatin system in the regulation of gonadotropin biosynthesis in teleosts.  相似文献   

Recently, zebrafish has quickly risen as a model species for functional analysis of the brain-pituitary-gonad axis. However, one of the hurdles for such work in this popular model organism is the small size of its pituitary gland, which makes it difficult to investigate the regulation of pituitary hormone expression and secretion in vitro. To provide a solution to this problem and demonstrate the value of zebrafish in reproductive endocrinology, the present study was undertaken to establish a primary pituitary cell culture followed by investigating the regulation of FSHβ (fshb), LHβ (lhb), and GH (gh) expression by a variety of neuroendocrine, endocrine, and paracrine factors. All the factors examined influenced the expression of fshb, lhb, and ghin vitro except epidermal growth factor (EGF) despite the expression of its receptor egfr in the pituitary. Acting in a similar manner, gonadal steroids (estradiol and testosterone) stimulated both fshb and lhb, but had no effect on gh. In contrast, all other factors tested (gonadotropin-releasing hormone, GnRH; pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide, PACAP; activin/follistatin, and insulin-like growth factor I, IGF-I) exhibited distinct effects on the expression of the three target genes studied, suggesting roles for these factors in the differential regulation of two gonadotropins and growth hormone and therefore the gonadotrophic and somatotrophic axes.  相似文献   

There are well-recognized sex differences in many pituitary endocrine axes, usually thought to be generated by gonadal steroid imprinting of the neuroendocrine hypothalamus. However, the recognition that growth hormone (GH) cells are arranged in functionally organized networks raises the possibility that the responses of the network are different in males and females. We studied this by directly monitoring the calcium responses to an identical GH-releasing hormone (GHRH) stimulus in populations of individual GH cells in slices taken from male and female murine GH-eGFP pituitary glands. We found that the GH cell network responses are sexually dimorphic, with a higher proportion of responding cells in males than in females, correlated with greater GH release from male slices. Repetitive waves of calcium spiking activity were triggered by GHRH in some males, but were never observed in females. This was not due to a permanent difference in the network architecture between male and female mice; rather, the sex difference in the proportions of GH cells responding to GHRH were switched by postpubertal gonadectomy and reversed with hormone replacements, suggesting that the network responses are dynamically regulated in adulthood by gonadal steroids. Thus, the pituitary gland contributes to the sexually dimorphic patterns of GH secretion that play an important role in differences in growth and metabolism between the sexes.  相似文献   

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