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An innovative Flexible Coupled Level Set (LS) and Volume of Fluid (VOF) algorithm (flexCLV) to simulate two-phase flows at the microscale on unstructured and non-uniform meshes is proposed. The method combines the advantages of the VOF method in terms of mass conservation and the LS method in terms of accuracy of the surface tension implementation and can handle both 2D and 3D domains discretized by either structured hexaedra or unstructured tetrahedral grids with high aspect ratio elements, thus guaranteeing flexibility and robustness. The method is implemented within the VOF-based OpenFOAM’s solver interFoam, which is retained as the base algorithm for the interface advection, while the surface tension force is calculated by using the level set function reconstructed from the VOF’s fraction. The method is first validated in static flow conditions by simulating a circular bubble at equilibrium and then in dynamic flow conditions by studying a freely bubble rising in both 2D and 3D domains discretized by both structured and unstructured meshes. The proposed flexCLV algorithm is then used to simulate the dynamics of confined bubbles in circular microchannels in the low capillary number regime. 2D and 3D mesh grids with high aspect ratio elements are utilized to discretized the liquid film at the tube’s walls. The numerical results are compared with the available literature and simulations performed with the original interFoam solver in terms of bubble shape and velocity, thickness of the liquid film and amplitude of the bubble tail oscillations. Results compare very well with the experimental measurements and demonstrate the superior accuracy of the coupled flexCLV method with respect to the original VOF method when surface tension and accurate interface representation play a fundamental role. Importantly, the present study also provides a precious insight on the time-dependent patterns appearing on the bubble surface in the visco-inertial regime, which could be here investigated in detail.  相似文献   

The interface behavior between two stratified fluids showing a large difference in viscosity was investigated numerically. A three-dimensional numerical method for the simulation of the deformation of the interface in a stirred vessel is presented. In such a systems, the interface is distorted by hydrodynamic stresses and pressure changes. Different regimens of agitation were employed to explore the response of the interface, where the boundary between them is preserved and break up is avoided. The numerical scheme presented explicitly solves the Navier–Stokes equations for an incompressible fluid whilst the convection-diffusion part is treated through a Level-Set method along a moving and deforming interface. The spatial discretization was carried out by implementing a Runge–Kutta method in a second order scheme, along as a Weighted Essentially Non-Oscillatory approach. In addition, surface tension effects were included to observe its influence on the interface response. It was found that due the effect of inertia the interface is reshaped towards the vertical direction, in this process the interface experiences high-pressure gradients, which drag the interface in the upward direction. The numerical methodology was validated by comparison of simulations and experimental measurements of an interface deforming at two low Reynolds number. The results shown that the algorithm is able to resolve accurately the detailed features of the distorted fluid interfaces.  相似文献   

I. INTRODUCTION Material design refers to the generation of composite materials with prescribed or improved propertiesthat cannot be found in the usual materials. This can be achieved by modifying the microstructureof the composite material. Now a syste…  相似文献   

汽车覆盖件工艺补充面参数化设计方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
工艺补充面设计的合理性,是保证覆盖件成形质量的重要条件。工艺补充曲面设计和修改的便利性,是提高设计效率的重要途径。本文提出了建立可修改特征参数的截面线类型库,用双向NURBS蒙皮法分片生成工艺补充面的方法和流程,开发了相应的参数化设计模块。在此基础上可以快速实现基于用户控制的工艺补充面的参数化设计和修改。通过对汽车某些零件等实际覆盖件生成工艺补充面的数值仿真验证了可行性。  相似文献   

This paper presents a new method for solving a nonlinear exterior boundary value problem arising in two-dimensional elasto-plasticity. The procedure is based on the introduction of a sufficiently large circle that divides the exterior domain into a bounded region and an unbounded one. This allows us to consider the Dirichlet-Neumann mapping on the circle, which provides an explicit formula for the stress in terms of the displacement by using an appropriate infinite Fourier series. In this way we can reduce the original problem to an equivalent nonlinear boundary value problem on the bounded domain with a natural boundary condition on the circle. Hence, the resulting weak formulation includes boundary and field terms, which yields the so called boundary-field equation method. Next, we employ the finite Fourier series to obtain a sequence of approximating nonlinear problems from which the actual Galerkin schemes are derived. Finally, we apply some tools from monotone operators to prove existence, uniqueness and approximation results, including Cea type error estimates for the corresponding discrete solutions.  相似文献   

张雄  张帆 《计算力学学报》2016,33(4):582-587
作为一种混合拉格朗日欧拉法,物质点法在流固耦合问题中具有重要的应用前景。对于自由液面的流动问题,基于物质点法框架已建立了弱可压物质点法和完全不可压物质点法,但在处理流固耦合问题时遇到了困难。弱可压物质点法由于采用可压缩状态方程,导致求解时间步长过小,压力振荡严重,产生了非物理的飞溅现象;完全不可压物质点法基于投影算法和不可压条件,消除了弱可压物质点法的压力振荡,提高了时间步长,但难以处理移动边界问题。基于变分形式的投影算法提出了一种新型流固耦合不可压物质点法,得到了体积加权的压力泊松方程PPE(Pressure Poisson Equation),解决了完全不可压物质点法无法处理不规则边界和移动边界的问题。采用流固耦合不可压物质点法研究了运动刚体容器中的液体晃动问题,并与已有实验和数值结果进行对比,验证了算法的正确性和精度。  相似文献   

A numerical method for direct simulation of thermal Marangoni effects at dynamically deformable interface of two-phase incompressible fluids is developed. The approach is based on the Volume of Fluid (VOF) method with special focus on the numerical treatment of the temperature surface gradient because of its decisive role as the driving force of the flow. The surface gradient calculation is split into computing its length and direction in order to satisfy the correct thermal boundary condition at the interface without losing mobility of the interface. The method is applied to three different types of thermocapillary flow, namely thermocapillary migration of a droplet in an ambient fluid with linear temperature gradient, thermocapillary convection in a liquid layer under linear temperature gradient along the interface, and Marangoni convection due to Bénard–Marangoni instability. In the first case, different aspects of the dynamics of the migration are considered for validation such as the terminal migration velocity, the initial acceleration and quantification of the wall effects. The simulation also considers high convective heat transfer and covers a wide range of Marangoni numbers up to 5000, where good agreement with both theoretical and experimental results is achieved. In the second case, the convection velocity in the liquid layer is compared with an analytical result. In the final application, pattern formation due to the Bénard–Marangoni instability in a liquid layer in square geometry of small aspect ratio is investigated for realistic Biot number and dynamically deformable fluid interface. The results show good agreement with experiments from literature, where our numerical simulation also predicts cell pattern for a particular aspect ratio which is outside the limitation of the above cited experimental work.  相似文献   

A numerical method for fractional integral with applications   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
IntroductionThefractionalcalculushasalonghistoryandthereareamassofworkstodiscussthefractionalderivativesandfractionalintegralswitharbitrary (realorcomplex)order[1- 3 ].Thefractionalcalculushasawideapplicationbackground ,especiallyinthefieldsofchemistry ,electromagnetics,materialscienceandmechanics.Forexample,Gement[4 ]proposedthefractionalderivativeconstitutivemodelsofaviscoelasticmaterialatfirst.Themodelshavereceivedincreasingattention[5 - 7].Onlyafewparametersarecontainedinthemodelsandthemo…  相似文献   

A matrix method for describing fully depolarized light is proposed. According to the properties of fully depolarized light it is proved theoretically that this column matrix (Jones vector) can be used to describe unpolarized light as well. Thus, it enables the problems of holographic photoelasticity, including holographic photoelasticity of unpolarized light, to be simply treated by using a unified matrix calculus (Jones calculus).  相似文献   

三维VOF方法—PLIC3D算法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文研究的目的在于,使用分段线性PLIC(Piecewise Linear Interface Construction)方式构造界面,推导三维空间中的VOF(Volume of F1uid)算法PLIC3D,给出详尽的计算公式和过程。然后,用球形流体匀速运动作为分析PLIC3D算法的数值算例,比较了PLIC3D和分段常数PCIC(Piecewise Constant Interface Construction)构造法中DA3D(Donor—Acceptor in 3—Dimension)在三维空间计算界面的差别。结果显示PLIC3D优于DA3D,它能够更好地保持流体在平移运动中的形状,证实了PLIC方式的空间构造精度高于PCIC的结论。最后,利用PLIC3D计算自由面,模拟容器中流体泄漏问题,得到了其液面形状变化和速度场。  相似文献   

流固耦合系统湿模态正交性的统一证明   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文基于Hamilton原理和线性势流理论,严格证明了三维流固耦合系统湿模态的广义正交关系,并给出了运动方程的解耦条件。本文所用的推导方法由于不涉及具体复杂的微分算子,较之前入所用的方法具有明显的优越性。  相似文献   

Level Set方法和多介质可压缩流   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
多介质可压缩流问题计算的关键是如何精确的捕获不同时刻物质界面的位置,从而将多介质问题分解成多个单介质问题去处理.Level Set方法的优点是不用显示的追踪物质界面,而用距离函数就能精确定位界面.同时,用Level Set方法追踪界面运动易于处理界面拓扑结构的变化、易于处理大变形问题.本文成功地将Level Set方法应用在二维多介质可压缩流计算.  相似文献   


A novel finite volume method is presented that is applicable to discontinuous capillary pressure fields. The method is developed within the control-volume distributed multi-point flux approximation (CVD-MPFA) framework (Edwards and Rogers in Comput Geosci 02(04):259–290, 1998; Friis et al. in SIAM J Sci Comput 31(02):1192–1220, 2008). Results are computed on structured and unstructured grids that demonstrate the ability of the method to resolve flow in the presence of a discontinuous capillary pressure field for diagonal and full-tensor permeability fields. In addition to an upwind approximation for the saturation equation flux, the importance of upwinding on capillary pressure flux via a hybrid formulation is shown.


S. L. Wang  Y. M. Chen 《Wave Motion》1991,13(4):387-399
The generalized pulse-spectrum technique (GPST), an efficient and versatile inversion algorithm, is used with adaptive grids to solve both exterior (scattering) and interior (cavity) boundary-shape inverse problems of two-dimensional Helmholtz equation. Numerical simulations of nontrivial examples are carried out to test the feasibility and to study the general characteristics of GPST without the real measurement data. It is found that GPST does efficiently produce very good results.  相似文献   

The effects of microcrack interaction on the failure behavior of materials present one problem of considerable interest in micromechanics, which has been extensively argued but has not been resolved as yet. In the present paper, a simple and effective method is presented based on the concept of the effective field to analyze the interaction of microcracks of a large number or of a high density. To determine the stress intensity factors of a microcrack embedded in a solid containing numerous or even countless microcracks, the solid is divided into two regions. The interaction of microcracks in a circular or elliptical region around the considered microcrack is calculated directly by using Kachanov’s micromechanics method, while the influence of all other microcracks is reflected by modifying the stress applied in the far field. Both the cases of tensile and compressive loading are considered. This simplified scheme may yield an estimate for stress intensity factors of satisfactory accuracy, and therefore provide a potential tool for elucidating some phenomena of material failure associated with microcracking. As two of its various promising applications, the above scheme is employed to investigate the size effects of material strength due to stochastic distribution of interacting microcracks and to calculate the effective elastic moduli of elastic solids containing distributed microcracks. Some conventional micromechanics methods for estimating the effective moduli of microcracked materials are evaluated by comparing with the numerical results. Only two-dimensional problems have been considered here, though the three-dimensional extension of the present method is of greater interest.  相似文献   

本文给出了流固偶合运动(包括物体散射辐射及偶合运动)的边界元法理论和应用.对于散射问题,求出了物体引起的散射势及入射波作用于物体的载荷.对于辐射问题,求出了辐射势及物体在流体中运动的附加质量和附加阻尼.偶合问题包括求其中包含的散射势和辐射势以及作用于物体之上的散射力、物体的附加质量、附加阻尼、物体在入射波作用下的运动.在偶合运动问题中,本文采取了边界积分方程与物体在流体中的运动方程联立求解的方法,并将其运用到边界元法的数值过程中.所编制的程序有较高的精度.最后给出了数值计算结果与理论解的比较.  相似文献   

In this paper, a generalized auxiliary equation method with the aid of the computer symbolic computation system Maple is proposed to construct more exact solutions of nonlinear evolution equations, namely, the higher-order nonlinear Schrödinger equation, the Whitham–Broer–Kaup system, and the generalized Zakharov equations. As a result, some new types of exact travelling wave solutions are obtained, including soliton-like solutions, trigonometric function solutions, exponential solutions, and rational solutions. The method is straightforward and concise, and its applications are promising.  相似文献   

A slope modification method is proposed for non-oscillatory schemes based on the Lax-Friedrich solver. The modified scheme is proved to be total-variation-diminishing (TVD) and second-order accurate. Application of the scheme to the shallow water equations produces sharp profiles for shocks and achieves high accuracy in the smooth regions of the solution.  相似文献   

目前,汽车发动机动力总成悬置系统设计的主要任务是选择悬置元件的刚度、位置和角度,使悬置系统自由振动模态频率避开发动机怠速激励力频率与车身自振频率,并尽量提高各模态振型的解耦程度,从而提高悬置系统隔振效果。悬置系统按预定频率严格解耦设计是使设计出的悬置系统模态频率完全等于按汽车设计频率规划预定的频率,并使各模态的振型严格解耦,即各向振动能量的解耦度等于1。本文从悬置系统的自由振动方程出发给出了对悬置系统按预定频率严格解耦设计的方程组,通过方程组构造函数进而求出该方程组的解,从而提供比当前的悬置系统模态优化设计更为简便高效的优化设计方法。相应的算例验证了本文提出的按预定频率严格解耦设计方程和求解方法的正确性。  相似文献   

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