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This paper is concerned with the bound of the cost of approximate controllability and null controllability of heat equations, i.e., the minimal Lp norm and L∞ norm of a control needed to control the system approximately or a control needed to steer the state of the system to zero. The methods we use combine observability inequalities, energy estimates for heat equations and the dual theory.  相似文献   

Let X be a (closed) subspace of Lp with 1≤p<∞, and let A be any sectorial operator on X. We consider associated square functions on X, of the form and we show that if A admits a bounded H functional calculus on X, then these square functions are equivalent to the original norm of X. Then we deduce a similar result when X=H1(ℝN) is the usual Hardy space, for an appropriate choice of || ||F. For example if N=1, the right choice is the sum for hH1(ℝ), where H denotes the Hilbert transform.  相似文献   

Given a self-adjoint semigroup etA satisfying an ultracontractivity bound of the type , we find conditions on the sequence that imply that f is a bounded function. Sobolev’s classical embedding theorem says that, when A is the Laplace operator on , for some k > d/4 suffices to imply that f is bounded. In the cases we are interested in, the desired condition involves the whole sequence and depends on the behavior of the ultracontractivity function m. Research of A. Bendikov was supported by the Polish Goverment Scientific Research Fund, Grant 1 PO3 A 03129. Research of T. Coulhon was partially supported by the European Commission (IHP Network “Harmonic Analysis and Related Problems” 2002–2006, Contract HPRN-CT-2001-00273-HARP). Research of L. Saloff-Coste was partially supported by NSF grant DMS-0102126.  相似文献   

It is shown that Gelfand transforms of elements \({f\in L^{\infty} (\mu)}\) are almost constant at almost every fiber \({\Pi^{-1}(\{x\})}\) of the spectrum of L (μ) in the following sense: for each \({f\in L^{\infty} (\mu)}\) there is an open dense subset U = U(f) of this spectrum having full measure and such that the Gelfand transform of f is constant on the intersection \({\Pi^{-1}(\{x\})\cap U}\). As an application a new approach to disintegration of measures is presented, allowing one to drop the usually taken separability assumption.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the global existence, uniqueness and L estimates of weak solutions to quasilinear parabolic equation of m-Laplacian type u t − div(|∇u| m−2u) = u|u| β−1Ω |u| α dx in Ω × (0,∞) with zero Dirichlet boundary condition in tdΩ. Further, we obtain the L estimate of the solution u(t) and ∇u(t) for t > 0 with the initial data u 0L q (Ω) (q > 1), and the case α + β < m − 1.  相似文献   

This paper presents an approach using a recursive algorithm for packing (?, w)-rectangles into larger rectangular and L-shaped pieces. Such a problem has actual applications for non-guillotine cutting and pallet/container loading. Our motivation for developing the L-approach is based on the fact that it can solve difficult pallet loading instances. Indeed, it is able to solve all testing problems (more than 20 000 representatives of infinite equivalence classes of the literature), including the 18 hard instances unresolved by other heuristics. We conjecture that the L-approach always finds optimum packings of (?, w)-rectangles into rectangular pieces. Moreover, the approach may also be useful when dealing with cutting and packing problems involving L-shaped pieces.  相似文献   

Iwo Labuda 《Positivity》2010,14(4):801-813
Let μ be a measure from a σ-algebra of subsets of a set T into a sequentially complete Hausdorff topological vector space X. Assume that μ is convexly bounded, i.e., the convex hull of its range is bounded in X, and denote by L 1(μ) the space of scalar valued functions on T which are integrable with respect to the vector measure μ. We study the inheritance of some properties from X to L 1(μ). We show that the bounded multiplier property passes from X to L 1(μ). Answering a 1972 problem of Erik Thomas, we show that for a rather large class of F-spaces X the non-containment of c 0 passes from X to L 1(μ).  相似文献   

For a bounded domain Ω ⊂ R n endowed with L -metric g, and a C 5-Riemannian manifold (N, h) ⊂ R k without boundary, let uW 1,2(Ω, N) be a weakly harmonic map, we prove that (1) uC α (Ω, N) for n = 2, and (2) for n ≥ 3, if, in additions, gVMO(Ω) and u satisfies the quasi-monotonicity inequality (1.5), then there exists a closed set Σ ⊂ Ω, with H n-2(Σ) = 0, such that for some α ∈ (0, 1). C. Y. Wang Partially supported by NSF.  相似文献   

The system of exponents $ \left\{ {e^{i\lambda _n t} } \right\}_{n \in \mathbb{Z}} $ \left\{ {e^{i\lambda _n t} } \right\}_{n \in \mathbb{Z}} is considered. A sufficient condition for a Riesz-property basis in the weighted space L p (−π, π) is obtained.  相似文献   

Lp Poincare inequalities for general symmetric forms are established by new Cheeger's isoperimetric constants. Lp super-Poincare inequalities are introduced to describe the equivalent conditions for the Lp compact embedding, and the criteria via the new Cheeger's constants for those inequalities are presented. Finally, the concentration or the volume growth of measures for these inequalities are studied.  相似文献   

We study continuity properties of law-invariant (quasi-)convex functions \({f:L^\infty(\Omega, \mathcal{F}, \mathbb{P}) \to (-\infty,\infty]}\) over a non-atomic probability space \({(\Omega, \mathcal{F}, \mathbb{P})}\). This is a supplementary note to Jouini et al. (Adv Math Econ 9:49–71, 2006).  相似文献   

We study the regularity of the solutions of the Levi equation in ?2n+1. It is a second order quasilinear equation whose characteristic matrix is positive semidefinite and has vanishing determinant at every point and for every functionuC 2. We show that the operator associated to the equation can be represented as a sum of squares of non linear vector fields. Then, by using a freezing method, we prove theC regularity of the solutions.  相似文献   

We present a few results and problems related to spaces of continuous functions with the topology of pointwise convergence and the classes of LΣ(≤ ω)-spaces; in particular, we prove that every Gul’ko compact space of cardinality less or equal to $ \mathfrak{c} $ \mathfrak{c} is an LΣ(≤ ω)-space.  相似文献   

We calculate \({\mathcal{S}^{{\it Diff}}(S^p \times S^q)}\), the smooth structure set of S p × S q , for p, q ≥ 2 and p + q ≥ 5. As a consequence we show that in general \({\mathcal{S}^{Diff}(S^{4j-1}\times S^{4k})}\) cannot admit a group structure such that the smooth surgery exact sequence is a long exact sequence of groups. We also show that the image of the forgetful map \({\mathcal{S}^{Diff}(S^{4j}\times S^{4k}) \rightarrow \mathcal{S}^{Top}(S^{4j}\times S^{4k})}\) is not in general a subgroup of the topological structure set.  相似文献   

There is a natural duality between orbits of a real form G of a complex semisimple group G on a homogeneous rational manifold Z=G /P and those of the complexification K of any of its maximal compact subgroups K: (,) is a dual pair if is a K-orbit. The cycle space C() is defined to be the connected component containing the identity of the interior of {g:g() is non-empty and compact}. Using methods which were recently developed for the case of open G-orbits, geometric properties of cycles are proved, and it is shown that C() is contained in a domain defined by incidence geometry. In the non-Hermitian case this is a key ingredient for proving that C() is a certain explicitly computable universal domain.Research of the first author partially supported by Schwerpunkt Global methods in complex geometry and SFB-237 of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.The second author was supported by a stipend of the Deutsche Akademische Austauschdienst.  相似文献   

In this paper we use the spine decomposition and martingale change of measure to establish a Kesten–Stigum Llog L theorem for branching Hunt processes. This result is a generalization of the results in Asmussen and Hering (Z. Wahrscheinlichkeitstheor. Verw. Geb. 36:195–212, 1976) and Hering (Branching Processes, pp. 177–217, 1978) for branching diffusions.  相似文献   

It is shown that the product of two sectorial operators A and B admits a bounded H-calculus on a Banach space X provided suitable commutator estimates and Kalton-Weis type assumptions on A and B are satisfied.  相似文献   

This article deals with the existence of blockwise low-rank approximants — so-called -matrices — to inverses of FEM matrices in the case of uniformly elliptic operators with L-coefficients. Unlike operators arising from boundary element methods for which the -matrix theory has been extensively developed, the inverses of these operators do not benefit from the smoothness of the kernel function. However, it will be shown that the corresponding Green functions can be approximated by degenerate functions giving rise to the existence of blockwise low-rank approximants of FEM inverses. Numerical examples confirm the correctness of our estimates. As a side-product we analyse the -matrix property of the inverse of the FE mass matrix. Mathematics Subject Classification (1991):35C20, 65F05, 65F50, 65N30  相似文献   

In this paper theI andII regularn-simplices are introduced. We prove that the sufficient and necessary conditions for existence of anI regularn-simplex in ℝ n are that ifn is even thenn = 4m(m + 1), and ifn is odd thenn = 4m + 1 with thatn + 1 can be expressed as a sum of two integral squares orn = 4m - 1, and that the sufficient and necessary condition for existence of aII regularn-simplex in ℝ n isn = 2m 2 - 1 orn = 4m(m + 1)(m ∈ ℕ). The connection between regularn-simplex in ℝ n and combinational design is given.  相似文献   

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