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Classification is always the key point in the field of remote sensing. Fuzzy c-Means is a traditional clustering algorithm that has been widely used in fuzzy clustering. However, this algorithm usually has some weaknesses, such as the problems of falling into a local minimum, and it needs much time to accomplish the classification for a large number of data. In order to overcome these shortcomings and increase the classification accuracy, Gustafson-Kessel (GK) and Gath-Geva (GG) algorithms are proposed to improve the traditional FCM algorithm which adopts Euclidean distance norm in this paper. The experimental result shows that these two methods are able to detect clusters of varying shapes, sizes and densities which FCM cannot do. Moreover, they can improve the classification accuracy of remote sensing images.  相似文献   

本文首先简要介绍了模糊综合评价法的基本原理和过程,然后根据图像分类的理论基础,分析图像分类对遥感影像质量的要求,并确定影响分类精度的各项质量要素,构建了综合评价指标体系和评语等级论域。然后通过对大量的不同质量遥感影像的单指标评价实验,确定了遥感影像综合评价模型的隶属函数、权数向量和合成算子;最后通过开发的面向分类遥感影像质量评价程序验证质量评价模型的合理性和实用性。  相似文献   

高光谱遥感图像的监督分类   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
图像分类是高光谱遥感图像分析与应用的重要手段。总结了目前用于高光谱图像监督分类的主要方法,包括最小距离法、最大似然法、神经元网络法和支持向量机法,分析了上述方法的特点,并探讨了高光谱遥感图像分类方法的发展趋势。  相似文献   

王彬  何敬  李政  刘刚  吕敬雷 《测绘》2022,(3):105-110
对于遥感图像计算机自动分类而言,样本选择至关重要,直接影响分类结果精度。为了提升样本选取的质量,本文在实验区卫星影像覆盖范围内选取了几个样本点。对每个样本点利用无人机采集了约0.3 km2的数据,通过后期处理生成正射影像。在正射影像中选取耕地、植被、水体、建筑和道路等几类地物的样本,采用最大似然值法对卫星影像进行相应类别信息提取。实验结果表明:在无人机高分辨率影像上解译的样本作用于卫星遥感影像,并利用最大似然值法进行信息提取,其方法可行,分类精度优于在卫星影像上选择的样本。  相似文献   

吴晓红 《测绘科学》2011,36(3):190-192
在应用地形图时,地形图质量评价是首要问题.该文利用可拓学能较好地解决地形图评价中评价指标复杂、等级不统一的矛盾问题的特点,探讨了基于可拓学的地形图质量评价方法,并以某县城第二次农村土地调查所得全数字地形图为例进行等级评价.与其他评价方法的比较表明,该评价方法具有分辨率高、切实可行、结论可靠的优点.  相似文献   

基于ENVI的遥感图像监督分类方法比较研究   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:8  
基于监督分类方法在遥感影像分类中的普遍应用,介绍了四种ENVI提供的常用的监督分类方法。对同一TM图像运用这四种方法进行分类,并对分类结果进行了对比,从而分析了这四种方法分类精度之间的差异。  相似文献   

陈杰虎  汪西莉 《遥感学报》2022,26(10):2029-2042
小样本学习旨在利用非常少的监督信息识别出新的类别,由于忽视了样本之间的关联信息,现有的小样本分类方法用于遥感图像小样本分类时往往不能获得令人满意的精度。为此,本文利用图来建模图像在特征空间的相似关系,使用图卷积运算平滑同类别图像的特征,增强不同类别图像特征的区分度,提升分类精度。所提方法在现有图卷积运算的基础上,使用多阶次的邻接矩阵线性加权的方法代替传统的一阶邻接矩阵,通过图谱分析得出这种改进方法能够让不同阶次邻接矩阵的频率响应函数在高频部分正负相抵,有效抑制图信号的高频分量,更显著的提升同类别节点特征的聚集程度;同时,在训练过程引入了微调的方法,使用新类别中的标记数据对最后一层图卷积网络进行少量次数的训练,能够进一步提高精度,增强模型的迁移能力。实验使用AID、OPTIMAL31以及RSI-CB256这3个常用的遥感数据集对方法的有效性进行了测试,结果表明提出的方法在同数据集小样本分类任务和跨数据集小样本分类任务中,在分类精度方面均优于原型网络等比较方法。  相似文献   

赵有松  张继贤  罗伏军  党宇 《测绘科学》2019,44(12):162-167
针对第一次全国地理国情普查质量检验过程中发现的遥感影像解译样本数据的质量问题,如遥感影像解译样本缺少典型性、地面照片拍摄不符合技术规程、影像实例数据结构异常等系统性质量问题,以及解译样本采集中存在操作不规范、样本采集主观影响较大等主观性质量问题,该文分析了影响遥感影像解译样本质量的关键生产要素、环节与原因等,提出了全过程的生产质量控制方法,给出了提高遥感影像解译样本过程的质量控制措施。该研究提出的基于全过程质量控制体系新需求,以解决质量问题为导向的生产质量控制方法,可以提升遥感影像解译样本质量,并为今后相关工程项目生产过程的质量控制提供借鉴。  相似文献   

粗糙集高分辨率遥感影像面向对象分类   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈杰  邓敏  肖鹏峰  杨敏华  梅小明 《遥感学报》2010,14(6):1147-1163
面向对象的高分辨率遥感影像分类已受到研究者们的广泛关注。本文提出一种基于粗糙集理论的面向对象分类方法以区分高分辨率遥感影像上的不同地物。首先,利用基于相位一致梯度与前景标记的分水岭变换进行影像分割,提取图像斑块;然后,利用Gabor小波提取斑块的纹理特征,进而根据粗糙集理论提取纹理分类规则;最后,在对象光谱特征的初步分类结果,根据纹理分类规则得到最终结果基础上。依据粗糙集理论只能处理离散属性数据,本文重点提出一种适用于面向对象分类的连续区间属性离散化方法。实验表明本文方法可取得较好分类结果与较高分类精度。  相似文献   


In recent years, the rough set (RS) method has been in common use for remote-sensing classification, which provides one of the techniques of information extraction for Digital Earth. The discretization of remotely sensed data is an important data preprocessing approach in classical RS-based remote-sensing classification. Appropriate discretization methods can improve the adaptability of the classification rules and increase the accuracy of the remote-sensing classification. To assess the performance of discretization methods this article adopts three indicators, which are the compression capability indicator (CCI), consistency indicator (CI), and number of the cut points (NCP). An appropriate discretization method for the RS-based classification of a given remotely sensed image can be found by comparing the values of the three indicators and the classification accuracies of the discretized remotely sensed images obtained with the different discretization methods. To investigate the effectiveness of our method, this article applies three discretization methods of the Entropy/MDL, Naive, and SemiNaive to a TM image and three indicators for these discretization methods are then calculated. After comparing the three indicators and the classification accuracies of the discretized remotely sensed images, it has been found that the SemiNaive method significantly reduces large quantities of data and also keeps satisfactory classification accuracy.  相似文献   


Symmetry is a common feature in the real world. It may be used to improve a classification by using the point symmetry-based distance as a measure of clustering. However, it is time consuming to calculate the point symmetry-based distance. Although an efficient parallel point symmetry-based K-means algorithm (ParSym) has been propsed to overcome this limitation, ParSym may get stuck in sub-optimal solutions due to the K-means technique it used. In this study, we proposed a novel parallel point symmetry-based genetic clustering (ParSymG) algorithm for unsupervised classification. The genetic algorithm was introduced to overcome the sub-optimization problem caused by inappropriate selection of initial centroids in ParSym. A message passing interface (MPI) was used to implement the distributed master–slave paradigm. To make the algorithm more time-efficient, a three-phase speedup strategy was adopted for population initialization, image partition, and kd-tree structure-based nearest neighbor searching. The advantages of ParSymG over existing ParSym and parallel K-means (PKM) alogithms were demonstrated through case studies using three different types of remotely sensed images. Results in speedup and time gain proved the excellent scalability of the ParSymG algorithm.  相似文献   

This paper describes an improved algorithm for fuzzyc-means clustering of remotely sensed data, by which the degree of fuzziness of the resultant classification is decreased as comparing with that by a conventional algorithm: that is, the classification accuracy is increased. This is achieved by incorporating covariance matrices at the level of individual classes rather than assuming a global one. Empirical results from a fuzzy classification of an Edinburgh suburban land cover confirmed the improved performance of the new algorithm for fuzzyc-means clustering, in particular when fuzziness is also accommodated in the assumed reference data.  相似文献   

为推进国产卫星数据的应用,本文以CBERS-02B卫星的CCD数据和HR数据为数据源,以重庆市涪陵区为实验区,将DEM、NDVI数据作为补充,采用分层分类的方法,对实验区土地利用/土地覆盖现状信息进行提取,分析CBERS-02B数据的特点及在应用中存在的问题。研究结果表明,CBERS-02B数据可满足复杂地区土地利用宏观监测的需要。  相似文献   

In the past, researchers tried hard classification techniques with contextual information to improve classification results. While modelling the spatial contextual information for hard classifiers using Markov Random Field it has been found that the Metropolis algorithm is easier to program and it performs better when compared with the Gibbs sampler. In this study, it has been found that in the case of soft contextual classification, the Metropolis algorithm fails to sample from a random field efficiently and the Gibbs sampler performs better than the Metropolis algorithm, due to the high dimensionality of the soft classification outputs.  相似文献   

Integrating multiple images with artificial neural networks (ANN) improves classification accuracy. ANN performance is sensitive to training datasets. Complexity and errors compound when merging multiple data, pointing to needs for new techniques. Kohonen's self-organizing mapping (KSOM) neural network was adapted as an automated data selector (ADS) to replace manual training data processes. The multilayer perceptron (MLP) network was then trained using automatically extracted datasets and used for classification. Two hypotheses were tested: ADS adapted from the KSOM network provides adequate and reliable training datasets, improving MLP classification performance; and fusion of Landsat thematic mapper (TM) and SPOT images using the modified ANN approach increases accuracy. ADS adapted from the KSOM network improved training data quality and increased classification accuracy and efficiency. Fusion of compatible multiple data can improve performance if appropriate training datasets are collected. This proved to be a viable classification scheme particularly where acquiring sufficient and reliable training datasets is difficult.  相似文献   

天宫一号高光谱成像仪具有空间分辨率高、光谱分辨率高、图谱合一等特性,在中国航天高光谱领域具有里程碑的意义。针对一般遥感场景分类数据集尺度单一、光谱分辨率较低等问题,本文提出基于天宫一号的多谱段、高空间分辨率、多时相高光谱遥感场景分类数据集(TG1HRSSC)。利用天宫一号高光谱成像仪获取的高质量数据,经过辐射校正、几何校正、空间裁剪、波段筛选、数据质量分析与控制等,制作了一批通用的航天高光谱遥感场景分类数据集,通过载人航天空间应用数据推广服务平台(http://www.msadc.cn[2019-09-10])进行分发和共享。该数据集包括天宫一号高光谱成像仪获取的城镇、农田、林地、养殖塘、荒漠、湖泊、河流、港口、机场等9个典型地物场景的204个高光谱影像数据,其中5 m分辨率全色谱段1个波段、10 m分辨率可见近红外谱段54个有效波段以及20 m分辨率短波红外谱段52个有效波段。研究利用AlexNet、VGG-VD-16、GoogLeNet等深度学习算法网络对构建的数据集进行场景分类的试验,结果表明该数据集的场景分类应用实现较好效果。由于该数据集具备高分辨、高光谱等特征优势,未来在语义理解、多目标检测等方面有着广泛的应用价值。  相似文献   

机载多光谱LiDAR系统能够快速、准确地获取地物的空间几何和光谱信息,为地物覆盖分类和目标识别提供新的数据源。近年来,基于三维点云的深度学习算法取得了一系列突破性进展,然而直接将不规则的原始点云数据输入深度学习模型进行基于点的分类存在一定的困难。本文提出了一种基于FPS-KNN的样本生成方法,用于基于深度学习的机载多光谱LiDAR数据分类。该方法首先对输入数据进行归一化处理;然后利用最远点采样方法(FPS)和K近邻法(KNN)在输入数据中生成一系列规则大小的训练样本数据集。通过机载多光谱LiDAR数据的试验表明,该方法所生成的样本不仅符合卷积神经网络所要求的输入数据形式,而且能够确保对输入场景的完整覆盖。  相似文献   

Because atmospheric effects can have a significant impact on the data obtained from multi-spectral satellite remote sensing, it is frequently necessary to make corrections before any other image processing can be started. This paper describes a robust and relatively simple atmospheric correction method that uses pseudo-invariant targets (PITs) in conjunction with the empirical line method. The method is based on the selection of a number of suitable generic PITs, on the basis that they are large, distinctive in shape, and occur in many geographical areas. Whereas the multi-temporal normalization method corrects all images to a selected reference image, in this method images are simultaneously corrected using targets with a range of estimated surface reflectance values. The paper describes some applications of the method for a range of environmental studies involving water quality and air pollution monitoring, and mapping land-cover changes.  相似文献   

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