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无线传感器网络能量均衡路由算法   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
设计了一种能量均衡的路由算法.路由的建立分两个阶段,在簇头建立阶段,让候选节点在覆盖范围内以剩余能量的多少和所处位置为标准来竞选簇头,以使簇头分布均匀,平衡网络覆盖;在通信阶段,根据簇头节点的剩余能量大小和其距离基站的远近,采用多跳的簇间通信方式建立路由,以此来降低簇头节点的通信负载.仿真结果表明该算法能够有效降低网络能耗和延长网络生存时间.  相似文献   

李鑫滨  高梦玲  闫磊 《电信科学》2016,32(11):42-49
针对水下无线传感网络能量效率低、生命周期短的问题,提出了一种负载均衡且能量高效的水下分簇(load balanced and energy efficient underwater clustering,LBEEUC)协议。该算法在分簇过程中首先根据节点的经验负载来确定节点所在区域簇头的比例,使经验负载大的区域分布较多的簇头,分担数据转发的任务,均衡网络的能耗;其次在节点入簇时,在簇内设置中继节点,用于均衡远离簇头节点的传输能耗,并提前进行数据融合,减少数据冗余;最后在建立簇间路由时,利用Q 学习算法根据路径消耗的总能量最小的原则选择最优传输路径。仿真结果表明,本算法有效地均衡了网络的能耗,提高了能量利用效率,进而提高了网络的生存时间。  相似文献   

为了延长无线传感器网络的生命期,针对节点能耗分布不均匀的问题,提出一种电量均衡的分簇算法.该算法将节点剩余能量作为构建分簇结构的依据,对剩余能量较少的节点赋予一定的约束,使之成为普通节点,并使电量多的节点成为簇头节点,均衡网络电量负载,解决了网络中部分低电量节点担任骨干节点而导致能耗的问题,从而有效延长了网络的生命期.仿真实验证明了该算法的有效性.  相似文献   

针对无线传感器网络(Wireless Sensor Network,WSN)中邻近汇聚节点(sink)的传感节点负荷和能耗过载问题,基于整体网络能耗平衡目标,提出一种不等环的次优分层网络路由。在均匀分布的传感节点环境中,以sink为中心,按照拓扑距离进行分环多跳路由,理论推导了不等环半径,并考虑单跳能耗。实验分析仿真结果表明,该路由分层模型延长了网络生存周期,提高了节点利用效率,且达到网络内大部分节点能耗均衡的目标。  相似文献   

综述了无线传感器网络路由算法的主要成果,但重点分析更具有能量有效性的分簇路由算法,对各种算法的主要思想进行了性能评价,提出了一种新的算法.  相似文献   

由于无线激光通信网络吞吐量低、节点传输延时高和存在分组丢失率多等问题,提出基于自适应遗传算法的无线激光通信网络负载均衡成簇算法。利用AGCH算法对无线激光通信网络节点进行分组和成簇,从中取得簇头节点,构建资源调度模型,利用该模型对簇头节点中的资源进行分配调度,采用自适应遗传算法对建立的模型进行求解,以此提升无线激光通信网络负载均衡效果,实现无线激光通信网络负载均衡。实验结果表明,通过对该算法进行网络吞吐量测试、节点传输延时测试和分组丢失率测试,验证了该算法的有效性强、实用性高。  相似文献   

无线传感网自适应能量驱动簇头轮换算法研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
分簇结构是大规模无线传感网(WSN)的一种有效的拓扑管理方法。在这种结构下,由于簇头(Cluster Head,CH)节点的能耗速率远高于簇成员节点(Cluster Member,CM),需要做簇头轮换以平衡网络能耗。该文分析了基于能量驱动的簇头轮换策略,并提供一种基于簇头节点实时负载来估计其启动轮换的能量阈值的自适应簇头轮换算法(Adaptive Cluster Rotation Algorithm,ACRA)。仿真结果表明,与现有算法如LEACH,EDAC等比较,ACRA算法最少化簇头轮换次数,延长了网络生存时间。  相似文献   

为了提高无线传感器网络的生存时间,针对当前LEACH算法存在的能量不均衡难题,提出一种能量均衡的无线传感器网络节点路由算法。首先将监测区域看成以基站为中心的扇形区域,并将扇形区域分割成不同大小的弧形方块,每个弧形方块中的节点组成一个簇,根据节点剩余能量产生簇头,然后采用单跳和多跳相结合的簇间通信机制,最后采用仿真实验测试算法的性能。结果表明,本文算法有效提高了网络的能量利用率,能够实现节点之间的能耗均衡,使无线传感器的网络生存时间得到延长,适用于对网络生命周期要求较高的应用。  相似文献   

随着信息技术的不断发展,无线传感网络的应用范围不断扩大。无线传感网络中的节点存在一定的能量约束,如何降低网络运行能耗,延长网络有效使用时间成为一项研究课题。本文给出了一种无线传感网络路由算法,构建了无线传感网络的应用模型,对节点的能耗进行了分析,给出了基于簇头的信息路由策略,并对簇头的动态更新理念进行了描述。本文方法丰富了无线传感网络路由研究,具有一定的参考价值与借鉴意义。  相似文献   

卢艳宏  掌明  冯源 《电讯技术》2012,52(8):1349-1353
针对无线传感器网络MAC协议中存在的能耗问题,提出了能量高效的无线传感器网络混合MAC(EEH-MAC)算法,采用基于TDMA机制的时槽系数动态调整簇内节点的时槽大小来降低数据的传输时延;同时,对部分不需要数据传输的节点不分配时槽来减少能耗;按簇内节点剩余能量系数形成时槽分配顺序来减少状态转换的能耗;在簇头之间采用CSMA/CA机制的随机分配策略进行通信.仿真结果表明,EEH-MAC协议能有效减少能耗并延长网络生命周期.  相似文献   

无线传感器网络中的MAC协议及其节能技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于受到传感器网络节点数量巨大和能量有限的限制,设计一种节能的MAC协议是非常必要的,也是当前此领域的研究重点之一.现给出了无线传感器网络中引起能量浪费的主要因素,综述了无线传感器网络MAC协议最新的研究进展,讨论了MAC层节能技术,为无线传感器网络中MAC协议的进一步研究提供了有价值的参考.  相似文献   

Multimedia communication in wireless sensor networks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The technological advances in Micro ElectroMechanical Systems (Mems) and wireless communications have enabled the realization of wireless sensor networks (Wsn) comprised of large number of low-cost, low-power, multifunctional sensor nodes. These tiny sensor nodes communicate in short distances and collaboratively work toward fulfilling the application specific objectives ofWsn. However, realization of wide range of envisionedWsn applications necessitates effective communication protocols which can address the unique challenges posed by theWsn paradigm. Since many of these envisioned applications may also involve in collecting information in the form of multimedia such as audio, image, and video; additional challenges due to the unique requirements of multimedia delivery overWsn, e.g., diverse reliability requirements, time constraints, high bandwidth demands, must be addressed as well. Thus far, vast majority of the research efforts has been focused on addressing the problems of conventional data communication inWsn. Therefore, there exists an urgent need for research on the problems of multimedia communication inWsn. In this paper, a survey of the research challenges and the current status of the literature on the multimedia communication inWsn is presented. More specifically, the multimediaWsn applications, factors influencing multimedia delivery overWsn, currently proposed solutions in application, transport, and network layers, are pointed out along with their shortcomings and open research issues.  相似文献   

Mobility-based communication in wireless sensor networks   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

无线传感器网络混合定位技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在大规模复杂无线传感器网络中往往采用多种节点定位技术,在此结合现有无线传感器定位技术的现状,提出了一种混合定位技术以实现不同定位方法之间的互补。一方面利用RSSI定位弥补TDOA定位覆盖范围小的缺点;另一方面将测距信息引入到非测距定位DV—Hop算法中,用RSSI测距模型来提高DV-Hop算法中定位节点与信标节点间有效距离的精度。实验结果表明,该混合定位技术实现了TDOA,RSSI以及DV-HOP等定位技术的融合,有效地提高了复杂大规模无线传感器网络的节点定位精度。  相似文献   


A vital design aspect in the setting up of a wireless sensor network is the deployment of sensors. One of the key metrics of the quality of deployment is the coverage as it reflects the monitoring capability of the network. Random deployment is a sub-optimal method as it causes unbalanced deployment and requires sensors in excess of the planned deployment to achieve the same level of coverage. To achieve maximum coverage with a limited number of sensors, planned deployment is a preferred choice. Maximizing the coverage of the region of interest with a given number and type of sensors is an optimization problem. A novel maximal coverage hybrid search algorithm (MCHSA) is proposed in this paper to solve this problem. The MCHSA is a hybrid search algorithm that achieves the balance between exploration and exploitation by applying the particle swarm optimization as a global search technique and using the Hooke–Jeeves pattern search method to improve the local search. The algorithm starts with a good initial population. The proposed MCHSA has low computational complexity and fast convergence. The performance of the MCHSA is analyzed by performing a comparison with the existing algorithms in the literature, in terms of coverage achieved and number of fitness function evaluations. The paper also discusses the tuning of parameters of the proposed algorithm.


Wireless sensor networks consist of small battery powered devices with limited energy resources. Once deployed, the small sensor nodes are usually inaccessible to the user, and thus replacement of the energy source is not feasible. Hence, energy efficiency is a key design issue that needs to be enhanced in order to improve the life span of the network. Several network layer protocols have been proposed to improve the effective lifetime of a network with a limited energy supply. In this article we propose a centralized routing protocol called base-station controlled dynamic clustering protocol (BCDCP), which distributes the energy dissipation evenly among all sensor nodes to improve network lifetime and average energy savings. The performance of BCDCP is then compared to clustering-based schemes such as low-energy adaptive clustering hierarchy (LEACH), LEACH-centralized (LEACH-C), and power-efficient gathering in sensor information systems (PEGASIS). Simulation results show that BCDCP reduces overall energy consumption and improves network lifetime over its comparatives.  相似文献   

Most of the current deployment schemes for Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) do not take the network coverage and connectivity features into account, as well as the energy consumption. This paper introduces topology control into the optimization deployment scheme, establishes the mathematical model with the minimum sum of the sensing radius of each sensors, and uses the genetic algorithm to solve the model to get the optimal coverage solution. In the optimal coverage deployment, the communication and channel allocation are further studied. Then the energy consumption model of the coverage scheme is built to analyze the performance of the scheme. Finally, the scheme is simulated through the network simulator NS-2. The results show the scheme can not only save 36% energy averagely, but also achieve 99.8% coverage rate under the condition of 45 sensors being deployed after 80 iterations. Besides, the scheme can reduce the five times interference among channels.  相似文献   

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