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The acceleration of surface water eutrophication attributed to agricultural runoff has focused attention on manure management in no-till. We evaluated losses of phosphorus (P) in sub-surface and surface flow as a function of dairy manure application to no-till soils in north-central Pennsylvania. Monitoring of a perennial spring over 36 months revealed that dissolved reactive P (DRP) concentrations increased 3- to 28-fold above background levels whenever manure was broadcast to nearby field soils. A study conducted with 30-cm deep intact soil cores indicated that incorporation of manure by tillage lowered P loss in leachate relative to broadcast application, presumably due to the destruction of preferential flow pathways. More P was leached from a sandy loam than a clay loam soil, although differences between soils were not as great as differences between application methods. In contrast, rainfall simulations on 2-m2 field runoff plots showed that total P (TP) losses in surface runoff differed significantly by soil but not by application method. Forms of P in surface runoff did change with application method, with DRP accounting for 87 and 24% of TP from broadcast and tilled treatments, respectively. Losses of TP in leachate from manured columns over 7 weeks (0.22–0.38 kg P ha−1) were considerably lower than losses in surface runoff from manured plots subjected to a single simulated rainfall event (0.31–2.07 kg TP ha−1). Results confirm the near-term benefits of incorporating manure by tillage to protect groundwater quality, but suggest that for surface water quality, avoiding soils prone to runoff is more important.
Peter J. A. KleinmanEmail:

The objectives of the present study were: (1) to evaluate the predicting value of the most important European soil P tests for P leaching losses; and (2) to investigate how these soil P tests reflect the development of P depth profiles in original homogeneous soils of lysimeters. The study included more than 100 lysimeters, located at the Lysimeter Station Falkenberg/Saxony-Anhalt, UFZ-Centre for Environmental Research Leipzig-Halle GmbH, Germany. Soil textures were sand, sandy loam, loam and silt. The management forms were arable land, grassland and fallow with various variation in fertilisation, crop rotation and irrigation. Samples were collected from the A-horizons and from the whole profiles of eight set-aside and dismantled lysimeters at 10-cm sections. The concentrations of total P were determined monthly in the leachates and evaluated for a three-year period. The concentrations of P extracted by ammonium acetate lactate (AL-P), double lactate (DL-P), sodium bicarbonate (Olsen-P) and ammonium oxalate (OX-P) as well as Pt were significantly correlated with each other (P<0.05–P<0.001) for arable soils. The relevant regression coefficients were strongly influenced by soil texture, soil use and management. The mean annual P concentrations of the leachates were in the range 0.4–1.2 mg l–1 for sands and <0.001–0.1 mg l–1 for the textures sandy loam, loam and silt. These corresponded to P leaching losses of 0.001–2846 g ha–1 yr–1. Mean annual and maximum P concentrations and leaching losses were significantly (r>0.954, P<0.001) predicted by the OX-P concentrations of arable topsoils in lysimeters filled with sand. For sandy loam under grass the agronomic soil P tests (AL-P, DL-P and Olsen-P) enabled reasonable predictions of P in leachate. Under arable use, factors such as fertilisation, management intensity, depth of tillage and irrigation resulted in weak correlations between soil P concentrations and P in leachate. It was shown for the first time that all P extractants reflected P enrichments in topsoils and subsoils and the development of distinct depth profiles. Influence of soil use on the depth distribution of P was more pronounced in the 0–20 cm layer than in the subsoils. Here, the original homogeneous substrate had oscillating P concentrations at 10-cm increments under all soil uses. These could not be explained by Alox and Feox but were significantly correlated with the Ct contents and bulk density. This indicates that vertical movement of P containing organic matter along with differences in porosity contributed to the heterogeneous P distribution in the lysimeter subsoils. This new evidence must be considered if data sets from long-term lysimeter experiments are used to calibrate and validate P leaching models.  相似文献   

In agriculturally used peat land areas, surface water quality standards for nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) are frequently exceeded, but it is unclear to what extent agriculture is responsible for nutrient loading of the surface water. We quantified the contribution of different sources to the N and P loading of a ditch draining a grassland on peat soil (Terric Histosol) used for dairy farming in the Netherlands. Measurements were performed on N and P discharge at the end of the ditch, supply of N and P via inlet water, mineralization of soil organic matter, slush application, composition of the soil solution, and on N losses through denitrification in the ditch for 2 years (September 2000 to September 2002). Discharge rates at the end of the ditch were 32 kg N ha–1y–1 and 4.7 kg P ha–1y–1. For N, 43 to 50% of the discharge was accounted for by applications of fertilizers, manure and cattle droppings, 17 to 31% by mineralization of soil organic matter, 8 to 27% by nutrient-rich deeper peat layers, 8 to 9% by atmospheric deposition and 3 to 4% by inlet water. For P, these numbers were 10 to 48% for applications of fertilizers, manure and cattle droppings, 2 to 14% mineralization of soil organic matter, 33 to 82% nutrient-rich peat layers and 5 to 6% inlet water. The results of this paper demonstrate that nutrient loading of surface water in peat land areas involves several sources of nutrients, and therefore, reducing one source to reduce nutrient inputs to surface water is likely to result in modest effectiveness.  相似文献   

Low agricultural productivity caused by soil degradation is a serious problem in the Ethiopian Highlands. Here, we report how differences in soil fertility management between farming systems, based either on enset (Ensete ventricosum) or on teff (Eragrostis tef) as the major crops, affect the extent of nutrient stocks, balances and ecosystem sustainability. We collected information on farmers’ resources and nutrient management practices from stratified randomly selected households in two watersheds in the Central Highlands of Ethiopia. In addition, we collected soil samples from each land use and calculated nutrient stocks, partial and full nutrient balances (N, P and K) for one cropping season. Our results show that farmers in the two farming systems manage their soils differently and that nutrient inputs were positively related to farmers’ wealth status. The watershed with the enset-based system had higher soil N and K stocks than the watershed with the teff-based system, while P stocks were not different. Management related N?and K fluxes were more negative in the teff-based system (?28 kg N ha?1 yr?1 and ?34 kg K ha?1 yr?1) than in the enset-based system (?6 kg N ha?1 yr?1 and ?14 kg K ha?1 yr?1) while P fluxes were almost neutral or slightly positive. Within the enset-based system, a strong redistribution of N, P and K took place from the meadows and cereals (negative balance) to enset (positive balances). Although in the teff-based system, N, P and K were redistributed from meadows, small cereals and pulses to maize, the latter still showed a negative nutrient balance. In contrast to nutrient balances at land use level, nutrient balances at the watershed scale masked contrasting areas within the system where nutrient oversupply and deficiencies occurred.  相似文献   

The use of contour hedgerows is widely advocated to sustain crop production and reduce soil loss on steeplands in the Three Gorges Area of China. However, little is known about the effects of soil management on soil fertility within these systems, or about the spatial gradients in soil nutrients that may develop in terraces formed behind the vegetative barriers. Therefore, we carried out a study on the effects of various long-term soil management practices on soil fertility and spatial variation of fertility between hedgerows. At a site in the Three Gorges Area, China, we applied five treatments to a contour hedgerow system: control (no fertilizer and manure); chemical fertilizer (CF); chemical fertilizer and mulch (CF + MU); pig manure (PM); and mulch, pig manure, and chemical fertilizer (CF + PM + MU). Soil samples were collected from the topsoil horizon (0–20 cm) of the selected five treatments in 2006 after 11 crop cycles, and physical and chemical properties were analyzed. The results showed that chemical fertilizer clearly improves nutrient status of the topsoil, while pig manure also increased the amount of soil organic matter. This increase in organic matter was associated with an increase in soil aggregate stability, a reduction in bulk density, and reduced penetration resistance of the soil. Mulch with pig manure and chemical fertilizer was the best management practice for improving soil quality and crop yields in the Three Gorges Area. Further, mulch and pig manure addition also decreased the magnitude of the spatial variation, but did not offset the soil fertility gradients because tillage resulted in significant movement of soil. More favorable soil properties were found at the lower positions within each alley, regardless of the management practice applied.  相似文献   

Legume–maize rotation and maize nitrogen (N)-response trials were carried out simultaneously from 1998 to 2004 in two distinct agro-ecological environments of West Africa: the humid derived savannah (Ibadan) and the drier northern Guinea savannah (Zaria). In the N-response trial, maize was grown annually receiving urea N at 0, 30, 60, 90 and 120 kg N ha−1. In Ibadan, maize production increased with N fertilization, but mean annual grain yield declined over the course of the trial. In Zaria, no response to N treatments was observed initially, and an increase in the phosphorus (P) and sulphur (S) fertilizer application rate was required to increase yield across treatments and obtain a response to N applications, stressing the importance of non-N fertilizers in the savannah. In the rotation trial, a 2-year natural fallow–maize rotation was compared with maize rotated with different legume types: green manure, forage, dual-purpose, and grain legumes. The cultivation of some legume types resulted in a greater annual maize production relative to the fallow–maize combination and corresponding treatments in the N-response trial, while there was no gain in maize yield with other legume types. Large differences in the residual effects from legumes and fallow were also observed between sites, indicting a need for site-specific land management recommendations. In Ibadan, cultivation of maize after the forage legume (Stylosanthes guianensis) achieved the highest yield. The natural fallow–maize rotation had improved soil characteristics (Bray-I P, exchangeable potassium, calcium and magnesium) at the end of the trial relative to legume–maize rotations, and natural fallow resulted in higher maize yields than the green manure legume (Pueraria phaseoloides). In Zaria, maize following dual-purpose soybean achieved the highest mean yield. At both sites, variation in aboveground N and P dynamics of the legume and fallow vegetation could only partly explain the different residual effects on maize.  相似文献   

Experimental and theoretical approaches were used to understand the degradation behavior of networks formed from the chain polymerization of multi-functional macromers. A typical experimental mass loss profile and theoretical model are presented and discussed to illustrate the various regions of erosion. Specifically, the degree of connectivity of the network was shown to influence the percent mass loss at reverse gelation, and the percent cyclization was shown to influence the overall shape of the mass loss profile. Finally, the theoretical predictions of mass loss were compared to experimental data for macromers with variations in their molecular weight and degree of functionality (i.e. variations in the initial network crosslinking density). Changes in the volumetric swelling ratio and compressive modulus were measured with time to obtain the degradation kinetic constant for each macromer system, ranging from 1.5×10−4 min−1 to 3.0×10−5 min−1. Results demonstrate that the theoretical predictions capture the mass loss profiles of all three systems, and as the crosslinking density of the initial network was decreased the overall time for complete degradation of the gels was also decreased.  相似文献   

The most commonly applied methods for the treatment of used adsorbents is to recover them in acid/alkaline medium or direct enflame them. This work dealt with a new potential and economic method to utilize a waste adsorbent. Poly(AAc/AM/SH) superabsorbent hydrogels have proved to be a good adsorbent for Cu2+ ions and after adsorption the hydrogels were recovered in acid medium. In this report, the Cu2+ ion adsorbed hydrogel has not undergone any regeneration process and applied directly to phosphate ion adsorption. The Cu2+ ions‐loaded poly(AAc/AM/SH) hydrogels, were stable within a wide pH range and suitable for phosphate ion adsorption. The factors affecting the phosphate adsorption, such as pH, ionic strength, contact time, temperature, initial concentration of the phosphate ion, and coexisting ions were systematically investigated. The phosphate adsorption was highly pH dependent; and the maximum adsorption of 87.62 mg/g was achieved at pH 6.1. The adsorption data fitted the Langmuir adsorption isotherm better than the Freundlich isotherm. The concomitant anions show profounder adverse influence on phosphate ion adsorption of poly(AAc/AM/SH)‐Cu hydrogel and the effect follows the order citrate > sulfate > bicarbonate > chloride > nitrate. The thermodynamic parameters including ΔH°, ΔG°, and ΔS° for the adsorption processes of phosphate ions on the gel were also evaluated, and the negative ΔG° and ΔH° confirmed that the adsorption process was spontaneous and exothermic. The adsorption kinetic results suggest that the adsorption process was well described by the pseudo second‐order kinetic model. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 2013  相似文献   

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